McMaster University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Suzanne AcklooAnalytical Chemistry2002 Johan K. Terlouw (grad student)
Luis B. AgellonBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1986 Thomas T. Chen (grad student)
Vettai S. AnanthanarayananBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Alex Andronov
Felix AubkePhysical Inorganic Chemistry1966 Ronald J. Gillespie (post-doc)
Paul W. Ayerstheoretical chemistry
Richard F. W. BaderTheoretical Investigations of Molecular Structure and Reactivity Chemistry1955 Arthur N. Bourns (grad student)
Tom BajorekOrganic Chemistry2003 N Werstiuk (grad student)
André Dieter Bandrauk1968 Richard F. W. Bader (grad student)
David C. BareichAntibiotic resistance; chemically synthesizing antibiotics2003 Gerard D. Wright (grad student)
Stanley BayleyMolecular Biology
Axel D. Becke Physics1981 Donald Sprung (grad student)
Russell Arthur BellOrganic Synthesis and Radio-imaging Agents
Rahima Benhabbour Chemistry2009 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Dayna Bennett Chemistry2022 Alex Adronov (grad student)
A BerghuisBiochemistry
Holly A. BiltonRadiochemistry20142018 John Valliant (research scientist)
Adrienne R. BodenAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Engineering2001 B McCarry (grad student)
James Bodnaryk2020 Alex Adronov (grad student)
David D. Boehrprotein dynamics in enzyme function, coordination and regulation2004 Gerard D. Wright (grad student)
Arthur N. Bourns
David Bowman
Allyson Brady
Nadi Braidy2007 Gianluigi A. Botton (grad student)
John D. Brennan
Craig A. Bridges19982002 John E. Greedan (grad student)
Michael A. Brooksilicon, silica and silicone chemistry
Stacey Brydges2003 Michael James McGlinchey (grad student)
Michael J. BuchmeierVirology Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology1976 William Edgar Rawls (grad student)
Katherine E. BujoldSupramolecular DNA Assembly, DNA Nanotechnology, Spherical Nucleic Acids
Erwin BuncelNuclear Chemistry19581960 Arthur N. Bourns (post-doc)
Rebecca Voß Cademartiri biomolecule-material interactions for environmental, food safety and medical applications Chemistry20052008 Michael A. Brook (post-doc)
Jose Campione-PiccardoVirology Pathology19751981 William Edgar Rawls (grad student)
John P. CaponeBiochemistry
Carlos Cárdenas20082012 Paul W. Ayers (post-doc)
Patrick W CauseyOrganometallics, Radiochemistry Chemistry John Valliant (post-doc)
Ryan Chadwick Chemistry2014 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Debajit ChakrabortyCondensed matter physics chemistry20072011 Paul W. Ayers (grad student)
Asish Kumar ChandraQuantum chemistry1967 Richard F. W. Bader (post-doc)
Trevor CharlesMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry Biology19851991 Turlough Finan (grad student)
Thomas T. ChenMarine Biotechnology
Ronald F. Childs
Raman V. ChirakalRadiation Chemistry1991 Gary J. Schrobilgen (grad student)
Tanzina Chowdhury Chemistry20102017 Peter Kruse (grad student)
Duane A. ChungGeneral Biophysics Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine19982001 Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy (grad student)
W. Brian Clarke1962 Henry George Thode (grad student)
Alfio Corsinichemical analysis, and metal separation and recovery1961 Ronald P. Graham (grad student)
Scott D. CoveyBiochemistry2004 Bernardo Trigatti (grad student)
Robin A. Cox1970 John Warkentin (grad student)
Anthony F. Cozzolinomolecular and supramolecular materials2009 Ignacio Vargas Baca (grad student)
Lisa M. CrollPolymer Chemistry2004 H Stover (grad student)
Jack Cruikshank Chemistry2022 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Denis M. DaigleAntibiotic resistance; chemically synthesizing antibiotics2003 Gerard D. Wright (grad student)
Rahul Das Giuseppe Melacini (grad student)
Andreas Decken1994 Michael James McGlinchey (grad student)
Byron DeLaBarreBiochemistry2000 A Berghuis (grad student)
Serkan DemirciPolymer Chemistry, Polymer Brushes, Janus Particles, Functional Polymers Chemistry & Chemical Biology20142014 Alex Andronov (research scientist)
