University of Copenhagen

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Stephan P. A.
Satrajit AdhikariTheoretical chemistry19962000 Gert Due Billing (post-doc)
B. V. AgarwalaCoordination chemistry Jannik Bjerrum (post-doc)
Adrián Sanz Arjona Chemistry20222024 Kirsten Marie Ørnsbjerg (post-doc)
Børge Bak
Carl J. BallhausenInorganic chemistry1954 Jannik Bjerrum (grad student)
Klaus Bechgaardorganic superconductiors1973 Vernon D. Parker (grad student)
Ronald P. Bellproton transfer reactions19281932 Johannes N. Bronsted (research scientist)
Einar C. S. Biilmann1904 Soren P. L. Sørensen (grad student)
Gert Due BillingPhysical chemistry
Niels J. Bjerrum1908 Sophus M. Jorgensen (grad student)
Jannik Bjerrum1941 Niels J. Bjerrum (grad student)
Thomas Bjornholm
Sandro BottaroMolecular Dynamics; Biophysics; Computational chemistry Biology Kresten Lindorff-Larsen (post-doc)
Johannes N. Bronsted1908 Julius Thomsen (grad student)
Julio Casado Børge Bak (post-doc)
Jørn B. Christensendendrimers, medicinal chemistry, organic synthesis, sensors, molecular machines and flow chemistry1994 Klaus Bechgaard (grad student)
Søren B. Christensen
Edwin Joseph Cohnproteins19191920 Soren P. L. Sørensen (post-doc)
Renan V de AraujoDrug discovery2019 Jørn B. Christensen (research assistant)
Jason Devers20172017 Yoel Ohayon (research scientist)
Parvaneh Ebrahimi Mathias Nilsson (grad student)
Johan Christian FabriciusZoology, entomology, taxonomy
Elke Fasshauer Department of Chemistry20162017 Stephan P. A. (post-doc)
Patrick Landon FerreeHistory of Science, Philosophy of Science
Niklas H. Fischer Department of Chemistry20192022 Frederik Diness (grad student)
Milan Mrázek FowkesPeptide chemistry, molecular imaging, biochemistry Chemistry20182019 Morten P. Meldal (grad student)
Henrik Franyzk
Morris E. Friedkinmetabolism19481949 Herman M. Kalckar (post-doc)
Ian Gibbs-Seymour20112014 Niels Mailand (post-doc)
Harry Barkus GrayBioinorganic chemistry, Electron-transfer chemistry19601961 Carl J. Ballhausen (post-doc)
Hans U. GüdelPhysical-inorganic chemistry19701972 Carl J. Ballhausen (post-doc)
Edward Armand GuggenheimChemical thermodynamics19251927 Johannes N. Bronsted (research scientist)
Philip C. HanawaltDNA repair19581960 Ole Maaløe (post-doc)
Allison Heskes Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Trevor A. Smith (grad student)
Ian Hickson
Yuxuan Hou
Nina Høyland-Kroghsbo
Stel IlenMedicinal Chemistry
Kai A. Jensen1937 Einar C. S. Biilmann (grad student)
Jan H. Jensenbiocomputational chemistry
Annie Jespersen Hiro Furukawa (grad student)
Sophus M. Jorgensen1869 Edvard A. Scharling (grad student)
Herman M. Kalckarmetabolism of nucleosides and nucleotides1939 Fritz Albert Lipmann (grad student), Ejnar Lundsgaard (grad student)
Kristine Kilsa
Leonard B. KirschnerPhysiology Hans H. Ussing (post-doc)
Christian Kofoed2018 Morten P. Meldal (grad student)
Varadachari KrishnanInorganic chemistry, porphyrins19651967 Kai A. Jensen (post-doc)
Anders Skov KristensenGlutamate receptors, SLC6 transporters
Werner Kuhn19241926 Niels Bohr (post-doc)
Charles G. Kurland Ole Maaløe (post-doc)
Line Langhom Michael Pittelkow (grad student)
Line Langhorn Ivan Huc (grad student)
