Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Gerard 't HooftTheoretical particle physics, string theory, gauge theory1972 Martinus J. G. Veltman (grad student)
Cornelis AlewijnCivil engineering1810 Jan Frederik van Beeck Calkoen (research assistant)
Cees D. AndriesseEnergyphysics
Toine Arts1976 Harold W. de Wijn (grad student)
Dick BedeauxNon-equilibrium thermodynamics, Optical properties of surfaces1969 Nico G. van Kampen (grad student)
Caroline D.M.L. Begheingeophysics Geosciences19982003 Jeannot Trampert (grad student)
Herman C.W. BeijerinckAtomic and quantum physics, MEMS, design of instrumentation, rarified gas dynamics, atomic beam technology, collision theory, beam source technology, clinical physics, clinical informatics
Cornelis Bellaar Spruytphilosophy, logic, metaphysics1867 Christophorus Henricus Didericus Buys Ballot (grad student)
Scott Andrew Bendernanoscience, spintronics
Daniel Berckringerphilosophy
Ronald Blaakpolymers, colloids,liquid crystals19931997 Bela M. Mulder (grad student)
Johan A.M. BleekerAstronomy, Space science
Felix Blochnuclear induction19291930 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (post-doc)
Nicolaas BloembergenLaser Spectroscopy, NMR1943 J MW Milatz (research assistant), Léon Rosenfeld (research assistant)
Albert Leendert Boers1963 Johan Albert Smit (grad student)
Maarten A. BoumanSensory biophysics19441949 J MW Milatz (grad student)
Cornelis Marius BraamsPlasma physics1956 Pieter M. Endt (grad student)
Reinier BraamsMolecular biophysics
Hendrik BrinkmanExperimental physics1937 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Henri Coenraad Brinkman1932 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Mark L. Brongersma1998 Albert Polman (grad student)
Folkert Brouwer1930 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Dirk Anton George Bruggeman1930 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)
Conrad Ludwig BruningsHydraulic engineering1798 Johann Friedrich Hennert (research assistant), Johan Theodorus Rossijn (research assistant)
Pieter Johannes BrussaardTheoretical Nuclear Physics
Herman Carel BurgerMedical physics Physics1918 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Harmen J. Bussemaker19891995 Matthieu Hubertus Joseph Jacob Ernst (grad student)
Casey C CartwrightHigh Energy Physics
Peter S. Continature and evolution of massive luminous stars19691970 Anne Barbara Underhill (research scientist)
Christiaan Hendrik Damen1783 Johann Friedrich Hennert (grad student)
Alexander de BieMathematics1642 Daniel Berckringer (research assistant), Jacobus Ravensperg (research assistant)
Johannes de Bruynphilosophy1644 Daniel Berckringer (research assistant), Jacobus Ravensperg (research assistant)
Mattheus W. M. de GraauwAstronomy1975 Hendrik Gerard van Bueren (grad student)
Sybren Ruurds de Groottheoretical physics
Sebastian de HaroPhilosophy of Science, History and Philosophy of Physics Department of Physics19972001 Gerard 't Hooft (grad student)
Cornelis de Jagerastrophysics1952 Marcel G.J. Minnaert (grad student)
Burchard de Volderphilosophy, mathematics1660 Johannes de Bruyn (research assistant)
Frederik Willem de Wette1959 Bernard R.A. Nijboer (grad student)
Harold W. de Wijnsolid state physics
Bernard Q.P.J. de WitQuantum Gravity, Strings and Elementary Particles1973 Martinus J. G. Veltman (grad student)
Peter Karl Arnold de Witt HubertsSubatomic physics
Peter J. W. DebyePhysical chemistry, structural chemistry
Cees Dekkerbiophysics of single biomolecules, nanobiology1988 Harold W. de Wijn (grad student), Toine Arts (grad student)
Hans DekkerStochastic processes, Quantum dissipation, Hydrodynamic turbulence Theoretical Physics1980 Nico G. van Kampen (grad student)
Arwen Fedora Deuss
Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan DieksPhilosophy of science1981 Johan Bernard Ubbink (grad student)
Alex DieperinkNuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics19651969 Pieter M. Endt (grad student)
