Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Edward W. Abel
Varinder K. AggarwalOrganic Chemistry
Nahida AkterBiosynthetic pathway engineering of Mupirocin
Michael P. AllenMolecular Simulation
Stephen R Allen Chemistry19791982 Michael Green (grad student)
Denis Andrienko2001 Michael P. Allen (grad student)
Steven P. Armes Chemistry Brian Vincent (grad student)
Michael N. R. Ashfold19811984 Richard N. Dixon (research scientist)
Clive R Bagshaw Biochemistry19711974 David R. Trentham (grad student)
Alan Bailey School of Chemistry1965 Douglas Hugh Everett (grad student)
Ulrich BaischCrystal Engineering
Wilson Baker
Gabriel Balint-Kurtitheoretical chemistry
Arthur BanisterMain Group Chemistry1957 Frederick Henry Pollard (grad student)
Michele Barbour Klaus D. Jandt (grad student)
Joseph Barker School of Chemistry20162020 Christine L Willis (grad student)
T. Hugh K. BarronTheoretical Chemistry
C. E. H. Bawn1932 William Edward Garner (grad student)
Robin B. Bedford
Christopher Bellspintronics, thin films, superconductivity
Wouter R. BerghuijsHydrology, Water Resources2017 Ross A Woods (grad student)
Jordan Berreur20212024 Beatrice Collins (post-doc), Jonathan Clayden (post-doc)
Aditi Bhattacherjee20172018 Tom Oliver (post-doc)
Robin J. BlaggInorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry School of Chemistry20042008 Neil G. Connelly (grad student)
John F. Bowerheterocyclic chemistry, transition metal catalysis, total synthesis Chemistry20032007 Timothy C. Gallagher (grad student)
John Richard Boxorganic chemistry Chemistry20182023 Alastair J. J. Lennox (grad student)
Philip D. BraggBiochemistry and Molecular Biology1958 Leslie Hough (grad student)
Chris E. BrionPhysical Chemistry1961 William James Dunning (grad student)
Michael I. Bruceorganometallic chemistry, cluster chemistry F. Gordon A. Stone (grad student)
Elliott BurnellNuclear magnetic resonance1970 A. David Buckingham (grad student)
Ian S. ButlerInorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, art forensics Chemistry19611964 Edward W. Abel (grad student)
Paola Cacciafesta Klaus D. Jandt (grad student)
Philip J. Campmolecular simulations, statistical mechanics Physics19941997 Michael P. Allen (grad student)
Tom S CarterSynthetic chemistry20112015 Anthony Peter Davis (grad student)
J. Brian Chappelloxidative phosphorylation
David Cherns
Michael J. Chetcuti1980 F. Gordon A. Stone (grad student)
Jonathan ClaydenOrganic Synthesis
Robert E. Colbornorganometallic, nanomaterials19811983 Selby Alfred Richard Knox (post-doc)
Elisabeth R. Colby Helle D. Ulrich (grad student)
Neil G. ConnellyInorganic Chemistry
Stuart J. ConwayChemical biology, organic chemistry19972000 David E. Jane (grad student)
Andrew CoopOpioid synthesis Chemistry19911994 John W. Lewis (grad student)
Aitken Couper1950 Daniel Douglas Eley (grad student)
Bruce Coxon1960 Leslie Hough (grad student)
J. Michael Creeth
Mark Crimmin2004 Varinder K. Aggarwal (research assistant)
Basile F. E. CurchodNonadiabatic dynamics
Jyotirmayee DashSynthetic organic chemistry, chemical biology, supramolecular chemistry of nucleobases20102010 Stephen Mann (research scientist)
Anthony Peter Davissupramolecular chemistry, organic synthesis
Cornelis A. de Langelaser spectroscopy1969 A. David Buckingham (grad student)
Christopher E. Dempsey
Huan V DoanPorous materials
Jinqiao DongSupramolecular chemistry, Coordination chemistry, Self-assembly, 2D materials20192021 Anthony Peter Davis (post-doc)
Peter Dowding
William James Dunningphysical chemistry
