Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ernst AbbeOptics1861 Wilhelm Eduard Weber (grad student)
Kira Abeling2022 Stan Lai (grad student)
Max Abraham
Reinhart AhlrichsTheoretical Chemistry1968 Werner Bingel (grad student)
Helmut Alexander1960 Werner Otto Köster (grad student), Peter Haasen (grad student)
Leopold Friedrich Anton AmbronnAstronomy1887 George Friedrich Wilhelm Rümker (grad student)
Richard I. Anderson Faculty of Physics20082009 Ansgar Reiners (research assistant)
Walter Baade19141919 Johannes Franz Hartmann (grad student), Felix Christian Klein (research assistant)
Qiong Bai
Ankit BarikDynamo theory, Fluid dynamics, Magnetohydrodynamics, Astrophysics, Planetary science
Heinrich Georg Barkhausenlow voltage engineering1907 Hermann Theodor Simon (grad student)
Julius Bartels1923 Wilhelm Meinardus (grad student)
Edmond Bauertheoretical physics1905 Walther Nernst (research assistant)
Bernhard Baule David Hilbert (grad student)
Richard BeckerShockwaves and detonation, plasticity of metals and theory of ferromagnetism and superconductivity, statistical physics
Karl Heinz Beckurtsneutron physics, reactor engineering Physics19541956 Karl Eugen Julius Wirtz (grad student)
Alfred Behr1940 Hans Kienle (grad student)
Joshua Beirer2023 Stan Lai (grad student)
Panayotis BenetatosCondensed Matter Physics Physics20052009 Annette Zippelius (research scientist)
Peter L. Biermann1970 Rudolf Kippenhahn (grad student)
Werner BingelMolecular Spectroscopy
Patrick M.S. Blackett19241925 James Franck (post-doc)
Petar Bokan2020 Stan Lai (grad student)
Fritz BoppNuclear physics, Quantum field theory1937 Fritz Eduard Josef Maria Sauter (grad student)
Max Bornquantum mechanics, solid-state physics, optics1906 Carl Runge (grad student), David Hilbert (grad student), Woldemar Voigt (research assistant), Karl Schwarzschild (research assistant)
Henning Bostelmann Institut für Theoretische Physik Detlev Buchholz (grad student)
Rebekka Breier
Wilhelm BrenigTheoretical physics1955 Richard Becker (grad student)
Peter Brix19461952 Wilhelm Walcher (grad student), Hans Kopfermann (post-doc)
Detlev BuchholzQuantum Field Theory, Mathematical Physics
Johann Georg Büsch1752 Johann Andreas von Segner (grad student)
Adolf Busemann1930 Ludwig Prandtl (post-doc)
Subramanyan Chandrasekharastrophysics1931 Max Born (research assistant)
Ernst Florens Friedrich Chladni1792 Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (post-doc)
Rudolf Friedrich Alfred ClebschAnalytical mechanics
Luis Colina1987 Willem Wamsteker (grad student), Klaus Joachim Fricke (grad student)
Edward Condon1926 Max Born (post-doc)
Richard Courantmathematics19071912 David Hilbert (grad student), Hermann Minkowski (grad student)
Anil Kumar DasAstrophysics, Atmospheric physics, Meteorology1928 Max Born (post-doc)
Bergen Davis19011902 Eduard Riecke (post-doc)
Peter J. W. DebyePhysical chemistry, structural chemistry
Hans Georg Dehmelt1950 Hubert Krüger (grad student)
Max Delbrück1930 Max Born (grad student)
Gustav Peter Lejeune Dirichlet
Enno Heeren Dirksen1820 Bernhard Friedrich Thibaut (grad student)
Paul Karl Ludwig DrudeOptics1887 Woldemar Voigt (grad student)
Ora Stanley Duffendack19291930 James Franck (research scientist)
Wojchiech Dybalski Institut für Theoretische Physik Detlev Buchholz (grad student)
Erik Edlund1847 Wilhelm Eduard Weber (post-doc)
Theodor Franz Eduard
Hans Ehrenberg1952 Wolfgang Paul (grad student), Hans Kopfermann (grad student)
Paul Ehrenfeststatistical mechanics19011903 Felix Christian Klein (research assistant), Max Abraham (research assistant), Johannes Stark (research assistant)
Walter M. Elsasserphysics, geophysics, biophysics Physics1927 Max Born (grad student)
Günther H. E. Elstesolar spectroscopy1953 Paul ten Bruggencate (grad student)
Johann Franz EnckeAstronomy18111816 Carl Gauß (Gauss) (research assistant)
Johannes Erdmann2012 Arnulf Quadt (grad student)
Johann Christian Polykarp Erxlebenphysics and veterinary medicine
Heinz EwaldMass spectrometry1938 Georg Joos (grad student)