Lucia L. Deng
Mikhail DereviankinAnalytical Geochemistry
Srinivas DharavathSynthetic Organic Chemistry, energetic materials20152017 Jakob Magolan (post-doc)
Pat Dooley Paul B. Corkum (grad student)
Jeffrey S. DowneyPolymer Chemistry2001 H Stover (grad student)
Kari-Ann DrakerAntibiotic resistance; chemically synthesizing antibiotics2004 Gerard D. Wright (grad student)
Benjamin M DyerMechatronics, Nuclear Physics, Radiation Detection Physics and Astronomy Amir A. Aliabadi (grad student)
Mohamed El-Waraky
David J. H. Emslie
Richard Epand
Lindsay E. Fitzpatrickbiomaterials, biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine Chemical Engineering20032005 Heather Sheardown (research assistant)
Darryl Fong2019 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Sian Ford20162018 Gregory F. Slater (grad student)
Randy S. FrankPolymer Chemistry2000 H Stover (grad student)
Michael Gerken2000 Gary J. Schrobilgen (grad student)
Subir Ghosh Engineering Physics20052009 Peter Kruse (grad student)
Hara P. Ghosh
Avik Jim GhoshdastidarAtmospheric and Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Ronald J. GillespieValence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) model of molecular geometry
John R. Glover Richard Rachubinski (grad student)
Corey Goad20152017 Gregory F. Slater (grad student)
Cristina E. González-EspinozaTheoretical Chemistry20132018 Paul W. Ayers (grad student)
Gillian Goward
Ronald P. Graham
John B. Grande Chemistry and Chemical Biology20082013 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
John E. Greedansolid state materials, neutron spctroscopy, magnetism
Andrew Grosvenorsolid state materials, spectroscopy Chemstry20082009 John E. Greedan (post-doc)
H. Douglas Grundy
Radhey GuptaBiochemistry
Elizabeth A. HaackBiogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences2004 Lesley Warren (grad student)
Alannah Hallas Physics Christopher Ryan Wiebe (grad student)
Alannah Hallas Physics and Astronomy Physics and Astronomy20132017 Bruce Gaulin (grad student), Graeme Luke (grad student)
Laura E. Harrington2004 Michael James McGlinchey (grad student)
Alexander George Harrisonmass spectrometry1956 Henry George Thode (grad student)
Paul Hedley Harrisonnatural products, biomimetics
Frank Christopher HawthorneCrystallography and crystal chemistry of all mineral groups; cation ordering in crystals; the general architecture of crystal structures; spectroscopic methods in mineralogy1973 H. Douglas Grundy (grad student)
George L. HeardInorganic and computational chemistry Chemistry19961999 Richard F. W. Bader (research scientist)
Farnaz Heidar-Zadeh Chemistry and Chemical Biology20112017 Paul W. Ayers (grad student)
Lisa N. HeydornPhysical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2003 Johan K. Terlouw (grad student)
Quyen Q. HoangMolecular modeling of protein - protein and protein - ligand interactions2003 Daniel S.-C. Yang (grad student)
Terrence W. Hoffman
Christa Miriam Homenick Chemistry2010 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Patigul Imin Chemistry2013 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Mokhtar Imit2017 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Robyn E. JamiesonGeochemistry2002 H P. Schwarcz (grad student)
William John Jenkins1974 W. Brian Clarke (grad student)
Gyan Prakash JohariPhysical chemistry, glass chemistry, materials science
Paul A. JohnsonTheoretical Chemistry Chemistry2014 Paul W. Ayers (grad student)
Jarrod W JohnsonOrganic chemistry, biochemistry Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences20192018 Gerard D. Wright (post-doc), Jakob Magolan (post-doc), Jakob Magolan (research scientist)
John H. Kaldis2003 Michael James McGlinchey (grad student)
Collins N. KamundeToxicology, Physiology Biology, Biochemistry2002 Christopher Michael Wood (grad student)
Vladimir Kardelis2021 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Madiha Khan Chemistry and Chemical Biology20102016 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
Jozo KnezBiochemistry2004 John P. Capone (grad student)
