University College London

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Doran P. AmosHippocampus, psychopharmacology2006 John O'Keefe (grad student)
Tony Attwood Uta Frith (grad student)
Ulrik Beierholmpsychophysics modeling, multisensory perception
Christopher J. Berry David Shanks (grad student)
Peter Bexvisual psychophysics, motion perception
Geoffrey BirdMirror neurons, imitation, empathy, autism, alexithymia20042006 Cecilia Heyes (grad student), Uta Frith (post-doc), Chris Frith (post-doc)
Caroline Catmur Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology Cecilia Heyes (grad student)
Raymond B. Cattellintelligence, psychometrics, personality Charles Spearman (research assistant)
Morten H. ChristiansenPsycholinguistics, Language Evolution, Statistical Learning Nick Chater (grad student)
Lisa Cipolottineuropsychology Brian Butterworth (grad student)
Jennifer L. Cooksocial cognition, autism, biological motion, imitation20082011 Geoffrey Bird (collaborator), Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (grad student)
Richard CookSocial perception & imitation20082011 Brad C. Duchaine (grad student), Alan Johnston (grad student), Cecilia Heyes (grad student)
Norman F. Dixon T. E. Lear (grad student)
Thalia C. Eleybehavioural genetics, developmental psychology Institute of Child Health Jim Stevenson (grad student)
Paul Faulkner2014 Jonathan Roiser (grad student), Peter Dayan (grad student)
Pasco Fearon1999 Peter Fonagy (grad student)
Peter FonagyAttachment, Psychotherapy, Mentalization
Uta FrithAutism, Social Cognition
Andrew J. GerberMRI, development, psychotherapy, autism19932005 Peter Fonagy (grad student)
Brian D. Glasscognitive psychology, decision making
Vinod Goel Ray J. Dolan (post-doc)
John A. GreenwoodVisual perception, psychophysics20082010 Steven C. Dakin (post-doc)
Victoria Hamilton1991 Peter Fonagy (grad student)
John Dylan Haynespsychophysics & fmri; visual cognition20022006 Geraint Rees (post-doc), Jochen Braun (post-doc)
Cecilia HeyesImitation & mirror neurons Henry Charles Plotkin (grad student)
Nora Miriam Isacoffmental lexicon, psychology of language, cognitive development
T. E. Lear
Alan Lesliepretense Uta Frith (post-doc)
Chris J. MitchellAssociative Learning, Perceptual Learning, Attention Cecilia Heyes (grad student)
George Strich Moran1987 Peter Fonagy (grad student)
John Mortoncognitive psychology
John P. O'Doherty Ray J. Dolan (post-doc)
Hector PageRat Hippocampus Spatial Processing20152017 Kate J. Jeffery (post-doc)
Karl Pearsonstatistics
Peter Q. PfordresherAuditory perception and action1994 Peter Howell (grad student)
Henry Charles Plotkin
Clare Press Cecilia Heyes (grad student)
Franck RamusPsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive development, genetics
Philip Richardson1988 Peter Fonagy (grad student)
Tony RoAttention and Perception Jon Driver (post-doc), Nilli Lavie (post-doc)
Jennifer M. RoddLanguage, Cognitive Neuroscience
Adam N. SanbornPsychology20072010 Peter Dayan (post-doc)
Joseph Sandler
Idalmis Santiestebansocial cognition, ASD, mirror-touch synaesthesia, brain stimulation ICN20102014 Sarah White (grad student)
Paramala SantoshPsychiatry, Neuropsychiatry, Pharmacology
Ioannis Sarigiannidis Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience20152019 Oliver Robinson (grad student)
Ayse Pinar SayginCognitive neuroscience, perception, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, robotics20062008 Chris Frith (collaborator), Jon Driver (research scientist), Geraint Rees (post-doc), Jon Driver (post-doc), Sharon Gilaie-Dotan (collaborator)
Victor Roger SchinaziSpatial cognition, Blindness & Visual Impairment20022007 Gary S. Rubin (grad student), Michael Batty (grad student)
Eric Schulz Experimental Psychology20142017 Maarten Speekenbrink (grad student)
David ShanksCognition
John Anthony SlobodaPsychology of Music, conflict analysis Psychology Psychology19711974 Neil O'Connor (grad student), Beate Hermelin (grad student)
David SoutoVisual perception, attention, eye movements2009 Alan Johnston (post-doc)
Maarten Speekenbrinklearning, decision making, reinforcement learning, cognitive models, mathematical psychology Experimental Psychology20052008 David Shanks (post-doc)
Jim Stevenson
James Sully
Digby Tantam Uta Frith (grad student)
Mary Target1994 Peter Fonagy (grad student)
Hannah Tickle Experimental Psychology20132018 Maarten Speekenbrink (grad student)
Robert Morris William Travers1938 Ronald A. Fisher (grad student)
Sarah White
Sophie Wuergercolour vision19931995 Michael J. Morgan (post-doc)