Robbert Dijkgraafgeneral stringtheory1989 Gerard 't Hooft (grad student)
Hendrik Berend Dorgelo1924 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Tevian Draymathematical physics Gerard 't Hooft (post-doc)
Louis N. M. DuysensBiophysics, clinical physics1952 J MW Milatz (grad student), Albert Jan Kluyver (grad student)
Antoni Dymanus1958 Pieter M. Endt (grad student)
Wiktor EckhausApplied mathematics
Pieter M. Endt1951 J MW Milatz (grad student)
Folker A.O. EngelmannTheoretical physics
Matthieu Hubertus Joseph Jacob ErnstTheoretical Physics
Barend Ubbo Felderhof1963 Nico G. van Kampen (grad student)
Roberto Fernándezmathematical statistical mechanics
Roberto Fieschitheoretical physics19521953 Bernard R.A. Nijboer (research assistant)
William R. Frazerparticle physics Physics19561957 Léon C. P. Van Hove (grad student)
Joost Wilhelmus Maria Frenkenlithography1986 Frans W. Saris (grad student), Johannes Friso van der Veen (grad student)
Alessandra GnecchiSupergravity, Black holes
Willem Jan Goedheer1978 Cornelis Marius Braams (grad student), Folker A.O. Engelmann (grad student)
Alessandro Grellisubatomic physics, heavy-flavours
Cornelius H.C. Grinwis1858 Richard van Rees (grad student)
Hilbrand Johannes GroenewoldTheoretical physics1946 Léon Rosenfeld (grad student)
Hendrik Gerhardus Maria Heidemanexperimental physics1968 Johan Albert Smit (grad student)
Johann Friedrich Hennertmathematics, philosophy, astronomy
Jan HilgevoordTheoretical physics, Philosophy of Natural Sciences
Hendrik Jan Hilhorst1974 Barend Ubbo Felderhof (grad student)
Hans Holtan1953 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Adrianus Maria HoogenboomExperimental physics1958 Pieter M. Endt (grad student)
Nicolaas Marinus HugenholtzTheoretical physics, (quantum) mechanics1957 Léon C. P. Van Hove (grad student)
Piet Hutnatural philosophy19771978 Martinus J. G. Veltman (research assistant)
Syaefudin Jaelani physics Alessandro Grelli (grad student)
Zuzana Jandova20192020 Alexandre MJJ Bonvin (post-doc)
Victor A. Juliusmathematical physics, theoretical mechanics1873 Cornelius H.C. Grinwis (grad student)
Willem Kapteynmathematics and physics1872 Cornelius H.C. Grinwis (grad student)
Jacobus Cornelis Kapteynproper motions of stars1875 Cornelius H.C. Grinwis (grad student)
Willem M. KloetNuclear Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1973 John Alexander Tjon Joe Gin (grad student)
Jan Cornelis KluyverExperimental physics1952 J MW Milatz (grad student)
Jan J. KoenderinkPhysics of man19671972 Maarten A. Bouman (grad student), Astrid M L Kappers (collaborator), Frans AJ Verstraten (collaborator), J Farley Norman (collaborator)
Jaap J.J. Kokkedee1962 Bernard R.A. Nijboer (grad student)
Hendrik Antonie Kramersquantum mechanics
Pieter Feenstra Kuiper1926 Albert A. Nijland (grad student)
Max KuperusAstronomy, astrophysics Astronomy1965 Cornelis de Jager (grad student)
Henny J.G.L.M. Lamersastrophysics1974 Cornelis de Jager (grad student)
Renate LollTheoretical physics
Johannes Lulofsphysics, astronomy1734 Jacob Odé (grad student), Everhard Otto (grad student)
Petrus (Piet) Cornelis Hendrik Martenssolar physics1983 Hendrik Gerard van Bueren (grad student), Anthony Gerald Hearn (grad student)
Peter MazurStatistical mechanics1951 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Richard Mead16831685 Joannes Georgius Graevius (grad student)
Rudolf Adriaan Mees1867 Richard van Rees (grad student)
Janne-Mieke MeijerColloids20102015 Albert P. Philipse (grad student), Henk N.W. Lekkerkerker (grad student)
J MW MilatzPhysics1937 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Marcel G.J. Minnaertastrophysics1925 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Gerard Mollastronomy, physics1815 Johan Theodorus Rossijn (grad student)
Allard Mosk
