John W. Fantuzzo
Affiliations: | Education | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States |
Tests and Measurements Education, Early Childhood Education, Psychometrics PsychologyGoogle:
"John Fantuzzo"Children
Sign in to add traineeJulia Mendez | grad student | ||
Cynthia A. Rohrbeck | grad student | 1982-1984 | Penn (Neurotree) |
Christine M. McWayne | grad student | 2003 | Penn |
Rebecca J. Shearer | grad student | 2004 | Penn |
Judith A. King | grad student | 2006 | Penn |
Yumiko Sekino | grad student | 2006 | Penn |
Marlo A. Perry | grad student | 2007 | Penn |
Staci M. Perlman | grad student | 2010 | Penn |
Katherine M. Barghaus | grad student | 2012 | Penn |
Whitney A. LeBoeuf | grad student | 2013 | Penn |
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Fantuzzo J, McWayne CM, Perry MA, et al. (2019) Multiple Dimensions of Family Involvement and Their Relations to Behavioral and Learning Competencies for Urban, Low-Income Children School Psychology Review. 33: 467-480 |
Fantuzzo JW, LeBoeuf WA, Brumley B, et al. (2019) What's behind being behind? Using integrated administrative data to enhance our understanding of how publicly monitored early risk experiences uniquely affect children's growth in reading achievement Children and Youth Services Review. 96: 326-335 |
McDermott PA, Rovine MJ, Reyes RS, et al. (2018) Trajectories of early education learning behaviors among children at risk: A growth mixture modeling approach Psychology in the Schools. 55: 1205-1223 |
McDermott PA, Rikoon SH, Fantuzzo JW. (2016) Transition and protective agency of early childhood learning behaviors as portents of later school attendance and adjustment. Journal of School Psychology. 54: 59-75 |
LeBoeuf WA, Fantuzzo JW. (2016) Effects of intradistrict school mobility and high student turnover rates on early reading achievement Applied Developmental Science. 22: 43-57 |
Barghaus K, Fantuzzo J, LeBoeuf W, et al. (2016) Problems in Classroom Engagement: Validation of an Assessment for District-Wide Use in the Early Primary Grades Early Education and Development. 28: 154-166 |
Brumley B, Fantuzzo J, Perlman S, et al. (2015) The Unique Relations between Early Homelessness and Educational Well-Being: An Empirical Test of the Continuum of Risk Hypothesis. Children and Youth Services Review. 48: 31-37 |
Fantuzzo JW, LeBoeuf WA, Rouse HL. (2014) An Investigation of the Relations Between School Concentrations of Student Risk Factors and Student Educational Well-Being Educational Researcher. 43: 25-36 |
Barghaus KM, Fantuzzo JW. (2014) Validation of the Preschool Child Observation Record: Does It Pass the Test for Use in Head Start? Early Education and Development |
McDermott PA, Rikoon SH, Fantuzzo JW. (2014) Tracing children's approaches to learning through head start, kindergarten, and first grade: Different pathways to different outcomes Journal of Educational Psychology. 106: 200-213 |