Princeton University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mark J. AblowitzMathematics, Physical Oceanography Engineering19771979 Ahmet Şefik Çakmak (research scientist), Martin David Kruskal (research scientist)
Antonio Aché
Vaneet AggarwalElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics2010 A Robert Calderbank (grad student)
Spyros AlexakisMathematics2005 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Boris Alexeev Mathematics2013 John Conway (grad student)
Myron AllenMathematics, Hydrology, Soil Science Agriculture1983 George F. Pinder (grad student)
Jonathan L. AlperinMathematics1961 Graham Higman (grad student)
Salim A. Altug Mathematics2013 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Xinliang AnMathematics Mathematics2014 Sergiu Klainerman (grad student)
Ioannis Angelopoulos
Sandrine AnthoineMathematics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2005 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Lorne ApplebaumElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering2012 Robert Calderbank (grad student)
Taniecea A. ArceneauxApplied Mathematics, General Applied and Computational Mathematics2012 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
Stefanos Aretakis
Emil Artin
Aravind Asok2004 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Walter L. BailyMathematics Mathematics1955 Kunihiko Kodaira (grad student)
Benjamin T. BakkerMathematics2010 Rahul Pandharipande (grad student)
Adrian D. Banner2002 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
George Alfred Barnard1936 Alonzo Church (grad student)
Zafer BarutcuogluComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics Biology2008 Robert E. Schapire (grad student)
Pavel Batchourine2006 Yakov Sinai (grad student)
William BecknerMathematics1975 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
Edward G Begle math1940 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student)
Richard E Bellmandynamic programming1947 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student)
Vaclav E. Benes1953 John George Kemeny (grad student)
Hande Y. BensonOperations Research, Mathematics2001 Robert J. Vanderbei (grad student)
Eli Berger2004 Paul D. Seymour (grad student)
Andrea BertozziNonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics1991 Andrew Joseph Majda (grad student)
Manjul Bhargava2001 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Owen Biesel Mathematics2013 Manjul Bhargava (grad student)
Salomon Bochner
Henri Frederic Bohnenblust1931 C. Einar Hille (grad student)
Andrew R. Booker2003 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Jean BourgainMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics, Applied Mathematics
Anne BourliouxMathematics, Mechanical Engineering1991 Andrew Joseph Majda (grad student)
David R. Brillingertime series1961 John Wilder Tukey (grad student)
Simon BrooksMathematics2009 Elon Lindenstrauss (grad student)
William Browder1958 John Coleman Moore (grad student)
Frank Herbert Brownell1949 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student)
Farrell Brumley2004 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Alexander I. Bufetov2005 Yakov Sinai (grad student)
Boris BukhMathematics2008 Benjamin Sudakov (grad student)
Donald Smiley Burdick1961 John Wilder Tukey (grad student)
Javier CabreraStatistics1983 Geoffrey Stuart Watson (grad student)
A Robert CalderbankElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Statistics
Robert CalderbankApplied Mathematics
Ana Caraianistem cells, gene regulation
Emma E. CarberryMathematics2002 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Robert Daniel Carmichael1911 George David Birkhoff (grad student)
René A. CarmonaMathematics
Melissa K. CarrollComputer Science, Neuroscience Biology2011 Robert E. Schapire (grad student)
James A. CartonPhysical Oceanography, Atmospheric Sciences, Planetology Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences S. George H. Philander (grad student)
Susan L. CasselsDemography2005 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
Marcia C. CastroDemography, Statistics2002 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
Will Cavendish Mathematics2012 David Gabai (grad student)
Francesco Cellarosi2011 Yakov Sinai (grad student)
Sun-yung Alice Chang
S-Y A. ChangMathematics
Lincoln Chayes1983 Michael Aizenman (grad student), Elliott H. Lieb (grad student)
Szu-Yu Chen2006 Sun-yung Alice Chang (grad student)
Zi ChenMechanical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Applied Mechanics Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2012 David J. Srolovitz (grad student)
Songnian ChenTheory Economics, Statistics, Mathematics1994 James L. Powell (grad student)
