University of Rhode Island

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Paul I. Abell
Susan C. AdamowiczEcology Biology, Oceanography Biology, Environmental Sciences2002 Charles True Roman (grad student)
Hitesh K. AgarwalPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology2008 Keykavous Parang (grad student)
Fatemeh AkhlaghiPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology
Eugene Francis BarryAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering1970 Douglas M. Rosie (grad student)
Jennifer L. BeauregardGeology, Geochemistry2001 Steven Carey (grad student)
Marcel BenzAnalytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry2002 Bill Euler (grad student)
Evan T. BernierExplosives2008 Jimmie Carol Oxley (grad student)
Sitaram Bhavaraju Chemistry2002 William M Rosen (grad student)
Bruce Arthur Bohm1960 Paul I. Abell (grad student)
Patrick R. BowdenExplosives Chemistry2011 Jimmie Carol Oxley (grad student)
Drew R. BrodeurAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2011 William B. Euler (grad student)
Phyllis R. BrownAnalytical Chemistry
Robert H. Byrne Oceanography1974 Dana R. Kester (grad student)
Jodi L. CambergBiochemistry
Christopher L. Campionorganic materials chemistry2005 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Jonathan N. CaninoExplosives Chemistry2014 Jimmie Carol Oxley (grad student)
Wim R. Cardoenscientific computing20062007 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
Steven CareyGeology, Geochemistry
Dinesh Chalasaniorganic materials chemistry Chemistry2012 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Wonil ChangEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Science Physics, Geochemistry2002 Brian Heikes (grad student)
Shripad D. ChitnisPharmacology Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Fatemeh Akhlaghi (grad student)
Bongsup P. ChoPharmaceutical Chemistry
Lewis Collier Computer Science20072014 Lenore M Martin (grad student)
Alexander M. Cruickshank
Emanuele Curottotheoretical chemistry19961998 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
Joel A. DainBiochemistry
Swapnil Dalaviorganic materials chemistry Chemistry2011 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
David Damon20032005 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Paula F. de SaBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry2000 Joel A. Dain (grad student)
Brenton L. DeBoefSynthetic Methods
Robert Deering20122017 David C. Rowley (grad student)
Theodore A. DelDonno Chemistry1977 William M Rosen (grad student)
Katherine E. Drainville-HigginsRed tide toxins2004 Yuzuru Shimizu (grad student)
Ronald P. Dunnorganic materials chemistry Chemistry2013 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Udayan DuttaBiochemistry2005 Joel A. Dain (grad student)
Jason R. DwyerBioanalytical chemistry, materials chemistry, biophysical chemistry
William Ross EllingtonEnzyme structure, function, and evolution.1976 Carl Schlee Hammen (grad student)
William B. EulerAnalytical Chemistry
Bill EulerAnalytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry
George T. FarleyInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2011 William B. Euler (grad student)
John W. Farringtonbiogeochemistry of organic chemicals of environmental concern in coastal and oceanic environments1971 James G. Quinn (grad student)
Richard J. Fieldnonlinear dynamics in chemistry1968 Paul I. Abell (grad student)
Stephanie R. Forschner-DancauseMarine natural products Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 David C. Rowley (grad student)
Don D. Frantz19891990 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
David L. Freemantheoretical chemistry1991 Robert Q. Topper (collaborator)
Brandon Genest Chemistry20112012 David L. Freeman (research assistant)
Michael Greenfield
Vanina Guidi Chemistry2007 William M Rosen (grad student)
Ash Haeger Biological Sciences20072009 Alison W. Roberts (post-doc)
Carl Schlee HammenComparative physiology
Paul C. Hartmann2001 James G. Quinn (grad student)
Leanna R. HeffnerBiogeochemistry, Ecology Biology, Oceanography Biology Oceanography2013 Charles True Roman (grad student)
Brian HeikesEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Science Physics, Geochemistry
David A. HodellGeology, Geochemistry, Limnology Biology, Paleoecology1986 James P Kennett (grad student)
Jennifer Hoffmann2015 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Glen L. Holden20072010 David L. Freeman (grad student)
Bi-Huang Hu Pharmacy19941999 Lenore M Martin (grad student)
