Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
François Aragoastronomy, optics1805 Siméon-Denis Poisson (research assistant)
Steffen Backes
Charles N. BaroudFluid mechanics, biophysics, quantitative biology
Michael Baudoin LadHyX20102012 Charles N. Baroud (post-doc)
Jacques Binet18081814 Gaspard Monge (grad student), Jean Nicolas Pierre Hachette (research scientist), François Arago (research scientist)
Jean-Baptiste Biot1797 Gaspard Monge (grad student), Pierre-Simon Laplace (grad student)
Pierre-Ossian Bonnet18681871 Michel Chasles (research scientist)
Charles BossutGeometry, civil engineering
Claude Bouchiat
Eugène-Charles Catalan18331835 Gabriel Lame (grad student)
Michel Chasles1814 Siméon-Denis Poisson (grad student)
Jean-Loup Chenot
Maria-Luisa Cordero LadHyX20042007 Charles N. Baroud (grad student)
Alfred Cornu1866 Hippolyte Fizeau (grad student), Emile Verdet (grad student)
Claude CrozetCivil engineering18051807 Gaspard Monge (grad student)
Torsten DahmsHeavy ion physics.
Rémi Dangla LadHyX20072010 Charles N. Baroud (grad student)
Tung-Lam Dao Centre de Physique Théorique20052008 Antoine Georges (grad student)
Adhemar Barre de Saint-Venant18131825 Joseph-Louis Gay-Lussac (grad student)
Delphine Débarre2006 Emmanuel Beaurepaire (grad student)
Stéphane FerronPhysics
Hippolyte Fizeau
Frédéric FleuretElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Patrick FleuryElementary Particles and High Energy Physics1967 Bernard Gregory (grad student)
Augustin Fresnel1804 Adrien-Marie Legendre (grad student), Siméon-Denis Poisson (grad student), Gaspard Monge (grad student), André-Marie Ampère (grad student)
Charles Goulaouicpartial differential equations Jacques-Louis Lions (grad student)
Bernard GregoryElementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Muhammed H GunesCondensed matter physics
Jean Nicolas Pierre Hachette17941799 Gaspard Monge (research scientist)
Jules Célestin Jaminoptics, electricity and magnetism
Alfonso JaramilloSynthetic Biology, Computational biology, Theoretical Physics
Sungyeop JungSemiconductor Physics, Compact Model, SPICE, TCAD20132016 Gilles Horowitz (grad student)
Sylvester Lacroix17941799 Gaspard Monge (research scientist)
Edmond Laguerre18521854 Michel Chasles (grad student)
Adrien-Marie Legendre
Louis Leprince-Ringuetnuclear physics
Paul Pierre LévyMathematics
C. L. Ferdinand LindemannMathematics1873 Camille Jordan (post-doc), Michel Chasles (post-doc), Charles Hermite (post-doc)
Gabriel LippmannOptical physics, applied optical physics1875 Jules Célestin Jamin (grad student)
Benoît B. Mandelbrotmathematics, fractals, economics, information theory, fluid dynamics1952 Paul Pierre Lévy (grad student)
George François Paul Marie MatheronGeostatistics, Mathematical Morphology, Porous Media1965 Robert Fortet (grad student)
Liuba Mazzanti
Louis Michel
Albert Abraham Michelsonoptics, light interferometry18811882 Alfred Cornu (research scientist)
Gaspard MongeGeometry
Jean-Claude Nédélec
Julius Plückercathode rays that led eventually to the discovery of the electron18231825 Sylvester Lacroix (grad student)
Henri Poincarémathematics18731879 Charles Hermite (grad student), Alfred Cornu (grad student), Edmond Laguerre (grad student), Pierre-Ossian Bonnet (grad student), Jean Resal (grad student)
Siméon-Denis Poisson1800 Joseph Louis Lagrange (grad student), Pierre-Simon Laplace (grad student)
Jean Resal
Nikita Shcheblanov20162017 Arnaud Couairon (post-doc)
Nicolas Taccoen LadHyX20122015 Charles N. Baroud (grad student)
Marie-Jean THORAVALFluid Mechanics, Drops, Bubbles, Interfacial Flows
Tran Nguyen Truong
Eduardo VitralAstrophysics of Galaxies