Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Thomas P. AdlerComparative Literature, Cinema, Theater, Fine Arts, American Literature, Canadian (English) Literature
Katherine AgathonAsian American Studies, Individual and Family Studies Curriculum and Instruction2011 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Genevieve N. AglazorTeacher Training Education, Multilingual Education, Higher Education Curriculum and Instruction2012 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Amna Al AhbabiMiddle Eastern Literature, Middle Eastern Studies, Middle Eastern History English2014 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Akeel H. Al-KhakaniEnglish Literature, African History, Theory and Methods2002 Geraldine A. Friedman (grad student)
Umme S. Al-wazediEnglish Literature, Women's Studies, Gender Studies English2008 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Dolores Alcaide RamirezCaribbean Literature, Women's Studies2006 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Janet AlsupSecondary Education, Reading Education, Language and Literature Education
Hulda A. AmenyaRhetoric and Composition Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Higher Education2001 Janice M. Lauer (grad student)
Nisreen M. AnatiCurriculum and Instruction Education, Middle Eastern Literature, Cultural Anthropology Curriculum and Instruction2009 Janet Alsup (grad student)
Elizabeth L. AngeliTechnical Communication, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Health Care Management English2012 Richard D. Johnson-Sheehan (grad student)
Manuel Apodaca-ValdezLatin American Literature, Cultural Anthropology, Folklore, Black Studies, Dance2006 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
Dorsey ArmstrongMedieval Literature, English Literature
Ann W. AstellMedieval Literature, English Literature
Tatjana Babic WilliamsComparative Literature, European Studies, Romance Literature Comparative Literature2011 Elena Coda (grad student)
Jennifer A. BackmanEnglish Literature English2011 Margaret M. Rowe (grad student)
Nalda R. BaezLatin American Literature, Modern Literature Foreign Languages and Literatures2008 Dawn F. Stinchcomb (grad student)
Jack R. BakerMedieval Literature, English Literature English2010 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Alison A. BakerMedieval Literature, English Literature2002 Ann W. Astell (grad student)
Andrew J. BallAmerican Literature, Philosophy, General Religion English2012 John N. Duvall (grad student)
Laura L. BeadlingAmerican Studies, American Literature, Cinema2007 Bill Mullen (grad student)
James P. BeasleyRhetoric and Composition Language, Linguistics Language, History of Education, Higher Education2007 David Blakesley (grad student)
Lee BeboutAmerican Studies, Hispanic American Studies American Studies2007 Nancy J. Peterson (grad student)
Maria J. Bello-BravoModern Literature, Romance Literature, Women's Studies Foreign Languages and Literatures2008 Inigo Sanchez-Llama (grad student)
Linda S. BergmannRhetoric and Composition Language, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education
Patrick S. BernardAmerican Literature, Comparative Literature, Modern Literature, Black Studies2001 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Tania BhattacharyyaEnglish Literature English2013 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Samantha BlackmonRhetoric and Composition Language, Technology of Education
Brent M. BlackwellAmerican Literature, Modern Literature2004 John N. Duvall (grad student)
Christopher G. BlakeLinguistics Language, Technology of Education, Language and Literature Education2006 April Ginther (grad student)
David BlakesleyRhetoric and Composition Language, Language and Literature Education, Philosophy of Education
Rosa-Maria Boisset-BrindleRomance Literature, Theater Foreign Languages and Literatures2008 Charles Ganelin (grad student)
Philathia R. BoltonAfrican American Studies, Black Studies, Women's Studies, American Literature, Caribbean Literature American Studies2012 Venetria Patton (grad student)
Marianne BoruchAmerican Literature, Modern Literature
Mark R. BousquetAmerican Studies, American Literature, United States History American Studies2011 Ryan Schneider (grad student)
Tracy A. BrandenburgCultural Anthropology, Latin American Literature, General Language2002 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
Susan J. BritschCurriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education, Elementary Education
H. A. BrizeeRhetoric and Composition Language, Technical Communication, Web Studies, Language and Literature Education English2010 Linda S. Bergmann (grad student)
