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Nadine Martin, Ph.D.

Communication Sciences and Disorders Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
word processing and short-term memory
"Nadine Martin"
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Olivé G, Peñaloza C, Vaquero L, et al. (2023) The right uncinate fasciculus supports verbal short-term memory in aphasia. Brain Structure & Function
Sayers MJ, Laval D, Reilly J, et al. (2022) Integrity of input verbal short-term memory ability predicts naming accuracy in aphasia. Aphasiology. 37: 813-834
Martin N, Obermeyer J, Schlesinger J, et al. (2022) Treatment of the Linguistic and Temporal Components of Lexical Activation to Improve Word Retrieval in Aphasia. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences. 3: 824684
Salis C, Martin N, Reinert L. (2021) Sentence Recall in Latent and Anomic Aphasia: An Exploratory Study of Semantics and Syntax. Brain Sciences. 11
Coran M, Rodriguez-Fornells A, Ramos-Escobar N, et al. (2020) WORD LEARNING IN APHASIA: TREATMENT IMPLICATIONS AND STRUCTURAL CONNECTIVITY ANALYSES. Topics in Language Disorders. 40: 81-109
Silkes JP, Zimmerman RM, Greenspan W, et al. (2020) Identifying Verbal Short-Term Memory and Working Memory Impairments in Individuals With Latent Aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 1-16
Martin N, Schlesinger J, Obermeyer J, et al. (2020) Treatment of verbal short-term memory abilities to improve language function in aphasia: A case series treatment study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. 1-42
Greenspan W, Obermeyer J, Tucker CA, et al. (2020) Clinician perspectives on the assessment of short-term memory in aphasia Aphasiology. 1-23
Martin N, Dell GS. (2019) Maintenance Versus Transmission Deficits: The Effect of Delay on Naming Performance in Aphasia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 13: 406
Lee J, Hosokawa E, Meehan S, et al. (2019) Priming sentence comprehension in aphasia: Effects of lexically independent and specific structural priming. Aphasiology. 33: 780-802
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