Year |
Citation |
Score |
2010 |
Huang C, Hinnov L, Fischer AG, Grippo A, Herbert T. Astronomical tuning of the Aptian Stage from Italian reference sections Geology. 38: 899-902. DOI: 10.1130/G31177.1 |
0.59 |
2009 |
Fischer AG, Hilgen FJ, Garrison RE. Mediterranean contributions to cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology Sedimentology. 56: 63-94. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-3091.2008.01011.X |
0.673 |
2009 |
Fischer AG, Garrison RE. The role of the Mediterranean region in the development of sedimentary geology: a historical overview Sedimentology. 56: 3-41. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-3091.2008.01009.X |
0.691 |
1995 |
Herbert TD, Silva IP, Erba E, Fischer AG. Orbital chronology of Cretaceous-Paleocene marine sediments Geochronology, Time Scales and Global Stratigraphic Correlation. 81-93. |
0.658 |
1992 |
Britt SL, Bottjer DJ, Fischer AG, Flocks JG, Gorsline DS. X-radiography of horizontal core slabs; a method for greater retrieval of sediment core data Journal of Sedimentary Research. 62: 718-744. DOI: 10.1306/D4267997-2B26-11D7-8648000102C1865D |
0.344 |
1991 |
Fischer AG, Herbert TD, Napoleone G, Premoli Silva I, Ripepe M. Albian pelagic rhythms (Piobbico core) Journal of Sedimentary Petrology. 61: 1164-1172. DOI: 10.1306/D426785C-2B26-11D7-8648000102C1865D |
0.625 |
1991 |
Ripepe M, Roberts LT, Fischer AG. Enso and Sunspot Cycles in Varved Eocene Oil Shales from Image Analysis Journal of Sedimentary Research. 61: 1155-1163. DOI: 10.1306/D4267857-2B26-11D7-8648000102C1865D |
0.364 |
1991 |
Fischer AG, Roberts LT. Cyclicity in the Green River Formation (Lacustrine Eocene) of Wyoming Journal of Sedimentary Research. 61: 1146-1154. DOI: 10.1306/D4267852-2B26-11D7-8648000102C1865D |
0.365 |
1991 |
Fischer AG, Bottjer DJ. Orbital Forcing and Sedimentary Sequences Journal of Sedimentary Research. 61. DOI: 10.1306/D4267839-2B26-11D7-8648000102C1865D |
0.37 |
1988 |
Fischer AG, Sarnthein M. Airborne Silts and Dune-Derived Sands in The Permian of the Delaware Basin Journal of Sedimentary Research. 58: 637-643. DOI: 10.1306/212F8E0E-2B24-11D7-8648000102C1865D |
0.47 |
1987 |
Fischer AG. Milankovitch Cyclicity and Its Record in Borehole Logs of Carbonates: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 71. DOI: 10.1306/948871D6-1704-11D7-8645000102C1865D |
0.349 |
1986 |
Fischer AG. Climatic Rhythms Recorded in Strata Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 14: 351-376. DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Ea.14.050186.002031 |
0.318 |
1986 |
Herbert TD, Fischer AG. Milankovitch climatic origin of mid-Cretaceous black shale rhythms in central Italy Nature. 321: 739-743. DOI: 10.1038/321739A0 |
0.64 |
1986 |
Herbert TD, Stallard RF, Fischer AG. Anoxic events, productivity rhythms, and the orbital signature in a Mid-Cretaceous deep-sea sequence from central Italy Paleoceanography. 1: 495-506. DOI: 10.1029/Pa001I004P00495 |
0.643 |
1983 |
Napoleone G, Silva IP, Heller F, Cheli P, Corezzi S, Fischer AG. Eocene magnetic stratigraphy at Gubbio, Italy, and its implications for Paleogene geochronology Geological Society of America Bulletin. 94: 181-191. DOI: 10.1130/0016-7606(1983)94<181:Emsagi>2.0.Co;2 |
0.428 |
1981 |
Roggenthen WM, Fischer JF, Napoleone G, Fischer AG. Paleomagnetism and age of Mafic Plutons, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma Geophysical Research Letters. 8: 133-136. DOI: 10.1029/Gl008I002P00133 |
0.328 |
1977 |
Alvarez W, Arthur MA, Fischer AG, Lowrie W, Napoleone G, Silva IP, Roggenthen WM. Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene magnetic stratigraphy at Gubbio, Italy V. Type section for the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene geomagnetic reversal time scale Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. 88: 383-389. DOI: 10.1130/0016-7606(1977)88<383:Ucmsag>2.0.Co;2 |
0.594 |
1977 |
Arthur MA, Fischer AG. Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene magnetic stratigraphy at Gubbio, Italy I. Lithostratigraphy and sedimentology Geological Society of America Bulletin. 88: 367-371. DOI: 10.1130/0016-7606(1977)88<367:Ucmsag>2.0.Co;2 |
0.657 |
1971 |
Fischer AG. Problems of Chert in Ocean: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 55: 338-338. DOI: 10.1306/5D25Ce6F-16C1-11D7-8645000102C1865D |
0.508 |
1970 |
Fischer AG, Heezen BC, Boyce RE, Bury D, Douglas RG, Garrison RE, Kling SA, Krasheninnikov V, Lisitzin AP, Pimm AC. Geological history of the Western north pacific. Science (New York, N.Y.). 168: 1210-4. PMID 17843589 DOI: 10.1126/Science.168.3936.1210 |
0.719 |
1967 |
Garrison RE, Fischer AG. Recognition of Deep-Water Limestone Sequences, Austrian Alps: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 51: 464-465. DOI: 10.1306/5D25B847-16C1-11D7-8645000102C1865D |
0.712 |
1967 |
Fischer AG, Garrison RE. Carbonate Lithification on the Sea Floor The Journal of Geology. 75: 488-496. DOI: 10.1086/627274 |
0.702 |
1965 |
Honjo S, Fischer AG, Garrison R. Geopetal Pyrite in Fine-Grained Limestones Journal of Sedimentary Research. 35: 480-488. DOI: 10.1306/74D712B2-2B21-11D7-8648000102C1865D |
0.668 |
1962 |
Fischer AG. Fossilien aus Riffkomplexen der alpinen Trias:Cheilosporites Wähner, eine Foraminifere? Palaeontologische Zeitschrift. 36: 118-124. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02989635 |
0.302 |
1960 |
Fischer AG. Latitudinal Variations In Organic Diversity Evolution. 14: 64-81. DOI: 10.1111/J.1558-5646.1960.Tb03057.X |
0.396 |
1959 |
Fischer AG. Diagenesis of Reef Limestones: ABSTRACT Aapg Bulletin. 43: 1766-1767. DOI: 10.1306/0Bda5E19-16Bd-11D7-8645000102C1865D |
0.404 |
1959 |
Hargraves RB, Fischer AG. Remanent Magnetism in Jurassic Red Limestones and Radiolarites from the Alps Geophysical Journal International. 2: 34-41. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-246X.1959.Tb05778.X |
0.4 |
Show low-probability matches. |