Bo Wegge Laursen
Jens Jørgen Led1968 Børge Bak (grad student)
Ji-Woong Leeorganic chemistry
Kresten Lindorff-Larsen
Jiri Lukas
Ejnar Lundsgaard1929 Valdemar Henriques (grad student)
Ole Maaløe
Daniel Madsen Chemistry2018 Morten P. Meldal (grad student)
Niels Mailand
Svetlana Rajkumar MauryaProteomics, Membrane Protein Biophysics, Mitochondrial Bioenergetics
Kasper Moth-Poulsen2007 Thomas Bjornholm (grad student)
John Nielsen
Alexander L NielsenMedicinal Chemistry Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology20172021 Christian A. Olsen (grad student)
Sergei Nikitin Department of Chemistry20182021 Frederik Diness (grad student)
Søren Nørby
Christian A. Olsen Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology20072010 M. Reza Ghadiri (post-doc)
Richard A. PalmerFTIR spectroscopy in the investigation of dynamic processes on the nanosecond to millisecond time scale19651966 Carl J. Ballhausen (post-doc)
Linus Carl Paulingquantum chemistry and molecular biology1927 Niels Bohr (post-doc)
Christian Marcus Pedersenorganic synthesis, carbohydrate chemistry
Kasper S. PedersenInorganic chemistry Department of Chemistry Jesper Bendix (grad student)
Johannes W. Pedersen20082011 Morten P. Meldal (grad student)
Christian PedersenCarbohydrate chemistry1952 Kai A. Jensen (grad student)
Michael PittelkowOrganic chemistry2006 Jørn B. Christensen (grad student)
Soren Preus20092012 Kristine Kilsa (grad student)
Eugene I. Rabinowitch1934 Niels Bohr (post-doc)
Søren G.F. Rasmussen
Amitash Sampath Luis Toledo (grad student)
Stephan P. A. Sauer
Moselio Schaechtermicrobiology19561958 Ole Maaløe (post-doc)
Edvard A. Scharling
Ashif Yasin ShaikhChemistry Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology Pharmacology Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology Pharmacology20182022 Peter E. Nielsen (post-doc), Frederik Bjørkling (post-doc), Henrik Franyzk (post-doc)
Mats Simmermacher Department of Chemistry20132015 Stephan P. A. Sauer (grad student)
John Clarke Slatertheoretical chemistry19241924 Niels Bohr (post-doc)
Edward I. Solomonelectronic structure of transition metal complexes Carl J. Ballhausen (post-doc)
Kumar Somyajit Jiri Lukas (post-doc)
Thomas G. SpiroBioinorganic and Biophysical Chemistry19601961 Carl J. Ballhausen (post-doc)
Henrik SteffensNatural sciences, theology, philosophy, natural philosophy
Casper SteinmannComputational Chemistry2012 Jan H. Jensen (grad student)
Soren P. L. Sørensen1899 Sophus M. Jorgensen (grad student)
Roshan Singh Thakur Ian Hickson (post-doc)
Luis Toledo
Truong Thanh TungMedicinal chemistry Drug Design and Pharmacology Drug Design and Pharmacology20142017 John Nielsen (grad student), Søren B. Christensen (grad student)
Hans H. UssingPhysiology19341938 August Steenberg Krogh (grad student)
Jesper WengelBioorganic chemistry; nucleic acid biotechnology; Nanobioscience
Øjvind Wingeyeast genetics1917 Johannes Eugenius Bülow Warming (grad student)
Martin Wolfram Chemistry2018 Morten P. Meldal (grad student)
Huanming Yang Søren Nørby (grad student)
Paul C. ZamecnikProtein biosynthesis and anti-sense DNA19391940 Kaj Linderstrøm-Lang (post-doc)
Kirsten Marie Ørnsbjerg