Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., Ph.D.

1951-1965 Biochemistry Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United States 
 1965- Biochemistry University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
enzyme reaction mechanisms
"Daniel Koshland"

(1920 - 2007)

Mean distance: 6.66 (cluster 17)


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Wendell Mitchell Latimer research assistant 1941 UC Berkeley
Glenn T. Seaborg research assistant 1946 Oak Ridge
 (Manhattan Project)
Frank H. Westheimer grad student 1949 Chicago
 (Fermentation of glucose-1-C14)
Paul D. Bartlett post-doc 1950 Harvard
Fritz Albert Lipmann post-doc 1951 Harvard


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Merrill Hille grad student Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Pam Middleton grad student UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
David A. Sanders grad student (Cell & Gene Therapy Tree)
James E. Haber grad student 1969 UC Berkeley
Robert M. Bell grad student 1970 UC Berkeley
Daniel R. Storm grad student 1971 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Dana W. Aswad grad student 1974 UC Berkeley
John L. Spudich grad student 1976 UC Berkeley
Wayne Springer grad student 1977 UC Berkeley
Anthony L. DeFranco grad student 1979 UC Berkeley (Cell Biology Tree)
Jean Y. J. Wang grad student 1976-1980 UC Berkeley (Cell Biology Tree)
Dennis Clegg grad student 1984 UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Kenneth Walsh grad student 1984 UC Berkeley
Ann M. Stock grad student 1980-1986 UC Berkeley
Constance J. Jeffery grad student 1992 UC Berkeley (Cell Biology Tree)
Xiaomin Chen grad student 1995 UC Berkeley
Bruce Elliot Cohen grad student 1996 UC Berkeley
Alexandra C. Newton post-doc UC Berkeley
Karen M. Ottemann post-doc (Microtree)
Jane H. Park post-doc Brookhaven National Lab
Henry Weiner post-doc Brookhaven National Lab
R. Suzanne Zukin post-doc UC Berkeley (Neurotree)
Ralph G. Yount post-doc 1960 Brookhaven National Lab
Athel Cornish-Bowden post-doc 1967-1970 UC Berkeley
G. Marc Loudon post-doc 1968-1970 UC Berkeley
Frederick W. Dahlquist post-doc 1969-1971 UC Berkeley
Robert M. Macnab post-doc 1973 UC Berkeley
Larry D. Byers post-doc 1972-1975 UC Berkeley
Steven G. Clarke post-doc 1978 UC Berkeley
Barry L. Taylor post-doc 1974-1979 UC Berkeley
Sharon Muldoon Panasenko post-doc 1977-1979 UC Berkeley
Jeffry B. Stock post-doc 1977-1979 UC Berkeley
Sherry Lynn Mowbray post-doc 1983-1987 UC Berkeley
Robert M. Weis post-doc 1984-1987 UC Berkeley
Joseph J. Falke post-doc 1985-1987 UC Berkeley
Andrew D. Mesecar post-doc 1995-1998 UC Berkeley
Evette S. Radisky post-doc 2002-2006 UC Berkeley
Alfred G. Redfield research scientist 1970-1972 UC Berkeley
BETA: Related publications


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Radisky ES, Lee JM, Lu CJ, et al. (2006) Insights into the serine protease mechanism from atomic resolution structures of trypsin reaction intermediates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103: 6835-40
Radisky ES, Lu CJ, Kwan G, et al. (2005) Role of the intramolecular hydrogen bond network in the inhibitory power of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2. Biochemistry. 44: 6823-30
Radisky ES, Kwan G, Karen Lu CJ, et al. (2004) Binding, proteolytic, and crystallographic analyses of mutations at the protease-inhibitor interface of the subtilisin BPN'/chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 complex. Biochemistry. 43: 13648-56
Radisky ES, King DS, Kwan G, et al. (2003) The role of the protein core in the inhibitory power of the classic serine protease inhibitor, chymotrypsin inhibitor 2. Biochemistry. 42: 6484-92
Koshland DE, Hamadani K. (2002) Proteomics and models for enzyme cooperativity Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: 46841-46844
Radisky ES, Koshland DE. (2002) A clogged gutter mechanism for protease inhibitors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99: 10316-21
Doyle SA, Beernink PT, Koshland DE. (2001) Structural basis for a change in substrate specificity: Crystal structure of S113E isocitrate dehydrogenase in a complex with isopropylmalate, Mg2+, and NADP Biochemistry. 40: 4234-4241
Doyle SA, Fung SYF, Koshland DE. (2000) Redesigning the substrate specificity of an enzyme: Isocitrate dehydrogenase Biochemistry. 39: 14348-14355
Mesecar AD, Koshland DE. (2000) Sites of binding and orientation in a four-location model for protein stereospecificity. Iubmb Life. 49: 457-66
Mesecar AD, Koshland DE. (2000) A new model for protein stereospecificity. Nature. 403: 614-5
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