Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Philip J. BershBehavior Analysis
Ellyn Brecher KellermanIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology2001 Donald Hantula (grad student)
William J. Carr
Joan Coffinlearning and memory19811986 Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (grad student)
Peter Brown Crabb
James R. DallaireSocial Psychology, Computer Science2005 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Erica S. DavisBehavioral Psychology, Technology of Education2002 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Diane F. DiClementeGeneral Psychology2002 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Ayzit O. DoydumExecutive function/attention, developmental cognitive neuroscience20052007 Nora S. Newcombe (research assistant)
Michelle D. Ennis SorethBehavior Analysis2007 Philip N. Hineline (grad student)
Megan Flynn20082010 Lauren B. Alloy (post-doc)
David Marc Frescoaffect science, mood and anxiety disorders, emotion, emotion regulation19992001 Lauren B. Alloy (grad student), Richard G. Heimberg (post-doc)
Kristin Michod Gagnier
Mary Gergen Robert E. Lana (grad student)
Kathleen GerrityDevelopment19791983 Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (grad student)
Thomas J. GouldPsychology
John T. GreenPsychology19962001 Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (grad student)
Timothy D. HackenbergBehavior Analysis, Comparative Cognition, Behavioral Economics19821987 Philip N. Hineline (grad student)
Joy Ham Psychology & Neuroscience2020 Chelsea Helion (grad student)
Daniel J H HanStress, Fear, Stereology, Eyeblink Conditioning20092011 Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (research assistant)
Donald HantulaSocial Psychology
Richard G. Heimberganxiety disorders
Chelsea HelionEmotion, Self-Regulation, Cognitive Neuroscience Psychology & Neuroscience2019 Vishnu Pradeep Murty (collaborator)
Susan M. HilbertIndustrial Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Management Business Administration2002 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Emily V. IzbickiGeneral Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2012 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Evan M. KleimanPsychology
Deirdre KramerDevelopment Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (grad student)
Robert E. Lana
David H. LandmanIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology2004 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Michael J. LewisNeuropsychopharmacology1976 David Margules (grad student)
David MargulesObesity, Opioids
Peter MarshallEEG, child development
Nadine Martinword processing and short-term memory
William John MitchellEmotion, Self-Regulation, Social, Decision-Making Psychology & Neuroscience20192025 Chelsea Helion (grad student)
E. Terry T. Mueller2008 Philip N. Hineline (grad student)
Alina Nazareth Psychology2015 Nora S. Newcombe (post-doc)
Thomas OlinoDeveleopmental psychopathology, depression, methods
Ingrid R. OlsonHuman memory
Willis (Bill) Overton
Vinay V. ParikhNeuroscience/Neuropsychopharmacology
Purav Patellearning, transfer, math cognition Neuroscience20142017 Vinay V. Parikh (research assistant)
Darleen M. PawlowiczIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology2003 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Elizabeth L PinneyMenstruation, Pain, Anxiety, Sleep Clinical Psychology20192021 Philip C. Kendall (grad student)
Bessie J. PuvathingalCognitive Psychology Psychology2013 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Lorna C. QuandtEEG, fMRI, action perception, social cognition Psychology20092013 Peter Marshall (grad student)
Russell M. RichieDevelopmental psychology, language acquisition Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek (research assistant)
Lauren L. Richmondmemory, aging Psychology20092013 Ingrid R. Olson (grad student)
Eleanor M. Saffran
Mark S. Salzermental health services, psychiatric rehabilitation, community inclusion
Eric SatlowCognitive Psychology19932001 Nora S. Newcombe (grad student)
Helen Schmidt Psychology & Neuroscience2021 Chelsea Helion (grad student)
Thomas E. SchoenfelderIndustrial Psychology, Finance2001 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Melvin Leslie Silberman
Laura M. Skippercognitive, language, semantic memory Psychology2013 Ingrid R. Olson (grad student)
Crystal Slanzi Public Health2021 Timothy R. Vollmer (grad student)
Carter L. SmithIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology2004 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Pamela A. Smith2000 Eleanor M. Saffran (grad student)
Brittney Amber Taylorpsychology
Cynthia L. Turk Richard G. Heimberg (post-doc)
Virginia Ulichney Psychology & Neuroscience2020 Chelsea Helion (grad student)
Richard W. VogelHuman Neurophysiology; Brain Mapping19992002 Diana S. Woodruff-Pak (research assistant)
Rebecca J. Von Der Heide Ingrid R. Olson (post-doc)
Yin Wangsocial cognitive neuroscience department of psychology20152019 Ingrid R. Olson (post-doc)
Robert W. WeisbergProblem solving, creativity
Susan A. Wheelan
Katharine F. WilsonSocial Psychology Psychology2014 Donald Hantula (grad student)
Diana S. Woodruff-PakPsychology, Eyeblink conditioning, Learning, Memory, Alzheimer
Brittney YeglaNeuroscience/Neuropsychopharmacology Vinay V. Parikh (grad student)
Gerald A. Zimmerman Melvin Leslie Silberman (grad student), Susan A. Wheelan (grad student)