Similar researchers to Michael Spivey: Advanced Search
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Michael J. Spivey (Info) UC Merced (Neurotree) Psycholinguistics, Eye Tracking, Dynamic Systems glupyan 2008‑06‑29
Stephanie M. Huette (Info) University of Memphis (Neurotree) Psycholinguistics shuette 2009‑04‑16 Sim(0.07)
Nick Perham (Info) Cardiff Metropolitan University (Neurotree) reasoning, short-term memory, auditory distraction NickPerham 2010‑07‑28 Sim(0.1)
Michael A. Cohen (Info) MIT (Neurotree) visual cognition, visual awareness, attention MAC22185 2009‑05‑16 Sim(0.12)
Eiling Yee (Info) University of Connecticut (Neurotree) ddrucker 2009‑04‑13 Sim(0.13)
Alexandre François (Info) CNRS (LinguisTree) Languages of Vanuatu and the southern Solomons skalyan 2015‑01‑05 Sim(0.14)
Geoffrey Brookshire (Info) Chicago (Neurotree) kmjasmin 2013‑04‑27 Sim(0.14)
Gary Lupyan (Info) UW Madison (Neurotree) Language, Categorization, Vision, Neural Networks, Top-Down Effects glupyan 2008‑02‑03 Sim(0.15)
Benjamin Straube (Info) University of Marburg (Neurotree) Anjan 2012‑06‑04 Sim(0.15)
Xingshan Li (Info) Institute of Psychology, CAS (Neurotree) dws 2009‑03‑19 Sim(0.15)
Peter Yule (Info) (PsychTree) almost 2015‑01‑17 Sim(0.15)
Yusui Chen (Info) New York Institute of Technology Quantum Informstion, Quantum computing, Quantum chemistry chentangle 2019‑10‑14 Sim(0.16)
John H. Weare (Info) UCSD (Chemistry Tree) Computational and Theoretical chemistry jandh 2011‑09‑05 Sim(0.16)
Michael Lee Roukes (Info) Caltech nanoelectromechanical systems, neurotechnology, single-molecule analysis, precision/quantum measurement jandh 2015‑10‑09 Sim(0.16)
Ranxiao Frances Wang (Info) UIUC (Neurotree) Spatial Cognition, Perception irenewan 2007‑11‑05 Sim(0.17)
William D. Marslen-Wilson (Info) MRC-CBU (Neurotree) Speech and Language MattDavis 2007‑04‑26 Sim(0.17)
Bradley S. Gibson (Info) Notre Dame (Neurotree) visual attention, perception mapeters 2008‑06‑22 Sim(0.17)
Matthew S. Finkbeiner (Info) Macquarie University (Neurotree) lexical access, masked priming, bilingual speech production niniella 2009‑07‑15 Sim(0.17)
Maria Haddad (Info) Montreal Neurological Institute (Neurotree) mrkrause 2021‑11‑12 Sim(0.17)
Yves R. Grosdidier (Info) Université de Montréal Astronomy and Astrophysics pq 2016‑02‑22 Sim(0.17)
Lera Boroditsky (Info) Stanford (Neurotree) Relationships between mind, world and language. How we create meaning, imagine, and use knowledge. How the languages we speak shape the ways we think lerab0 2008‑07‑25 Sim(0.17)
Ignasi Cos (Info) University of Barcelona (Neurotree) Computational Neuroscience benoitgirard 2013‑04‑08 Sim(0.17)
Sid Kouider (Info) CNRS, Paris (Neurotree) sidk 2009‑01‑16 Sim(0.17)
Jacqueline R. Cummine (Info) University of Saskatchewan (Neurotree) Cognitive Psychology, Psychobiology Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Experimental Psychology pq 2016‑04‑20 Sim(0.17)
James T. Enns (Info) UBC (Neurotree) Vision soapy101 2007‑06‑13 Sim(0.17)
Luigi Trojano (Info) Seconda Universita degli studi di Napoli (Neurotree) martaponari 2015‑03‑30 Sim(0.17)
T. Celeste Napier (Info) Rush University Medical Center (Neurotree) kfhauser 2022‑12‑11 Sim(0.17)
Arthur Glenberg (Info) UW Madison (Neurotree) Memory, Embodied Cognition 2007‑11‑20 Sim(0.17)
Thomas Koelewijn (Info) VU Amsterdam (Neurotree) JanTheeuwes 2016‑06‑10 Sim(0.17)
Yijun Pan (Info) Monash University (Neurotree) ypan 2019‑10‑26 Sim(0.17)
Justina Ohaeri Ekeocha (Info) William Paterson University (LinguisTree) susanelisebrennan 2014‑10‑03 Sim(0.17)
Daniel Smilek (Info) University of Waterloo (Neurotree) visual system, attention jenns 2009‑09‑12 Sim(0.17)
Vimla L. Patel (Info) Arizona State (Neurotree) Medical Decision Making twig99 2009‑09‑19 Sim(0.17)
Paul Wiseman (Info) McGill (Chemistry Tree) Chemical physics tarselli 2015‑09‑06 Sim(0.18)
Thomas H. Carr (Info) Michigan State (Neurotree) dws 2009‑03‑19 Sim(0.18)
Margaret Wilson (Info) UC Santa Cruz (Neurotree) Embodied cognition, working memory lmorett 2009‑07‑27 Sim(0.18)
Genela Morris (Info) University of Haifa (Neurotree) decision making, dopamine, reinforcement learning, striatum, hippocampus ac250 2010‑02‑08 Sim(0.18)
Hyun-Joong Chung (Info) University of Alberta (Chemistry Tree) Gels, Elastomers, Composite materials, Sensors axljeong 2014‑05‑08 Sim(0.18)
Caroline Benjamins (Info) Maastricht University (Neurotree) fladd 2016‑03‑09 Sim(0.18)
Gui-Liang Feng (Info) University of Louisiana at Lafayette (Computer Science Tree) Computer Science pq 2016‑03‑26 Sim(0.18)
Lawrence Locker (Info) University of Kansas (Neurotree) pq 2015‑11‑04 Sim(0.18)
Christina Artemenko (Info) Tuebingen (PsychTree) hcnuerk 2016‑10‑01 Sim(0.18)
William Prinzmetal (Info) UC Berkeley (Neurotree) wprinz 2005‑02‑08 Sim(0.18)
Saurabh Kumar Singh (Info) IIT Hyderabad (Chemistry Tree) Computational Chemistry, Molecular Magnetism, Metal-Organic Frameworks, Relativistic Effects sabhks 2019‑09‑25 Sim(0.19)
Brandon Matthew Liverence (Info) Yale (Neurotree) pq 2015‑08‑26 Sim(0.19)
Alfonso Caramazza (Info) Harvard (Neurotree) Language sd.slotnick 2007‑03‑27 Sim(0.19)
Peter Hagoort (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen (Neurotree) Cognitive Neuroscience: Language grmangun 2008‑08‑16 Sim(0.19)
Chengwei Zhang (Info) Hebei University of Technology (Chemistry Tree) lbxu99 2018‑03‑08 Sim(0.19)
Boris I. Shraiman (Info) UC Santa Barbara statistical physics david 2016‑01‑08 Sim(0.19)
Adnan Niazi (Info) Radboud University Nijmegen (Neurotree) Real-time fMRI adnaniazi 2012‑12‑20 Sim(0.19)
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