Patrick CheriditoMathematics, Applied Mathematics
Yuejie ChiElectronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering2012 Robert Calderbank (grad student)
CheeWhye Chin2002 Nicholas Katz (grad student)
Edmond ChoiOperations Research Operations Research and Financial Engineering2013 Ronnie Sircar (grad student)
Maria Chudnovsky2003 Paul D. Seymour (grad student)
Jimmy C. ChuiElectronics and Electrical Engineering2008 A Robert Calderbank (grad student)
Alonzo ChurchMathematics, Logic, Theory of Computation1927 Oswald Veblen (grad student)
Erhan Cinlar Applied and Computational Mathematics19851991 Ahmed Cemal Eringen (research scientist)
Mirela Ciperiani2006 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
John W. Clarkquantum many-body theory, quantum control, neural networks, computational neuroscience Physics19591961 Eugene Paul Wigner (post-doc)
Allan Hersh ClarkMathematics1961 John Coleman Moore (grad student)
Peter Constantin
John Conway
Yaim CooperMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2013 Rahul Pandharipande (grad student)
Baris Coskunuzer2004 David Gabai (grad student)
Noel CressieStatistics1975 Geoffrey Stuart Watson (grad student)
Mihai Cucuringu Applied and Computational Mathematics2012 Amit Singer (grad student)
Lucas Culler
Alexandre d'AspremunaOperations Research, Statistics, Finance
Mihalis Dafermos2001 Demetrios L. Christodoulou (grad student)
Albina DanilovaFinance, Operations Research2005 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Dries DariusOperations Research, Finance2005 Ronnie Sircar (grad student)
Ingrid DaubechiesMathematics, Computer Science, Statistics
Matthew J. DeVos2000 Paul D. Seymour (grad student)
Gabriele Di Cerbo Mathematics2013 János Kollár (grad student)
Hansheng Diao
Pavel DikoOperations Research, Finance2004 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Margaret I. DoigSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory2010 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Brent R. Doran2003 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Konstantinos DrakakisMathematics, Computer Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2003 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Danxu DuMaterials Science Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2006 David J. Srolovitz (grad student)
Richard M. DudleyMathematics1962 J. Edward Nelson (grad student)
Eduardo Duenez2001 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Valdo DurrlemanMathematics, Finance2004 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Zeev Dvir
Weinan E
Eaman EftekharySmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory2004 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Luther Pfahler Eisenhart
Tarek Elgindi
Johannes EndersOperations Research, Energy2008 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Alex EskinMathematics1993 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Gerd Faltings
Hao FangMathematics2001 Sun-yung Alice Chang (grad student)
Mohammad Farajzadeh Tehrani Mathematics2012 Gang Tian (grad student)
Charles L. FeffermanMathematics1969 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
Martin FeinbergMathematics, Chemical Engineering1968 William R. Schowalter (grad student)
Jonathan Fickenscher
Damiano FoschiMathematics2000 Sergiu Klainerman (grad student)
Ralph Hartzler Fox1939 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student)
Jacob Fox2010 Benjamin Sudakov (grad student)
Baylor Fox-KemperPhysical Oceanography, Climate, Turbulence Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences20032005 Geoffrey K. Vallis (post-doc)
Alexandra O. Fradkin2011 Paul D. Seymour (grad student)
Donald A. S. FraserStatistics1949 Samuel S. Wilks (grad student)
Michael Freedman1973 William Browder (grad student)
Susan FriedlanderMathematics1972 Louis Norberg Howard (grad student)
Joshua J. FriessElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2007 Steven Gubser (grad student)
Scott A. FritzenPublic Administration2000 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
Elena Fuchs2010 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Aurel Mihai Fulger
Hillel Furstenberg1958 Salomon Bochner (grad student)
David Gabai
David Gale1949 Albert William Tucker (grad student)
Patrick Ximenes Gallagher1959 Donald Clayton Spencer (grad student)
Alexander GamburdMathematics, Applied Mathematics1999 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Dan A. GebaMathematics2002 Sergiu Klainerman (grad student)
James Wallace Givens Oswald Veblen (grad student)
Gregory A. GodfreyOperations Research2007 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Pedro Goldbaum2005 Elliott H. Lieb (grad student)