Barnali Dutta Ian Manners (post-doc)
Julian Eastoe
Karen J. Edler Chemistry19992000 Stephen Mann (post-doc)
Geoffrey EglintonOrganic Geochemistry
Douglas Hugh EverettSurface Chemistry
Ian J. S. Fairlamb Guy Lloyd-Jones (post-doc)
W. Ronald Fawcettnon-aqueous solutions, interfacial electrochemistry, and electrode kinetics1966 Roger Parsons (post-doc)
David Fermin
Natalie Feycomputational inorganic chemistry, homogeneous catalysis, organometallics20032007 A Guy Orpen (post-doc), Jeremy N. Harvey (post-doc), Guy Lloyd-Jones (post-doc)
Gerald Wilfred Albert FowlesInorganic chemistry1952 Frederick Henry Pollard (grad student)
Lucas A. Freeman Chemistry Robin B. Bedford (research assistant)
M Carmen GalanOligosaccharides synthesis, glycobiology
Timothy C. GallagherSynthetic Chemistry; Heterocyclic and Carbohydrate Chemistry
Venkataraman GaneshOrganic synthesis, organoboron chemistry, transition metal catalysis Schook of chemistry20162018 Varinder K. Aggarwal (post-doc)
William Edward Garnersolid state chemistry and catalysis
Brad J. Geddes James B. Uney (post-doc)
Michael A Geeves Biochemsitry Biochemistry19791993 David R. Trentham (grad student), Herbert Gutfreund (post-doc)
Guido GermanoScientific Computing, Computational Finance, Statistical Physics, Complex Systems Physics19982000 Michael P. Allen (post-doc)
Joe B. Gilroy2008 Ian Manners (post-doc)
Emma R. Gilroy2020 Christopher Bell (grad student)
Frank Glockling1951 Wilson Baker (grad student)
Ernesto Rafael Gonzalez19691972 Roger Parsons (grad student)
Jim Goodwin
Claudio GrecoNatural Products, Biosynthesis, Fungal Biology, Metabolomics School of Chemistry20132017 Christine L Willis (grad student)
Michael Greenorganometallic chemistry
Juliette Gregg2024 Basile F. E. Curchod (grad student)
Ashleigh Griffith20122017 Anthony Peter Davis (grad student)
T. B. Grimley Nevill Francis Mott (grad student)
Herbert Gutfreund
Susanta Haldar20162019 Adrian Mulholland (post-doc)
Stephen E Halford Biochemistry19681971 Herbert Gutfreund (grad student)
Laurance David Hallnuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), carbohydrate structures1963 Leslie Hough (grad student)
Simon R HallMaterials Chemistry
Charlie L HallOrganic Crystal Polymorphism School of Chemistry20172021 Simon R Hall (grad student)
Victoria A Hamilton
Christopher S Hansenphysical chemistry, chemical physics School of Chemistry School of Chemistry20162018 Michael N. R. Ashfold (post-doc), Andrew J Orr-Ewing (post-doc)
David J Hardingspin crossover; molecular magnetism; crystal engineering Chemistry19972000 Neil G. Connelly (grad student)
Stephen E. HardingMacromolecular Biochemistry19811982 J. Michael Creeth (post-doc)
John R Hardy1959 Maurice Henry Lecorney Pryce (grad student)
Stephanie R HareComputational chemistry, molecular dynamics
Jeremy N. Harveycomputational chemistry
Holger Helten20102011 Ian Manners (post-doc)
David E. Herbert2009 Ian Manners (grad student)
Federico Hernández2024 Basile F. E. Curchod (post-doc)
Anthony F. HillCoordination and Organometallic Chemistry19861988 F. Gordon A. Stone (post-doc)
Stephen Hill
Daniel Hollas Chemistry2021 Basile F. E. Curchod (post-doc)
Bo HouElectron microscopy, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry, optoelectronics School of Chemistry School of Physics School of Chemistry20102014 David Fermin (grad student), David Cherns (grad student), M Carmen Galan (grad student)
Jonathon HowardMotor Proteins, Cytoskeleton Physiology1984 Jonathan F. Ashmore (post-doc)
