Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Lutz Ackermanncatalysis, organic synthesis
Reinhart AhlrichsTheoretical Chemistry1968 Werner Bingel (grad student)
Manuel AlcarazoOrganometallics
Guanghui Anorganic chemistry Institut für Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie20072008 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (research scientist)
Ganapathi AnantharamanCoordination Polymers, molecular metal hydroxides, NHC based multi-site coordinating ligands, ionic liquids2003 Herbert Walter Roesky (grad student)
Launcelot Winchester AndrewsAnalytical chemistry, physical chemistry1882 Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (grad student)
Ludwig Levi Aronsteinchemistry1864 Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (grad student), Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Stephen M. Babcockagricultural chemistry1879 Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (grad student)
Richard McLean Badgermolecular rotation-vibration spectroscopy19281929 James Franck (post-doc)
Samya BanerjeeBioinorganic Chemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry20192020 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Edward BartowWater chemistry, sanitary chemistry, chemical engineering1895 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Samrat BasakDNA Nanotechnology, Single molecule spectroscopy, Microfluidics Physics2023 Jörg Enderlein (post-doc)
Hermann-Josef Becher1949 Josef Goubeau (grad student)
Richard BeckerShockwaves and detonation, plasticity of metals and theory of ferromagnetism and superconductivity, statistical physics
Jörg Behler
Friedrich Konrad Beilsteinaromatic compounds1858 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Matthias BellerCatalysis19871989 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (grad student)
Carl BendaAnatomy and pathology Johannes Orth (post-doc)
Werner Bergmannorganic chemistry1930 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
Arnold Adolph Bertholddevelopment, endocrinology1823 Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (grad student)
Heinrich Biltzorganic chemistry1888 Viktor Meyer (grad student)
Wilhelm Eugen Biltz19001903 Otto Wallach (post-doc)
Werner BingelMolecular Spectroscopy
Rainer P.H. BischoffAnalytical Biochemistry1984 Larry W. McLaughlin (grad student)
Matthias Bischoff Lutz Friedjan Tietze (grad student)
Johann Friedrich Blumenbachcomparative anatomy1778 Christian Wilhelm Büttner (grad student), Christian Gottlob Heyne (research scientist)
Ferdinand Bohlmannnatural compounds1946 Hans Brockmann (grad student), Karl Dimroth (grad student)
Dmitriy BorodinSurface Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics, Scanning Probe Microscopy, Quantum Nanoscience, Heterogeneous Catalysis Jürgen Troe (grad student)
Walther Borsche1898 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Walter Parke BradleyInorganic Chemistry1890 Viktor Meyer (grad student), Ludwig Gattermann (grad student)
Stefan BräseOrganic Synthesis, Digital Chemistry19921995 Armin de Meijere (grad student)
Wilhelm BrenigTheoretical physics1955 Richard Becker (grad student)
Hans Brockmannvitamins, antibiotics
Reinhard Brückner
Michael BubackMacromolecular chemistry, applied physical chemistry
Robert Wilhelm Eberhard BunsenInorganic chemistry1830 Friedrich Stromeyer (grad student)
Adolf Friedrich Johann ButenandtOrganic chemistry, natural products chemistry1927 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
Christian Wilhelm BüttnerNatural history, comparative philology1755 Johann David Michaelis (research scientist)
George Chapman CaldwellAgricultural Chemistry1856 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Ludwig Carius18501852 Friedrich Wöhler (research assistant)
Gianpiero Ceracatalysis
Charles Frederick Chandlerenvironmental health1856 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Ting-Yi ChenSmall molecule activiation/ Single molecule Magnets Anorganische Chemie20192023 Franc Meyer (grad student)
Anna Chizhik
Isaac Choi20172021 Lutz Ackermann (grad student)