Joseph Koliscrystal growth, zintl compounds Chemistry19831985 Ronald J. Gillespie (post-doc)
Taras Kolodiazhnyithermodynamics, fuel cells2002 Anthony Petric (grad student)
Girish J. KotwalMicrobiology Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry Biochemistry1984 Hara P. Ghosh (grad student)
Peter KruseSTM/STS of gate oxides on compound semiconductors and adsorbates on organic semiconductor
David J. LavoratoAnalytical Chemistry2000 Johan K. Terlouw (grad student)
Gregor Lawson Chemistry2010 Alex Adronov (grad student)
William James LeighReactive Intermediates
Lisa Leoni School of Earth, Environment and Society20082010 Gregory F. Slater (grad student)
Kelvin Li2020 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Shuai Liang2017 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Colin J. L. Lockinorganic drugs with an emphasis on structure determination using X-ray crystallography
Yichun Luo
Mathew Y. Ma
John D. Macdougallion implementation1966 Henry E. Duckworth (grad student)
Preston J. MacDougallTheoretical Chemistry, Molecular Modeling & Visulaization, Chemical Education, Molecular Electronics Department of Chemistry19831989 Richard F. W. Bader (grad student)
Marc Richard MacKinnon Health Sciences Jakob Magolan (post-doc)
Nathan A. Magarveynatural products
Jakob Magolan
Nagissa Mahmoudi
Mary C. MajBiochemistry2002 Radhey Gupta (grad student)
Fernando J. MartinTheoretical Investigations of Molecular Structure and Reactivity2001 Richard F. W. Bader (grad student)
Cherif MattaTheoretical Investigations of Molecular Structure and Reactivity2002 Richard F. W. Bader (grad student)
James Mayo Chemistry2013 Alex Adronov (grad student)
B McCarryAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Engineering
Stuart McNelles2020 Alex Adronov (grad student)
James McNulty
Giuseppe MelaciniNMR Spectroscopy, Protein Structure, Dynamics
Fanwang Mengmachine learning, computational drug design
Julijana Milojevic Giuseppe Melacini (grad student)
Ramón Alain Miranda Quintana Chemistry and Chemical Biology Paul W. Ayers (research scientist)
Kevin Moonoosawmy Chemistry20032009 Peter Kruse (grad student)
Matthew D. MoranChemistry Chemistry20012007 Gary J. Schrobilgen (grad student)
Yurij MozharivskyjPhysical Chemistry Chemistry19981998 Wolfgang Tremel (research assistant)
Alexander J. NielsenOrganic synthesis, medicinal chemistry Chemistry and Chemical Biology James McNulty (grad student)
Chris Orvig19831984 Colin J. L. Lock (post-doc)
Hualong Pan
Gianni PariseRecreation, Animal Physiology Biology2004 Mark Tarnopolsky (grad student)
Jihyeon ParkElectrochemistry
Matthew C. Parrott Chemistry2009 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Jack PassmoreInorganic Main Group Chemistry1969 Ronald J. Gillespie (post-doc)
Reisa San Pedro20172019 Gregory F. Slater (grad student)
Anthony Petricthermodynamics, fuel cells
John P. Pezacki1999 John Warkentin (grad student)
Jamie PlattsComputational Chemistry19961997 Richard F. W. Bader (post-doc)
John Wilson Quail Chemistry1963 Ronald J. Gillespie (grad student)
Vinodh Rajendra Chemistry and Chemical Biology20082013 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
Talena Rambarran Chemistry and Chemical Biology20112016 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
William Edgar RawlsMolecular Virology and Immunology
Sudarshi T. RegismondPolymer Chemistry2000 F Winnik (grad student)
Nicole Rice Chemistry2015 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Dialia Ritaine2023 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Chandra D RoyOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19921995 N Werstiuk (post-doc)
Megan Rutherford Physics and Astronomy Christopher Ryan Wiebe (grad student)
Lukas Sadowski2016 Alex Adronov (grad student)
Dipankar SahaPhysical Chemistry
Paul Schaffer2003 John Valliant (grad student)
Gary J. Schrobilgen1973 Ronald J. Gillespie (grad student)
Adrian L. Schwanorganosulfur chemistry1988 John Warkentin (grad student)
H P. SchwarczGeochemistry
Rajeevan SelvaratnamClinical Chemistry20072013 Giuseppe Melacini (grad student)
Feride SerefiddinGeochemistry, Paleoecology2003 H P. Schwarcz (grad student)
