National Institute of Standards and Technology

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jon R. Askimsensors Steve Semancik (post-doc)
Alexander B
Matthew L. BeckerFunctional Biomaterials
Kathryn L. Beers
Adam J. BiacchiInorganic chemistry, Nanomaterials20142019 Angela R. Hight Walker (post-doc)
Craig M. BrownNeutron Scattering, Crystallography, dynamics, energy materials
Walter Eric Brown
John W. Cahnthermodynamics
Benjamin W. CaplinsFemtosecond laser spectroscopy 20172019 Robert Keller (post-doc)
Richard R. CavanaghPhysical Chemistry, Surface Science
Richard Cavicchi
Julia ChanMaterials Chemistry, intermetalics, magnetism Materials Science19982000 Terrell Vanderah (post-doc)
Ning Chen20132015 Jeffrey William Gilman (post-doc)
Laurence C Chow Walter Eric Brown (research scientist)
Marcus T Cicerone
Joseph ConnyChemometrics
Orkid Coskunerproteins, metals, saccharides Physical and Chemical Properties20052008 Carlos Gonzalez (post-doc)
Bruce Coxon
Mark David DadmunPolymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering Polymers Division19911994 Charles C. Han (post-doc)
Rick D. DavisPolymer Chemistry19982000 Jeffrey William Gilman (post-doc)
Leonard T. Demoranvilletrace drug detection, forensics20102012 J Greg Gillen (post-doc)
James R. DeVoeAnalytical chemistry
Kevin O. Douglass
Jasmine Millican Drakeforensic science, chemistry
Randolph DuranBiochemistry Polymers Division1991 Gregory B. McKenna (post-doc)
Richard Allen DurstAnalytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Bioanalytical chemistry, Biosensors, Ion-selective electrodes, pH
Regina Anita Easleyphysical organic chemistry, chemical oceanography, analytical electrochemistry Chemical Sciences Division20142016 Kenneth W Pratt (post-doc)
Regina Easley
Hayden A. Evans Center for Neutron Research Craig M. Brown (post-doc)
Wesley Scott Farrell Kathryn L. Beers (post-doc)
Alyssa Florwick20122013 Tyler A. Zimmerman (research assistant)
Gerald T. Fraser
Thomas A. GermerOptical scatter, polarization19921994 Lee J. Richter (post-doc)
J Greg Gillen
Jeffrey William GilmanMaterials synthesis, composites, fluorescence, ionic liquids, POSS, carbon nanotubes, cellulose nano crystals
Robert N. Goldberg
Carlos Gonzalez
Jens-Uwe Grabowrotational spectroscopy19931996 Jon T. Hougen (research scientist), Gerald T. Fraser (research scientist), Francis J. Lovas (research scientist), Richard D. Suenram (research scientist)
Mitchell C. Groenenboom
Boualem Hammoudasmall-angle neutron scattering, polymers, complex fluids
Stephen R. HellerInChi
Angela R. Hight Walker
Martin F. Hohmann-MarriottPlant Physiology, Botany Biology2006 John Henry J. Scott (post-doc)
Michael J. A. HorePolymer physics20122014 Boualem Hammouda (post-doc)
Jon Hougen
Jon T. Hougen
Joseph B. Hubbard
Matthew R. Hudsonphysical chemistry Craig M. Brown (post-doc)
Steven D. HudsonPolymer Chemistry
Marilyn E. Jacoxmolecular properties of small free radicals, molecular ions
Francis Johnsonmagnetic and superconducting materials2005 Robert David Shull (post-doc)
Takashi Kashiwagi
Tak W. Keemolecular spectroscopy20032006 Marcus T Cicerone (post-doc)
Robert Kellermaterials science, electron microscopy19931995 David T. Read (post-doc)
Jung Hyeun Kim19992003 Thomas A. Germer (grad student)
Robert Adam Kinneyinorganic, analytical chemistry Veronika Szalai (post-doc)
Ryan A. Klein Center for Neutron Research Craig M. Brown (post-doc)
Yun Liu Center for Neutron Research Craig M. Brown (post-doc)
Francis J. Lovas
Tytus D. Mak
Tyler B Martinsoft material physics, small angle scattering, simulation, theory, machine learning
Michael Noah MautnerAstrochemical and prebiotic ion chemistry
Gavin A. McCarver20172022 Konstantinos Vogiatzis (grad student)
William S. McGivernPhysical Chemistry, Molecular Physics2002 Simon W. North (grad student)
Alan McLean
Brendan Meany
Matthew M NoorCarbon nanotubes, Cellulose nanocrystals, Liquid crystals, Antimicrobial20202022 Angela R. Hight Walker (post-doc)
Lora L. Nugent-Glandorf
Marc Nyden
Thomas J. Ohlemiller
Elijah Joel Petersenpotential impact of nanomaterials to organisms and humans
Karen W. PhinneyEffect of oligomer chain length and substituent configuration on the enantioselectivity of a maltooligosaccharide chiral stationary phase for HPLC
Kenneth W PrattpH metrology, coulometry, electroanalytical chemistry, classical analytical chemistry Chemistry William F Koch (post-doc)
Wendy L. QueenSolid State Chermistry, MOFs, Structure Property Relationships
Sameer Rahatekar20062008 Jeffrey William Gilman (post-doc)
David T. Read
Katherine P. Rice Applied Chemicals & Materials Division20122014 Robert Keller (post-doc)
Lee J. RichterChemical Physics
Edward B. SalomanAtomic Energy Levels and Spectra
Richard J. Saykallylaser spectroscopy19771979 Kenneth M. Evenson (post-doc)
Alexander Scheelinenonlinear systems in the realms of chemical biology and materials, spectroscopic instrumentation, oscillating chemical reactions, ultrasonically-levitated drops, elemental analysis19781979 James R. DeVoe (post-doc), John C. Travis (post-doc)
Steve Semancik
Younggon Son
Matthew K. Spraguelaser spectroscopy, kinetics, reaction dynamics, and computational chemistry, applied to problems in atmospheric chemistry
Stephen E. Stein Stephen R. Heller (collaborator)
Andre M. StriegelAnalytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry
Mark C. Strus Materials Reliability Division20092011 Robert Keller (post-doc)
Richard D. Suenram
Veronika SzalaiMetrologies for Nanobiomaterials in Artificial Photosynthesis
Kelly Telu2012 Stephen E. Stein (post-doc)
Evan L. Thomasmaterials
John C. Travis
Benjamin A. Trump Center for Neutron Research Craig M. Brown (post-doc)
Gregory Chester Turk Inorganic Chemical Metrology Group John C. Travis (post-doc)
Terrell Vanderahsolid state chemistry
Muzhou Wang20152016 Jeffrey William Gilman (post-doc)
Jason F. WatersChemical Oceanography, Analytical Chemistry
Ryan M White Applied Chemicals & Materials20132015 Nicholas Barbosa (post-doc)
Jeremiah W. Woodcock20132015 Jeffrey William Gilman (post-doc)
Amy Y. Xuprotein aggregation, phase transition, scattering2017 Joseph E. Curtis (post-doc)
Mauro Zammarano20042006 Jeffrey William Gilman (post-doc)
Rebecca A. ZangmeisterElectrochemistry
Tyler A. ZimmermanAnalytical Chemistry20152016 Stephen E. Stein (post-doc), William Gary Mallard (collaborator)