Jiun-Tang Huang Chemistry1987 William M Rosen (grad student)
Daniel N. HuhInorganic
Ileana A. IonitaPharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Fatemeh Akhlaghi (grad student)
Vipin JainPharmacy, Biochemistry, General Chemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Bongsup P. Cho (grad student)
Zhou Jinorganic materials chemistry2004 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Faramarz Joodaki Chemical Engineering20152020 Lenore M Martin (grad student)
Benjamin R. JordanGeochemistry, Geology2004 Haraldur Sigurdsson (grad student)
Abhishek A. KantakSynthetic Methods Chemistry2014 Brenton L. DeBoef (grad student)
James P KennettPaleoecology, Geochemistry
Matthew K. KiesewetterOrganic Chemistry, Catalysis, Polymers
Misoo Kim Chemistry1988 William M Rosen (grad student)
D. Whitney King Oceanography Dana R. Kester (grad student)
Richard H. KingsleyGeochemistry2002 Jean-Guy Schilling (grad student)
Louis J. KirschenbaumHypervalent metal ions
Brandon M. Knightorganic materials chemistry Chemistry2014 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
James N. KremerOceanography Biology, Biogeochemistry, Ecology Biology Graduate School of Oceanography Scott W. Nixon (grad student)
Sharif Kunikeev20082010 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
Roxanne LaCroix Cell and Molecular Biology Lenore M Martin (grad student)
Kerry LaPlante
Lasker S. LaskerAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Aging Chemistry2011 Joel A. Dain (grad student)
Christopher A. LatendresseGeneral Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2013 William B. Euler (grad student)
Mindy Levinesupramolecular organic chemistry
Wentao Liorganic materials chemistry2006 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Yuxin LiToxicology2003 Bingfang Yan (grad student)
Weixi LiuBiochemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Joel A. Dain (grad student)
Gustavo E. Lopeztheoretical chemistry19911992 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
Jason T. Lowesynthetic organic chemistry Chemistry1995 William M Rosen (grad student)
Brett L. Luchtorganic materials chemistry
KatieMarie Q MagnoneChemistry Education Research2024 Justin M. Pratt (post-doc)
John Mao Chemistry1985 William M Rosen (grad student)
Anton H. MariaGeology2001 Steven Carey (grad student)
Suvarna K. MarimgantiExplosives2006 Jimmie Carol Oxley (grad student)
Lenore M MartinBioorganic Peptides Bioanalytical Bioinformatics Chemical Engineering Computer Science20002020 Michael Greenfield (collaborator), Jean-Yves Herve (collaborator)
Alex Matrotheoretical chemistry19931996 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
Thomas J. McNabbAnalytical Chemistry2000 Phyllis R. Brown (grad student)
Anisha E. MendonzaPharmacy, Immunology2007 Fatemeh Akhlaghi (grad student)
Jesse S. MoranExplosives2008 Jimmie Carol Oxley (grad student)
Amir Nasrolahi ShiraziPharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Keykavous Parang (grad student)
Shane R. NeedhamAnalytical Chemistry2000 Phyllis R. Brown (grad student)
Juan Pablo Neirotti Statistical Mechanics, Critical Phenomena,Learning Theory19982000 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
Mengyun Nieorganic materials chemistry Chemistry2014 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Pablo Nigratheoretical chemistry20012004 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
Sister Una O'Connor Chemistry1979 William M Rosen (grad student)
Raed Omar Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Navindra Seeram (grad student)
George Edwin Osborne
Jimmie Carol OxleyExplosives
Praveen K. PampatiAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry2010 Joel A. Dain (grad student)
R PanzicaAnalytical Chemistry
Raymond PanzicaAnalytical Chemistry
Keykavous ParangPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology
W. George Parks
Zhiyuan Peng Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences2017 David C. Rowley (grad student)
Michael Edward Quinton Pilson
Christine Dao Piva Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences20102015 David C. Rowley (grad student)
Shathaverdhan PotavathriSynthetic Methods2010 Brenton L. DeBoef (grad student)
James Clarence Price1963 George Edwin Osborne (grad student)
James G. Quinn
Bhasker Radaram Chemistry2015 Mindy Levine (grad student)
Socorro Ramos Chemistry1982 William M Rosen (grad student)
Arthur G. RandFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry
Hilary Ranson Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences2015 David C. Rowley (grad student)
Kenneth B. RaposaOceanography Biology, Ecology Biology2000 Charles True Roman (grad student)
Elmo ResendeExplosives2000 Jimmie Carol Oxley (grad student)
Christina S. RobbAnalytical Chemistry2002 R Panzica (grad student)
Charles True RomanBiogeochemistry, Ecology Biology, Oceanography Biology
Margaret Rosario Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences2017 David C. Rowley (grad student)
William M RosenChemistry, Organic & Inorganic
Douglas M. RosieAnalytical Chemistry
David C. RowleyMarine natural products Pharmacy20052012 Kerry LaPlante (collaborator)
David Ryder Cell and Molecular Biology Lenore M Martin (grad student)
Leah Rynearson Chemistry20182023 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Dubravko Sabotheoretical chemistry20042005 David L. Freeman (grad student)
Mohammad Moein Safaee Chemical Engineering20162021 Daniel Roxbury (grad student)
Sergio Sandoval Chemistry2003 William M Rosen (grad student)
Naser A. SayehPharmacy, Biomedical Engineering, Nanotechnology Pharmaceutical Sciences2014 Keykavous Parang (grad student)
Jean-Guy SchillingGeological oceanography
Navindra Seeram
Sybil P. SeitzingerOceanography Biology, Biogeochemistry1982 Scott W. Nixon (grad student)
Padmanie C. SeneviratneGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2011 Joel A. Dain (grad student)
Nicole Serio2015 Mindy Levine (grad student)
Yuzuru ShimizuRed tide toxins
Haraldur SigurdssonGeological oceanography
Julie A. SnowEnvironmental Sciences, Atmospheric Science Physics2002 Brian Heikes (grad student)
Aaron M. SochaNatural products, renewable energy, green chemistry, lignin, ionic liquids2008 David C. Rowley (grad student)
Yueyang Song Chemistry1990 William M Rosen (grad student)
Arthur J. SpivackOceanography Biology, Biogeochemistry, Geology
F. L. SteinkampExplosives Chemistry2013 Jimmie Carol Oxley (grad student)
Mary Ann Strozak19901991 David L. Freeman (grad student)
Jiadong Sun Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences20112016 David C. Rowley (grad student)
Sreekanth SuravajjalaBiochemistry, Pathology Chemistry2012 Joel A. Dain (grad student)
Seref TagiFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Microbiology Biology, Biochemistry2001 Arthur G. Rand (grad student)
Ingrid-Suzy Tamgho Chemistry2015 Mindy Levine (post-doc)
Margaret E. TeasdaleMarine natural products2010 David C. Rowley (grad student)
Saravana Pillai ThaumanOrganometallics, catalysis, nanomaterials, polymers, ceramics, supported catalysts.
Rakesh Kumar TiwariPeptide Chemistry; Neurotherapeutics; Angelman Syndrome; Prostate Cancer; Targeted Drug-Delivery20072013 Keykavous Parang (post-doc)
Robert Q. Toppertheoretical chemistry and physics, computational chemistry19921993 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
George Tremblay
James M. TreubigAnalytical Chemistry2001 R Panzica (grad student)
Joseph George Turcotteanticancer, antiaids and antihypertensive drugs
Thaveechai VachirayonstienPharmacy, Pharmacology, Toxicology Pharmaceutical Sciences2013 Bingfang Yan (grad student)
Ravindra Chandravadan VasavadaDesign, development, and evaluation of controlled-release drug delivery systems1971 Joseph George Turcotte (grad student)
Guizhi WangOceanography Biology, Biogeochemistry, Geology2006 Arthur J. Spivack (grad student)
Fang WangOrganic Chemistry, Chemical Biology
Walter George WhitfordEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences1964 Victor H. Hutchison (grad student)
Ang Xiaoorganic materials chemistry2008 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)
Da XiaoPharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences2012 Bingfang Yan (grad student)
Bingfang YanPharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Tianle YangPharmaceutical Chemistry2004 Bongsup P. Cho (grad student)
Sze-Cheng YangPolymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering
Guofeng YePharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2008 Keykavous Parang (grad student)
Junqi YueExplosives2005 Jimmie Carol Oxley (grad student)
James C. ZachosGeology, Geochemistry, Paleoecology Oceanography19821988 Michael A. Arthur (grad student)
Changyin Zhang19871989 David L. Freeman (post-doc)
Xixue Zhangtheoretical chemistry19982000 David L. Freeman (grad student)
Xinfeng ZhangBiochemistry2003 Joel A. Dain (grad student)
Wenchao Zhou20122013 Brett L. Lucht (post-doc)
Liu Zhouorganic materials chemistry Chemistry2012 Brett L. Lucht (grad student)