David A. Carlson, Ph.D. - Publications

2010 Chemistry Duke University, Durham, NC 
biocatalysis/applied enzymology, ligand binding and the activity of water, and the synthesis of novel donors of nitric oxide

14 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2019 Scarneo SA, Hughes PF, Yang KW, Carlson DA, Gurbani D, Westover KD, Haystead TAJ. A highly selective inhibitor of interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinases 1/4 (IRAK-1/4) delineates the distinct signaling roles of IRAK-1/4 and the TAK1 kinase. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. PMID 31914413 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.Ra119.011857  0.747
2019 Liao KC, Sandall CF, Carlson DA, Ulke-Lemée A, Platnich JM, Hughes PF, Muruve DA, Haystead TAJ, MacDonald JA. Application of immobilized ATP to the study of NLRP inflammasomes. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. PMID 30641048 DOI: 10.1016/J.Abb.2018.12.031  0.385
2018 Scarneo SA, Mansourati A, Eibschutz LS, Totzke J, Roques JR, Loiselle D, Carlson D, Hughes P, Haystead TAJ. Genetic and pharmacological validation of TAK1 inhibition in macrophages as a therapeutic strategy to effectively inhibit TNF secretion. Scientific Reports. 8: 17058. PMID 30451876 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-35189-7  0.698
2018 Carlson DA, Singer MR, Sutherland C, Redondo C, Alexander LT, Hughes PF, Knapp S, Gurley SB, Sparks MA, MacDonald JA, Haystead TAJ. Targeting Pim Kinases and DAPK3 to Control Hypertension. Cell Chemical Biology. PMID 30033129 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chembiol.2018.06.006  0.381
2018 Bellaye PS, Shimbori C, Yanagihara T, Carlson DA, Hughes P, Upagupta C, Sato S, Wheildon N, Haystead T, Ask K, Kolb M. Synergistic role of HSP90α and HSP90β to promote myofibroblast persistence in lung fibrosis. The European Respiratory Journal. 51. PMID 29386344 DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00386-2017  0.576
2017 Totzke J, Gurbani D, Raphemot R, Hughes PF, Bodoor K, Carlson DA, Loiselle DR, Bera AK, Eibschutz LS, Perkins MM, Eubanks AL, Campbell PL, Fox DA, Westover KD, Haystead TAJ, et al. Takinib, a Selective TAK1 Inhibitor, Broadens the Therapeutic Efficacy of TNF-α Inhibition for Cancer and Autoimmune Disease. Cell Chemical Biology. 24: 1029-1039.e7. PMID 28820959 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chembiol.2017.07.011  0.718
2016 Alwarawrah Y, Hughes P, Loiselle D, Carlson DA, Darr DB, Jordan JL, Xiong J, Hunter LM, Dubois LG, Thompson JW, Kulkarni MM, Ratcliff AN, Kwiek JJ, Haystead TA. Fasnall, a Selective FASN Inhibitor, Shows Potent Anti-tumor Activity in the MMTV-Neu Model of HER2(+) Breast Cancer. Cell Chemical Biology. PMID 27265747 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chembiol.2016.04.011  0.726
2015 MacDonald JA, Sutherland C, Carlson DA, Bhaidani S, Al-Ghabkari A, Sward K, Haystead TA, Walsh MP. A Small Molecule Pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidinone Inhibitor of Zipper-Interacting Protein Kinase Suppresses Calcium Sensitization of Vascular Smooth Muscle. Molecular Pharmacology. PMID 26464323 DOI: 10.1124/Mol.115.100529  0.645
2014 Howe MK, Bodoor K, Carlson DA, Hughes PF, Alwarawrah Y, Loiselle DR, Jaeger AM, Darr DB, Jordan JL, Hunter LM, Molzberger ET, Gobillot TA, Thiele DJ, Brodsky JL, Spector NL, et al. Identification of an allosteric small-molecule inhibitor selective for the inducible form of heat shock protein 70. Chemistry & Biology. 21: 1648-59. PMID 25500222 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chembiol.2014.10.016  0.746
2013 Carlson DA, Franke AS, Weitzel DH, Speer BL, Hughes PF, Hagerty L, Fortner CN, Veal JM, Barta TE, Zieba BJ, Somlyo AV, Sutherland C, Deng JT, Walsh MP, MacDonald JA, et al. Fluorescence linked enzyme chemoproteomic strategy for discovery of a potent and selective DAPK1 and ZIPK inhibitor. Acs Chemical Biology. 8: 2715-23. PMID 24070067 DOI: 10.1021/Cb400407C  0.7
2013 Bowers CM, Carlson DA, Rivera M, Clark RL, Toone EJ. Effect of compressive force on unbinding specific protein-ligand complexes with force spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 117: 4755-62. PMID 23537272 DOI: 10.1021/Jp309393S  0.706
2012 Bowers CM, Carlson DA, Shestopalov AA, Clark RL, Toone EJ. A general and efficient cantilever functionalization technique for AFM molecular recognition studies. Biopolymers. 97: 761-5. PMID 22806495 DOI: 10.1002/Bip.22061  0.726
2012 Hughes PF, Barrott JJ, Carlson DA, Loiselle DR, Speer BL, Bodoor K, Rund LA, Haystead TA. A highly selective Hsp90 affinity chromatography resin with a cleavable linker. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 20: 3298-305. PMID 22520629 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bmc.2012.03.043  0.697
2010 Rivera M, Morris C, Carlson D, Toone EJ, Cole DG, Clark RL. Minimizing tip-sample contact force in automated atomic force microscope based force spectroscopy Proceedings of the Asme International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2009, Detc2009. 6: 731-736. DOI: 10.1115/DETC2009-87378  0.507
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