Joshua Howgego20082012 Anthony Peter Davis (grad student)
Russell P. HughesOrganometallic mechanism and synthesis, CF bond activation, catalysis, computational chemistry19731975 Michael Green (post-doc)
Lewis Hutton Chemistry20192023 Basile F. E. Curchod (grad student)
Klaus D. JandtMaterials Science, Polymers, Biomaterials, Surfaces and Interfaces, Protein-Materials Science, Nanomaterials, Microscopy, Physics for Life Sciences, Applied Physics Mervyn J. Miles (post-doc)
David E. JaneGlutamate pharmacology and medicinal chemistry Jeffrey Clifton Watkins (post-doc)
Jiří Janoš2022 Basile F. E. Curchod (grad student)
Guilherme Augusto JardimOrganic Synthesis, Organometallic Catalysis, Photocatalysis Synthetic Chemistry Building20152016 John F. Bower (research assistant)
John C. JefferyInorganic and organometallic chemistry, coordination chemistry
Jitrayut JitonnomPhysical and theoretical chemistry, computational enzymology, computational chemistry, Molecular modeling Adrian Mulholland (grad student)
Simon E JohnsonChemistry, organic chemistry, carbohydrate chemistry, glycoscience, medicinal chemistry2018 M Carmen Galan (grad student)
Owen T. G. Jones
Jesus Joverinorganic chemistry, computational chemistry, organometallics Organic and Biological Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry and Materials Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry and Materials20082010 Guy Lloyd-Jones (post-doc), A Guy Orpen (post-doc), Jeremy N. Harvey (post-doc), Natalie Fey (post-doc)
Titel JurcaInorganic Chemistry20122015 Ian Manners (post-doc)
Tolga N. V. Karsili20102014 Michael N. R. Ashfold (grad student)
Chenfeng Keporous material, 3D printing material, supramolecular chemistry School of Chemistry20092011 Anthony Peter Davis (post-doc)
Peter M. KeenPain, substance P
Jaime KellerTheoretical Chemistry, electronic structure of solids, Clifford Algebras19691972 John Ziman (grad student)
Deepa KhushalaniMaterials Chemistry19982000 Stephen Mann (post-doc)
Michael L. Kleincomputer simulation of condensed molecular systems1964 T. Hugh K. Barron (grad student)
Selby Alfred Richard KnoxOrganometallic chemistry
E. Peter KündigSynthetic and mechanistic organometallic chemistry19751977 Peter L. Timms (post-doc)
Yorick Lassmann Chemistry2020 Basile F. E. Curchod (grad student)
Anthony Legonnon-covalent interactions
Erin Michaela Leitao Chemistry20112015 Ian Manners (post-doc)
Alastair J. J. LennoxPhysical organic chemistry, electrochemistry, catalysis, green chemistry Guy Lloyd-Jones (grad student)
Daniele Leonori20122014 Varinder K. Aggarwal (research scientist)
John W. Lewis
Frank Lippert Klaus D. Jandt (grad student)
Paul F. Luckham School of Chemistry1980 Brian Vincent (grad student)
Jake MacMillanchemistry and biochemistry of plant hormones
Frederick Roy Manby
Ian Manners1985 Neil G. Connelly (grad student)
Todd Marder19811983 F. Gordon A. Stone (post-doc)
Philip John MarriottAnalytical19801982 Geoffrey Eglinton (post-doc)
Emanuele Marsili Chemistry20192023 Basile F. E. Curchod (grad student)
C. Clay Marstontheoretical chemistry and chemical physics19891991 Gabriel Balint-Kurti (post-doc)
David Orme MassonNitroglycerine1881 William Ramsay (research scientist)
Anthony Maxwell Biochemistry19811983 Stephen E Halford (grad student)
James William McBain
Andrew R. McCluskey
Keith Alan McLauchlan William James Dunning (grad student)
Claire L McMullinstructural inorganic chemistry, computational chemistry20072011 Natalie Fey (grad student), A Guy Orpen (grad student)