Cliona M. GoldenMathematics, Statistics, Neuroscience Biology, Biomedical Engineering, Radiology2005 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Donald GoldfarbOperations Research, Computer Science, Statistics1966 Leon Lapidus (grad student)
Francisco Javier González Acuña
Maria d. Gonzalez NoguerasMathematics2004 S-Y A. Chang (grad student)
Sreechakra GoparajuElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics Electrical Engineering2014 Robert Calderbank (grad student)
Ralph GreenbergNumber Theory1971 Kenkichi Iwasawa (grad student)
Michael Griffin
Phillip A. GriffithsMathematics1962 Donald Clayton Spencer (grad student)
Daniel A. GrossmanMathematics2000 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Steven GubserTheory Physics, Applied Mathematics1998 Igor R. Klebanov (grad student)
Sergei G. GukovString theory2001 Edward Witten (grad student)
Robert C. Gunning
Cemalettin S. GunturkMathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2000 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Chaitanya S. GuttikarMathematics2009 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Lauren E. HaleDemography, Social Psychology, Physiological Psychology2003 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
Thomas C. HalesMathematics1986 Robert P. Langlands (grad student)
Christopher J. Hall2003 Nicholas Katz (grad student)
Marc HallinStatistics
Robert C. HampshireOperations Research2007 William A. Massey (grad student)
Prashanth HandeElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Commerce-Business Economics2009 A Robert Calderbank (grad student)
Ramon v. HandelOperations Research, Mathematics
Lauren A. HannahStatistics, Operations Research, Energy2010 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Gergely Harcos2003 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Herbert A. HarmsElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Information Technology Electrical Engineering2013 Robert Calderbank (grad student)
Robert W. Harron2009 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
John A. HartiganStatistics Statistics Statistics1962 Francis John Anscombe (grad student), John Wilder Tukey (grad student)
Hans-Joachim Hein2010 Gang Tian (grad student)
Harald A. HelfgottMathematics2003 Henryk Iwaniec (grad student)
Alfred O. HeroElectronics and Electrical Engineering, Radiology, Statistics1984 Stuart Carl Schwartz (grad student)
Graham Higman
Wei Ho2009 Manjul Bhargava (grad student)
Alan F. HoMathematics, Finance2001 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Quang M. Hoang2009 William Browder (grad student)
Gerhard Paul Hochschild1941 Claude Chevalley (grad student)
Banesh Hoffmann Mathematics Mathematics19291932 Oswald Veblen (grad student), Eugene Paul Wigner (grad student), Howard Percy Robertson (grad student)
Amit P. Hogadi2007 János Kollár (grad student)
Thomas L. Horine2011 John Conway (grad student)
Tatiana Howard
Louis Norberg Howardfluid mechanics1953 Donald Clayton Spencer (grad student)
Wu-chung Hsiang
Ming-Deh HuangComputer Science, Mathematics1984 Kenneth Steiglitz (grad student)
Kevin J. Hughes Mathematics2012 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
June Huh
Mihaela Ignatova
Aytac IlhanOperations Research, Mathematics, Finance2004 Ronnie Sircar (grad student)
Hong G. ImMechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mathematics Chung K. Law (grad student)
Kosuke ImaiGeneral, Theory and Methods, Statistics
Bogdan IonMathematics2002 Siddhartha Sahi (grad student)
Alexandru Ionescu
Philip IsettMathematics, Applied Mathematics Mathematics2013 Sergiu Klainerman (grad student)
Arie IsraelMathematics, Applied Mathematics2011 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Henryk IwaniecMathematics
Kenkichi IwasawaAlgebraic number theory
Sina JafarpourComputer Science, Mathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Computer Science2011 Robert E. Schapire (grad student)
Arthur Michael Jaffemathematical physics1966 Arthur Strong Wightman (grad student)
Jennifer M. Johnson
Carl D. Johnson2002 Paul D. Seymour (grad student)
Hadi Jorati2006 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
Andrei Jorza2010 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Andras JuhaszSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory2008 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Junehyuk Jung Mathematics2013 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Alejandro JustinianoGeneral Economics, Statistics2004 Helene Rey (grad student)
Rafael Von Känel
Berk KapiciogluComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics Computer Science2013 Robert E. Schapire (grad student)
Samuel Karlin1947 Salomon Bochner (grad student)
George Em KarniadakisFluid and Plasma Physics, Mathematics
Nicholas Katz