Thomas BrodenRomance Literature, Philosophy
Kristina BrossAmerican Literature, American Studies
Jason M. BuchananEnglish Literature English2011 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Jeffrey D. BulingtonCurriculum and Instruction Education Curriculum and Instruction2012 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
April M. BurkeEnglish as a Second Language Education, Policy Education, Tests and Measurements Education Curriculum and Instruction2014 April Ginther (grad student)
Edward D. BurtonEuropean History History2007 Melinda Zook (grad student)
Mairead C. ByrneComparative Literature, English Literature, American Literature2001 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Jenniemarie B. CalcamuggioRhetoric and Composition Language English2010 Richard D. Johnson-Sheehan (grad student)
Susanna C. CalkinsEuropean History, Church History2001 Melinda Zook (grad student)
Haiying CaoEnglish as a Second Language Education, Linguistics Language English2014 April Ginther (grad student)
Michael J. CarloLinguistics Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education Foreign Languages and Literatures2008 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Simone CarotiComparative Literature, Modern Literature Comparative Literature2009 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Geoffrey V. CarterRhetoric and Composition Language, Language and Literature Education, Philosophy of Education English2007 David Blakesley (grad student)
Edith C. CassellLinguistics Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education English2007 April Ginther (grad student)
Erin D. ChamberlainEnglish Literature2007 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Krishna P. Charavarthi MadhavanLinguistics Language, Computer Science, Tests and Measurements Education2003 April Ginther (grad student)
Jonikka CharltonRhetoric and Composition Language, Curriculum and Instruction Education2005 Shirley K. Rose (grad student)
Colin CharltonRhetoric and Composition Language2005 David Blakesley (grad student)
Ya-chen ChenAsian Literature, Women's Studies, Comparative Literature2005 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Lixia ChengEnglish as a Second Language Education, Linguistics Language English2014 April Ginther (grad student)
Jessica E. ClementsRhetoric and Composition Language, General Language, Multimedia Communications English2013 Samantha Blackmon (grad student)
Amy L. ClemonsModern Literature, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Cinema, Mass Communications English2010 David Blakesley (grad student)
Cicely D. CobbAmerican Studies, Modern Literature, Black Studies, American Literature2004 Christian Knoeller (grad student)
Melissa A. CoburnRomance Literature, Modern Literature, Comparative Literature2002 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
Elena CodaComparative Literature, European Studies, Romance Literature
Tracy J. CollinsEnglish Literature, Women's Studies2007 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Valentina Conku Languages and Cultures2012 John D. Sundquist (grad student)
Gilmer C. CookModern Literature, African American Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Black Studies English2010 Venetria Patton (grad student)
Danielle A. CordaroHigher Education Administration Education, Language and Literature Education English2010 Linda S. Bergmann (grad student)
Jennifer CourtneyRhetoric and Composition Language2004 Irwin H. Weiser (grad student)
Jeffry P. CramerReading Education, Administration Education Curriculum and Instruction2007 Peggy A. Ertmer (grad student)
Shaun F. D. HughesComparative Literature, English Literature
Melissa J. DarkHigher Education, Business Education, Teacher Training Education2000 Peggy A. Ertmer (grad student)
Suanna H. DavisRhetoric and Composition Language, General Religion, Clergy Religion2000 Janice M. Lauer (grad student)
Lenora C. de la LunaCurriculum and Instruction Education2003 Susan J. Britsch (grad student)
Dorothy DeeringEnglish Literature
Sheryl A. DeMikCurriculum and Instruction Education, Special Education, Administration Education2006 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Aaron DeRosaAmerican Literature English2012 John N. Duvall (grad student)
Slobodanka DimovaLinguistics Language, General Language, Higher Education2005 April Ginther (grad student)
Mark E. DollarEnglish Literature, Modern Literature2000 Margaret M. Rowe (grad student)
Hiromi T. DollaseAsian Literature, Comparative Literature, American Literature, Women's Studies2003 Eiji Sekine (grad student)