Gary Shaw1988 Ronald F. Childs (grad student)
Leslie Webster Shemilt
Anna ShulkinPolymer Chemistry2002 H Stover (grad student)
Frank Sicheriprotein kinase regulation19891995 Daniel S.-C. Yang (grad student)
Sherdeep Singh Chemistry20052008 Peter Kruse (grad student)
Gregory F. SlaterGeochemistry
Samantha Slikboer Chemical Biology John Valliant (grad student)
Lynda SoderholmActinide Science, Magnetism Chemistry19781982 John E. Greedan (grad student)
Kevin V. SolomonMetabolic Engineering
John B. Jake StothersNuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy1957 Arthur N. Bourns (grad student)
H StoverPolymer Chemistry
Harald StoverPharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy
Mark StradiottoOrganometallics and Catalysis19951999 Michael James McGlinchey (grad student)
Douglas Sutherland Chemistry19861988 Saba Mitri Mattar (grad student)
Wei Tang
Mark TarnopolskyBiochemistry, Animal Physiology Biology1991 Stephanie A. Atkinson (grad student), J. Duncan MacDougall (grad student)
Oswald Sydney TeePhysical Organic Chemistry19631965 John Warkentin (grad student)
Johan K. TerlouwAnalytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Henry George Thodegeochemistry, nuclear chemistry
Michael Thompson1970 Alfio Corsini (grad student)
Corey M. ThompsonInorganic and Solid State materials Chemistry and Chemical Biology20122015 John E. Greedan (post-doc)
Paul R. ThompsonChemical Biology, enzymology, medicinal chemistry Biochemistry19942000 Gerard D. Wright (grad student)
Christy A. ThomsonBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2003 Vettai S. Ananthanarayanan (grad student)
J. Bishop TingleOrganic Chemistry
Michel L. Tremblay Philip E. Branton (grad student)
Bernardo TrigattiBiochemistry
Moschoula A. TrikoupisAnalytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2002 Johan K. Terlouw (grad student)
Stephen Urquhart Chemistry19921997 Adam Hitchcock (grad student)
John Valliant1997 Colin J. L. Lock (grad student), Russell Arthur Bell (grad student)
Ignacio Vargas Baca
Neil VasdevRadiation Chemistry2003 Raman V. Chirakal (grad student)
Stephen Yue Wang Chemistry and Chemical Biology20072015 Peter Kruse (grad student)
Kevin K. Wang
Lesley WarrenBiogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences
N WerstiukOrganic Chemistry
Paul R. West Chemistry1967 John Warkentin (grad student)
Kelly Whalley-Martin
Marlena Whinton Chemistry and Chemical Biology20102016 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
Christopher Ryan WiebeSolid State Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics Chemistry Physics Physics20022004 John E. Greedan (grad student), Bruce Gaulin (grad student), Graeme Luke (post-doc)
Samantha L WilsonEpigenetics, bioinformatics, pregnancy and reproduction, placenta
F WinnikPolymer Chemistry
Michael G. Wolfe John D. Brennan (grad student)
Cathy Y. WongTime-resolved spectroscopy Chemistry Johan K. Terlouw (research assistant)
Mark S. WorkentinPhysical Organic Chemistry of Materials1992 William James Leigh (grad student)
Gerard D. WrightAntibiotic resistance; chemically synthesizing antibiotics
Fei XuBiomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Drug Delivery
John Yamaniskinetics and catalysis Chemical Engineering1970 Terrence W. Hoffman (grad student)
Han Yan
Daniel S.-C. YangMolecular modeling of protein - protein and protein - ligand interactions
Lucy Ye Chemistry and Chemical Biology20042009 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
Sabesan (Jay) YoganathanNatural Product Drug Discovery & Organic/Medicinal Chemistry Chemistry2005 John Valliant (research assistant)
Fang Yuan Chemistry20122017 Yurij Mozharivskyj (grad student)
Paul M. Zeliskosilicon chemistry and the chemistry of silicones and silicone-modified materials Chemistry19992004 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
Laura Zepeda-Velasquez Chemistry and Chemical Biology20102015 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
Jianfeng Zhang Chemistry and Chemical Biology20102015 Michael A. Brook (grad student)
Minxue Zhi
Lori Ziolkowski