Bela M. MulderTheoretical biophysics,soft condensed matter physics, statistical physics Institute for Theoretical Physics19811986 Daan Frenkel (grad student), Theodorus W. Ruijgrok (grad student)
Arend NiehausAtomic or Surface Physics
Gerard NienhuisQuantum Matter & Optics1970 Bernard R.A. Nijboer (grad student)
Bernard NienhuisTheoretical physics1978 John Alexander Tjon Joe Gin (grad student)
Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen1983 Theodorus W. Ruijgrok (grad student)
Bernard Nieuwentijtmedicine, mathematics, experimental natural philosophy1676 Jacob Vallan (grad student)
Bernard R.A. Nijboertheoretical physics, chemical physics
Albert A. Nijlandastronomy1897 Willem Kapteyn (grad student), Jean A. C. Oudemans (grad student)
Guust NoletGeophysics1976 Nicolaas Jacob Vlaar (grad student)
Lewis H. NosanowCondensed Matter Physics19591960 Léon C. P. Van Hove (post-doc)
Jacob Odéphysics, theology1727 Joseph Serrurier (grad student), Hieronymus Simonsz. van Alphen (grad student)
Abraham Hans Oortclimate science1964 Wouter Bleeker (grad student)
Peter Oppeneer1983 Nico G. van Kampen (research assistant)
Leonard Salomon Ornsteinphysics
Jean A. C. Oudemansastronomy
Abraham Paistheoretical particle physics, science history1941 Léon Rosenfeld (grad student)
Enrico Pajer
George Placzek19281930 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (post-doc)
Albert PolmanPhotonic materials for photovoltaics1989 Frans W. Saris (grad student), Willem Cornelis Sinke (grad student)
Sijbrand RadelaarTheoretical and applied physics
Jacobus RavenspergPhilosophy, mathematics and physics
Joseph Resovsky19992004 Jeannot Trampert (post-doc)
Sjoerd RoordaCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering1990 Frans W. Saris (grad student), Willem Cornelis Sinke (grad student)
Léon Rosenfeldquantum mechanics
Johan Theodorus Rossijnmathematics, astronomy
Theodorus W. RuijgrokTheoretical physics1958 Léon C. P. Van Hove (grad student)
Martin Gerard Ruttengeology1936 Louis M.R. Rutten (grad student)
Stefano SacannaSoft Matter, Colloids chemistry20032007 Albert P. Philipse (grad student)
Johan Gerard Jozef ScholteGeophysics
Jan Frederik Schoutenperception1937 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Joseph Serrurier physics
Willem Cornelis SinkePhotovoltaic Energy Conversion1985 Frans W. Saris (grad student)
Johan Albert Smitexperimental physics1950 J MW Milatz (grad student)
Jan SmitTheoretical high-energy physics
Cristiane de Morais Smith
Wim SpakmanSolid Earth geophysics; Dynamics of the Earth’s mantle.1988 Guust Nolet (grad student), Nicolaas Jacob Vlaar (grad student)
Marcus Johannes SparnaaySolid state physics, Surface physics1952 Jan Th.G. Overbeek (grad student)
Jacobus Johannes ten BoschDentistry physics1967 Reinier Braams (grad student), Jakob Smidt (grad student)
Cornelis Andries ten Seldammolecular physics1953 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
John Alexander Tjon Joe GinTheoretical physics1964 Nico G. van Kampen (grad student)
Hendrik Anton TolhoekTheoretical physics1951 Sybren Ruurds de Groot (grad student)
Jeannot Trampert
Rudolf M Trompstructure and growth of surfaces and interfaces, surface phase transitions, modifications of crystal growth by organic and inorganic monolayers ('surfactants'), and the development of novel experimental techniques and methods1982 Frans W. Saris (grad student), Marcus Johannes Sparnaay (grad student)
Johan Bernard UbbinkPhilosophy of science
Cora UhlemannTheoretical Cosmology ITP20152017 Enrico Pajer (post-doc)
George Eugene Uhlenbeckquantum mechanics, statistical mechanics
Anne Barbara UnderhillAstrophysics
Chantal Valerianicondensed matter physics20072007 Marjolein Dijkstra (post-doc)
Adriaan A. van BallegooijenSolar magnetic fields; magnetohydrodynamics; nonthermal heating of the solar atmosphere; solar prominences.1982 Cornelis Zwaan (grad student)
Jan Frederik van Beeck CalkoenAstronomy1797 Johann Friedrich Hennert (research assistant)
Henk van BeijerenTheoretical Physics
