Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Purnell W. Choppinvirology1957 Igor Tamm (post-doc)
Robert Gordon Gould
Maurice S. Fox Rollin Hotchkiss (post-doc)
Leonor Michaelisoxidation-reduction processes
D. Wayne Woolleygrowth factors, strepogenin, serotonin, peptide synthesis
Phoebus Aaron Theodor LeveneDNA
Charles Lee Hoaglandinfectious hepatitis1939 Oswald T. Avery (research scientist)
Sam Granickheme and chlorophyll biosynthesis1939 Leonor Michaelis (post-doc)
Lester O. Krampitzmicrobial metabolism1943 D. Wayne Woolley (post-doc)
Michael O’Donnell
C. H.W. Hirsprotein chemistry
Charles Summers Robinson Donald D. Van Slyke (research assistant)
Igor Tammvirology1949 Frank L. Horsfall, Jr. (post-doc)
Herbert Henry Uhligpassivation of transition metals, pitting and stress corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement, metal surface properties, corrosion fatigue, and corrosion-resistant alloys1933 Duncan Arthur MacInnes (post-doc)
Walter A. JacobsOrganic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, alkaloids19081912 Robert Gordon Gould (collaborator), Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levene (post-doc)
Donald D. Van Slykebiochemistry
Maxwell Philip SchubertThe chemistry of connective tissue, especially cartilage Leonor Michaelis (post-doc)
Tito UretaEnzimology Fritz Albert Lipmann (post-doc)
Frank Brink Jr. excitation, response and recovery in nerve fibers
Howard Walter FloreyPharmacology, Pathology1926 Alfred Newton Richards (research assistant)
Alfred E. MirskyMolecular biology
Max A. Lauffervirus research Wendell M. Stanley (post-doc)
Alan FinkelsteinIon-Conducting Channels Incorporated into Planar Lipid Bilayer Membranes Alexander Mauro (grad student)
Frederick C. UhlePharmacology, medicinal chemistry Walter A. Jacobs (post-doc)
Robert Cooley Elderfieldorganic chemistry1936 Walter A. Jacobs (post-doc)
Torsten TeorellTransport phenomena in membranes Winthrop J. V. Osterhout (post-doc), Leonor Michaelis (post-doc)
Fritz Albert LipmannBiochemistry
Setsurou Ebashi Fritz Albert Lipmann (post-doc)
Eric H. DavidsonGene regulatory networks, Sea urchins1963 Alfred E. Mirsky (grad student)
Richard V. WolfendenKinetics of Enzymatic Reactions1964 Fritz Albert Lipmann (grad student), William P. Jencks (grad student)
Roger M. Herriottbacteriophages John Howard Northrop (research scientist)
Winthrop J. V. OsterhoutPhysiology and Biophysics
Rollin Hotchkiss Walther F. Goebel (post-doc)
Walther F. Goebelimmunochemistry Oswald T. Avery (research scientist), Michael Heidelberger (research scientist)
Sally H. ZigmondActin polymerization1971 Zanvil A. Cohn (grad student)
Alexander MauroBiophysics
Michael HeidelbergerImmunology19211923 Walter A. Jacobs (research scientist), Donald D. Van Slyke (research scientist)
John Howard NorthropBiophysics19151916 Jacques Loeb (post-doc)
John Punnett Petersbiochemical studies in clinical research19201921 Donald D. Van Slyke (research scientist)
Rebecca Craighill LancefieldStreptococci19201925 Homer Swift (grad student)
Albert Fischertissue culture19201922 Simon Flexner (research scientist), Alexis Carrel (research scientist)
A. Baird HastingsBiochemistry, metabolism19211926 Donald D. Van Slyke (post-doc)
Karl LandsteinerHematology, biochemistry
Harry H. SobotkaClinical chemistry19241926 Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levene (post-doc)
Thomas Francis, Jrinfectious diseases, influenza19251938 Oswald T. Avery (research scientist)
Malcolm Doleelectrochemistry and polymer chemistry19281930 Duncan Arthur MacInnes (post-doc)
Paul D. Bartlettphysical organic chemistry19311932 Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levene (post-doc)
Joseph S. Frutonproteolytic enzymes19341944 Max Bergmann (research scientist)
Carl G. Niemannthyroxine, sphingosine, histamine action, chymotrypsin19351937 Max Bergmann (post-doc)
Hubert Scott Loringpurification of poliomyelitis virus, structure and metabolism of RNA, biosynthesis of pyrimidine nucleosides19351939 Wendell M. Stanley (post-doc)
John Alfred Valentine ButlerPhysical chemistry, electrochemistry19391941 John Howard Northrop (research scientist)
Seymour S. Cohenbiochemistry of virus multiplication19411942 Wendell M. Stanley (post-doc)
Bernard D. Davisbacterial genetics19451947 René Dubos (research scientist)
Henry G. KunkelImmunology19451946 Charles Lee Hoagland (research scientist)
Edward H. Ahrens, Jr.cholesterol research19461949 Donald D. Van Slyke (post-doc)
Lawrence Bogoradthe biogenesis of chloroplasts and the photosynthetic apparatus in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria19511953 Sam Granick (post-doc)
Phillips W. Robbinscell surfaces19561959 Fritz Albert Lipmann (post-doc)
Raphael Mechoulamchemistry and pharmacology of cannabinoids19591960 S. William Pelletier (post-doc)
Daniel Nathansrestriction endonucleases19591962 Fritz Albert Lipmann (research scientist)
Geoffrey Louis Zubayprebiotic pathways for the synthesis of the first nucleotides19591961 Fritz Albert Lipmann (post-doc)
Jorge E. AllendeEnzymes, mechanisms and structures.19611962 Fritz Albert Lipmann (post-doc)
Richard NovickStaphylococcus aureus; superantigens; mobile genes; pathogenicity islands, signal transduction, regulation of virulence, microbial pathogenesis; MRSA; bacterial genetics19631965 Rollin Hotchkiss (post-doc)
Manuel E Patarroyo19701972 R. Bruce Merrifield (research assistant)
Peter WalterSecretion, UPR19771981 Günter Blobel (grad student)
Michelle Trester-Zedlitz19972003 Thomas W. Muir (grad student)
Isabela Giriat20002004 Thomas W. Muir (grad student)
Henning D. Mootz20012003 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Vasant Muralidharan Chemistry20012006 Thomas W. Muir (grad student)
Baldissera Giovani20022007 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Edmund Schwartz20022008 Thomas W. Muir (grad student)
Manuel ZimmerNeural Development, C. Elegans2004 Cori Bargmann (post-doc)
Elizabeth George Cisar20042008 Thomas W. Muir (grad student)
Beat Fierzbiological chemistry Chemistry20072011 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Silvia Frutos Chemistry20072011 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Peter Moyle20072011 Thomas W. Muir (grad student)