University of Birmingham

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Sam Adams Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Hanene Ali-Boucetta
Francis W. AstonPhysical chemistry19031910 Percy Faraday Frankland (grad student)
M. Zouhair AtassiProtein Chemistry1960 Maurice Stacey (grad student)
Paul BadenhorstGenome Biology, Epigenetics
Clive R Bagshaw
Sidney Alan Barkercarbohydrate chemistry1950 Stanley Peat (grad student)
Fred Barrow1905 Percy Faraday Frankland (grad student)
Andrew Bassett Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Ryan David BaylissMaterials Chemistry20072008 Colin Greaves (research assistant)
Ronald BelcherAnalytical Chemistry
Nicholas A. BesleyQuantum chemistry19941997 Peter J. Knowles (grad student)
John C. Bevington
Daniel A. Binks Chemistry Melanie M. Britton (grad student)
Kishore Boodhoo Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
John Boukouvalas1980 Sidney Alan Barker (grad student)
Edward John Bournesaccharides1945 Stanley Peat (grad student), Walter Norman Haworth (research assistant)
H. Geoffrey Bray1942 Walter Norman Haworth (grad student)
Margarita Castano Briones Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
William D.G. Brittain School of Chemistry20132017 John Stephen Fossey (grad student)
Melanie M. BrittonNMR
Rama Byravan School of Chemistry20112015 John Stephen Fossey (grad student)
Stavros Caratzoulas
Andrew Carrod Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Dwaipayan Chakrabarti
Murielle Chavarot Zoe Pikramenou (post-doc)
Wenbo Chen Chemistry John Stephen Fossey (post-doc)
Hui Chen-Wang John Stephen Fossey (post-doc)
Sunil Claire Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Oliver ClemensMaterials Chemistry School of Chemistry20122013 Adrian Wright (post-doc)
Xianjin Cui
Geoffrey CuttsAtomistic modelling of nuclear materials Chemistry20132017 Joseph A. Hriljac (grad student)
W. Ewart DaviesNeurocommunications
Amie Davies
Amy Davies Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Dita Davis Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Jacqueline Deans20022009 John Gordon Ralph Jefferys (post-doc)
Martin T Dove Department of Physics19781981 Alistair Rae (grad student)
Mark Dutton School of Chemistry20102014 John Stephen Fossey (grad student)
John M. Duxburyagriculture, the environment and human health1966 John M. Webber (grad student)
Francois D’Hooge John Stephen Fossey (post-doc)
John (Jack) T Edwardorganic chemistry, carbohydrates1952 Maurice Stacey (post-doc)
Souad Elfeky John Stephen Fossey (post-doc)
J. Patrick A. FaircloughPolymers, soft matter, composite system, neutron scattering
Jonathan Faiz Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Shiva Farabi Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Antonio Feula School of Chemistry20092013 John Stephen Fossey (grad student)
Stephen K. FisherRole of phospholipids in signal transduction at cell-surface receptors Neurocommunications1976 W. Ewart Davies (grad student)
John Stephen Fossey
Jeffrey C FosterPolymer Chemistry
Grazia Francesconi School of Chemistry Colin Greaves (grad student)
Percy Faraday Frankland
William Edward Garnersolid state chemistry and catalysis19081913 Percy Faraday Frankland (research assistant)
Maurice Hilary George1953 Harry Work Melville (grad student)
Peter Glover Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Brian Glover GowenlockPhysical and Inorganic Chemistry
Roger J. GrandAdenovirus
Colin Greaves
Roderick N Greenshields
Valentina Grisan Paul Badenhorst (research assistant)
H Brian HalsallAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry1967 S. Peter Spragg (grad student)
Mariwan Hama-Salih School of Chemistry20122015 John Stephen Fossey (grad student)
Stephen Hammond Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Robert Anthony Harper School of Dentistry2017 Gabriel Landini (post-doc)
I. Rex Harrismetalurgy, cerium alloys1964 Geoffrey Vincent Raynor (grad student)
John Frank Harrod1958 Harry Work Melville (grad student)
David J. Hartshorne1962 Samuel Victor Perry (grad student)
Walter Norman Haworth
John Homer Chemistry Leslie Ford Thomas (grad student)
Sian T. HowardComputational Chemistry
Elkes, J. J.
