Cluster #13 (Go to map): Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Stuart A. Rice (Info) Chicago Physical chemistry, thermodynamics slehky 2006‑10‑17
Mark Ptashne (Info) Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Cell Signaling; Gene Regulation; Stem Cell Biology Dietrich 2008‑04‑17
William C. Galley (Info) McGill phosphorescence of proteins in solution gmarsat 2011‑01‑17
Sarah Delaney (Info) Brown biological consequences of DNA damage kathrynrose 2009‑07‑29
Laurel O. Sillerud (Info) Univ. of New Mexico magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging david 2005‑01‑21
Joseph J. Loparo (Info) Harvard Medical School optical spectroscopy to probe the dynamics of molecules tom thach 2007‑06‑19
Cornelis MacLean (Info) VU Amsterdam magnetic resonance saygin 2009‑10‑25
Armin Dale Kaiser (Info) Stanford Microbial Molecular Genetics pinacrespo 2006‑09‑28
Rachel W. Martin (Info) UC Irvine solid-state NMR NicolaCorbett 2011‑06‑13
Henk M. Buck (Info) Leiden, Eindhoven University of Technology physical organic chemistry asifg 2006‑06‑24
Geerten W. Vuister (Info) Nijmegen, Leicester Protein Biophysics jdesouza 2006‑07‑24
Peter Hemmerich (Info) University of Basel flavoproteins Meister 2005‑11‑15
Armin Tschermak-Seysenegg (Info) German University in Prague physiology of the nervous system jandh 2009‑07‑08
Daniel S. Fisher (Info) Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, Bell Labs statistical physics; theoretical evolutionary biology ilafiete 2006‑09‑13
Ilya Mark Nemenman (Info) Emory theoretical biophysics nemenman 2007‑11‑27
Hendrik van As (Info) Wageningen University david 2005‑01‑27
Felix W. Wehrli (Info) Penn Structural NMR Imaging jmbower101 2008‑11‑15
Arthur Robinson (Info) University of Colorado, Denver Cytogenetics 12357 2010‑01‑12
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