Derek Harold Richard Barton

Imperial College, London, London, England, United Kingdom 
Organic chemistry, stereochemistry
"Derek Barton"

(1918 - 1998)
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969 was awarded jointly to Derek H. R. Barton and Odd Hassel "for their contributions to the development of the concept of conformation and its application in chemistry"

Mean distance: 6.88


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Gojko Lalic research assistant 1997 Texas A & M
Derrick L J Clive grad student Imperial College
Stephen G. Davies grad student
Paul Jose de Mayo grad student Imperial College London
Patrick J. Guiry grad student Texas A & M (CSD Tree)
Samir Z. Zard grad student Université Paris-Sud
Cecil H. Robinson grad student 1954 University of London
Karl H. Overton grad student 1955 Birkbeck College
Suresh Krishnarao Pradhan grad student 1958 University of Bombay: UDCT
Severyn Sternhell grad student 1958-1960 University of Sydney
Ashok Kumar Ganguly grad student 1961 Imperial College London
James R. Hanson grad student 1963 University of Sussex
Peter George Sammes grad student 1963 Imperial College London
Jack E. Baldwin grad student 1964 Imperial College
James Lawrence Bloomer grad student 1964 Imperial College
D. John Faulkner grad student 1965 Imperial College
Philip D. Magnus grad student 1968 Imperial College
Dewan Singh Bhakuni grad student 1965-1968 Imperial College London
Ian A. Blair grad student 1971 Imperial College London
A. A. Leslie GUNATILAKA grad student 1970-1973 Imperial College
Anthony GM Barrett grad student 1973-1975 Imperial College London
David Crich grad student 1984 Université Paris-Sud
Emmanuel A. Theodorakis grad student 1992 Université Paris-Sud
Manapurathu Verghese George post-doc Imperial College London
Chengalur Raman Narayanan post-doc
Ezio Rizzardo post-doc Research Institute for Medicine and Chemistry
Helen Sheridan post-doc CNRS Gif sur Yvette France
Jason A. Smith post-doc Texas A & M (Management Information Systems Tree)
N Werstiuk post-doc University of London, England
Albert William Burgstahler post-doc 1954 Birkbeck College
Edgar William Warnhoff post-doc 1954-1956 Birkbeck College
William Reusch post-doc 1957-1958 Imperial College
Peter T. Gilham post-doc 1959 University of London
Walter C. Taylor post-doc 1959-1960 Imperial College
Gerhard Quinkert post-doc 1957-1961 Imperial College London
Wolfgang Steglich post-doc 1962-1963 Imperial College London
Bertram O. Fraser-Reid post-doc 1964-1966 Imperial College
Asoke Banerji post-doc 1967 Imperial College London
Darshan Ranganathan post-doc 1968-1969 Imperial College London
Frank S. Guziec post-doc 1972-1974 Imperial College
Robert Vyent Stick post-doc 1975 Imperial College London
Steven Victor Ley post-doc 1974-1975 Imperial College
Shlomo Rozen post-doc 1973-1976 MIT
Thomas G. Back post-doc 1974-1976 Imperial College London
Henri Patin post-doc 1974-1976 Imperial College London
William B. Motherwell post-doc 1977 Imperial College
Steve G. Davies post-doc 1977-1978 CNRS Gif sur Yvette France
Gerhard Bringmann post-doc 1978-1979 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Christopher D Maycock post-doc 1978-1979 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Jieping Zhu post-doc 1991-1992 Texas A & M
Eric Doris post-doc 1995-1996 Texas A & M
Franck Launay post-doc 1996-1997
Giorgio Tarzia research scientist


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Jean-Pierre Changeux collaborator 1982-1986
Jean-Pierre Finet collaborator 1982-1986 C.N.R.S., Gif Sur Yvette, France
Joseph H Reibenspies collaborator 1987-1996 Texas A & M
BETA: Related publications


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Arnauld T, Barton DH, Normant JF, et al. (1999) Chemistry of Pentavalent Organobismuth Reagents. Regioselective alpha-Arylation of alpha,beta-Unsaturated Carbonyls and Related Systems. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 64: 6915-6917
Arnauld T, Barton DH, Normant JF. (1999) New and Facile Synthesis of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Diaryl Chalcogenides Using Trivalent Organobismuth Derivatives. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 64: 3722-3725
Kim YM, Kwon TW, Chung SK, et al. (1999) Photocleavage coupling reactions between cyclohexa-2,4-dienone sulfone derivatives and amines by visible light irradiation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 9: 1175-8
Barton DH, Launay F, Le Gloahec VN, et al. (1997) On the distinction between radical chemistry and Gif chemistry Tetrahedron Letters. 38: 8491-8494
Barton DH, Kwon T, Taylor DK, et al. (1995) A new procedure for the labeling of peptides and amino acids. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 3: 79-84
Anaya J, Barton DH, Gero SD, et al. (1995) Different approaches to the asymmetric synthesis of 1,3,6-trisubstituted and 1,2,3,6-tetrasubstituted carbapenems1 from D-glucosamine Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 6: 609-624
Barton DH, Chabot BM, Delanghe NC, et al. (1995) Further evidence for the FeII-FeIV and FeIII-FeV manifolds in the substitution of saturated hydrocarbons Tetrahedron Letters. 36: 7007-7010
Barton DH, Swift KA, Tachdjian C. (1995) The synthesis of 1-hydroxy-3-phenylsulphonylpiperidine-2-thione derivatives utilizing methylthiothiocarbonylation as the key original step Tetrahedron. 51: 1887-1892
Barton DH, Chern C, Jaszberenyi JC. (1995) The invention of radical reactions. Part XXXIV. Homologation of carboxylic acids to α-keto carboxylic acids by Barton-ester based radical chain chemistry Tetrahedron. 51: 1867-1886
Anaya J, Barton DH, Caballero MC, et al. (1994) The use of radical decarboxylation in the preparation of 1-methylcarbapenem antibiotic precursors from D-glucosamine Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 5: 2137-2140
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