Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Saul S. Abarbanelapplied mathematics1959 Leon Trilling (grad student)
Mark J. AblowitzMathematics, Physical Oceanography1971 David John Benney (grad student)
Eric BabsonMathematics1994 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Walter Toshihide Baily Economics1995 Andrew W. Lo (grad student)
Bhavik R. BakshiChemical Engineering, System Science Engineering, Statistics1992 George Stephanopoulos (grad student)
Ziv Bar-JosephComputer Science, Bioinformatics Biology, Statistics Computer Science Tommi S. Jaakkola (grad student)
Mauricio Barahonanetworks, data science, biomaths & comp bio, stochastic processes, applied dynamical systems Physics Physics Physics1996 Steven Henry Strogatz (grad student), Mehran Kardar (grad student), Terry Philip Orlando (grad student)
Roya BeheshtiMathematics, Applied Mathematics2003 Aise Johan de Jong (grad student)
Steven Robert Bell1980 Norberto Luis Maria Kerzman (grad student)
David John Benney1959 Chia-Chiao Lin (grad student)
Antony N. BerisChemical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma Physics, Mathematics Chemical Engineering Robert C. Armstrong (grad student)
Elwyn R. BerlekampCombinatorial game theory, Algebraic coding theory, Electrical engineering, Computer science1964 Robert G. Gallager (grad student)
Dimitris BertsimasOptimization, Applied Probability, Statistics, Health Care, Transportation, Finance1988 Daniel J. Kleitman (grad student), Amedeo R. Odoni (grad student)
Sandeep N. Bhatt EECS1984 Charles Eric Leiserson (grad student)
Hoda Bidkhori20122015 Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc)
Stephen L. Bloom Mathematics Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Harold BoasMathematics Mathematics1980 Norberto Luis Maria Kerzman (grad student)
Richard D. BraatzGeneral Engineering, Statistics
Tom Braden1995 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Elizabeth BradleyApplied Mathematics, Computer Science1992 Harold Abelson (grad student), Gerald Jay Sussman (grad student)
Fred Guenther Brauer1956 Norman Levinson (grad student)
Christopher S. BrethertonApplied Mathematics, Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Change1985 Kerry A. Emanuel (grad student)
Edgar Henry BrownMathematics, Applied Mathematics, Theoretical Mathematics1954 George William Whitehead (grad student)
Amy S. BruckmanComputer Science, Mathematics Education MIT Media Laboratory1997 Glorianna Davenport (grad student), Mitchel Resnick (grad student)
Heinrich H. BuelthoffPsychophysics, Cognition, Computer Vision, Robotics Tomaso A. Poggio (post-doc)
Natasha Busheva2003 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
K Bingham Cady1962 Melville Clark (grad student)
K. Mani ChandyComputer Science, Statistics1969 Jeremy F. Shapiro (grad student)
Zhihang Chi1994 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Thalia Chryssikou1998 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Nathaniel Coburn1934 Dirk Jan Struik (grad student)
Irvin S. CohenMathematics
Charles Cameron Conley1962 Jürgen Kurt Moser (grad student)
Christopher I. Connollymotor planning,robotics,computer vision,basal ganglia,learning19941995 Ann M. Graybiel (post-doc), Michael I. Jordan (post-doc)
C Allin CornellEarthquake Engineering, Civil Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering, Statistics
Lenore CowenMathematics1993 Daniel J. Kleitman (grad student)
Raissa M. D'SouzaApplied Mathematics1999 Norman H. Margolus (grad student), Mehran Kardar (grad student)
Munther Abdullah Dahleh
Sidney Darlingtoncircuit theory1929 Ernst Adolph Guillemin (research assistant)
Sanmay DasMachine Learning20012006 Tomaso A. Poggio (grad student)
Glorianna Davenport
Sanne de Boer2003 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh1926 Vannevar Bush (grad student)
Ramazan Demir2000 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Mo DengApplied Mathematics, Bioinformatics Biology George Barbastathis (grad student)
Paul Madden DeRusso1958 F. William Nesline (grad student)
Phoebus J. DhrymesGeneral Economics, Finance, Statistics Economics1961 Evsey David Domar (grad student)
Robert E. DickinsonAtmospheric Science Physics, Statistics1966 Victor P. Starr (grad student)
Richard M. DudleyMathematics
Harry Dym1965 Henry P. McKean (grad student)
Wiktor EckhausApplied mathematics1959 Leon Trilling (grad student)
Heinrich Arnold Ernst1962 Claude Elwood Shannon (grad student)
Theodoros Evgenioudata mining, business intelligence, online market research Tomaso A. Poggio (grad student)
Tony Ezzatspeech processing, auditory neuroscience, computer vision, computer graphics, machine learning Tomaso A. Poggio (research scientist)
Raffaele Ferrari
Patrick C. Fischer1962 Hartley Rogers, Jr. (grad student)
Aaron Fleisher1950 Victor P. Starr (grad student)
Benoit ForgetComputational Nuclear Engineering
Jacob Fox
Baylor Fox-KemperPhysical Oceanography, Climate, Turbulence Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences20052007 Raffaele Ferrari (research scientist)
Jeffrey A. FrankelGeneral Economics, Finance, Labor Economics economics1978 Rudiger Dornbusch (grad student)
William T. FreemanComputer vision1992 Edward H. Adelson (grad student)
