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Elias James Corey grad student 1971 Harvard
 (The Alkyllithium Reagents for Organic Synthesis: The Synthesis of Racemic [a]- and [b]-trans-Bergamotene)
Duilio Arigoni post-doc 1973 ETH Zürich


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Stephen L. Buchwald research assistant 1977 Brown
Timothy M. Gregg research assistant 1989 Brown
Matthew H Levine research assistant 1991-1993 Brown
Jae Kyung Sohng grad student
Xun Guo grad student 2010- Brown
Ralph H Lambalot grad student 1989-1994 Brown
Ilgu Kang grad student 2000 Brown
Antonietta M. Lillo grad student 2002 Brown
Hongxiang Lu grad student 2003 Brown
Yifeng Yin grad student 2003 Brown
Brunella Felicetti grad student 2004 Brown
Guangzhi Zhai grad student 2004 Brown
Jerel Banks grad student 2006 Brown
Zheng You grad student 2007 Brown
Weiguo He grad student 2008 Brown
Jiaoyang Jiang grad student 2009 Brown
Chiara Rose Valenzano grad student 2004-2010 Brown
Chieh-Mei (Jamie) Wang grad student 2005-2010 Brown
Ashish Garg post-doc Brown
Dhara D Shah post-doc
Wayne Chou post-doc 2008- Brown
Myung-Ji Seo post-doc 2008- Brown
Young-Ok You post-doc 2008- Brown
Dongqing Zhu post-doc 2008- Brown
Yunfeng Hu post-doc 2009- Brown
Christopher Abell post-doc 1982-1983 Brown
Walter R. Ott post-doc 1986-1988 Brown
Paul Hedley Harrison post-doc 1987-1989 Brown
John S. Oliver post-doc 1988-1991 Brown
Youla Tsantrizos post-doc 1990-1991 Brown
BETA: Related publications


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Xie X, Cane DE. (2018) pH-Rate profiles establish that polyketide synthase dehydratase domains utilize a single-base mechanism. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
Li X, Sevillano N, La Greca F, et al. (2018) Structure-Function Analysis of the Extended Conformation of a Polyketide Synthase Module. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Xie X, Cane DE. (2018) Stereospecific Formation of Z-Trisubstituted Double Bonds by the Successive Action of Ketoreductase and Dehydratase Domains from trans-AT Polyketide Synthases. Biochemistry
Cane D, Penny M, Marini A, et al. (2018) Updating the Competency Profile and Examination Blueprint for Entry-Level Optometry in Canada Canadian Journal of Optometry. 80: 25-34
Blank PN, Harris GG, Chou WKW, et al. (2017) Substitution of Aromatic Residues with Polar Residues in the Active Site Pocket of epi-Isozizaene Synthase Leads to the Generation of New Cyclic Sesquiterpenes. Biochemistry
You YO, Shah DD, Cane DE. (2017) Stereospecific Formation of E- and Z- Disubstituted Double Bonds by Dehydratase Domains from Modules 1 and 2 of the Fostriecin Polyketide Synthase. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Xie X, Garg A, Khosla C, et al. (2017) Elucidation of the Cryptic Methyl Group Epimerase Activity of Dehydratase Domains from Modular Polyketide Synthases Using a Tandem Modules Epimerase Assay. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Xie X, Khosla C, Cane DE. (2017) Elucidation of the Stereospecificity of C-Methyltransferases from trans-AT Polyketide Synthases. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Pemberton TA, Chen M, Harris GG, et al. (2017) Exploring the Influence of Domain Architecture on the Catalytic Function of Diterpene Synthases. Biochemistry
Chou WK, Gould CA, Cane DE. (2017) Incubation of 2-methylisoborneol synthase with the intermediate analog 2-methylneryl diphosphate. The Journal of Antibiotics
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