Mervyn J. Miles
Robin W. Mills Department of Oral and Dental Science Klaus D. Jandt (grad student)
Grainne Moran Chemistry19811983 Michael Green (post-doc)
Hilary Muirhead
Adrian Mulholland
Jenny Nelson1988 Michael V. Berry (grad student)
Nicholas C. Norman Chemistry19791982 A Guy Orpen (grad student), Michael Green (grad student)
Michael O'Keeffecrystalline inorganic solids1958 Frank S. Stone (grad student)
Tom OliverUltrafast spectroscopy2011 Michael N. R. Ashfold (grad student)
W. David OllisOrganic Chemistry1946 Wilson Baker (grad student)
Berit OlofssonSynthesis of Hypervalent Iodine Reagents, Metal-Free Application Areas for Hypervalent Iodine Reagents, Natural Products20032004 Varinder K. Aggarwal (post-doc)
A Guy Orpenstructural chemistry
Andrew J Orr-Ewing
Santosh K. PagireOrganic Chemistry, Catalysis20222023 Varinder K. Aggarwal (post-doc)
Martin R. PalmerGeochemistry
Geoffrey Derek Parfittphysical chemistry of colloids and interfaces1955 Daniel Douglas Eley (grad student)
Roger Parsonselectrochemistry
Sanjib K PatraInorganic Chemistry, Organometallics, Polymer Chemistry, Materials Chemistry20072011 Ian Manners (post-doc)
Donald Patterson19501953 William James Dunning (grad student)
Alison Paul Chemistry2001 Julian Eastoe (grad student)
Bosukonda V. V. S. Pavan KumarSoft Matter, Materials Science, Systems Chemistry, Bottom-up Synthetic Biology20152019 Stephen Mann (post-doc)
Andrew PelterSynthetic organic chemistry W. David Ollis (grad student)
Michel PfefferCatalysis, Inorganic Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry19751976 F. Gordon A. Stone (post-doc)
Frederick Henry PollardInorganic analysis, pioneered chromatography1935 William Edward Garner (grad student)
Jason Leigh PotticaryMaterials, Crystallography
Jack B Pridhamplant carbohydrate biochemistry1956 J. Ken N. (John Kenyon Netherton) Jones (grad student), Leslie Hough (grad student)
Joseph H. PriestleyBotany1906 Morris William Travers (research assistant)
Antonio Prlj Chemistry20192022 Basile F. E. Curchod (post-doc)
Christopher Pycock
​Nicholas J. Race2015 John F. Bower (grad student)
Leonard Wallace Reeves Chemistry1954 William Edward Garner (grad student)
Marc ReidPhysical Organic Chemistry; Enabling technologies; Cheminformatics; Virtual Reality; Process Safety.
Anthony C. RichardsonCarbohydrate chemistry Chemistry19561959 Leslie Hough (grad student)
Víctor Riera19721973 F. Gordon A. Stone (post-doc)
John C. Rivière1955 John Wesley Mitchell (grad student)
Patrick A Robertsonchemistry, chemical dynamics, reaction dynamics Chemistry20182021 Andrew J Orr-Ewing (post-doc)
Raphaël RobietteChemistry20042005 Varinder K. Aggarwal (post-doc), Jeremy N. Harvey (post-doc)
Stefan Roesner20102014 Varinder K. Aggarwal (grad student)
Abel RosOrganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, organic synthesis
Robert RudhamPhysical chemistry William Edward Garner (grad student), Frank S. Stone (grad student)
Mainak Sadhukhan20142015 Frederick Roy Manby (post-doc)
Rakesh Kumar SaunthwalSynthetic Organic Chemistry: Asymmetric Synthesis, Catalysis and Reaction Methodology20172021 Jonathan Clayden (post-doc)
Zoe SchneppMaterials chemistry, green chemistry Chemistry Stephen Mann (grad student)
Alfred Seegermetals, diffusion1953 Nevill Francis Mott (post-doc)
Stefano Artin SerapianQM/MM, computational chemistry, DFT, molecular dynamics School of Biochemistry20172019 Marc W Van der Kamp (post-doc)
Steven J Shaw
Darya Shchepanovska Chemistry20222023 Basile F. E. Curchod (post-doc)