Brian T. DonahueAmerican Literature, American Studies, Cinema2000 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Jose dos SantosComparative Literature, American Literature, Latin American Literature2001 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
Dana L. DriscollRhetoric and Composition Language, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education English2009 Linda S. Bergmann (grad student)
John N. DuvallAmerican Literature, African American Studies, Modern Literature, Black Studies
Carole E. EdwardsCaribbean Literature, Women's Studies, Theater2005 Thomas Broden (grad student)
Charles ElsterLanguage and Literature Education, English as a Second Language Education
Hidehiro EndoMultilingual Education, Asian American Studies, English as a Second Language Education Curriculum and Instruction2011 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Anne K. EricksonComparative Literature, English Literature2000 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Peggy A. ErtmerTechnology of Education, Language and Literature Education
Conchita Espino-BravoRomance Literature, Women's Studies2005 Inigo Sanchez-Llama (grad student)
Carol N. Fadda-ConreyAmerican Literature, Ethnic and Racial Studies2006 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Martin J. FashbaughEnglish Literature, Modern Literature English2010 Dino F. Felluga (grad student)
Dino F. FellugaEnglish Literature, Modern Literature
Roberto Ferreira JuniorComparative Literature, Modern Literature, Caribbean Literature, Latin American Literature, Cinema Comparative Literature2011 Shaun Hughes (grad student)
Hilary N. FezzeyEnglish Literature English2008 Geraldine A. Friedman (grad student)
Anne FlemingEnglish Literature English2011 Margaret M. Rowe (grad student)
Catalina-Florina FlorescuComparative Literature, Cinema, Theater, Fine Arts, American Literature, Canadian (English) Literature English2007 Thomas P. Adler (grad student)
David FloryRomance Literature, Women's Studies
Cynthia L. FortnerCinema, Women's Studies, Rhetoric and Composition Language2005 Sandor Goodhart (grad student)
Carlann FoxRhetoric and Composition Language, General2005 Irwin H. Weiser (grad student)
Theron L. FrancisAmerican Literature, American Studies, Comparative Literature English2007 Shaun Hughes (grad student)
Geraldine A. FriedmanEnglish Literature
Makiko FukudaLinguistics Language, Modern Language Foreign Languages and Literatures2009 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Muriel GallegoLinguistics Language, Modern Language Foreign Languages and Literatures2010 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Yolanda Gamboa-TusquetsRomance Literature, Women's Studies2000 Charles Ganelin (grad student)
Charles GanelinRomance Literature, Theater
Jeremy GarciaCurriculum and Instruction Education, Native American Studies, Teacher Training Education Curriculum and Instruction2011 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Bonnie L. GasiorRomance Literature, Latin American Literature, Theater2001 Charles Ganelin (grad student)
Mahmoud M. GewailyLinguistics Language, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Middle Eastern Literature2007 Shaun Hughes (grad student)
Soheila GhaussyComparative Literature, Women's Studies, Cinema, Germanic Literature, Romance Literature, African Literature2001 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Wayne N. GillAmerican Studies, American Literature, United States History, Modern Literature American Studies2012 Christian Knoeller (grad student)
Christopher S. GilliardRhetoric and Composition Language, Black Studies, Recreation2003 Irwin H. Weiser (grad student)
April GintherLinguistics Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education
Massimiliano A. GiorginiComparative Literature, Romance Literature, European History, History of Religion Languages and Cultures2014 Howard Mancing (grad student)
Daryn P. GlassbrookAmerican Literature, American Studies2006 Patrocinio Schweickart (grad student)
Ana M. Gomez-LagunaComparative Literature, Modern Literature, English Literature, Romance Literature, Theater2002 Charles Ganelin (grad student)
Sandor GoodhartAmerican Literature, Jewish Studies
Elliott GornUnited States History, American Studies, American Literature
Mica D. GouldMedieval Literature, English Literature2006 Ann W. Astell (grad student)
Viatchslav GratchevComparative Literature, Romance Literature, Slavic and East European Literature Foreign Languages and Literatures2011 Howard Mancing (grad student)