William Smith Clarkchemistry, botany, zoology1852 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Adolf ClausHeterocyclic chemistry1862 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Guido H. Cleversupramolecular chemistry, coordination cages, DNA G-quadruplexes, self-assembly, self-sorting, bioinorganic chemistry, host-guest chemistry, photoswitches, photochemistry, chromophores
Louis D'OrChemistry Arnold Eucken (research scientist), Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (research scientist)
Rolf Daniel19921996 Gerhard Gottschalk (grad student)
Rolf Daniel
Animesh Das20062010 Franc Meyer (grad student)
Armin de MeijereOrganic chemistry1966 Wolfgang Lüttke (grad student)
Suman De SarkarTransition metal catalysis, Visible Light Mediated Photoredox catalysis20132015 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
Peter J. W. DebyePhysical chemistry, structural chemistry
Antonio Del VecchioOrganic Chemistry - Organometallic Chemistry - Catalysis Institut für Organische und Biomolekulare Chemie20192021 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
Uwe DeppenmeierMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry Gerhard Gottschalk (grad student)
Uttam Dhawa20162021 Lutz Ackermann (grad student)
Ulf Diederichsen
Karl DimrothPhysiological chemistry1936 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
Friedrich Dolezalek1898 Walther Nernst (grad student)
Clarence Henry Eckles1905 Otto Rahn (grad student)
Götz EckoldPhysical chemistry1975 F. Wilhelm Jost (grad student)
Manfred EigenPhysical chemistry, chemical kinetics1951 Arnold Eucken (grad student)
Anil J. EliasInorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, catalysis1990 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Jörg Enderlein
Volker Engel1986 Reinhard Schinke (grad student)
Emil F.G.K. Erlenmeyer, Jr.1888 Emil R.A.C. Erlenmeyer, Sr. (grad student)
Johann Christian Polykarp Erxlebenphysics and veterinary medicine
Arnold Eucken
Sighart F. FischerTheoretical chemical physics19661967 Friedrich Hermann Hund (grad student), Gerhart Lüders (post-doc)
Wilhelm Rudolph FittigDiscovered the pinacol coupling reaction, mesitylene, diacetyl and biphenyl1860 Heinrich Franz Peter Limpricht (grad student), Friedrich Wöhler (post-doc)
Christa Fittschen Chemistry Chemistry19861989 Jürgen Troe (grad student), Horst Hippler (grad student), George M. Sheldrick (research assistant)
Wilhelm FleischmannAgricultural science
Christopher S. Footesinglet oxygen1958 Günther Otto Schenck (research assistant)
Burchard FranckNatural products, bioorganic chemistry1952 Hans Brockmann (grad student)
Ernst Ulrich FranckAqueous physical chemistry Physical Chemistry1950 Arnold Eucken (grad student)
James Franck
Edwin Broun Fredthe symbiotic fixation of nitrogen by leguminous plants and Bacillus radicicola, now known as Rhizobia.1911 Alfred Koch (grad student)
Eugen Franz Freiherr von Gorup-Besánezorganic and physiological chemistry1846 Friedrich Wöhler (post-doc)
Bärbel Friedrichmicrobiology Biology1973 Hans Günter Schlegel (grad student)
D. GanapathySynthetic organic chemistry, natural products20142016 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (post-doc)
Parthasarathy GandeepanOrganic Synthesis, Catalysis, C-H activation
William Edward Garnersolid state chemistry and catalysis19131914 Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (grad student)
Ludwig Gattermannaromatic hydrocarbons1886 Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (grad student), Viktor Meyer (post-doc)
Gerhard GattowInorganic Chemistry1956 Armin Schneider (grad student)
Harvey R. Gaylordneoplasms Ludwig Aschoff (post-doc)
Johann Georg Anton Geuther18531855 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Rajendra S. GhadwalMolecular inorganic chemistry, catalysis20112016 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc), Dietmar Stalke (post-doc)
Debashish Ghorai Chemistry20162018 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
Munmun Ghosh20172020 Franc Meyer (post-doc)
Bill C. GiessenFinance, General Business Administration1958 Peter Haasen (grad student)
Oskar GlemserInorganic chemistry
Sebastian Gliemolfaction Ivan Manzini (grad student)
Leopold Gmelin1812 Friedrich Stromeyer (grad student), Joseph Franz von Jacquin (grad student)
