People with institution matching "SISSA, Trieste": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Paolo Carloni (Info) Forschungszentrum Jülich connectingresearchers 2020‑08‑06
Vincenzo Carnevale (Info) Temple University computational physics ruiyuwangtpu 2021‑12‑10
Jean-Pierre Changeux (Info) Institut Pasteur Molecular Neurobiology EdHubbard 2006‑01‑13
Alessandro Laio (Info) SISSA, Trieste compbiochemist 2019‑01‑23
Alessandra Magistrato (Info) SISSA, Trieste compbiochemist 2019‑01‑23
Simone Raugei (Info) PNNL, WSU ssamantray 2023‑02‑13
Ursula Roethlisberger (Info) ETH Zürich, EPFL Development of Hybrid QM/MM Methods for Combined Quantum/Classical Car-Parrinello Simulations, Development of Long-Time Scale Techniques for Ab initio MD Simulations, In situ Simulations of Chemical Reactions and Photoactive systems in Gas Phase and in So compbiochemist 2019‑01‑23
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