Carol Sansone, Ph.D.

Psychology University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Intrinsic Motivation
"Carol Sansone"
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Jessi L. Smith grad student 1997-2002 University of Utah
Dustin B Thoman grad student 2002-2008 University of Utah
Arin You grad student 2010-2017 University of Utah (Neurotree)
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Thoman DB, Lee GA, Zambrano J, et al. (2019) Social influences of interest: Conceptualizing group differences in education through a self-regulation of motivation model Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. 22: 330-355
Thoman DB, Sansone C, Robinson JA, et al. (2019) Implicit theories of interest regulation. Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation
Thoman DB, Sansone C. (2016) Gender bias triggers diverging science interests between women and men: The role of activity interest appraisals Motivation and Emotion. 40: 464-477
Sansone C, Smith JL, Thoman DB, et al. (2012) Regulating interest when learning online: Potential motivation and performance trade-offs Internet and Higher Education. 15: 141-149
Thoman DB, Sansone C, Fraughton T, et al. (2012) How students socially evaluate interest: Peer responsiveness influences evaluation and maintenance of interest Contemporary Educational Psychology. 37: 254-265
Sansone C, Fraughton T, Zachary JL, et al. (2011) Self-regulation of motivation when learning online: The importance of who, why and how Educational Technology Research and Development. 59: 199-212
Sansone C, Thoman DB, Smith JL. (2010) Interest and Self-Regulation: Understanding Individual Variability in Choices, Efforts, and Persistence Over Time Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation. 192-217
Werner CM, Sansone C, Brown BB. (2008) Guided group discussion and attitude change: The roles of normative and informational influence Journal of Environmental Psychology. 28: 27-41
Smith JL, Sansone C, White PH. (2007) The stereotyped task engagement process: The role of interest and achievement motivation Journal of Educational Psychology. 99: 99-114
Thoman DB, Sansone C, Pasupathi M. (2007) Talking about interest: Exploring the role of social interaction for regulating motivation and the interest experience Journal of Happiness Studies. 8: 335-370
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