University of California, Davis

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Will Wetzel Donald R. Strong (grad student)
James A. WilsonZoology, Mammalogy, Physiological Ecology Douglas A. Kelt (post-doc)
Jennifer S. Thaler Richard Karban (grad student)
Andy Dyer Kevin Rice (grad student)
Kevin Rice John Menke (grad student)
Kate Ingram Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Susan P. Harrisonplant ecology Richard Karban (grad student)
James J. Elser Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Jake Vander Zanden Charles R. Goldman (post-doc)
John C. Wingfield
Thomas W. SchoenerEcology
Alan Hastings20042005 Richard J. Hall (collaborator)
Marcel Holyoak
Howard V. CornellSpecies diversity, Community Ecology
Richard Karban
Tawny M. Mata Ecology2012 Marcel Holyoak (grad student)
Adrianna A. Muir2009 Sharon Y. Strauss (grad student)
Douglas A. KeltEcology, Biogeography
Marc D. Meyer2003 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Marcelo F. Tognelli2003 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Lori A. Campbell2004 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Chi-Chien Kuo Ecology2010 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Laurissa P. Hamilton Ecology2010 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Truman Post YoungEcology
Charles Raguse
Catherine A. Toft
Dennis A. Raveling
Stella CopelandEcology Ecology2014 Susan P. Harrison (grad student)
Erik K. GrijalvaEcological Restoration, Tidal Marshes Evolution and Ecology2013 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Kathy J. Bando2005 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Christina M. Sloop2005 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Janie C. Civille2006 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Renate Eberl Ecology2012 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Mara A. Evans Ecology2012 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Laura C. Feinstein Ecology2012 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Richard W. VanBuskirk2000 Arthur Maurice Shapiro (grad student)
James A. Fordyce2003 Arthur Maurice Shapiro (grad student)
Erik B. Runquist Ecology2012 Arthur Maurice Shapiro (grad student)
Heather E. Dwyer Ecology2014 Arthur Maurice Shapiro (grad student)
Mary K. Reeves Ecology2010 Marcel Holyoak (grad student)
Cory T. Overton Ecology2013 Marcel Holyoak (grad student)
Ian S. Pearse Entomology2011 Richard Karban (grad student)
Sarah E. Dalrymple Population Biology2012 Richard Karban (grad student)
Brian W. Spitzer2003 Sharon Y. Strauss (grad student)
Patrick J. McIntyre Population Biology2011 Sharon Y. Strauss (grad student)
Jaymee T. Marty2002 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Kimberly J. Reever Morghan2004 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Christopher R. Mallek Ecology2010 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Jennifer R. GremerPlant physiological ecology and population ecology; life history evolution; ecological and evolutionary responses to variable and changing environments
Sharon Y. StraussCommunity and population ecology: plant-herbivore interactions
Donald R. StrongCommunity and population biology; insect-plant interactions; natural enemies of herbivorous insects; soil ecology; soil-dwelling natural enemies; evolution of plant resistance to herbivores and herbivore counter evolution; salt-marsh ecology
David A. Spiller
Michael J. Culshaw-MaurerInsect ecology, aquatic ecology Ecology and Evolution Evolution & Ecology2015 Sebastian Schreiber (grad student), Jay Rosenheim (grad student)
Kate M. ScowMicrobiology Biology
Andrew J. McElroneGeneral Agriculture, Atmospheric Sciences
Liukang Xu Ted Hsiao (grad student)
Kelsey Lyberger Ecology and Evolution Population Biology Graduate Group2015 Thomas W. Schoener (grad student), Sebastian Schreiber (grad student)
