University of Vienna

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
John Jacob Abelisolation and characterization of hormones18881889 Hermann Nothnagel (post-doc)
Seyed Hamid Reza Azamistratigraphy, sedimentology
Ellen H. G. Backus
Davide Bonifazisupramolecular chemistry, pi-conjugated molecular systems
Prafulla Kumar BoseOrganic chemistry, Biochemistry1935 Ernst Späth (post-doc)
Thomas BöttcherChemical Biology, Natural Products, Enzyme Inhibitors
Hermann Bretschneidersynthetic organic chemistry1928 Ernst Späth (grad student)
Erwin ChargaffDNA1928 Fritz Feigl (grad student)
Aurélien de la TorreOrganic synthesis20152017 Nuno Maulide (post-doc)
Christoph Dellago19961999 David Chandler (post-doc)
Gerhard Derflinger
Heinz FalkOrganic Chemistry, Photochemistry, Natural Products19641966 Karl Schlögl (grad student)
Fritz FeiglChemistry1927 Wilhelm Schlenk (grad student), Ernst Späth (post-doc)
Max Frankel1923 Jakob Pollak (grad student)
Peter Gärtner1991 Christian Noe (grad student)
Otmar Hofer Karl Schlögl (grad student)
Otto Hoffmann-OstenhofBiochemistry
Otto Hromatka19271929 Ernst Späth (grad student)
Stephan Irlequantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, complex systems Institute for Theoretical Chemistry and Radiation Chemistry19931997 Hans Lischka (grad student)
Hermann KalchhauserNMR1981 Karl Schlögl (grad student)
Sofia Kantorovich
Bernhard K. Keppler
Pawel KrumholtzChemistry1932 Fritz Feigl (grad student)
Leopold Küchler1936 Herman F. Mark (grad student)
Wilhelm KühnePhysiology, biochemistry18601860 Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke (post-doc), Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (post-doc)
Harald Lehner Karl Schlögl (grad student)
Christoph Lentsch20082014 Uwe Rinner (grad student)
Jing LiOrganic Chemistry Department of Chemistry20162019 Nuno Maulide (post-doc)
Christos Likos
Hans Lischka19611969 Gerhard Derflinger (grad student)
Otto Loewipharmacology18981908 Hans Horst Meyer (research scientist)
Ernst Ludwig1864 Josef Redtenbacher (grad student)
Günter W Lugmair
Thomas MagauerNatural Product Chemistry, Total Synthesis, Synthetic Methodology
Erich Manelskiorganic chemistry, toluene
Herman F. MarkPolymers1921 Wilhelm Schlenk (grad student)
Philipp MarquetandTheoretical Chemistry, ab initio molecular dynamics, neural networks, quantum dynamics
Nuno MaulideOrganic Chemistry, Asymmetric Catalysis, Total Synthesis
Michael Micksche
Hans Neurathprotein science1932 Wolfgang Joseph Pauli, Sr. (grad student)
Christian Noe19701972 Otto Hromatka (grad student)
Harald Oberhofer
Markus OppelTheoretical Chemistry
Meinrad Peterlik19621964 Karl Schlögl (grad student)
Oskar E. PolanskyTheoretical chemistry1957 Friedrich Wessely (grad student)
Jakob Pollak1893 Hugo Weidel (grad student)
Hans L PopperHepatology; chemical carcinogenesis
Josef Redtenbacher18341840 Carl Friedrich Christian Mohs (grad student), Joseph Franz von Jacquin (research scientist)
Erwin Reisner20052005 Bernhard K. Keppler (grad student)
Uwe RinnerTotal Synthesis, Natural Products, Biocatalysis20042012 Johann H. Mulzer (research scientist)
Alexander RollettPhysiology and Histology Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke (grad student)
Annette Rompel
Karl SchlöglOrganic Chemistry, Stereochemistry Ernst Späth (grad student)
Walther Schmid19831986 Erich Zbiral (grad student)
Hans Eduard Schmidchemistry of organic natural products, mechanistic aspects of organic reactions1941 Ernst Späth (grad student)
Franz Coelestin SchneiderMedical chemistry1850 Josef Redtenbacher (post-doc)
Peter Schuster1967 Friedrich Wessely (grad student), Oskar E. Polansky (grad student)
Ernst SpäthAlkaloid chemistry1910 Rudolf Wegscheider (grad student)
Alessio Terenzi
Christopher J. Teskey Department for Organic Chemisry20172019 Nuno Maulide (post-doc)
Károly Than1858 Josef Redtenbacher (grad student)
Hans Tuppybiochemistry1948 Ernst Späth (grad student), Friedrich Galinovsky (grad student)
Emery ValkoPolymer chemistry, dye chemistry1926 Wolfgang Joseph Pauli, Sr. (grad student)
Otto Voglpolymers1950 Friedrich Galinovsky (grad student)
Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin Gerard van Swieten (grad student)
Richard von Zeynek18921900 Ernst Ludwig (post-doc)
Günter Wagner evolution of complex characters1979 Rupert Riedl (grad student), Peter Schuster (grad student)
Vivek Chandrakant WakchaureOrganic Solvent-free liquids, 2D-Polymers Davide Bonifazi (grad student)
Rudolf Wegscheiderphysical chemistry1882 Ludwig Barth von Barthenau (grad student)
Walter Weissensteiner Karl Schlögl (grad student)
Friedrich WesselyMedicinal chemistry1929 Adolf Franke (grad student), Ernst Späth (post-doc)
Michael Widhalm Karl Schlögl (grad student)
Robert T. WoodwardChemistry, materials, porous organic polymers, hypercrosslinking, colloids
Erich Zbiral Friedrich Wessely (grad student)