Johann Friedrich Gmelinchemistry, botany
Peter Gölitz
Johann Friedrich August GöttlingChemistry17851787 Johann Friedrich Gmelin (post-doc), Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (post-doc), Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (post-doc)
Gerhard Gottschalkbioenergetics1963 Hans Günter Schlegel (grad student)
Nico Grawinorganic chemistry, crystallography20232023 Dietmar Stalke (grad student), Herbert Walter Roesky (collaborator), Anna Krawczuk (post-doc)
Rudolf Greweorganic chemistry, natural product chemistry1934 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
Georg Grube1906 Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (grad student)
Hansjörg Grützmacher1986 Herbert Walter Roesky (grad student)
Sandeep Kumar GuptaMaterials chemistry20182023 Franc Meyer (post-doc)
Rainer HaagOrganic and Macromolecular Chemistry19921995 Armin de Meijere (grad student)
Peter HaasenMetals, Dislocations1953 Richard Becker (grad student), Günther Leibfried (grad student)
Rolf Hagedorn1952 Richard Becker (grad student)
Kurt HasseBiochemistry, Enzymology1936 Fritz Micheel (grad student)
Thomas Hassenklöverolfaction, stem cells, neurogenesis Ivan Manzini (grad student)
Ernst Alfred HauserColloid chemistry19211922 Max Born (post-doc)
Walter Norman Haworth1910 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Weiying HePhysical Inorganic Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry Chemistry20222024 Franc Meyer (post-doc)
Gerhard HeilandSolid state physics1948 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student)
Erhard Heinz Mathematics1951 Franz Rellich (grad student)
Walter S. HendrixsonAnalytical chemistry1895 Walther Nernst (post-doc)
Victor Henri1898 Georg Elias Müller (grad student)
Hartmut HerrmannAtmospheric Chemistry Physical Chemistry19871990 Reinhard Zellner (grad student)
Gerhard HerzbergPhysical chemistry, molecular structures1930 James Franck (post-doc), Max Born (post-doc)
Georg Friedrich Hildebrandtpharmacy, chemistry, anatomy1783 Heinrich August Wrisberg (grad student), Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (research assistant)
Friedrich Karl HimlyChemistry, Mineralogy and Geognosy1835 Friedrich Stromeyer (grad student)
Claudia Höbartner
Albert Hölzer
Sebastiaan Hoogewerff1868 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student)
Cyril George HopkinsAgricultural chemistry18991900 Bernhard Christian Gottfried Tollens (post-doc)
Dieter Hoppe Ulrich Schöllkopf (grad student)
Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübnerorganic chemistry1859 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student), Johann Georg Anton Geuther (grad student)
Erich HückelQuantum chemistry1921 Peter J. W. Debye (grad student)
Walter HückelOrganic chemistry1920 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
Heiko Ihmels Institute of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry19921995 Armin de Meijere (grad student)
Hans Herloff Inhoffenorganic chemistry1943 Adolf Windaus (research scientist)
Reinhard JahnNeuroexocytosis Hans-Dieter Söling (grad student)
Anukul Jana2009 Herbert Walter Roesky (grad student)
Gerhart JanderInorganic chemistry1921 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (post-doc), Adolf Windaus (post-doc)
Paul Ehrhardt JannaschOrganic chemistry, analytical chemistry1883 Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (post-doc), Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student), Friedrich Wöhler (research assistant)
Katharina Voigt JansenPalladium Chemistry Organic Chemistry Armin de Meijere (grad student)
Ernst Jenckelstructures of glasses, polymers and alloys1928 Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (grad student)
Hans Friedrich Jensen Chemistry19191921 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
F. Wilhelm JostPhysical chemistry
Kattesh V. KattiInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering19851989 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Shabana KhanInorganic chemistry20092011 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Carl Friedrich Kielmeyerchemistry and botany17861788 Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (post-doc), Johann Friedrich Gmelin (post-doc), Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (post-doc)
