
Sharon Vaughn

Special Education University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Special Education, Elementary Education
"Sharon Vaughn"


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Shari L. Levy grad student 2000 UT Austin
Dheepa Sridhar grad student 2000 UT Austin
Cheryl A. Young grad student 2001 UT Austin
Ae-Hwa Kim grad student 2002 UT Austin
Jeanne A. Wanzek grad student 2005 UT Austin
Amory L. Cable grad student 2007 UT Austin
Jade A. Wexler grad student 2007 UT Austin
Elizabeth A. Swanson grad student 2008 UT Austin
Jennifer M. Heckert grad student 2009 UT Austin
Kathryn K. Tackett grad student 2009 UT Austin
BETA: Related publications


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Grills AE, Vaughn S, Bowman C, et al. (2024) Efficacy of a Cognitive‑Behavioral Anxiety Management Program Integrated Within a Reading Intervention. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 17: 549-577
Hogan E, Vaughn S, Fall AM, et al. (2024) Does the Effectiveness of a Reading Intervention Differ Dependent on Students' Spanish or English Proficiencies? Learning and Individual Differences. 116
Stevens EA, Stewart A, Vaughn S, et al. (2024) The effects of a tier 2 reading comprehension intervention aligned to tier 1 instruction for fourth graders with inattention and reading difficulties. Journal of School Psychology. 105: 101320
Gillam SL, Gillam RB, Magimairaj BM, et al. (2024) Contextualized, Multicomponent Language Instruction: From Theory to Randomized Controlled Trial. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools. 1-22
Vaughn S, Miciak J, Clemens N, et al. (2024) The critical role of instructional response in defining and identifying students with dyslexia: a case for updating existing definitions. Annals of Dyslexia
Fishstrom S, Capin P, Fall AM, et al. (2024) Understanding the relation between reading and anxiety among upper elementary students with reading difficulties. Annals of Dyslexia
Capin P, Vaughn S, Miller JE, et al. (2023) Investigating the Reading Profiles of Middle School Emergent Bilinguals with Significant Reading Comprehension Difficulties. Scientific Studies of Reading : the Official Journal of the Society For the Scientific Study of Reading. 28: 190-213
Boucher AN, Bhat BH, Clemens NH, et al. (2023) Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 3-12 With Significant Word Reading Difficulties. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 222194231207556
Capin P, Vaughn S, Gillam SL, et al. (2023) Evaluating the Efficacy of a Narrative Language Intervention for Bilingual Students. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 1-22
Chatzoglou E, Fishstrom S, Payne SB, et al. (2023) The footprint of the COVID-19 pandemic in reading performance of students in the U.S. with and without disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 140: 104585
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