Tutorial: About | Exploring | Adding a Person
Thanks Suzanne Grubb of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for putting this tutorial together!
Welcome to CSD Tree
What is CSD Tree?
CSD Tree is a crowdsourced online family tree that tracks research doctoral and postdoctoral protege-mentor relationships, building a map of the academic genealogy for our field, as well as our connections with other scientific disciplines. ASHA launched this project to highlight the Generations of Discovery among the CSD academic-research communities.
CSD Tree is a branch of the much larger, interdisciplinary Academic Family Tree ‐ a volunteer-run web database that aims to accurately document and publicly share the academic genealogy of current and historical researchers across all fields of academia. All information on the site is submitted by users like you.
What Can I Do on CSD Tree?
You can search for long-lost academic ancestors, investigate the "six degrees of separation" that connect the CSD academic network, and explore your scientific lineage.
Development of CSD Tree depends on additions and edits made by volunteer contributors, so we hope that PhDs, EdDs, and research doctoral candidates will take a few moments to add their connections and help our Tree grow.
If you are technically inclined, you can dive right in and get started at http://academictree.org/csd/.
If you want a little more help, keep reading for detailed instructions.
Explore the Tree
- Clicking on the "Tree" image or words will take you to a random person ("node").
- The Search function allows you to look for a specific person or people at a specific institution.
- Recent additions will list the most newest members of the CSD Tree.
- Clicking on a person's name will always take you to their "node" page on the Tree.
- Clicking on the Info link will always take you to a profile page with additional biographical details for that person.
See detailed instructions for wandering the tree.
Add Yourself & Your Connections
- PhDs, EdDs, and research doctoral candidates can add and update their own profiles.
- Add information about academic ancestors, children, and siblings.
- Be a good citizen! If you see an error, please correct or report it.
See detailed instructions for creating an account and adding information to the tree.