Sarah GretterGeneral Literature Languages and Cultures2013 Howard Mancing (grad student)
Christian A. GriggsEuropean History History2011 Melinda Zook (grad student)
Vanessa HallAmerican Studies, American Literature, United States History2006 Nancy J. Peteson (grad student)
John N. HerdaRomance Literature Languages and Cultures2012 Inigo Sanchez-Llama (grad student)
Heidi L. Herron-JohnsonRomance Literature2006 Howard Mancing (grad student)
Jamie E. HicknerAmerican Studies, African American Studies, American Literature, Black History, African History, Biography American Studies2011 Bill Mullen (grad student)
Angela HiltonAmerican Studies, American Literature, Ethnic and Racial Studies2005 Nancy J. Peterson (grad student)
John HitzLinguistics Language English English2012 April Ginther (grad student), Elaine J. Francis (grad student)
Ericka A. HoaglandEnglish Literature, Comparative Literature2006 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Todd A. HoffmanAmerican Literature, Philosophy, General2005 John N. Duvall (grad student)
Mingyan HongLinguistics Language, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Language and Literature Education, General Religion English2007 Anthony Silva (grad student)
Delphina Hopkins-GillispieCurriculum and Instruction Education, Teacher Training Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education Curriculum and Instruction2008 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Joy A. HowardAmerican Literature English2011 Kristina Bross (grad student)
Daniel HsiehComparative Literature, Asian Literature, American Literature
Tso-Wei HsiehComparative Literature, American Literature, Asian Literature, Rhetoric and Composition Language2005 Daniel Hsieh (grad student)
Yuwen HsiungAsian Literature, Theater, Comparative Literature Comparative Literature2007 Thomas P. Adler (grad student)
Shaun HughesAmerican Literature, American Studies, Comparative Literature
Elham HusseinComparative Literature, Cinema, Theater, Middle Eastern Literature, American Literature, English Literature, Scandinavian and Icelandic Literature2006 Thomas P. Adler (grad student)
Reiko H. IlelejiLanguage and Literature Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Modern Language Curriculum and Instruction2008 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Katrina L. Imison-MazyAmerican Literature, Modern Literature Curriculum and Instruction2010 Janet Alsup (grad student)
Katsuhiro ItoGeneral Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Foreign Language Education Languages and Cultures2014 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Isabel Jaen PortilloRomance Literature, Cognitive Psychology2006 Howard Mancing (grad student)
Angela M. JaimeCurriculum and Instruction Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Women's Studies, Industrial and Labor Relations2005 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Martina U. JauchComparative Literature, English Literature, American Literature Comparative Literature2010 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Carlos Jerez-FarranRomance Literature, Women's Studies
Daniel K. JerniganEnglish Literature, Theater2001 Thomas P. Adler (grad student)
Kristine E. JohnsonRhetoric and Composition Language, General Religion, Journalism English2009 Irwin H. Weiser (grad student)
Priya M. JohnsonLanguage and Literature Education, Sociology of Education2005 Charles Elster (grad student)
Richard D. Johnson-SheehanRhetoric and Composition Language
Melody C. JonetComparative Literature, Women's Studies, Gender Studies2007 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Chad D. JudkinsGeneral Literature, General History, Public Administration English2013 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Karen A. Kaiser LeeRhetoric and Composition Language, Higher Education, Pedagogy Education English2011 Richard D. Johnson-Sheehan (grad student)
Michael C. KapperRhetoric and Composition Language2004 David Blakesley (grad student)
Erin E. KarperRhetoric and Composition Language2004 David Blakesley (grad student)
Nancy L. KauperEnglish as a Second Language Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Tests and Measurements Education English2012 April Ginther (grad student)
Kevin J. KehrwaldAmerican Literature, Cinema2001 Nancy J. Peterson (grad student)
Nancy K. KernsEnglish Literature, Gender Studies English2008 Clayton D. Lein (grad student)
Erin C. KissickMedieval Literature English2014 Shaun Hughes (grad student)
Christian KnoellerSecondary Education, Reading Education, Language and Literature Education