Elise Elwood Evolution & Ecology Jennifer R. Gremer (grad student), Jennifer L. Funk (grad student)
Edwin E. Lewisresource utilization
Glenn N. Stevens Edwin E. Lewis (post-doc)
Kenneth Spence2007 Edwin E. Lewis (post-doc), Jay Rosenheim (grad student)
Roy Kaspi Edwin E. Lewis (post-doc), Katayoon Dehesh (post-doc)
Anne Nielsen Edwin E. Lewis (post-doc)
Aviva J RossiMammalogy, Species Distribution, Terrestrial Ecology Wildlife, Fisheries, & Conservation Biology2013 Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Cynthia G. Haysevolutionary ecology, marine botany, local adaptation, species distributions Bodega Marine Lab Susan L. Williams (post-doc)
Harry Ohlendorf
Daniel Anderson
Caitlin Wells Salerno Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Ellie Bolas Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Lizabeth Bowen Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Amy C. Collins Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Miguel Ordeñana Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Summer Schlageter Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Ellen G. Sutter
Elizabeth Postema2018 Louie H. Yang (grad student)
Tracie Hayes2019 Louie H. Yang (grad student)
Dylan MacArthur-Waltz2020 Louie H. Yang (grad student)
Charles R. Goldman
Eric Post
R. Conor Higgins Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology Eric Post (grad student)
Christian John Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology Eric Post (grad student)
Julianne Pekny Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology Eric Post (grad student)
Bradyn O'Connor Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology Eric Post (grad student)
Nikki Williamson Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology Eric Post (grad student)
Elina Kaarlejärvi Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology Eric Post (post-doc)
Katy Dynarski Benjamin Z. Houlton (grad student)
Nina Bingham Benjamin Z. Houlton (post-doc)
Heath Goertzen Benjamin Z. Houlton (research scientist)
Daniel S. Karp
Morgan E Furze
Franz Bender Kate M. Scow (post-doc)
Hannah Waterhouse William R. Horwath (grad student)
William R. Horwathsoil biogeochemistry, nutrient cycling
Elizabeth Cronepopulation biology, pollination ecology
Emily Erickson Elizabeth Crone (post-doc)
Erin Treanore Elizabeth Crone (post-doc)
Aramee C. Diethelm Elizabeth Crone (post-doc)
Lucia Weinman Elizabeth Crone (post-doc)
James Michielini Elizabeth Crone (grad student)
Atticus W. Murphy Elizabeth Crone (grad student)
Sylvie Finn Elizabeth Crone (grad student)
Brendan Carson Elizabeth Crone (grad student)
Neal M. Williamspollination biology, bee ecology evolution and behavior, agroecology
John Mola Neal M. Williams (grad student)
Clara Stuligross Neal M. Williams (grad student)
Maureen Page Neal M. Williams (grad student)
Jennifer VanWyk Neal M. Williams (grad student)
Nicholas Rosenberger Neal M. Williams (grad student)
Maj Rundlöfpollination ecology Neal M. Williams (post-doc)
Rosemary Malfi Neal M. Williams (post-doc)
Michael G. Barbour
Dirk H. Van Vuren
Rebecca R. Hernandezecology, energy, sustainability
Madison K. Hoffacker Rebecca R. Hernandez (grad student)
Alexander E. Cagle Rebecca R. Hernandez (grad student)
Steven M. Grodsky Rebecca R. Hernandez (post-doc)
Yudi Li Rebecca R. Hernandez (grad student)
Elliott Steele Rebecca R. Hernandez (post-doc)
Nick Tew Rebecca R. Hernandez (post-doc)
Noah Krasner Rebecca R. Hernandez (grad student)
Daphne Condon Rebecca R. Hernandez (grad student)
Emma Forester Rebecca R. Hernandez (grad student)
Chevon Holmes Rebecca R. Hernandez (grad student)
Moreen Ampeh-Akomea Rebecca R. Hernandez (grad student)
Theodore Chin Foin
John Orvel Sawyer, Jr.