Rebecca L. KatzGeneral, History of Science2005 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
John Augustus Keats1955 Harold O. Gulliksen (grad student)
Peter KeevashMathematics2004 Benjamin Sudakov (grad student)
John George Kemeny1949 Alonzo Church (grad student)
Matthew D. KerrMathematics2003 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Daniel Ketover
Ilhee Kim Applied and Computational Mathematics2013 Paul D. Seymour (grad student)
Jun Kitagawa2011 Sun-yung Alice Chang (grad student)
Sergiu KlainermanMathematics
Seitglu KlainermanMathematics
Alexander D. KlothStatistics, computation, biological dynamics Molecular Biology20092014 Samuel S.-H. Wang (grad student)
Jared KlymanFinance, Applied Mathematics, Operations Research2011 Patrick Cheridito (grad student)
Simon Kochen
Kunihiko Kodaira
Kenneth D. Koenig2000 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
Joseph Kohn1956 Donald Clayton Spencer (grad student)
János Kollár
Jonathan Kommemi
Peter Roland Kramer1997 Andrew Joseph Majda (grad student)
Benjamin KrauseMathematics
Joachim KriegerMathematics2003 Seitglu Klainerman (grad student)
Mark N Kvale1989 Philip Warren Anderson (grad student)
Paco Axel LagerstromAeronautics1942 Salomon Bochner (grad student)
Robert P. LanglandsMathematics
Christopher R. LaumannCondensed Matter Physics, Computer Science, Statistics2010 Shivaji Lal Sondhi (grad student)
Normand M. LaurendeauMechanical Engineering, Optics Physics, Statistics Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences1968 Irvin Glassman (grad student)
Emanuel A. Lazar Applied and Computational Mathematics2011 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Andrew F. LedvinaApplied Mathematics, General Economics2011 Ronnie Sircar (grad student)
Solomon Lefschetz
Siu T. LeungOperations Research, Finance, Mathematics2008 Ronnie Sircar (grad student)
Adam Levine
Sam J. LewallenSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory Mathematics2014 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Chi Li Mathematics2012 Gang Tian (grad student)
Tianhui M. LiMathematics Operations Research and Financial Engineering2013 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Elliott H. LiebMathematical Physics
Adele T. LimMaterials Science Engineering Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering2012 David J. Srolovitz (grad student)
Elon LindenstraussMathematics
André Lisibach
Chun-hung Liu
Di Liu2003 Weinan E (grad student)
Po-Shen LohMathematics2010 Benjamin Sudakov (grad student)
Jianfeng Lu2009 Weinan E (grad student)
Michael Ludkovski2005 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Jonathan W. Luk Mathematics2012 Igor Rodnianski (grad student)
Garving K. LuliMathematics2010 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Haifeng LuoOperations Research, Finance Operations Research and Financial Engineering2014 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Martin T. Luu2011 Christopher McLean Skinner (grad student)
Matei Machedon1986 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Robert Macpherson
Andrew Joseph Majda
Benoît B. Mandelbrotmathematics, fractals, economics, information theory, fluid dynamics19531954 John L. von Neumann (post-doc)
Jeremy R. Manningmemory, ECoG, fMRI, brain network dynamics, Bayesian models Computer Science20112015 Kenneth A. Norman (post-doc), David Meir Blei (post-doc)
Arun G. MararOperations Research2002 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Alexis Marin Laurence Carl Siebenmann (grad student)
Fernando Coda Marques
Simon Marshall2010 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
R. Douglas Martin1969 Stuart Carl Schwartz (grad student)
William A. MasseyQueueing theory
William S. MasseyAlgebraic topology1949 Norman Earl Steenrod (grad student)
John N. Mather
Jonathan C. MattinglyMathematics, Biochemistry Mathematics19941998 Yakov Sinai (grad student)
Davesh Maulik2007 Rahul Pandharipande (grad student)
Barry C. Mazur1959 Ralph Hartzler Fox (grad student)
Michael McBreenMirror symmetry, Langlands duality for symplectic resolutions, representation theory.20082013 Andrei Okounkov (grad student)
Mark McConnell
Henry P. McKeanMathematics1955 William Feller (grad student)
Mark E. McKee2003 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Richard M. McLaughlinMathematics1994 Andrew Joseph Majda (grad student)
Ana Menezes
Maria MichalogiorgakiSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory2008 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Djordje Milicevic2006 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Peter L. Milley2003 David Gabai (grad student)
Marvin L. Minskyartificial intelligence, human mind1954 Albert William Tucker (grad student)
Maryam Mirzakhani
Indrajit MitraElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Steven Gubser (grad student)