Martin Klessinger1961 Wolfgang Lüttke (grad student)
Uwe KlingebielInorganic Chemistry Oskar Glemser (grad student)
Wilhelm Knoche1964 Hans Strehlow (grad student)
Emil KnövenagelKnoevenagel condensation1889 Viktor Meyer (grad student)
Alfred Kochnitrogen-fixing by soil bacteria1888 Gottfried Berthold (post-doc)
Ernst Koerner-von GustorfPhotochemistry1957 Günther Otto Schenck (grad student)
Dennis C. Koester Daniel B. Werz (grad student)
Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Kohlrauschphysics1863 Wilhelm Eduard Weber (grad student)
Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe18381842 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Friedhelm Korte1948 Hans Lettré (grad student)
Werner Otto Köster1922 Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (grad student)
Anna Krawczuk
Bernt KrebsInorganic Chemistry, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Crystallography, Solid State Chemistry19661971 Oskar Glemser (post-doc), Gerhard Gattow (grad student)
Edward Kremerspharmaceutical chemistry1890 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Sebastian Kruss
Leopold Küchler1943 Arnold Eucken (post-doc)
Wilhelm KühnePhysiology, biochemistry1856 Rudolf Wagner (grad student)
Subrata KunduOrganometallic chemistry20152018 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Saroj Kumar KushvahaChemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, main group chemistry Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Hartmut Laatsch Chemistry1973 Hans Brockmann (grad student)
James D. LambertPhysical chemistry Chemistry19361937 Arnold Eucken (post-doc)
Wolfgang LangenbeckOrganic chemistry1923 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
Irving LangmuirPhysical chemistry1905 Friedrich Dolezalek (grad student)
Oleg V. Larionov Chemistry Armin de Meijere (grad student)
Fritz Viktor LenelPowder Metallurgy19311933 Arnold Eucken (post-doc)
Thomas Lenzer1995 Jürgen Troe (grad student)
Hans Lettré1931 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
Gilbert N. Lewis1901 Walther Nernst (post-doc)
Bin Li Herbert Walter Roesky (grad student)
Heinrich Franz Peter LimprichtWorked on the chemistry of furans and pyrroles1850 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Heinrich Friedrich Linkbotany1789 Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (grad student)
F. Wheeler Loomismolecular spectroscopy19281929 James Franck (research scientist)
Melanie M. LorionChemistry20162018 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
Johan Martin Lovén18951896 Walther Nernst (post-doc)
Kurt LückeMetallurgy1945 Georg Masing (grad student)
Gerhart LüdersQuantum field theory
Horst LutherHydrocarbons, chemical technology1947 Josef Goubeau (post-doc)
Wolfgang LüttkeOrganic chemistry
Arthur LüttringhausOrganic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry19281931 Adolf Windaus (grad student)
Thomas Lyttleton Lyon18931894 Bernhard Christian Gottfried Tollens (research assistant)
Manoj Kumar MahataOptical Physics
Saurabh Maity2018 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (post-doc)
Swadhin K. MandalOrganometallic chemistry20062007 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Atul Manvar Lutz Ackermann (grad student)
Ivan ManziniOlfactory system Detlev Schild (post-doc)
Georg MasingMetallurgy1909 Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (grad student)
David Orme MassonNitroglycerine1879 Friedrich Wöhler (post-doc)
Joseph E. Mayertheoretical chemical physicist19291930 James Franck (post-doc)
Rüdiger Mews Department of Chemistry1970 Oskar Glemser (grad student)
Franc Meyer
Hans-Dieter Meyer1978 Jan Peter Toennies (grad student)
Viktor MeyerOrganic chemistry
Fritz Micheel
Adolf Christian Heinrich Emil MietheSpectral analysis, general photography, photochemistry1889 Hermann Carl Vogel (grad student)
Eilhard MitscherlichChemistry, mineralogy18171818 Friedrich Stromeyer (post-doc)
Albert Mondon1940 Rudolf Grewe (grad student)