Zachery W. KoppelmannTechnical Communication, General Engineering, Higher Education English2014 Richard D. Johnson-Sheehan (grad student)
Maria KotsaftisComparative Literature, American Literature, Germanic Literature2000 Anthony J. Tamburri (grad student)
Mark C. KruseElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Philosophy of Science, General Physics Physics Daniela Bortoletto (grad student)
Hollie A. KulagoMultilingual Education, Native American Studies, Administration Education Curriculum and Instruction2011 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Numsiri C. KunakemakornComparative Literature, Latin American Literature, American Literature, Canadian (English) Literature2005 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Andrew J. KunkaEnglish Literature, European History2001 Margaret M. Rowe (grad student)
Jennifer L. KunkaEnglish Literature2002 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Karen KuraltRhetoric and Composition Language2004 Shirley K. Rose (grad student)
Angela M. LaflenAmerican Literature, Canadian (English) Literature, Women's Studies2005 Nancy J. Peterson (grad student)
Carolina LatorreModern Literature, Latin American Literature, American Literature, Hispanic American Studies2004 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Janice M. LauerRhetoric and Composition Language, Modern Literature, English Literature
Pádraig Lawlor History2019 Melinda Zook (grad student)
Alexandra M. LayneRhetoric and Composition Language, Gender Studies, Ethics English2014 Samantha Blackmon (grad student)
Bok-ki LeeEnglish Literature2003 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Yekyung LeeCurriculum and Instruction Education, Technology of Education Curriculum and Instruction2008 Peggy A. Ertmer (grad student)
Clayton D. LeinEnglish Literature
Heidi R. LewisAmerican Studies, Women's Studies, African American Studies, Black Studies American Studies2011 Venetria Patton (grad student)
Maren T. LinettModern Literature, American Literature, English Literature
Nicole C. LivengoodAmerican Literature English2007 Ryan Schneider (grad student)
Kathryn LudwigAmerican Literature, Modern Literature, Comparative Religion English2010 Sandor Goodhart (grad student)
Alexius S. MacklinTechnology of Education, Language and Literature Education Curriculum and Instruction2007 Peggy A. Ertmer (grad student)
Eunice K. MadisonAmerican Literature, Modern Literature2004 G Richard Thomposon (grad student)
Lydia MagrasAmerican Literature English2014 Nancy J. Peterson (grad student)
Kathleen MaloneyEnglish Literature, Asian Literature, Women's Studies2002 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Howard MancingRomance Literature, Theater
Norman D. Marin CalderonLatin American Literature Foreign Languages and Literatures2007 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
Shaylyn B. MarksMultilingual Education, Reading Education, Language and Literature Education Curriculum and Instruction2013 Janet Alsup (grad student)
Mia M. MartiniAmerican Literature, Military Studies English2014 Bill Mullen (grad student)
Yoshiko MatsuuraComparative Literature, Asian Literature Comparative Literature2010 Eiji Sekine (grad student)
Michael R. MauritzenAmerican Literature, Cinema, General Literature English2013 John N. Duvall (grad student)
Jill P. MayAmerican Literature, American Studies, Biography
Holly J. Mc BeeEnglish Literature2007 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Christine B. McDermottModern Literature, English Literature, American Literature2002 Margaret M. Rowe (grad student)
William McInereneyAdministration Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education
Alan T. McKenzieTheater, English Literature
Cristine C. McMartin-MillerEnglish as a Second Language Education, Rhetoric and Composition Language English2012 Anthony Silva (grad student)
Mariselle MelendezLatin American Literature
Maria T. MelgarejoLatin American Literature, American Literature, Comparative Literature2001 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
Ferdi MemeliRomance Literature, Philosophy Foreign Languages and Literatures2007 Thomas Broden (grad student)
Floyd MerrellComparative Literature, Germanic Literature, English Literature
Karen L. MichaelCurriculum and Instruction Education, Language and Literature Education, Elementary Education2002 Susan J. Britsch (grad student)
Holly M. MickelsonAmerican Studies, American Literature2002 Sandor Goodhart (grad student)
Neal E. MiganEnglish Literature, Philosophy of Religion, Theology2004 Clayton D. Lein (grad student)