Dustin G. MixonApplied Mathematics Applied and Computational Mathematics2012 Robert Calderbank (grad student)
Shinichi Mochizuki1992 Gerd Faltings (grad student)
Jordi Mondria PascualGeneral Economics2006 Helene Rey (grad student)
Rafael Montezuma
John Coleman Moore
Sophie Morel
Indraneel MukherjeeComputer Science Computer Science2011 Robert E. Schapire (grad student)
Ritabrata Munshi2006 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Aaron C. Naber2009 Gang Tian (grad student)
David NadlerGeometric representation theory, symplectic geometry2001 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Sergey NadtochiyOperations Research, Finance2009 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Kihun NamMathematics, Applied Mathematics Applied and Computational Mathematics2014 Patrick Cheridito (grad student)
Assaf Naor
John Forbes Nash Mathematics1950 Albert William Tucker (grad student)
Abhinav NelloreTheory Physics, Quantum Physics2010 Steven Gubser (grad student)
J. Edward Nelson
Tingfai NgMathematics2004 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Andreea C. Nicoara2002 Joseph Kohn (grad student)
Martin NiepelSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory2004 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Sang-Il Oum2005 Paul D. Seymour (grad student)
Gorkem G. OzkayaMathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics Applied and Computational Mathematics2012 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Peter Ozsváth
Peter OzvathMathematics
Onur Ozyesil Applied and Computational Mathematics2014 Amit Singer (grad student)
Rahul PandharipandeMathematics
Alessandra PantanoMathematics2004 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Katerina P. PapadakiOperations Research, Industrial Engineering2002 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Anastasia PapavasiliouMathematics2002 René A. Carmona (grad student)
YoungHan ParkMathematics2013 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
James A. Parson2003 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Ori Parzanchevski
Zsolt Patakfalvi
Stefan Patrikis Mathematics2012 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Sean T. Paul2000 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Deborah N. PeikesPublic Health, Demography, Human Development2000 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
Jamol J. PenderOperations Research, Mathematics Operations Research and Financial Engineering2013 William A. Massey (grad student)
Zhuangzhuang Peng2001 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Ted Edgar Petrie1964 William Browder (grad student)
Duong Phong Mathematics1975 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
Lillian B. Pierce2009 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
Loren PittMathematics1967 William Feller (grad student)
Aaron PixtonMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics Mathematics2013 Rahul Pandharipande (grad student)
Gungor PolatkanComputer Science, Statistics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering2012 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Aaron J. Pollack Mathematics2014 Christopher McLean Skinner (grad student)
Warren B. PowellOperations Research, Applied Mathematics
Kartik A. Prasanna2003 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Jesus Puente Applied and Computational Mathematics2013 Gang Tian (grad student)
Silviu S. PufuTheory Physics, Applied Mathematics2011 Steven Gubser (grad student)
Fabio Pusateri
Bela A. RaczSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory Mathematics2015 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Mohammad Rahimi Coleen T. Murphy (post-doc)
Patrick RebeschiniStatistics, Computer Science Operations Research and Financial Engineering2014 Ramon v. Handel (grad student)
Nicholas W. Reichert Mathematics2014 Sun-yung Alice Chang (grad student)
Rolf D. ReitzMechanical Engineering, Mathematics Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering1978 Frediano V. Bracco (grad student)
Helene ReyGeneral Economics, Statistics
Robert W. Ritchie Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Malcolm Irving Slingsby Robertson1934 C. Einar Hille (grad student)
Fabio D. RochaElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Condensed Matter Physics2010 Steven Gubser (grad student)
Igor Rodnianski
Jose L. Rodrigo DiezMathematics2004 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Jonathan RogawskiMathematics1980 Robert P. Langlands (grad student)
Hartley Rogers, Jr.1958 Alonzo Church (grad student)
Antonio Rojas Leon2004 Nicholas Katz (grad student)
John Barkley Rosser1934 Alonzo Church (grad student)
