People with institution matching "LMU Munich": Advanced Search
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Lea-Adriana Barlang (née (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2022‑09‑20
Joachim Axhausen (Info) LMU Munich fluorine 2021‑06‑16
Johannes Bader (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2021‑07‑05
Domizia Baldassi (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2021‑05‑28
Wolfgang Beck (Info) LMU Munich Recep 2012‑01‑30
Theodor Bücher (Info) Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Zellphysiologie, Berlin-Dahlem, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Universität Marburg, LMU Munich, Germany Michael Kiebler 2007‑09‑25
Thomas Carell (Info) Universität Marburg, Universität München sudhakar.gaikwad 2018‑08‑12
Siyu Chen (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2024‑01‑17
Guido H. Clever (Info) University of Tokyo, Universität Göttingen, TU Dortmund University supramolecular chemistry, coordination cages, DNA G-quadruplexes, self-assembly, self-sorting, bioinorganic chemistry, host-guest chemistry, photoswitches, photochemistry, chromophores wukai513 2018‑12‑27
Thorben Cordes (Info) LMU Munich connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑02
Bettina Gabold (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2024‑01‑17
Nikolai Gaponik (Info) TU Dresden connectingresearchers 2020‑12‑09
Leon Ghosez (Info) Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie total synthesis, synthetic methods, electrophilic catalysis, serine proteases, medicinal chemistry maulide 2013‑10‑24
Ilaria Giussani (Info) LMU Munich theJCS 2025‑01‑12
Nadine Goetz (Info) LMU Munich fluorine 2021‑06‑16
Natascha Hartl (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2022‑09‑20
He Huang (Info) LMU Munich Nanomaterial he.huang 2018‑07‑05
Robert Huber (Info) University of Lübeck connectingresearchers 2020‑06‑02
Ivan Huc (Info) European Institute for Chemistry and Biology, LMU Munich sudhakar.gaikwad 2018‑08‑11
Cedric Hugelshofer (Info) LMU Munich mommystarr 2017‑09‑06
Rolf Huisgen (Info) University of Munich physical organic chemistry jandh 2011‑12‑30
Lorenz Isert (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2024‑01‑17
Yao Jin (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2022‑09‑20
Rima Kandil (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2019‑11‑08
Tobias Keil (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2020‑07‑30
Martin Kerschensteiner (Info) LMU Munich, Germany inikic 2020‑01‑23
David B. Konrad (Info) LMU Munich Drug Development, Chemoproteomics, Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Chemical Methodology, Natural Product Synthesis, Photopharmacology dbkonrad 2018‑12‑28
Andreas Kornath (Info) LMU Munich thomanda 2015‑05‑18
Roland Kraemer (Info) Heidelberg University in vitro probes, functional bioconjugates Recep 2012‑01‑29
Don C. Lamb (Info) LMU München connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑02
Dominik Leitz (Info) LMU Munich fluorine 2021‑06‑16
Thomas Magauer (Info) LMU Munich, University of Innsbruck, Harvard, University of Vienna Natural Product Chemistry, Total Synthesis, Synthetic Methodology mommystarr 2014‑01‑20
Olivia M Merkel (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Drug and Gene Delivery Olivia.merkel 2019‑11‑08
Nils Metzler-Nolte (Info) Ruhr University Bochum Recep 2012‑01‑29
Johann H. Mulzer (Info) Vienna University Asymmetric Synthesis of Natural Products, Development of Synthetic Methodology, Elucidation of Organic Reaction Mechanisms dirktrauner 2012‑10‑18
Andrew G. Myers (Info) Harvard synthesis of natural products jandh 2011‑08‑27
Ivana Nikic (Info) Werner Reichardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN) neuroscience, neuroinflammation, axonal injury, genetic code expansion, click chemistry inikic 2016‑07‑17
Heinrich Nöth (Info) LMU Munich Recep 2012‑01‑29
Constantin M. Nuber (Info) LMU - Munich ConNu 2022‑06‑23
Matteo Petrini (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2020‑03‑26
Evelyn Ploetz (Info) LMU Munich connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑02
Susnata Pramanik (Info) SRM Institute of Science and Technology sudhakar.gaikwad 2018‑08‑12
Elias M. Puchner (Info) UMN connectingresearchers 2019‑12‑11
Manuel Schickinger (Info) LMU Munich fluorine 2021‑06‑16
Bettina Schwarz (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2021‑05‑28
Janina Seubert (Info) Monell Chemical Senses Center Olfaction, Multisensory Integration, Schizophrenia, Emotion jseubert 2011‑05‑02
Kay Severin (Info) EPFL jandh 2013‑08‑03
Johannes Sigl (Info) LMU Munich ConNu 2022‑06‑23
Theresa Soltner (Info) LMU Munich fluorine 2021‑06‑16
Klaus Speck (Info) LMU Munich mommystarr 2017‑09‑06
Patrick Strack (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2021‑05‑28
Oliver Thorn-Seshold (Info) LMU Munich chemical biology, photopharmacology, cytoskeleton, redox biochemistry OThorn-Seshold 2024‑02‑28
Philip Tinnefeld (Info) LMU Munich connectingresearchers 2020‑07‑02
Dirk Trauner (Info) UC Berkeley, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Optochemcical Genetics, visual system, NMDA channels, glutamate receptors, ion channels, optogenetics dirktrauner 2011‑06‑05
Josef Wachtveitl (Info) Goethe University connectingresearchers 2020‑06‑02
Christoph M. Zimmermann (Info) LMU Munich, Germany Olivia.merkel 2022‑09‑20
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