People with institution matching "Swarthmore College": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Katherine E. Berry (Info) Mount Holyoke, UC Berkeley david 2016‑09‑04
Kyle E. Broaders (Info) Mount Holyoke kbroaders 2015‑05‑07
Derek A. Bruzewicz (Info) CUNY jandh 2015‑09‑05
Jonathan Copeland (Info) Georgia Southern University Bioluminescence, invertebrate physiology CJM3 2010‑07‑23
Nathan Todd La Porte (Info) Northwestern solar fuels, photoinduced electron transfer, artificial photosynthesis nlaporte 2019‑09‑19
Bruce R. Lichtenstein (Info) Penn, Oxford, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, University of Bayreuth, University of Portsmouth oxidation-reduction in biological systems, protein design, enzyme engineering, directed evolution, chemical biology pq 2015‑11‑13
Amir Naini (Info) Irell & Manella LLP Potassium channels CJM3 2010‑07‑23
Robert S. Paley (Info) Swarthmore synthetic organic chemistry: organometallics and asymmetric synthesis jandh 2015‑07‑11
Robert F. Pasternack (Info) Swarthmore jandh 2015‑09‑05
Thomas A Stephenson (Info) Swarthmore nlaporte 2019‑09‑19
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