Raif RustamovSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory2005 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Samuel Ruth Mathematics2013 Manjul Bhargava (grad student)
Ricardo A. Saenz Casas2010 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
Siddhartha SahiMathematics
Nitin SaksenaMathematics, Finance2008 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Daniel F. SalasChemical Engineering, Operations Research, Applied Mathematics Chemical and Biological Engineering2014 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Manuel SalesFinance2002 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Christine SampleMathematics20082010 Stanislav Y. Shvartsman (post-doc)
Sucharit SarkarSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory2009 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Peter C Sarnak
Robert E. SchapireMathematics, Computer Science, Statistics
Edward ScheinermanMathematics, Statistics1984 Douglas B. West (grad student)
Richard Evan SchwartzGeometry and topology, dynamical systems1991 William P. Thurston (grad student)
Warren R. ScottOperations Research Operations Research and Financial Engineering2012 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Cotton SeedSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory Mathematics2014 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Robert SeiringerMathematical Physics
Peter D. SepanskiMathematics2002 Peter Ozvath (grad student)
Tardu S. SepinOperations Research Operations Research and Financial Engineering2015 Patrick Cheridito (grad student)
Javier Gómez Serrano
Iman SetayeshMathematics, Applied Mathematics2011 Rahul Pandharipande (grad student)
Paul D. Seymour
Rami ShakarchiMathematics2002 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Arul Shankar Mathematics2013 Manjul Bhargava (grad student)
Arick ShaoMathematics, Theory Physics2010 Sergiu Klainerman (grad student)
Lloyd Shapley Economics1953 Albert William Tucker (grad student)
Eric Shea-Browncomputational neuroscience2004 Philip J. Holmes (grad student)
Hao Shen Applied and Computational Mathematics2013 Weinan E (grad student)
Vivek ShendeGeometry2011 Rahul Pandharipande (grad student)
Nicholas Sheridan
Goro Shimura
Masanobu ShinozukaCivil Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Statistics
Yakov Shlapentokh-rothman
Laurence Carl Siebenmann
Lior Silberman2005 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Jorge D. SilvaMathematics2001 Charles L. Fefferman (grad student)
Barry M. Simon1970 Arthur Strong Wightman (grad student)
Yakov Sinaidynamical systems, ergodic theory, and mathematical physics.
Amit Singer
Burton H. SingerDemography, Statistics
Ronnie SircarOperations Research, Finance, Mathematics
Steven W. Sivek
Christopher McLean Skinner1997 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Paul Althaus Smith Mathematics Mathematics1928 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student), George David Birkhoff (post-doc)
Raymond Smullyan Hilary Whitehall Putnam (grad student)
Andrew Snowden2009 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Robert H. Socolowenergy and environment
Samir S. SonejiDemography2008 Kosuke Imai (grad student)
Alfonso Sorrentino2008 John N. Mather (grad student)
Kannan Soundararajan1998 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Donald Clayton Spencer
Florin Spinu2003 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Florian E. Sprung
David J. SrolovitzApplied Mathematics, Materials Science Engineering
Mitja StadjeMathematics, Finance2009 Patrick Cheridito (grad student)
Norman Earl SteenrodAlgebraic topology1936 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student)
Elias Menachem Stein
Susanne StillInformation Theory, Machine Learning William Bialek (post-doc)
Steven Henry StrogatzApplied Mathematics, Information Science Abraham Worcel (research assistant)
Benjamin SudakovMathematics
George SugiharaOceanography Biology, Ecology Biology, Statistics, Fisheries and Aquaculture Agriculture, Biostatistics Biology Robert (Bob) M. May (grad student)
Toufic M. Suidan2001 Yakov Sinai (grad student)
Blair D. Sullivan2008 Paul D. Seymour (grad student)
Dennis Sullivan1966 William Browder (grad student)
Youhong SunApplied Mathematics, Finance2011 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Umar A. SyedComputer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Applied Mathematics2010 Robert E. Schapire (grad student)
Zoltan SzaboSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory
Daniel Yasumasa Takahashibioinformatics, mathematics, computational neuroscience2010 Asif A. Ghazanfar (post-doc)
Abraham Haskel Taubdifferential geometry, general relativity and cosmology, applied mathematics (shock waves and relativistic hydrodynamics), and numerical analysis1935 Howard Percy Robertson (grad student)
