Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen

1952-1955 Scientist Meteorological Institute, Denmark 
 1955-1959 International Meteorological Institute Stockholm University, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden 
 1963-1973 Professor, Chairman, the Department of Meteorology and Oceanography University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
 1974-1979 Director European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts 
 1980-1983 Secretary-General World Meteorological Organization 
 1984-1987 Director Danish Meteorological Institute 
 1988-1994 Professor University of Copenhagen, København, Denmark 
"Aksel Wiin-Nielsen"
BETA: Related publications


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Chen T, Wiin-Nielsen A. (1978) On nonlinear cascades of atmospheric energy and enstrophy in a two-dimensional spectral index Tellus A. 30: 313-322
Chen T, Wiin-Nielsen AC. (1976) On the kinetic energy of the divergent and nondivergent flow in the atmosphere Tellus A. 28: 486-498
Fisher PW, Wiin-Nielsen A. (1971) On baroclinic instability of ultra-long waves' Tellus A. 23: 269-284
Wiin-Nielsen A. (1971) On the motion of various vertical modes of transient, very long waves: II.The Spherical Case Tellus A. 23: 207-217
Wiin-Nielsen A. (1971) On the motion of various vertical modes of transient, very long waves: Part I. Beta Plane Approximation* Tellus A. 23: 87-98
Wiin-Nielsen A. (1970) A theoretical study of the annual variation of atmospheric energy Tellus A. 22: 1-16
Wiin-Nielsen A. (1968) A note on internal gravity waves in a hydrostatic compressible fluid with vertical wind shear Tellus A. 20: 551-553
Bradley JHS, Wiin-Nielsen A. (1968) On the transient part of the atmospheric planetary waves Tellus A. 20: 533-544
Wiin-Nielsen A. (1967) On the annual variation and spectral distribution of atmospheric energy Tellus A. 19: 540-559
Wiin-Nielsen A. (1965) On the propagation of gravity waves in a hydrostatic, compressible fluid with vertical wind shear Tellus A. 17: 306-320
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