University of Missouri-Columbia

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Baradananda ChatterjeeColloid chemistry, Soil chemistry C. Edmund Marshall (post-doc)
Hongwei LiMolecular structure and dynamics Department of Chemistry2016 Arthur Suits (post-doc)
Raghav R. PoudyalRNA Biochemistry, Ribozymes, In Vitro Selections20102016 Donald H. Burke (grad student)
Patricia M. QuackenbushSoil science, soil ecology, soil health, systems ecology, earthworm ecology
C. Edmund MarshallSoils
Justine M Mucinski
Liurukara D. SanjeewaSolid State Chemistry, diffraction, crystallography
Dennis Theodore Gordonnutrient bioavailability
Shameemah ThawoosPhysical chemistry, gas phase reaction kinetics and dynamics Chemistry2016 Arthur Suits (grad student)
Elizabeth E. Rogers
Zhonggao Shi Jun O. Liu (post-doc)
William R. FolkGene expression and replication
Henry Jackson Watersanimal nutrition18891891 Jeremiah Wilson Sanborn (research assistant), Edward D. Porter (research assistant)
Xiangquan HuInorganic Chemistry Chemistry20182022 Jerry L. Atwood (grad student)
Merritt Finley Millersoils
Maria FidalgoMembrane processes, Nanotechnology and the environment
Mohamed Bayati Civil & Environmental Engineering Maria Fidalgo (grad student)
John E. Adams
John W. HuntleyPaleontology
Lisa Norton Chemistry Sheryl Ann Tucker (grad student)
Edward D. Porter
Arthur Suitsphysical chemistry, chemical dynamics
John E. Bauman, Jrtransition metal ion complexes
William J. Robbins
John F. KauffmanSolvation dynamics, ultrafast spectroscopy
Christopher S. O'Bryan
David R. SetzerMolecular Biology
Timothy E. GlassFluorescent Sensors
Kent S. GatesMedicinal Chemistry
C. Michael GreenliefNMR Spectroscopy
M. Frederick Hawthorneborane cluster chemistry
Dylan Cooper Linda L. Randall (grad student)
Donald H. BurkeRNA Biochemistry, Virology
Maurice William Karl Chemistry2005 John F. Kauffman (grad student)
Kelly McGill Chemistry Sheryl Ann Tucker (research assistant)
John Marcus Evvard1909 Henry Jackson Waters (grad student)
Leroy Sheldon Palmer1913 Clarence Henry Eckles (grad student)
Willes Barnes Combs1917 Clarence Henry Eckles (grad student)
Clarence Henry Eckles
Ural S. Ashworth1933 Samuel Brody (grad student)
John Eldon Giesekingphysical chemistry and mineralogy of soils19331934 Hans Jenny (post-doc)
James O. Davis1942 Daniel Mazia (grad student)
Herschel L. Romanyeast genetics1942 Lewis J. Stadler (grad student)
Eugene Otis McLeansoil science1948 C. Edmund Marshall (grad student)
Stanley Arthur BarberPlant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences1949 C. Edmund Marshall (grad student)
Charles Preston Merilan1952 Harry A. Herman (grad student)
Robert Edwin Stewart1953 Samuel Brody (grad student)
Samuel BrodyDairy Husbandry
James C. WangDNA topology1964 John E. Bauman, Jr (grad student)
Patrick John KinlenConductive and Electroactive Polymers19731978 Dennis H. Evans (grad student)
Hans Enequist19801982 Linda L. Randall (research assistant)
J Samuel GodberFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Biochemistry1984 Dennis Theodore Gordon (grad student)
David Clevette19821987 John E. Bauman, Jr (grad student)
Michael Vincent PishkoBiomedical Engineering, Biochemistry1987 Thomas Raphael Marrero (grad student)
Bruce A. McClureBotany Biology, General Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry1989 Thomas Joseph Guilfoyle (post-doc)
Frederick G. HaibachData Science Chemistry19901991 John E. Adams (research assistant)
Jesse S. GreeverUltrafast Spectroscopy19982005 John F. Kauffman (grad student)
Jennine Crane20002006 Linda L. Randall (grad student)
Hilary Roth20022006 Linda L. Randall (grad student)
Joseph B McGee TurnerPhysical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Applied Spectroscopy, Instrumental20052007 Jerry L. Atwood (collaborator), Sheryl Ann Tucker (research scientist)
Radha Kishan MotkuriMetal-organic frameworks, zeolites, mesoporous silica, adsorption, separation, catalysis Chemistry20062008 M. Frederick Hawthorne (post-doc)
Katrina K Kline-Walker Chemistry20052009 Sheryl Ann Tucker (grad student)
M. Sharon Stackmolecular mechanisms of metastasis
David J. HaniganEnvironmental Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering20092011 Thomas E. Clevenger (grad student)
Sanganna Gari Raghu20082013 Linda L. Randall (grad student)
Jessica L Klockowchemistry, molecular imaging, fluorescence, sensors, probes20092014 Timothy E. Glass (grad student)
Thomas Raphael MarreroCapsule Pipeline Research
Carl Cheadle20102014 Linda L. Randall (grad student)
Max Storms Civil & Environmental Engineering20132015 Maria Fidalgo (grad student)
Lasantha A. Wickramasinghe Chemistry20112015 Paul R. Sharp (grad student)
Mirian Jacome-Sosa
Khalid K. AlamRNA, Synthetic Biology, Aptamers Biochemistry Biochemistry20132016 Donald H. Burke (grad student), William R. Folk (grad student)
Jingjing Dai Civil & Environmental Engineering20142017 Maria Fidalgo (grad student)
Haiming Pengwater treatment Civil & Environmental Engineering20162018 Maria Fidalgo (grad student)
Chunfeng Mao20082019 Linda L. Randall (grad student)
Angela Lilly19942020 Linda L. Randall (grad student)
Jesus Daniel LoyaSolid-state chemistry Chemistry20172022 Kristin M Hutchins (grad student)
Hugh Knopp20182023 Linda L. Randall (grad student)
Divya Amin20182023 Linda L. Randall (research scientist)
Yuying Suo20032023 Linda L. Randall (grad student)