Ronald H. Jackson
Boyun Jang Paul Badenhorst (grad student)
George A. Jeffreyx-ray crystallography, Hydrogen Bonding in Biological Structures1939 Ernest Gordon Cox (grad student)
Albert Stanley Jones1947 Walter Norman Haworth (grad student)
J. Ken N. (John Kenyon Netherton) Jonescarbohydrate chemistry1936 Edmund Langley Hirst (grad student), Walter Norman Haworth (grad student)
Ian P. JonesTransmission Electron Microscopy, Intermetallic Compounds, Plastic deformation
Evangelos Kefalas Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Emma Kendrickmaterials chemistry, batteries, solid state chemistry, energy storage
Suleman Khan Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
John A. Kilner Department of Physical Metallurgy & Science of Materials19711975 I. Rex Harris (grad student)
Siobhan King Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Gordon Frank KirkbrightAnalytical chemistry1962 William Irvine Stephen (grad student)
Peter J. KnowlesTheoretical and computational chemistry
Lynne Kokerphysical chemistry, materials chemistry
So Yeon Kwon Paul Badenhorst (post-doc)
Glenn Lees John Stephen Fossey (post-doc)
Julia H. LehmanMolecular Structure and Dynamics
Johnathon Lilley Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Harry Work Melville
Adam A L MichalchukMechanochemistry, lattice dynamics, energetic materials, solid-state chemistry, theoretical chemistry, computational chemistry
Costantinos J. Milios Zoe Pikramenou (post-doc)
Rex Montgomerycarbohydrate research1946 Walter Norman Haworth (grad student)
W. Kenneth R. MusgraveFluorine chemistry Fred Smith (grad student)
Dinshaw Rattonji Nanji1922 Arthur Robert Ling (grad student)
Alfred William NashPetroleum engineering
Sarmi NathDNA replication and repair
Arthur Geoffrey Norman1928 Dinshaw Rattonji Nanji (grad student)
Alastair MacArthur NorthPolymer chemistry
Paul Nursecell cycle and cell morphogenesis controls operative in eukaryotic cells1970 Jack Cohen (research assistant)
Rachel O'Reillypolymer synthesis, self-assembly, catalysis and DNA nanotechnology
Shani AM Osborne Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Leonard Newton OwenOrganic chemistry Walter Norman Haworth (grad student)
Richard PalmerNanoscience, nanotechnology
Daniel T. Payne School of Chemistry20122017 John Stephen Fossey (grad student)
Stanley PeatCarbohydrate Chemistry, Sugars and Polysaccharides1928 Walter Norman Haworth (grad student)
Maria J Pereira Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Samuel Victor Perrymuscle biochemistry
Douglas Philp1992 J. Fraser Stoddart (grad student)
Siriporn Phongtongpasuk
Zoe PikramenouLuminescent metal complexes , nanoparticles and supramolecular architectures
Andy Plackettplant evolution, ferns, developmental genetics
Alistair Rae
Nicola J Rogers Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Nairhita Samanta20172017 Dwaipayan Chakrabarti (research assistant)
Alison C Savage Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Janina SeubertOlfaction, Multisensory Integration, Schizophrenia, Emotion Glyn Humphreys (grad student)
Maria Pereira Silva
Nigel SimpkinsOrganic chemistry
Fred SmithCarbohydrate Chemistry1935 Walter Norman Haworth (grad student)
S. Peter Spragg
Maurice StaceyOrganic chemistry, carbohydrates, microbiology, molds, bacteria Chemistry1932 Walter Norman Haworth (grad student)
Chris Stepanek Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
William Irvine Stephen
J. Fraser StoddartMolecular Nanotechnology
Martin Stofanko Paul Badenhorst (grad student)
Wenfang SunInorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
John Colin Tatlow1954 Maurice Stacey (grad student)
F. W. John TealeProtein fluorescence1950 Elkes, J. J. (grad student)
John Michael TedderFluorine chemistry, halogens1951 John Colin Tatlow (grad student)
Irene Theofilou Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Leslie Ford Thomas Chemistry Harry Work Melville (grad student)
William Veale Thorpe
Spyridon Varlaspolymer chemistry, self-assembly, polypeptides, biomaterials20162020 Rachel O'Reilly (grad student)
William WardlawInorganic Chemistry Percy Faraday Frankland (research scientist)
Mark Watson Paul Badenhorst (grad student)
John M. Webber1957 Maurice Stacey (grad student)
Thomas Summers WestAnalytical Chemistry1952 Ronald Belcher (grad student)
William J. Whelansugar metabolism1948 Walter Norman Haworth (grad student), Stanley Peat (grad student)
Maurice HF WilkinsMolecular Biology, Biophysics, Physics John T. Randall (grad student)
Alan R. Williamsonimmunology1961 Albert Stanley Jones (grad student)
Adrian Wright School of Chemistry Colin Greaves (grad student)
Kimberley Wright Zoe Pikramenou (grad student)
Akina Yoshizawa School of Chemistry20132017 John Stephen Fossey (grad student)
Wenlei Zhai School of Chemistry20122017 John Stephen Fossey (grad student)
Zhenyu Zhang Mark Geoghegan (grad student)