Steven Freeman1926 Frederick Samuel Dellenbaugh (grad student)
Bert FristedtMathematics1963 Henry P. McKean (grad student)
David Gamarnik1997 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Carl L GardnerApplied Mathematics, Neuroscience Biology, Cell Biology1981 Alan H. Guth (grad student)
Abe Markham Gelbart1940 Norbert Wiener (grad student)
Stuart GemanMathematics1977 Herman Chernoff (grad student)
Angelos Georghiou20122013 Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc)
Georg Gerber David K. Gifford (grad student)
Michael GilesScientific Computing 1985 William Tilton Thompkins, Jr. (grad student)
James G Glimm
Wayne GoddardMathematics1992 Daniel J. Kleitman (grad student)
Michel Goemans1990 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Andrew V. Goldberg EECS1987 Charles Eric Leiserson (grad student)
John A. Goldsmith19721976 Morris Halle (grad student), Noam Chomsky (grad student), John Robert Ross (grad student), Paul V. Kiparsky (grad student)
Daniel GottliebEconomics
Vineet Goyal20082010 Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc)
Ronald I. Greenberg EECS1989 Charles Eric Leiserson (grad student)
Jerrold R. GriggsMathematics1977 Daniel J. Kleitman (grad student)
Mircea GrigoriuMathematics, Statistics, Aerospace Engineering1976 Daniele Veneziano (grad student)
Paul E. GunnellsMathematics1994 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Christoforos N. HadjicostisElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics1999 George C. Verghese (grad student)
William W. HagerMathematics1974 Sanjoy K. Mitter (grad student)
Marjorie G. HahnMathematics, Statistics1975 Richard M. Dudley (grad student)
Carolyn Haibt-Norton1993 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Mark D. HaimanAlgebra, combinatorics, and algebraic geometry1984 Gian-Carlo Rota (grad student)
Christian B. HansenGeneral Economics, Statistics2004 Whitney Newey (grad student), Victor V. Chernozhukov (grad student)
Tatsunori Hashimoto David K. Gifford (grad student), Tommi S. Jaakkola (grad student)
Yang-Hui HeMathematics, Mathematical Physics Physics19972002 Amihay Hanany (grad student)
Gustav Hensel Math Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
C Ward HensonMathematics Math1967 Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Marc A. HesseGeological fluid mechanics, Porous Media, Planetary Science
Carl Hewitt Mathematics1971 Seymour Papert (grad student)
Fred HickernellMathematics, Applied Mathematics, Statistics1981 Louis Norberg Howard (grad student)
Frank Lauren Hitchcock
Harold T. HodesPhilosophy, Mathematics Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Kenneth Myron Hoffman
Geoffroy Horel Haynes Miller (grad student)
Berthold K. P. HornComputer vision Marvin L. Minsky (grad student)
Louis Norberg Howardfluid mechanics
Robert M. Howereal-time simulation, as well as flight dynamics and control1950 Wayne Buckles Nottingham (grad student)
Leon Hsu1999 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Thomas S. HuangElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics1963 William F. Schreiber (grad student)
Alexander IhlerComputer Science, Statistics2005 Alan S. Willsky (grad student)
Charles IsbellComputer Science, Statistics Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1998 Paul A Viola (grad student), Rodney Allen Brooks (grad student)
David Isles Math1964 Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Irwin Mark Jacobselectrical engineering1959 Edward Arthurs (grad student), Yuk-Wing Lee (grad student)
Patrick JailletManagement Business Administration, Finance, Mathematics1985 Amedeo R. Odoni (grad student)
James P. JarvisMathematics1975 Richard Charles Larson (grad student)
David L. JohnsonDifferental Geometry Mathematics19731977 Isadore M. Singer (grad student)
Millard W Johnson1957 Eric Reissner (grad student)
Michael I. Jordanmachine learning, statistics
Kenneth Kahn Carl Hewitt (grad student)
Eugenia KalnayMeteorology, Atmospheric Sciences, Numerical Weather Prediction, Data Assimilation, Population and Climate Change1971 Jule G. Charney (grad student)
George Em KarniadakisFluid and Plasma Physics, Mathematics1987 Anthony T. Patera (grad student), Borivoje B. Mikic (grad student)
Kiran S. KedlayaMathematics2000 Aise Johan de Jong (grad student)
Robert KeenerStatistics1979 Herman Chernoff (grad student)
Jon KleinbergApplied Mathematics, Computer Science, Theory and Methods1996 Michel Goemans (grad student)
Daniel J. Kleitmandiscrete mathematics
James K Knowles Mathematics1957 Eric Reissner (grad student)
Konrad P. KordingMotor Control, Bayesian statistics, Normative models20042006 Joshua Tenenbaum (post-doc)
Bertram Kostant
Sergio KostekFluid Mechanics, Nonlinear Waves, Computational Physics Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences19891992 M. Nafi Toksöz (grad student)
Konstantin KrismerMachine learning, bioinformatics, computational biology Biological Engineering20162021 David K. Gifford (grad student)
Sanat K. KumarGeneral Biophysics, Chemical Engineering, Statistics1987 Ulrich W. Suter (grad student), Robert C. Reid (grad student)
Andrew LawriePartial differential equations, Harmonic Analysis.
