Hyun-soo Ahn, Ph.D.

2001 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Industrial Engineering, System Science Engineering, Theory Economics
"Hyun-soo Ahn"


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Rachel Q. Zhang grad student 2001 University of Michigan
 (Three essays on pricing and dynamic control.)
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Qi A, Ahn H, Sinha A. (2019) To Share or Not to Share? Capacity Reservation in a Shared Supplier Production and Operations Management. 28: 2823-2840
Chung H, Ahn H, Jasin S. (2019) (Rescaled) Multi‐Attempt Approximation of Choice Model and Its Application to Assortment Optimization Production and Operations Management. 28: 341-353
Amornpetchkul TB, Ahn H, Şahin Ö. (2018) Conditional Promotions and Consumer Overspending Production and Operations Management. 27: 1455-1475
Beer R, Ahn H, Leider S. (2017) Can Trustworthiness in a Supply Chain Be Signaled Management Science. 64: 3974-3994
Ahn H, Jasin S, Kaminsky PM, et al. (2017) Analysis of Deterministic Control and Its Improvements for an Inventory Problem with Multiproduct Batch Differentiation Operations Research. 66: 58-76
Chen B, Chao X, Ahn H. (2015) Coordinating Pricing and Inventory Replenishment with Nonparametric Demand Learning Operations Research. 67: 1035-1052
Yu M, Kapuscinski R, Ahn HS. (2015) Advance selling: Effects of interdependent consumer valuations and seller's capacity Management Science. 61: 2100-2117
Kuo C, Ahn H, Aydın G. (2011) Dynamic Pricing of Limited Inventories When Customers Negotiate Operations Research. 59: 882-897
Ahn H, Gümüş M, Kaminsky P. (2009) Inventory, Discounts, and the Timing Effect Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 11: 613-629
Kim J, Ahn H, Righter R. (2009) Optimal production policies with multistage stochastic demand lead times Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences. 23: 515-543
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