Liang L. MillerComparative Literature, Asian Literature, Theater History Comparative Literature2011 Sandor Goodhart (grad student)
Steven E. MillsRomance Literature, Cognitive Psychology Foreign Languages and Literatures2011 Howard Mancing (grad student)
Namrata MitraSouth Asian Studies, Modern Literature, Philosophy, Modern History, Asia History, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies, General English2012 Geraldine A. Friedman (grad student)
Elizabeth K. MixComparative Literature, Cinema, Theater, Fine Arts, American Literature, Canadian (English) Literature
Nicholas K. MohlmannAmerican Literature English2014 Kristina Bross (grad student)
Christopher J. MongTechnology of Education, Teacher Training Education, Instructional Design Education Curriculum and Instruction2013 Peggy A. Ertmer (grad student)
Timothy J. MoralesEnglish Literature2001 Margaret M. Rowe (grad student)
Monica P. MoralesLatin American Literature2001 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Yuan-Yu K. MorganForeign Language Education Languages and Cultures2012 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Charles W. MorriseyEnglish Literature2000 Dorothy Deering (grad student)
Megan R. MortonRhetoric and Composition Language, English Literature English2009 Linda S. Bergmann (grad student)
Susan M. MoynihanAmerican Literature, Biography, American Studies, Women's Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies2004 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Bill MullenAmerican Literature, Military Studies
Carlos A. MunozForeign Language Education, Linguistics Language, General Language Foreign Languages and Literatures2011 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Jeanne A. MuzzilloSecondary Education, Reading Education, Language and Literature Education2007 Janet Alsup (grad student)
Yasmin NairComparative Literature, English Literature, Cinema, American Studies, Mass Communications2000 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Kazuaki NakazawaLinguistics Language, Language and Literature Education, Rhetoric and Composition Language2006 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Ryan P. NaughtonMedieval Literature, English Literature English2010 Dorsey Armstrong (grad student)
Colleen A. Neary-SundquistLinguistics Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education Foreign Languages and Literatures2008 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Sol J. NeelyEnglish Literature, Jewish Studies, Native American Studies English2009 Sandor Goodhart (grad student)
Rebecca Nicholson-WeirModern Literature, American Literature, English Literature English2012 Maren T. Linett (grad student)
Song NoLatin American Literature
Aegyung NohEnglish Literature, Romance Literature, Theater2004 Thomas P. Adler (grad student)
Teresa J. NunesComparative Literature, General Comparative Literature2006 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
Thomas H. OhlgrenMedieval Literature, Medieval History, European History
Benjamin G. OrtizLatin American Literature, Modern Literature Languages and Cultures2012 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Monica R. OsborneAmerican Literature, Jewish Studies English2008 Sandor Goodhart (grad student)
Elizabeth R. OsikaTechnology of Education, Administration Education, Higher Education2004 Peggy A. Ertmer (grad student)
Angela P. PachecoDon Quixote, Renaissance, Early modern, medieval, dreams Languages and Cultures20122017 Howard Mancing (grad student)
William J. PalmerEnglish Literature
Hwanhee ParkMedieval Literature English2014 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Kathleen A. ParvinRhetoric and Composition Language2000 Janice M. Lauer (grad student)
Venetria PattonAmerican Studies, American Literature, Ethnic and Racial Studies
Kelly E. PenderRhetoric and Composition Language2005 Janice M. Lauer (grad student)
Nancy J. PetersonAmerican Literature
Nancy J. PetesonAmerican Studies, American Literature, United States History
Christopher R. PetrakosEuropean History History2011 Melinda Zook (grad student)
JoAnn I. PhillionMultilingual Education, Asian American Studies, English as a Second Language Education
Ronald S. PicardAmerican Literature, Modern Literature2003 Nancy J. Peterson (grad student)
Edward A. PloughAmerican Literature, Theater English2011 Thomas P. Adler (grad student)
Casey R. PrattAmerican Literature English2008 Ryan Schneider (grad student)
Joshua D. PrenosilRhetoric and Composition Language, Social Structure and Development English2012 Richard D. Johnson-Sheehan (grad student)
Char PrietoRomance Literature, Women's Studies2000 David Flory (grad student)