Nikta FakhriBiophysics Physics20102014 Christoph F. Schmidt (post-doc)
Hans FalkenhagenTheoretical physics1921 Peter J. W. Debye (grad student)
Enrico FermiParticle Theory1923 Max Born (post-doc)
Henry Burchard Fine1886 Felix Christian Klein (grad student)
Sighart F. FischerTheoretical chemical physics19661967 Friedrich Hermann Hund (grad student), Gerhart Lüders (post-doc)
Arnold Rudolf Karl FlammersfeldNuclear physics
Rudolf FleischmannNuclear Physics19291931 Robert Wichard Pohl (post-doc)
Siegfried FlüggeTheoretical nuclear physics and quantum mechanics1933 Max Born (grad student)
Ludwig FöpplMechanical Engineering1912 David Hilbert (grad student)
Karl FörsterlingTheoretical physics1909 Woldemar Voigt (grad student)
James Franck
Erwin FreundlichAstrophysics1910 Felix Christian Klein (grad student)
George Gamownuclear theory, stellar theory, relativistic cosmogony, protein coding19281928 Max Born (post-doc)
Carl Gauß (Gauss)Mathematics1832 Wilhelm Eduard Weber (collaborator)
Lino Gerlach2021 Stan Lai (grad student)
Christian Ludwig GerlingGeodetics18101812 Carl Gauß (Gauss) (grad student), Karl Ludwig Harding (research assistant)
Johann Georg Anton Geuther18531855 Friedrich Wöhler (grad student)
Rolfe E. Gloversuperconducting films19531954 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student), Rudolf Hilsch (post-doc)
Maria Goeppert-Mayer1931 Max Born (grad student)
Alexander Goetzmolecular physics, aerosols1921 Max Gustav Hermann Reich (grad student)
Ernst A. F. W. Grossmannastrometric measurements1891 Wilhelm Schur (grad student), Leopold Friedrich Anton Ambronn (grad student)
Bernhard Friedrich Adolf Guddenelectrical conduction in semiconductors1919 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student)
Christoph Gudermann1841 Carl Gauß (Gauss) (grad student), Bernhard Friedrich Thibaut (research assistant)
Hermann Hankel18601862 Bernhard Riemann (grad student)
Wilhelm HanleNuclear Physics1924 James Franck (grad student)
Hans Marius Hansen19111912 Woldemar Voigt (grad student)
Karl Ludwig Harding
Johannes Franz Hartmann
Karl Hattendorff18601864 Bernhard Riemann (grad student)
Otto Heckmann19271929 Hans Kienle (post-doc)
Gerhard C. Hegerfeldt
Werner Heisenbergphysics (quantum mechanics)1924 David Hilbert (post-doc), Max Born (post-doc)
Karl-Heinz Hellwegeapplied physics1938 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student), James Franck (grad student), Georg Joos (post-doc)
Richard G. HennigCondensed Matter Physics
Egon Alfred Hiedemann1921 James Franck (grad student)
David HilbertMathematics
Moritz Hiller2007 Tsampikos Kottos (grad student), Theo Geisel (grad student)
Rudolf Hilsch1927 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student)
G. Ludwig Hofacker1958 Friedrich Hermann Hund (grad student)
Fritz Houtermans1927 James Franck (grad student)
Mathias Hummel
Ivo Alexandre HümmelgenOrganic Electronics IV. Physikalisches Institut19871991 Wolfgang Schröter (grad student)
Friedrich Hermann HundTheoretical physics1922 Max Born (grad student)
Lutz HuwelLaser Produced Plasma Physics, Molecular Physics1980 Hans Pauly (grad student)
Gustaf Juhana JärnefeltAstronomy, Theoretical physics1933 Hans Kienle (post-doc)
Peter Herbert Jensen1938 Georg Joos (grad student)
Georg Joosnuclear physics, optics, solid state physics
Pascual Jordan19231926 Max Born (grad student), Alfred Kühn (research assistant), Richard Courant (research assistant), David Hilbert (research assistant), Arnold Johannes Wilhelm Sommerfeld (research assistant)
Reinhold KaiserNMR1955 Erwin Meyer (grad student)
Detlef Kamkenuclear physics, condensed matter, accelerators, electron sources, detectors
Abraham Gotthelf KästnerMathematics, poetry
Stefan Kehrein
Edwin Crawford Kemblemolecular quantum physics1927 Max Born (research scientist)
Walter Kertz1950 Julius Bartels (grad student)
Hans KienleAstronomy
Felix Christian KleinMathematics1871 Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Clebsch (post-doc)
Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm KlinkerfuesAstronomy18511855 Carl Gauß (Gauss) (grad student), Wilhelm Eduard Weber (grad student)
Georg Simon KlügelMathematics and physics1763 Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (grad student)
Max KohlerTheoretical physics
Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Kohlrauschphysics1863 Wilhelm Eduard Weber (grad student)
Arnold Kohlschütter1907 Karl Schwarzschild (grad student)
Hans Kopfermann1924 James Franck (grad student)
Renas I.M. Koshnaw
Sarah Kösterbiophysics, cell mechanics, cytoskeleton, microfluidics, microscopy, x-ray imaging
Sofia Kovalevskaya1874 Karl Weierstrass (grad student)
Herbert KroemerHeterostructures; Semiconductor/Superconductor Hybrids; Molecular-Beam Epitaxy1952 Richard Becker (grad student)
Heinrich Gerhard KuhnSpectroscopy19241926 James Franck (grad student)
Walter Kunhardt Institut für Theoretische Physik Detlev Buchholz (grad student)
Stan Lai
Marilyn Latourastrophysics
Gandalf Lechner Institut für Theoretische Physik Detlev Buchholz (grad student)
Günther Leibfried1950 Georg Joos (grad student), Richard Becker (post-doc)
Christoph Lienau1992 Jürgen Troe (grad student)
C. L. Ferdinand LindemannMathematics18701872 Rudolf Friedrich Alfred Clebsch (research assistant)
Johann Benedikt Listingphysiological optics1834 Carl Gauß (Gauss) (grad student)
Walter Lochte-HoltgrevenExperimental physics1927 James Franck (grad student)
F. Wheeler Loomismolecular spectroscopy19281929 James Franck (research scientist)
Gerhart LüdersQuantum field theory
Reimar Lüst1951 Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker (grad student)
Erwin MadelungAtomic physics and Quantum mechanics1905 Hermann Theodor Simon (grad student)
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz1935 Georg Joos (grad student), James Franck (grad student)
Werner Martienssensolid state physics, Quantum optics, nonlinear dynamics1952 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student)
Charles Max Masondifferential equations, the calculus of variations, electromagnetic theory1903 David Hilbert (grad student)
Kurt MeetzTheoretical physics1955 Walter Tollmien (grad student)
Wilhelm Meinardus
Johann Rudolf MerianMathematics1827 Carl Gauß (Gauss) (grad student)
Johann Tobias Meyer Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (grad student)
Peter Meyercosmic rays1948 Wolfgang Paul (grad student), Hans Kopfermann (grad student)
Erwin MeyerAcoustics
Robert A. Millikan18951896 Walther Nernst (post-doc)
Samuel Roslington Milner18971898 Walther Nernst (post-doc)
Hermann Minkowskinumber theory
Eilhard MitscherlichChemistry, mineralogy18171818 Friedrich Stromeyer (post-doc)
Peter MittelstaedtTheoretical physics Theoretical Physics1956 Werner Heisenberg (grad student)
August Ferdinand MöbiusMöbius strip18131814 Carl Gauß (Gauss) (research assistant)
Friedrich (Fritz) Möglich1928 Max Born (post-doc)
Helmuth Möhwald1974 Albert Weller (grad student)
Erich MollwoSolid-state physics1933 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student)
Burton Evans Moore1907 Woldemar Voigt (grad student), Carl Runge (grad student)
Maike Muecke2023 Thanapong Sareein (research assistant)
Otto Müggecrystallography1879 Carl Klein (grad student)
Stefan C. Müller Reinhard Pottel (grad student)
Edward Leamington Nichols18781879 Johann Benedikt Listing (grad student)
Lothar Wolfgang Nordheim19221926 Max Born (grad student), David Hilbert (post-doc)
Gunnar Nordström19051908 Hermann Minkowski (grad student), Walther Nernst (grad student)
Reinhard OehmeTheoretical Physics1951 Werner Heisenberg (grad student)
Otto Oldenberg1913 Hermann Theodor Simon (grad student)
J. Robert Oppenheimernuclear physics1927 Max Born (grad student)
Serhat Ördek2021 Stan Lai (grad student)
Otto OsberghausAtomic and molecular physics1950 Hans Kopfermann (grad student)
Carl Wilhelm OseenTheoretical physics1906 Ludwig Prandtl (post-doc)
Karl Otto Ott Werner Heisenberg (grad student)