Nai-Chung C. LeungGeometry1993 Isadore M. Singer (grad student), Shing-tung Yau (grad student)
Norman Levinsondifferential and integral equations, harmonic, complex and stochastic analysis, analytic number theory1935 Norbert Wiener (grad student)
Max LieblichMathematics, Applied Mathematics2004 Aise Johan de Jong (grad student)
Andrew W. Lo
Warren Simms Loudnonlinear ordinary differential equations1946 Norman Levinson (grad student)
R Duncan Lucemathematics, psychology1950 Irvin S. Cohen (grad student)
Joan Lukas Math1967 Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Andrew Luo1995 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Christopher Maes20092011 Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc)
F. Miller Maley EECS1987 Charles Eric Leiserson (grad student)
Charles F. ManskiGeneral Economics, Statistics Economics1973 Franklin M. Fisher (grad student)
Yoky MatsuokaNeurobotics Emilio Bizzi (grad student), Rodney Allen Brooks (grad student)
Rahul Mazumder20122013 Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc)
Adam Mersereau2003 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Achille MessacMechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Statistics Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering1986 John Dugundji (grad student)
Haynes Miller
René H. MillerAerospace engineering
Joe Millner1995 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Marvin L. Minskyartificial intelligence, human mind
Fernando R. Miralles-WilhelmGeodesy, Civil Engineering, Statistics1993 Lynn W. Gelhar (grad student)
Victor MizelMathematics1955 Norman Levinson (grad student)
David Carl MohrigGeology, Geomorphology, Applied Mathematics
Leonel MorgadoComputer Science; Educational Technology; Software Engineering Education Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science1979 Kenneth Kahn (grad student)
Jürgen Kurt Moserdynamical systems, celestial mechanics, partial differential equations, nonlinear functional analysis, differential and complex geometry, and the calculus of variations
Georgia Mourtzinou1995 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Sayan MukherjeeComputational biology , statistical learning , Laplacian statistics2001 Tomaso A. Poggio (grad student)
Maruti Ram Pedaprolu MurtyMathematics, Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms, Sieve Theory1980 Harold M. Stark (grad student), Dorian Goldfeld (grad student)
Daisuke Nakazato1990 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Ebrahim Nasrabadi20102013 Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc)
F. William Nesline
Jose Nino-Mora1995 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Partha Niyogiartificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, computational study of human speech and language1995 Tomaso A. Poggio (grad student)
John A. Nohel1953 Norman Levinson (grad student)
Paul A. O'GormanFluid and Plasma Physics
Amedeo R. Odoni1969 Robert W. Simpson (grad student)
Brian OssermanMathematics2004 Aise Johan de Jong (grad student)
Rafail Ostrovskytheory of computation; cryptography and security; distributed algorithms; high-dimensional search; routing and flow control in communication networks1992 Silvio Micali (grad student)
Asuman Ozdaglar
Zachary Adam OzerComputer Science
Dessi Pachamanova2002 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Seymour Papertartificial intelligence
Pablo A. Parrilo
Ioannis C. PaschalidisElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Health Care Management, Statistics1996 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student), John Nikolaos Tsitsiklis (grad student)
Neil D. Pearsonasset pricing, investments, derivatives, risk management1990 John Carrington Cox (grad student)
Michael Peterson1992 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Cynthia A. Phillips EECS1989 Charles Eric Leiserson (grad student)
Ron Yair Pinter1982 Charles Eric Leiserson (grad student)
Tomaso A. PoggioComputation20022006 David Marr (research scientist), Chou P. Hung (collaborator), David J. Freedman (collaborator), Dirk B. Walther (collaborator)
Luis RademacherTheoretical computer science, Data science, Matrix computations, Machine learning, Convex geometry. Mathematics2007 Santosh Vempala (grad student)
Ramesh RaskarComputational Photography
Patricia B. ReaganLabor Economics, Public Health, Hispanic American Studies, Biostatistics Biology Economics1980 Martin L. Weitzman (grad student)
Matthew J. RealffChemical Engineering, Statistics1992 George Stephanopoulos (grad student)
Eric Reissnermechanics of plates, shells, and beams, of the dynamics of structures, and of the theory of elasticity, as well as advancing knowledge of turbulence, aerodynamics, and wing theory1938 Dirk Jan Struik (grad student)
John L. RhodesAlgebra, Semigroups, Automata Mathematics1962 Warren Arthur Ambrose (grad student)
Michael Ricard1995 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Robert Davis Richtmyer1935 John Clarke Slater (grad student)
David Michael Ritchie Park1964 Hartley Rogers, Jr. (grad student)
Hartley Rogers, Jr.