Arthur Maurice ShapiroPopulation biology of colonizing species
Robert G. Wetzel1963 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Alma Mcdonald Wilson1963 Ray Carlson Huffaker (grad student)
Peter J. RichersonCultural evolution, Limnology19651969 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
John Menke1970 Charles Raguse (grad student)
John L. Vankatplant community ecology, vegetation science1970 Jack Major (grad student)
Robert Frederick Dennoinsect ecology1973 Warren Roderic Cothran (grad student)
Edward Ozment Garton Ecology Ecology1976 Theodore Chin Foin (grad student), John Orvel Sawyer, Jr. (grad student)
Warren Roderic Cothranchemical and biological control of nsect pests
Kathryn E. Sieving Wildlife Fish and Conservation Biology Wildlife Fish and Conservation Biology19801981 Harry Ohlendorf (research assistant), Daniel Anderson (research assistant)
Martin Christopher Birch
H. Bradley ShafferEvolutionary and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles1982 Stevan James Arnold (grad student)
Jack Major
Leon Blaustein Entomology1988 Richard Karban (grad student)
Scott Robert McWilliams1993 Catherine A. Toft (grad student), Dennis A. Raveling (grad student)
Sean O'DonnellEntomology, animal behavior, social insects
S. Randal Voss19941998 H. Bradley Shaffer (post-doc)
Diane Hershey19981999 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Perry de Valpine2000 Alan Hastings (grad student)
John David Gerlach2000 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Marcella Janine Kelly2000 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Lynn S. Adler2000 Richard Karban (grad student)
David M. Marshplant ecology2000 Susan P. Harrison (grad student)
Rachel Brock2001 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Russ Huddleston19982001 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Ryan Deering19982001 Truman Post Young (grad student)
David Herbert Brown2001 Alan Hastings (grad student)
Emilio M. Brunaplant ecology2001 Sharon Y. Strauss (grad student)
Todd Palmer19972001 Truman Post Young (grad student), Maureen L. Stanton (post-doc)
James Alan Umbanhowar2002 Alan Hastings (grad student)
Jennifer A. Rudgers2002 Donald R. Strong (grad student), Sharon Y. Strauss (grad student)
Andrew P. Stubblefield2002 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Brian M. PaciottiCultural evolution, Limnology2002 Peter J. Richerson (grad student)
Colleen M. HandelEcology Biology, Zoology Biology2002 Daniel Anderson (grad student)
Christopher J. Dugaw2003 Karthik Ram (collaborator), Alan Hastings (grad student)
Michelle E. Gadd19952003 Truman Post Young (grad student)
James H. Thorne2003 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Dorothea Y. Panayotou2003 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Victoria J. BakkerEcology Biology, Forestry and Wildlife Agriculture2003 Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Christian H. FloydEcology Biology, Genetics2003 Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Neil D. TsutsuiEvolutionary biology, chemical ecology, behavioral ecology Evolution and Ecology20002003 Richard K. Grosberg (post-doc)
Sudeep Chandra2003 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Julianno Bergoch Sambatti2004 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Caroline Mary Taylor2004 Alan Hastings (grad student)
Evan L. Preisser2004 Karthik Ram (collaborator), Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Heather G. Davis2004 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Elizabeth A. Leger2004 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Fabrice A. De Clerck2004 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Robin H. Fautley2004 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
John T. Rusmore2004 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Kathren Murrell Stevenson2004 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Katharine M. Battenplant ecology2004 Susan P. Harrison (grad student)
Theodore J. Swift2004 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Megan Lulow19992004 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Stephanie Coppeto2005 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Mikaela Huntzinger20012005 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Deborah Petersen20022005 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Pamela Mikaela Huntzinger20012005 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Teresa S. Talley2005 Marcel Holyoak (grad student)
Jennifer A. Lau2005 Sharon Y. Strauss (grad student)
Alan P. Gold2005 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Rebecca B. Benard2005 Catherine A. Toft (grad student)
Lisa K. Nabors2005 Catherine A. Toft (grad student)
Mary B. McEachernEcology Biology, Zoology Biology2005 Dirk H. Van Vuren (grad student)
Richard J. Hallinvasive species, population dynamics, disease ecology, animal migration
Susan Infalt20042006 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Mia Ingolia20052006 Truman Post Young (grad student), Ellen G. Sutter (grad student)
Nancy Christine Emery2006 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Andrew C. McCallPlant-insect interactions20002006 Richard Karban (grad student)
