People with institution matching "SISSA, Trieste": Advanced Search | |||||
Name | Institution | Area | Added by | Date | Paolo Carloni (Info) | Forschungszentrum Jülich | connectingresearchers | 2020‑08‑06 | Vincenzo Carnevale (Info) | Temple University | computational physics | ruiyuwangtpu | 2021‑12‑10 | Jean-Pierre Changeux (Info) | Institut Pasteur | Molecular Neurobiology | EdHubbard | 2006‑01‑13 | Alessandro Laio (Info) | SISSA, Trieste | compbiochemist | 2019‑01‑23 | Alessandra Magistrato (Info) | SISSA, Trieste | compbiochemist | 2019‑01‑23 | Simone Raugei (Info) | PNNL, WSU | ssamantray | 2023‑02‑13 | Ursula Roethlisberger (Info) | ETH Zürich, EPFL | Development of Hybrid QM/MM Methods for Combined Quantum/Classical Car-Parrinello Simulations, Development of Long-Time Scale Techniques for Ab initio MD Simulations, In situ Simulations of Chemical Reactions and Photoactive systems in Gas Phase and in So | compbiochemist | 2019‑01‑23 |
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