Harmon Northrop Morsefirst synthesized acetaminophen1875 Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (grad student)
Partha Sarathi Mukherjee20042005 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Achim Müller1965 Oskar Glemser (grad student)
Ramaswamy MurugavelInorganic materials chemistry, organometallic chemistry19941997 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Hans MussoOrganic chemistry1953 Hans Brockmann (grad student)
Hans Heinrich Muxfeldt1953 Hans Brockmann (grad student)
Selvarajan NagendranSynthetic and bio-organometallic chemistry20052008 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Peter Neumann1963 Peter Haasen (grad student)
Rolf Niedergerkemuscle1947 Hermann Rein (grad student)
Rudolf Hugo NietzkiDyes1874 August Wilhelm von Hofmann (grad student)
Lewis Mills NortonChemical engineering, organic chemistry, industrial chemistry1879 August Wilhelm von Hofmann (grad student), Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (grad student)
Kawon Oum19982001 Jürgen Troe (post-doc)
Carl Ludwig PaalHeterocyclic compounds
Alexender Paesch2014 Rajendra S. Ghadwal (grad student)
Santosh K. PagireOrganic Chemistry, Catalysis Organic Chemistry2023 Lutz Ackermann (research scientist)
G. Barratt Park
Gandeepan ParthasarathyOrganic Synthesis, Catalysis, C-H activation
Nitin T. PatilSynthetic organic chemistry, organo-catalysis20022002 Christoph Schneider (post-doc)
Walter Albert Patrick1917 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (grad student)
Jürgen PetermannPolymers Institut für Metallphysik19681970 Peter Haasen (grad student)
James Harvey Pettit1909 Bernhard Christian Gottfried Tollens (grad student)
Wilhelm Friedrich Philipp PfefferBotany, plant physiology, organic chemistry1865 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student)
Theodor Pfeiffer1881 Bernhard Christian Gottfried Tollens (grad student)
Norbert Pfennig Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät19491952 Hans Brockmann (grad student)
James Charles PhilipPhysical chemistry18951897 Walther Nernst (grad student)
Andre Pirson
Siegfried PohlIron Sulfur Clusters19691974 Bernt Krebs (grad student)
Francis J. Pond1896 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Benudhar Punji20102011 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
Eugene I. Rabinowitch1933 James Franck (post-doc)
Otto Rahnbacteriology, diary chemistry1902 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Sujoy Rana20222023 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
Bohuslav Rayman1877 Vojtech Šafarík (grad student)
Manfred T. Reetzorganic chemistry1969 Ulrich Schöllkopf (grad student)
Sven O. Reichmann2016 Rajendra S. Ghadwal (grad student)
Ira RemsenDiscovered the artificial sweetener saccharin1870 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student)
Theodore William Richardsatomic weights1895 Viktor Meyer (post-doc), Walther Nernst (research scientist)
Ernst Hermann RiesenfeldPhysical chemistry1901 Walther Nernst (grad student)
Herbert Walter RoeskyInorganic chemistry1963 Oskar Glemser (grad student)
Torben Rogge20152019 Lutz Ackermann (grad student)
Allan Winter RowePhysiological chemistry1906 Walther Nernst (grad student)
Sudipta RoyMain Group Chemistry and Organic Homogeneous Catalysis20142015 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc), Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Vojtech Šafarík1858 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Arpita SahaInorganic chemistry20122012 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Subhas SamantaCoordination chemistry, Organometalic catalysis20122014 Franc Meyer (post-doc)
Subhartha SarkarBiophysics, fluorescence spectroscopy, microscopy, proteins
Paul Scherrersolid-state physics, particle physics and electronics19121916 Peter J. W. Debye (grad student), Woldemar Voigt (research assistant)
Hugo SchiffOrganic chemistry1857 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Detlev SchildOlfactory system
Reinhard Schinke
Robert Schirmacher2015 Rajendra S. Ghadwal (grad student)
Hans Heinrich SchlubachOrganic chemistry1912 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Carl Ernst Heinrich Schmidtphysiological chemistry1845 Friedrich Wöhler (post-doc), Rudolf Wagner (grad student)
