Murray Sheldon Blum, PhD

University of Georgia, Athens, Athens, GA, United States 
Chemical ecology
"Murray Blum"


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Clyde Kearns grad student 1955 UIUC (Entomology Tree)
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Blum MS, Severson RF, Arrendale RF, et al. (1990) A generalist herbivore in a specialist mode Metabolic, sequestrative, and defensive consequences. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 16: 223-44
Jones CG, Whitman DW, Compton SJ, et al. (1989) Reduction in diet breadth results in sequestration of plant chemicals and increases efficacy of chemical defense in a generalist grasshopper. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 15: 1811-22
Jones CG, Hess TA, Whitman DW, et al. (1987) Effects of diet breadth on autogenous chemical defense of a generalist grasshopper. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 13: 283-97
Whitman DW, Blum MS, Jones CG. (1986) Olfactorily mediated attack suppression in the southern grasshopper mouse toward an unpalatable prey. Behavioural Processes. 13: 77-83
Jones CG, Hess TA, Whitman DW, et al. (1986) Idiosyncratic variation in chemical defenses among individual generalist grasshoppers. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 12: 749-61
Jones CG, Hoggard MP, Blum MS. (1983) Is sequestration structure-specific in the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus? Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C, Comparative Pharmacology and Toxicology. 76: 283-4
Jones CG, Aldrich JR, Blum MS. (1981) Baldcypress allelochemics and the inhibition of silkworm enteric microorganisms Some Ecological Considerations. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 7: 103-14
Jones CG, Aldrich JR, Blum MS. (1981) 2-Furaldehyde from baldcypress : A chemical rationale for the demise of the Georgia silkworm industry. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 7: 89-101
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