Mattia Silvi Chemistry20162019 Varinder K. Aggarwal (post-doc)
Michael L. SinnottOrganic chemistry1968 Mark C. Whiting (grad student)
Mahima SnehaUltrafast time-resolved vibrational, electronic, and sum frequency generation spectroscopies Andrew J Orr-Ewing (post-doc)
S. Peter Spragg1955 Edmund William Yemm (grad student)
Franka Stahl Klaus D. Jandt (grad student)
Anne Christina Staubitz20072009 Varinder K. Aggarwal (grad student), Ian Manners (post-doc)
Susanna L. Stephens2013 Nick R. Walker (grad student)
David J. StewartPhysical chemistry, atmospheric chemistry
Robert A. StockmanNatural product synthesis1997 Timothy C. Gallagher (grad student)
Frank S. StoneSurface Science and Catalysis19461949 William Edward Garner (grad student)
Harry Stroud20192024 Basile F. E. Curchod (grad student)
David I. Stuartvirus crystallography1979 Hilary Muirhead (grad student)
Rico Taborphysical chemistry Peter Dowding (grad student)
Ömer TaspinarOrganic Chemistry School of Chemistry2022 Jonathan Clayden (research scientist)
Jon Telling2001 R. John Parkes (grad student), Martin R. Palmer (grad student)
Peter L. TimmsOrganochemistry
Frederick Clifford TompkinsPhysical chemistry William Edward Garner (grad student)
Yunus Emre TurkmenOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20132015 Varinder K. Aggarwal (post-doc)
Peter C. UdenAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry19581964 Frederick Henry Pollard (grad student)
Hennie Valkeniersupramolecular chemistry School of Chemistry20122015 Anthony Peter Davis (post-doc)
Marc W Van der KampBiomolecular simulation, enzyme catalysis, protein dynamics
Rienk van GrondelleBiophysics19781979 Owen T. G. Jones (post-doc)
Alexander van Teijlingenmolecular dynamics, machine learning, martini Chemistry20182019 Simon R Hall (grad student)
Trinidad Velasco-Torrijos19982002 Anthony Peter Davis (grad student)
Ravi Kumar VenkatramanUltrafast spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; DFT calculations; Molecular Dynamics and Simulations; Solvation; Hydrogen Bonding School of Chemistry20172019 Andrew J Orr-Ewing (post-doc)
Brian Vincent Colloid Science19641965 Aitken Couper (grad student)
Maxime R. VitaleCatalysis Chemistry20042005 Varinder K. Aggarwal (post-doc)
Kenneth E. WalshOrganic Synthesis, Carbohydrate, Chemical Education19982002 Timothy C. Gallagher (grad student)
Jeffrey Clifton WatkinsGlutamate pharmacology and medicinal chemistry
Max Satterly Webley Chemistry20222023 Santosh K. Pagire (research assistant)
Christopher R. Webster Chemistry1977 Richard N. Dixon (grad student)
Ruth Webster Robin B. Bedford (grad student)
Alan J. WelchHeteroborane chemistry F. Gordon A. Stone (post-doc)
Mark E WellandNanotechnology1984 John Edwin Enderby (grad student)
Andrew S. Weller John C. Jeffery (grad student)
Michael J. Went Chemistry F. Gordon A. Stone (grad student)
Gerald R. Willey Chemistry Edward W. Abel (grad student)
Ian D. WilliamsChemical crystallography, Chiral resolution, Crystal engineering19801983 Michael Green (grad student), A Guy Orpen (grad student)
Christine L WillisOrganic Synthesis, Natural Products, Biosynthetic Pathways
Mark J. WinterOrganometallic chemistry19751978 F. Gordon A. Stone (grad student), Selby Alfred Richard Knox (grad student)
Stephen G. Withersenzyme mechanisms, protein structure/function relationships, enzyme inhibitor design/synthesis and protein engineering1977 Michael L. Sinnott (grad student)
Ci Yanmicroemulsion
John ZimanTheoretical Physics