Richard L. Taylor Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Michael R. TehranchiMathematics2002 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Gaurav S. ThakurApplied Mathematics, Mathematics2011 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
P. Emery (Paul) Thomas1955 Norman Earl Steenrod (grad student)
William P. ThurstonMathematics
Gang Tian
Tomasz Tkocz
Huseyin TopalogluOperations Research2001 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Yesim TozanHuman Development, Public Administration, Public Health2004 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
Hale Trotter
Clifford Ambrose TruesdellApplied Mathematics1944 Paul Felix Neményi (grad student), Solomon Lefschetz (grad student), Harry Bateman (grad student)
Jacob Tsimerman2011 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Yu-Chao Tu Mathematics2014 János Kollár (grad student)
Albert William Tucker1932 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student)
John Wilder Tukey1939 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student)
Alan M. Turingcomputation1938 Alonzo Church (grad student)
Julianna S. Tymoczko2003 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Robert J. VanderbeiOperations Research, Mathematics
Peter P. VarjuMathematics, Theoretical Mathematics, Applied Mathematics2011 Jean Bourgain (grad student)
Sunita VatukMathematics2009 Phillip A. Griffiths (grad student)
Oswald Veblentopology, geometry
Akshay Venkatesh2002 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Vlad Vicol
Ilya Vinogradov
Jade P. Vinson2001 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
David A. VoganMathematics
Michael J. Volpato2008 Andrew Wiles (grad student)
Sergey VoroninApplied Mathematics Applied and Computational Mathematics2012 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Henry Wallman1937 Solomon Lefschetz (grad student)
Xin Wan Mathematics2012 Christopher McLean Skinner (grad student)
Lanhui Wang Applied and Computational Mathematics2013 Amit Singer (grad student)
Zhiren WangMathematics, Applied Mathematics2011 Elon Lindenstrauss (grad student)
Lixin Wang2004 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Rachel WardMathematics2009 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Simone Warzel
Gerard Washnitzer
Kevin T. Webster Operations Research and Financial Engineering2014 René A. Carmona (grad student)
John HC Whitehead1930 Oswald Veblen (grad student)
Phillip WhitmanMathematics2010 Sergiu Klainerman (grad student)
Christopher H. Wigginsmachine learning, statistics, computational biology, applied mathematics, theoretical physics physics19931998 Raymond E. Goldstein (grad student)
Andrew Wiles
Derek W. WillisPublic and Social Welfare, Information Science, Sustainability2010 Burton H. Singer (grad student)
Percy Wong Applied and Computational Mathematics2013 Yakov Sinai (grad student)
Willie W. WongMathematics, Theory Physics2009 Sergiu Klainerman (grad student)
Melanie E. Wood2009 Manjul Bhargava (grad student)
Zhongtao WuSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory2010 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Ming-Yih Wu2006 Weinan E (grad student)
Thomas Y. WuGeneral Economics2007 Helene Rey (grad student)
Tongqiang WuOperations Research2005 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Yiyue WuElectronics and Electrical Engineering2011 Robert Calderbank (grad student)
Alexander WugalterApplied Mathematics, Finance2011 Patrick Cheridito (grad student)
Chenyang Xu2008 János Kollár (grad student)
Guangbo Xu Mathematics2013 Gang Tian (grad student)
Kazutoshi YamazakiStatistics, Operations Research2009 Warren B. Powell (grad student)
Paul C. Yang
Shiwu Yang Mathematics2013 Igor Rodnianski (grad student)
Zhou YangFinance, Applied Mathematics, Theory Economics2010 René A. Carmona (grad student)
Horng-Tzer Yau1987 Elliott H. Lieb (grad student)
Ozgur YilmazMathematics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering2001 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Abdou YoussefComputer Science, Statistics1988 Bruce Wesley Arden (grad student)
Pin Yu2010 Igor Rodnianski (grad student), Sergiu Klainerman (grad student)
Zhiwei YunRepresentation Theory; Number Theory; Algebraic Geometry; the Langlands program2009 Robert Macpherson (grad student)
Po-Lam Yung2010 Elias Menachem Stein (grad student)
Alexandru ZaharescuMathematics1995 Peter C Sarnak (grad student)
Bohua ZhanSmooth 4-manifolds, Heegaard Floer homology, Symplectic geometry, Seiberg-Witten invariants, Knot theory Mathematics2014 Zoltan Szabo (grad student)
Shou-wu Zhang
Chenwei ZhuMathematics2008 Ingrid Daubechies (grad student)
Craig ZirbelMathematics1993 Erhan Cinlar (grad student)