Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Mary AinsworthAttachment Tutis Vilis (grad student)
Michael Barnett-CowanMultisensory, perception and action, psychophysics, vestibular system20112013 Jody C. Culham (post-doc)
Jason Beikolearning19952001 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Michael J. BoisvertAnimal cognition19992006 David F. Sherry (grad student)
Francis Boon19872010 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Sriram Boothalingam20102014 David Purcell (grad student)
David R. BrodbeckComparative Cognition Psychology Psychology19931996 William A. Roberts (post-doc), Nancy Innis (research assistant)
Stephanie Bugden Daniel Ansari (grad student)
Charlotte Chiu20092010 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Adira Daniel2020 John Kitchener Sakaluk (grad student)
Andrew R Daoustbiomarkers of stress, cortisol, developmental psychopathology
Michael R W DawsonFoundations of cognitive science, artificial neural networks Psychology1986 Zenon W. Pylyshyn (grad student)
Hans C. DringenbergSynaptic plasticity, Long-term potentiation, Visual system, Auditory system Cornelius H. Vanderwolf (grad student)
Liisa GaleaPsychology Martin Kavaliers (grad student), Doreen Kimura (grad student), Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Robert C. Gardner
Madhulika a Gupta
Gordon Hodson Richard M. Sorrentino (grad student)
Ian HollowayNumerical Cognition, fMRI, symbol mapping Daniel Ansari (grad student)
Melissa Hoppe20012002 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Lynn ImaiCross-Cultural Organizational Behavior
Douglas N. Jacksonassessment, psychological testing
Patricia JordanDevelopmental Psychopathology, Cognitive Development J Bruce Morton (grad student)
Stephen B. Kendall
Laura Kentonanimal models20012003 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Yuliya Kotelnikova Elizabeth P. Hayden (grad student)
Katie R. Kryski Elizabeth P. Hayden (grad student)
Ruth Laniusneuropsychiatry, neuroimaging
Sara B. LattanzioAnimal cognition20012007 David F. Sherry (grad student)
Noah Lazaranimal models20042010 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Xin Liu2013 Jiguo Cao (grad student)
Nini Longoria2021 John Kitchener Sakaluk (grad student)
Derrick F. MacFabeanimal models-autism Donald Peter Cain (collaborator)
Sarah Mackrell Elizabeth P. Hayden (grad student)
Ewan A. Macphersonauditory neurophysiology, psychoacoustics
J. McKay20032004 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Christopher McNorganMultisensory Integration, Semantic Memory, Computational Models, Functional Neuroimaging Psychology20022009 Ken McRae (grad student)
Sarah J Miles Psychology20072013 John Paul Minda (grad student)
John Paul Mindacognition, categories, concepts, thinking
V Msi
Ruby Nadler Psychology20062013 John Paul Minda (grad student)
William Lee PalyaBehavior Analysis Stephen B. Kendall (grad student)
David R. Pederson
Tara Perrot Psychology19941998 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant), Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp (grad student)
Michael PetersNeuropsychology Andrew Monjan (grad student)
Stephanie RossitHemispatial neglect, perception and action
John Kitchener SakalukSexuality, romantic relationships, measurement, research synthesis
William C. SchmidtVisual Psychophysics19921994 Zenon W. Pylyshyn (grad student)
Shannon Scratchanimal models20052006 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Sandy Shultzconcussion: animal models; human concussion20052010 Donald Peter Cain (grad student)
Richard M. Sorrentino
Irene SperandioNeuroscience, Psychophysics, Neuroimaging, Visual Perception20092009 Melvyn A. Goodale (post-doc), Carlo A. Marzi (grad student)
Sarah Stanton
Lana Trick Zenon W. Pylyshyn (grad student)
Lucia van Eimeren
Matthew R. J. VandermeerDepression, Neuroimaging, Psychopathology
Stephan Erich VogelNumerical Cognition,Ordinality, fMRI2009 Daniel Ansari (grad student)
Matthew WaxerCognitive Development, Cognitive Control J Bruce Morton (grad student)
Lynne J. WilliamsCognitive Neuroscience Communication Sciences and Disorders20072009 Joseph B. Orange (post-doc)
Stacey Woodward19981999 Donald Peter Cain (research assistant)
Richard D. Wrightattention Zenon W. Pylyshyn (grad student)