Sven SchneiderOrganometallic Chemistry
Christoph SchneiderSynthetic organic chemistry, natural products chemistry19891992 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (grad student)
Gerhard M. SchneiderPhysical chemistry1959 F. Wilhelm Jost (grad student)
Arthur Moritz Schoenflies
Ulrich Schöllkopforganic chemistry
Harold Walter SchranzChemical Reaction Rate Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Dynamical Simulation, Unimolecular Reactions Institut fur Physikalische Chemie19841986 Jürgen Troe (post-doc)
Stephan SchulzInorganic Chemistry19921994 Herbert Walter Roesky (grad student)
Carola Schulzke
Anke Schürer Helle D. Ulrich (post-doc)
Nina Schützenmeister2012 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (grad student)
Jürgen SeibelOrganic Chemistry Institute of Organic Chemistry19962000 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (grad student)
G. SekarOrganic synthesis and catalysis20012002 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (post-doc)
Theodor Seliwanoffbiochemistry, carbohydrate chemistry1888 Ernst Schulze (grad student)
Sakya Singha Sen Chemistry20062010 Herbert Walter Roesky (grad student)
Horst Senger Institute of Plant Physiology Andre Pirson (grad student)
George M. SheldrickInorganic chemistry
Md. Mujahuddin Siddiqui20202021 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc), Manuel Alcarazo (post-doc)
Hans Siebert1947 Josef Goubeau (grad student)
Adolf Sievertsphysical chemistry1898 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Cláudio da Cruz SilveiraOrganometallic Chemistry, Organotellurium Chemistry, Organoselenium Chemistry, Organic Synthesis19941995 Armin de Meijere (post-doc)
Amit Pratap SinghCoordination chemistry20112013 Herbert Walter Roesky (post-doc)
Akhilesh Kumar SinghT1, T2 & ParaCEST Contrast Agent for MRI, Fluorogenic and Chromogenic Chemosensors, Metal Organic Clusters & Magnetochemistry, Bioinorganic Perspectives of Coordination Complexes, Task Specific Ionic Liquids and Their Applications20072008 Franc Meyer (post-doc)
Donald Pritchard Smith1907 Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (grad student)
Edgar Fahs SmithInorganic chemistry1876 Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (grad student)
Hans-Dieter Söling Werner Otto Carl Creutzfeld (research scientist)
Georg Andreas Carl Städeler1846 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Dietmar StalkeInorganic chemistry19871993 George M. Sheldrick (post-doc), Uwe Klingebiel (grad student), Herbert Walter Roesky (collaborator), Anna Krawczuk (collaborator)
Eberhard Steckhanredox chemistry, electron transfer reactions1971 Hans J. Schäfer (grad student)
Frank SteglichCondensed Matter Physics1969 Rudolf Hilsch (grad student)
Oliver SteinbockPhysical Chemistry, Chemical Selforganization, Pattern Formation Stefan C. Müller (grad student)
Alexander SteinerSynthetic inorganic chemistry19911994 Dietmar Stalke (grad student)
Fritz Stöckmann Physics1942 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student)
Friedrich Stromeyerchemistry1800 Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (grad student), Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (grad student), Johann Friedrich Gmelin (research assistant)
Parthasarathi SubramanianSynthetic Organic chemistry, Total Synthesis, Synthetic and Catalytic methodologies for biologically relevant molecules20172018 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
Theodor "The" H. E. SvedbergPhysical chemistry, colloidal chemistry1908 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (post-doc)
Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon TammannInorganic Chemistry
Friedrich Temps1983 Heinz Gg. Wagner (grad student)
Thomas TheisNMR, Hyperpolarization Chemistry20012006 Götz Eckold (research assistant), Michael Buback (grad student)
Peter Adolf ThiessenInorganic chemistry1923 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (grad student)
Ferdinand TiemannAromatic compounds1870 August Wilhelm von Hofmann (grad student)
Lutz Friedjan TietzeNatural products chemistry
Hendrik Tinnermann Chemistry Manuel Alcarazo (grad student)