Louie H. Yangcommunity ecology2006 Richard Karban (grad student), Judy A. Stamps (grad student)
Jeffrey J. Clary19982006 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Stephen P. Rae2006 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Stephen F. Walthen2006 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Charles M. EffersonCultural evolution, Limnology2006 Peter J. Richerson (grad student)
Jessica D. Braswell2007 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Alex Palmerlee20052007 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Tracy Erwin20032007 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Matthew D. Schlesinger2007 Marcel Holyoak (grad student)
Jarrett Edward Kaplan ByrnesBiodiversity and Ecosystem Function, Kelp Forests, Fouling Communities20022008 John (Jay) J. Stachowicz (grad student)
Susan L, Roberts2008 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
William Wengeler2008 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Corinna Riginos20032008 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Kari E. Veblen20022008 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Kemal A. Ger2008 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Jaya R. Smith2009 Douglas A. Kelt (grad student)
Brooke Suzanne Baythavong Population Biology2009 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Karthik Ramcommunity ecology, food webs, theoretical ecology2009 Donald R. Strong (grad student)
Kayce L. Casnerbutterflies, biogeography, Andes, butterfly conservation Ecology2009 Arthur Maurice Shapiro (grad student)
Valance E. Brenneis Ecology2009 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Julie A. MascarenhasEcology Biology, Zoology Biology, Oceanography Biology Ecology2009 Daniel Anderson (grad student)
Terry J OrdEvolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, Community Ecology
Jason Patrick Sexton Ecology2010 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Thomas R. Rambo Ecology2010 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Garrett S. Duncan Geography2010 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Brian L. Anackerplant ecology Ecology2010 Susan P. Harrison (grad student)
Timothy M. WaringCultural evolution, Limnology Ecology Ecology2010 Peter J. Richerson (grad student), Monique B. Mulder (grad student)
Amanda K. HodsonEntomology Biology, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry Entomology2010 Edwin E. Lewis (grad student)
Stephanie Simone Porter Population Biology2011 Kevin Rice (grad student)
Troy Alexander Perkins Population Biology2011 Alan Hastings (grad student)
Christopher R. Dolanc Ecology2011 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
Virginia C. Meyer Ecology2011 Michael G. Barbour (grad student)
David P. Waetjen Geography2011 Charles R. Goldman (grad student)
Adrian V. BellCultural evolution, Limnology Ecology2011 Peter J. Richerson (grad student)
Kurt Vaughn Ecology20032011 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Hanayo ArimotoEntomology Biology, Parasitology Biology Entomology2011 Edwin E. Lewis (grad student)
Lauren McGeoch Porensky Ecology20062012 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Barbara M. Goingplant ecology Ecology2012 Susan P. Harrison (grad student)
Bret A. BeheimCultural evolution Ecology20072012 Peter J. Richerson (grad student)
Thomas M. ShaplandGeneral Agriculture, Atmospheric Sciences Horticulture and Agronomy2012 Andrew J. McElrone (grad student)
Marit L. Wilkerson20072013 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Matthew ZeffermanSocial Evolution20072013 Peter J. Richerson (grad student)
Emilius A. Aalto Ecology20072013 Marcel Holyoak (grad student)
Starry D. Sprenkle Ecology Ecology20072013 Kevin Rice (grad student), Truman Post Young (grad student)
Anthony V. HillisCultural evolution, Limnology Ecology2013 Peter J. Richerson (grad student)
Lawrence H. DavisCultural evolution, Limnology Individual2013 Peter J. Richerson (grad student)
Cove S. SturtevantEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Climate Change Ecology2013 Walter C. Oechel (grad student)
Kevin Welch20082014 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Emily Peffer Zefferman20092014 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Mila Dunbar Irwin20112014 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Catherine M. HulshofEcology20132014 Susan P. Harrison (grad student)
Jen Balachowski20132015 Truman Post Young (grad student), Kevin Rice (grad student)
Kelly Gravuer20102016 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Steven Fick20112016 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Kristina Wolf20122016 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Derek J. Young20112017 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Laura Morales20112017 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Moria Robinson Evolution & Ecology2012 Sharon Y. Strauss (grad student)
Grace Charles20122018 Truman Post Young (grad student)
Marshall McMunn20112018 Louie H. Yang (grad student)
Chhaya M. Werner20132018 Truman Post Young (grad student)