Justin K. RademaekersRhetoric and Composition Language, Speech Communication, Pedagogy Education English2014 Richard D. Johnson-Sheehan (grad student)
Shalini RamachandranAsian Literature2003 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Alexis E. RamseyRhetoric and Composition Language, General History English2008 Shirley K. Rose (grad student)
Moh'd A. RawashdehTheater, English Literature2001 Alan T. McKenzie (grad student)
Emily E. RedmanEnglish Literature, Medieval Literature, Germanic Literature English2008 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Morgan ReitmeyerMultimedia Communications, Sciences Education, Technical Communication, Technology of Education English2011 Linda S. Bergmann (grad student)
Karen R. RemediosAsian Literature, Women's Studies English2007 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Steven RigbyTechnology of Education Technology2009 Melissa J. Dark (grad student)
Eloisa M. RodriguezCurriculum and Instruction Education, Latin American Studies, Social Work Curriculum and Instruction2011 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Shirley K. RoseRhetoric and Composition Language, Modern Literature, English Literature
Margaret M. RoweEnglish Literature
Herbert RowlandGermanic Literature
Valerie C. RudolphEnglish Literature, Theater
Tony G. RussellEnglish Literature English2010 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Paul X. RutzArt Criticism, American Literature, Fine Arts, Dance, Cinema English2011 John N. Duvall (grad student)
Maria A. SaenzRomance Literature2004 Howard Mancing (grad student)
Aparajita SagarAsian Literature, Women's Studies
Shogo SakuraiBilingual and Multicultural Education, Cognitive Psychology Languages and Cultures2014 Mariko Wei (grad student)
Karen N. SaltAmerican Studies, Latin American History, Caribbean Studies, United States History American Studies2011 Ryan Schneider (grad student)
Inigo Sanchez-LlamaModern Literature, Romance Literature, Women's Studies
Marc C. SantosRhetoric and Composition Language, Web Studies, Mass Communications English2009 David Blakesley (grad student)
Sibel SayiliComparative Literature, Germanic Literature, English Literature2005 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
Lisette T. SchilligModern Literature, Comparative Literature, Caribbean Literature, American Literature, Women's Studies2003 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Jeffrey L. SchneiderEnglish Literature2003 Geraldine A. Friedman (grad student)
Ryan SchneiderAmerican Literature
Paul R. SchneiderAmerican Studies, American Literature, United States History
Megan SchoenRhetoric and Composition Language, Sub Saharan Africa Studies, Ethnic and Racial Studies English2012 Richard D. Johnson-Sheehan (grad student)
Zachary Schulz History2018 Melinda Zook (grad student)
Patricinio SchweickartComparative Literature, American Literature, Asian Literature, Women's Studies
Patrocinio SchweickartAmerican Literature, American Studies
Kristen J. SeasRhetoric and Composition Language English2008 Irwin H. Weiser (grad student)
Carol G. Sebastian-CurielEnglish Literature2000 Clayton D. Lein (grad student)
Eiji SekineComparative Literature, Asian Literature
Richard SevereMedieval Literature, Gender Studies, Theory and Methods, GLBT Studies English2010 Dorsey Armstrong (grad student)
Carrie L. SheffieldAmerican Literature2005 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Valerie J. ShirleyMultilingual Education, Native American Studies, Pedagogy Education Curriculum and Instruction2011 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Murray B. ShugarsAmerican Literature, Modern Literature2000 Thomas P. Adler (grad student)
Anthony SilvaLinguistics Language, Rhetoric and Composition Language, Language and Literature Education, General Religion
Ann-Marie L. SimmondsMusic, Sociolinguistics English2013 Shaun Hughes (grad student)
Julien SimonRomance Literature, Cognitive Psychology2006 Howard Mancing (grad student)
Louis J. SlimakGeneral Literature, Cognitive Psychology English2012 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Cassander L. SmithAmerican Literature, African American Studies, American Studies English2010 Kristina Bross (grad student)
Jerilyn SmithCurriculum and Instruction Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Teacher Training Education Curriculum and Instruction2008 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Rick A. SnoeyinkTechnology of Education, Teacher Training Education, Elementary Education2000 Peggy A. Ertmer (grad student)