Jan Peter Toennies19531954 F. Wilhelm Jost (research assistant)
Bernhard Christian Gottfried Tollenscarbohydrate chemistry1864 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Stanisław Tołłoczkochemistry19031904 Walther Nernst (grad student), Eduard Riecke (research assistant), Arthur Moritz Schoenflies (research assistant), Gustav Heinrich Johann Apollon Tammann (post-doc)
Wilhelm Treibs1917 Adolf Windaus (grad student), Heinrich Wienhaus (grad student)
Jürgen TroeSpectroscopy and Photochemical Kinetics1965 F. Wilhelm Jost (grad student)
Svetlana B. Tsogoevaorganic chemistry, organocatalysis, asymmetric catalysis, domino reactions, medicinal chemistry20022006 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (research scientist)
Edward Turneratomic weights18211823 Friedrich Stromeyer (post-doc)
Alfred René Jean Paul UbbelohdeThermodynamics19311932 Arnold Eucken (research assistant)
Jarl Ivar van der VlugtSupramolecular & Homogeneous Catalysis20052007 Franc Meyer (post-doc)
Philipp VanaPolymer Chemistry
Wolf Vielstich1953 Heinz Gerischer (grad student)
Gonela VijaykumarOrganometallic chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Electro Chemistry Institute of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry20192020 Manuel Alcarazo (post-doc)
J.P. Vite1949 Hermann August Eidmann (grad student)
Augustus VoelckerAnalytical chemistry, agricultural chemistry18441846 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Peter Vöhringer1991 Jürgen Troe (grad student)
Tobias Voigt Organic Chemistry19962001 Armin de Meijere (grad student)
Julius von BraunChemistry1898 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Carl Leopold von EndePhysical chemistry1901 Walther Nernst (grad student)
Hans von Euler-ChelpinBiochemistry18961897 Walther Nernst (post-doc)
Karl Cäsar von LeonhardMineralogy1803 Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (research assistant)
Helmut Vorbrüggen Chemie Hans Brockmann (grad student)
Emil Votočekmonosaccharides1895 Bernhard Christian Gottfried Tollens (grad student)
Heinz Gg. Wagner
Thomas Waitz
Otto Wallach1869 Hans Julius Anton Edward Hübner (grad student)
Wei WangOrganic Chemistry
Tomasz Wdowik20192021 Lutz Ackermann (post-doc)
Christian Ehrenfried WeigelChemistry, Pharmacy, Botany, Mineralogy1771 Rudolph Augustin Vogel (grad student), Johann Christian Polykarp Erxleben (research assistant)
August WeismannEvolution theory1856 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Horst WellerPhysical Chemistry1982 Albert Weller (research assistant)
Hans-Joachim Werner1977 Albert Weller (grad student)
Daniel B. WerzOrganic methodology, carbohydrates20062011 Lutz Friedjan Tietze (post-doc)
Arne WestgrenX-ray crystallography1916 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (post-doc)
Ewald WickePhysical chemistry1938 Arnold Eucken (grad student)
Friedrich Widdel Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät19761980 Norbert Pfennig (grad student)
Georg WiegnerColloid Chemistry19071911 Richard Adolf Zsigmondy (post-doc), Wilhelm Fleischmann (research scientist)
Heinrich Wienhausplant chemistry1907 Otto Wallach (grad student)
Timm WilkeChemistry Education, Chemistry Didactics, Nanoscience Education, Artificial Intelligence in Education Chemistry Education Inorganic Chemistry20122016 Thomas Waitz (research assistant), Dietmar Stalke (grad student)
Adolf WindausOrganic chemistry, natural products chemistry
Friedrich WöhlerChemistry
Jürgen Wolfrum1968 Heinz Gg. Wagner (grad student)
Axel Zeeck Chemistry1966 Hans Brockmann (grad student)
Nikolay Dimitrievich ZelinskyOrganic catalysis, cyclic hydrocarbons18861887 Viktor Meyer (research scientist)
Reinhard Zellner Physical chemistry Heinz Gg. Wagner (grad student)
Adam Zielińskiorganometallic chemistry IOBC2015 Manuel Alcarazo (grad student)
Theodor Zincke1869 Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig (grad student)
Johann Gottfried Zinnanatomy and botany1749 Victor Albrecht von Haller (grad student)
Annette Zippeliusstatistical physics, theory of neural networks, polymer chains, gels, granular media, biophysics
Richard Adolf ZsigmondyPhysical chemistry, colloidal chemistry