Lorenzo RosascoComputation, Machine learning, Statistical learning theory, problem of learning from small samples of high dimensional data Tomaso A. Poggio (post-doc)
Gian-Carlo RotaMathematics1956 Jacob T. Schwartz (grad student)
Thomas J. RothenbergFinance, Statistics economics1966 Franklin M. Fisher (grad student)
Sushmita RoyComputer Science, Bioinformatics Biology Manolis Kellis (post-doc)
Paul A. RuudTheory Economics, Statistics1981 Jerry A. Hausman (grad student)
Michael E. SaksMathematics1980 Daniel J. Kleitman (grad student)
Venkatesh SaligramaElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics1997 Munther Abdullah Dahleh (grad student)
Muhammed O SayinControl Theory, Game Theory, Learning Theory Electrical Engineering and Computer Science20192021 Asuman Ozdaglar (post-doc)
Ronald W. SchaferDigital Signal Processing1968 Alan Victor Oppenheim (grad student)
William F. Schreiber
Irving E. Segalquantum mechanics
David Williamson Shaffer Seymour Papert (grad student)
Claude Elwood Shannon(Bell Laboratories) communications theory, information theory, code breaking19361940 Frank Lauren Hitchcock (grad student)
Romy Shioda2003 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
William L. SiegmannMathematics1968 Louis Norberg Howard (grad student)
Robert W. Simpson1964 René H. Miller (grad student)
Adam H. SobelClimate Change, Atmospheric Sciences Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences1998 R. Alan Plumb (grad student)
Daniel Spielman Michael Sipser (grad student)
Julien Clinton SprottGeneral Physics, Mathematics1964 Alan Jay Lazarus (research assistant)
Nathan SrebroStatistics2004 Tommi S. Jaakkola (grad student)
Sarah Stock1997 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Walter StraussPartial Differential Equations1962 Irving E. Segal (grad student)
Dirk Jan Struik
Ivan Edward Sutherland1963 Claude Elwood Shannon (grad student)
William Robert Sutherland1966 Claude Elwood Shannon (grad student)
Chung-Piaw Teo1996 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
William Tilton Thompkins, Jr.1976 Jack L. Kerrebrock (grad student)
Paul TsengMathematics1986 Dimitri Panteli Bertsekas (grad student)
Kleovoulos TsouridesVison, computational Vision Deb Roy (grad student), Pawan Sinha (grad student), Ramesh Raskar (grad student)
Garrett J. van RyzinGeneral Business Administration, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics, Sports Management Business Administration1991 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Kurt VanLehnComputer Science, Cognitive Psychology, Mathematics Education1983 Harold Abelson (grad student)
Phebe Vayanos20122015 Dimitris Bertsimas (post-doc)
Peter Vranas1992 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Lawrence Julian Wallen1967 Isadore M. Singer (grad student), Kenneth Myron Hoffman (grad student)
Henry Wallman
Niels WarburtonGravitational waves, black hole binaries MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research20142016 Scott Alexander Hughes (post-doc)
Lawrence M. WeinOperations Research, Mathematics
Douglas B. WestMathematics1978 Daniel J. Kleitman (grad student)
Norbert Wiener
Steven R. WintersteinCivil Engineering, Marine and Ocean Engineering, Statistics Civil Engineering19801984 C Allin Cornell (grad student)
Robert J. WoodhamComputer vision, photometric stereo Berthold K. P. Horn (grad student)
John Woods1970 Thomas S. Huang (grad student)
Haiping Xu1994 Dimitris Bertsimas (grad student)
Teppei Yamamotopolitical method
Charles YangLanguage acquisition, language change, computational linguistics, general linguistics Linguistics Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Noam Chomsky (grad student), Robert C Berwick (grad student)
Zhiwei YunRepresentation Theory; Number Theory; Algebraic Geometry; the Langlands program