Karen E. SonnelitterEuropean History, English Literature History2011 Melinda Zook (grad student)
Stephany R. SpauldingAmerican Studies, American Literature, Ethnic and Racial Studies English2007 Ryan Schneider (grad student)
Geoffrey StacksAmerican Literature English2011 Nancy J. Peterson (grad student)
Jasmina StarcevicAmerican Literature2005 John N. Duvall (grad student)
Bruno Staszkiewicz Languages and Cultures2016 Lori A. Czerwionka (grad student)
Marcia StephensonLatin American Literature, Women's Studies, Gender Studies, Black Studies
Natalie Stillman-WebbAmerican Literature, Women's Studies2000 Nancy J. Peterson (grad student)
Dawn F. StinchcombLatin American Literature, Modern Literature
David R. StithReading Education, Secondary Education2005 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
James M. Stratton Languages and Cultures2015 John D. Sundquist (grad student)
Marianne SzlykEnglish Literature, Theater2004 Valerie C. Rudolph (grad student)
Anthony J. TamburriComparative Literature, American Literature, Germanic Literature
Lucero Tenorio-GavinLatin American Literature, Women's Studies, Modern Literature, Caribbean Literature2001 Floyd Merrell (grad student)
G Richard ThomposonAmerican Literature, Modern Literature
Courtney L. ThompsonAmerican Literature, African American Studies, Women's Studies, Black History American Studies2011 Venetria Patton (grad student)
Shauna A. Thompson BighamAmerican Literature, American Studies, Biography2001 Jill P. May (grad student)
Jeremy W. TirrellRhetoric and Composition Language, Geography, Mass Communications English2009 David Blakesley (grad student)
Leon L. TitcheGermanic Literature
Francis TobienneMedieval Literature, Philosophy, General Religion English2013 Shaun F. D. Hughes (grad student)
Olha TsarykovskaLanguage and Literature Education, English as a Second Language Education Curriculum and Instruction2011 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Chao-Mei TuComparative Literature, American Literature, Asian Literature, Women's Studies English2008 Patricinio Schweickart (grad student)
Tammy A. Turner-VorbeckCurriculum and Instruction Education, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Sociology of Education2004 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Shigetake UshigusaLinguistics Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Behavioral Psychology English2008 April Ginther (grad student)
Aida ValenzuelaModern Literature, Hispanic American Studies, American Literature, Latin American Literature Languages and Cultures2012 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Ana P. Velez-RendonLatin American Literature Foreign Languages and Literatures2008 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Jodi L. WagnerEnglish Literature English2008 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Mary L. WebeckCurriculum and Instruction Education, Special Education, Social Sciences Education, Art Education2001 Jill P. May (grad student)
Mariko WeiLinguistics Language, Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education
Kory G. WeinRhetoric and Composition Language, Modern Literature, English Literature, Romance Literature, Slavic and East European Literature, History of Science2005 William J. Palmer (grad student)
Jaclyn M. WellsRhetoric and Composition Language, Adult and Continuing Education, Technology of Education, Language and Literature Education English2010 Linda S. Bergmann (grad student)
Gabriel WettachCinema2002 Aparajita Sagar (grad student)
Barbara M. WhiteheadRhetoric and Composition Language, Modern Literature, English Literature English2007 Shirley K. Rose (grad student)
Martin J. WhiteheadAmerican Literature English2012 John N. Duvall (grad student)
Michael P. WhitmanCurriculum and Instruction Education2004 JoAnn I. Phillion (grad student)
Jessica F. WoodruffRhetoric and Composition Language, Curriculum and Instruction Education English2009 Shirley K. Rose (grad student)
Shaojing WuComparative Literature, Asian Literature Comparative Literature2010 Shaun Hughes (grad student)
Dongmei XuComparative Literature, English Literature, Asian Literature Comparative Literature2008 Shaun Hughes (grad student)
Boris Yelin Languages and Cultures20132018 Lori A. Czerwionka (grad student)
Cynthia S. YorkInstructional Design Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education Curriculum and Instruction2010 Peggy A. Ertmer (grad student)
Socorro ZaragozaLatin American Literature, Women's Studies, Gender Studies, Black Studies Foreign Languages and Literatures2008 Marcia Stephenson (grad student)
Melinda ZookEuropean History, English Literature