Alfons van BlaaderenSolid-state physics1992 Agienus Vrij (grad student)
Hendrik Gerard van BuerenAstronomy, Astrophysics
Hendrik Christoffel van de Hulstastronomy , space science1946 Marcel G.J. Minnaert (grad student)
Edward Peter Jacobus van den HeuvelAstronomy, astrophysics1968 Cornelis de Jager (grad student), Anne Barbara Underhill (grad student)
Jochum Johan van der Bij1983 Martinus J. G. Veltman (grad student)
Erwin Friedrich Maximilian van der HeldApplied Thermodynamics1932 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Astrid van der Horst2006 Alfons van Blaaderen (grad student), Marileen Dogterom (grad student)
Harry van der LaanRadio Astronomy
Balthasar van der PolRadio physics1920 Willem Henri Julius (grad student)
Johannes Friso van der Veenexperimental physics1978 Jacob Kistemaker (grad student), Frans W. Saris (grad student)
Rob van der VooGeology, Geophysics1969 Martin Gerard Rutten (grad student), Jan Veldkamp (grad student)
Willem Johannes Dominicus van Dijk1927 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Peter G.J. van Dongen1987 Matthieu Hubertus Joseph Jacob Ernst (grad student)
Marius van Haaften1912 Willem Kapteyn (grad student)
Willem van Haeringen1960 Léon C. P. Van Hove (grad student)
Johannes Everardus Josephus Maria van Himbergen1976 John Alexander Tjon Joe Gin (grad student)
Léon C. P. Van Hovestatistical mechanics, field theory
Nico G. van KampenTheoretical physics
H. Bernard van Linden van den Heuvell1982 Hendrik Gerhardus Maria Heideman (grad student), Gerard Nienhuis (grad student)
Johannes J. van Loef1955 J MW Milatz (grad student)
Johan Hendrik van Lommathematics, astronomy1727 Joseph Serrurier (research assistant)
Frans Herbert van LunterenHistory of science1991 Harry A.M. Snelders (grad student), Dennis Geert Bernardus Johan Dieks (grad student)
Regnerus van MansveldLogic, metaphysics, philosophy1658 Daniël Voet (research assistant)
Gerrit van Middelkoop1966 Pieter M. Endt (grad student)
Peter van Nieuwenhuizenquantum field theory, supergravity, supersymmetry, string theory1971 Martinus J. G. Veltman (grad student)
Twan Petrus Cornelis van NoijeClimate science, Statistical physics Institute for Theoretical Physics19951999 Matthieu Hubertus Joseph Jacob Ernst (grad student)
Richard van Reesphysics1821 Gerard Moll (grad student), Nicolaas Cornelis de Fremery (grad student)
Rene H. H. G. van Roijsoft condensed matter physics, colloids19921996 Bela M. Mulder (grad student)
Anthonius van Veen1979 Johan Albert Smit (grad student)
Jan Veldkampgeomagnetism, seismology
Martinus J. G. Veltmanparticle physics1963 Léon C. P. Van Hove (grad student)
Felix Andries Vening MeineszGeodetics, cartography
Jacobus Johannes Maria VerbaarschotStatistical Theory of Spectra. Physics19771982 Pieter Johannes Brussaard (grad student), Martinus J. G. Veltman (grad student)
Edward Verboven1961 Léon C. P. Van Hove (grad student)
Herman Louis VerlindeString Theory1988 Gerard 't Hooft (grad student)
Erik Peter Verlinde1988 Bernard Q.P.J. de Wit (grad student)
Jan F. Verweysemiconductor devices1967 Jan H. van Santen (grad student)
Nicolaas Jacob VlaarTheoretical geofysics1963 Johan Gerard Jozef Scholte (grad student)
Daniël VoetLogics, metaphysics1647 Daniel Berckringer (research assistant)
Anna von der Heydt
Niels René WaletTheoretical Nucler Physics, Quantum Many-Body physics19821987 Pieter Johannes Brussaard (grad student)
Rens (L.B.F.M.) Watersastronomy1987 Henny J.G.L.M. Lamers (grad student)
Jan J. Went1935 Leonard Salomon Ornstein (grad student)
Egbert Westerhof Physics19771987 Max Kuperus (research assistant), Folker A.O. Engelmann (grad student)
Stan H WhiteGeology, Geophysics
Laurens de Winter19821987 Pieter Johannes Brussaard (grad student)
Aleksandar ŽivkovićDensity Functional Theory
Cornelis ZwaanStellar Atmospheres1965 Marcel G.J. Minnaert (grad student)
Andries Zwaan1929 Hendrik Antonie Kramers (grad student)