Wolfgang Ernst PauliQuantum mechanics19211922 Max Born (post-doc)
Oskar Perron19021906 David Hilbert (post-doc)
Johann Friedrich PfaffMathematics17851787 Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (post-doc), Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (post-doc), Johann Elert Bode (grad student)
Martin Bodo Plenio Physics19921994 Gerhard C. Hegerfeldt (grad student)
Robert Wichard Pohl
Martin Porrmann Institut für Theoretische Physik Detlev Buchholz (grad student)
Reinhard Pottel
Willy Pragerengineering, applied mathematics
Ludwig PrandtlFluid mechanics
Peter PringsheimLuminescence1906 Eduard Riecke (post-doc)
Arnulf Quadthadron collider physics, detector development, grid computing
Hans-Joachim Queissersolid state physics1958 Rudolf Hilsch (grad student)
Gert W. Rathenauexperimental physics1933 James Franck (grad student)
Karl-Henning RehrenTheoretical physics
Max Gustav Hermann ReichApplied electricity
Ansgar Reiners
Eduard Rieckeelectricity1871 Wilhelm Eduard Weber (grad student), Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Kohlrausch (research assistant)
Marcel Risch Materials Science20062008 Michael Patrick Bradley (grad student)
Léon Rosenfeldquantum mechanics19281929 Max Born (post-doc)
Carl Rungeapplied mathematics
Konrad Samwer
Paul Scherrersolid-state physics, particle physics and electronics19121916 Peter J. W. Debye (grad student), Woldemar Voigt (research assistant)
Theodor Schmidt1933 James Franck (post-doc)
Christoph F. SchmidtBiophysics
Manfred Schröder Erwin Meyer (grad student)
Wolfgang Schröter
Heinrich Christian Schumacher18081809 Carl Gauß (Gauss) (post-doc)
Wilhelm SchurAstronomy18651867 Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Klinkerfues (grad student), Karl Hattendorff (research assistant)
Arthur Schusterspectroscopy, electrochemistry, optics, X-radiography1878 Wilhelm Eduard Weber (post-doc)
Martin SchwarzschildAstrophysics1935 Hans Kienle (grad student)
Alfonso SellaX-ray spectroscopy Physics Woldemar Voigt (grad student)
Hermann Theodor Simonelectrical engineering
Chamkor SinghSoft Condensed Matter
Henry DeWolf SmythAtomic Energy19311932 James Franck (research scientist)
Karl Snellmathematics, physics18261827 Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (research assistant)
Christoph Solveen Institut für Theoretische Physik Detlev Buchholz (grad student)
Arnold Johannes Wilhelm SommerfeldParticle Theory18931895 Theodor Liebisch (post-doc), Felix Christian Klein (post-doc)
Hertha Sponer19211925 Peter J. W. Debye (grad student), James Franck (research scientist)
Johannes Stark1900 Eduard Riecke (post-doc)
Frank SteglichCondensed Matter Physics1969 Rudolf Hilsch (grad student)
Herbert Arthur Stuart1925 James Franck (grad student)
Josef StukeSolid-state physics1947 Robert Wichard Pohl (grad student)
Helmar TeichlerPhysics
Paul ten BruggencateAstronomy19241926 Hans Kienle (post-doc)
Martin Wolfgang Teucher Faculty of maths and science1949 Fritz Houtermans (grad student)
Bernhard Friedrich Thibaut1796 Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (grad student), Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (grad student)
Robert Julius Trumpler1910 Leopold Friedrich Anton Ambronn (grad student)
Bjørn Trumpyparticle physics, cosmic rays, terrestrial magnetism, nuclear physics1928 Max Born (post-doc)
Louis Alexander Turneratomic physics, spectroscopy, nuclear physics and thermodynamics19291930 James Franck (research scientist)
Jérémy Vachier
Sidney van den Berghstructure and evolution of galaxies, the extragalactic distance scale, supernovae, star clusters, and variable stars1956 Paul ten Bruggencate (grad student), Alfred Behr (grad student)
Woldemar VoigtTheoretical physics
Wilhelm (Johann Friedrich Wilhelm) von Bezold1860 Bernhard Riemann (grad student), Wilhelm Eduard Weber (grad student)
Arthur R. von Hippelmaterial science1924 James Franck (grad student)
Karl Christian von LangsdorfApplied mathematics, engineering17741776 Abraham Gotthelf Kästner (research assistant)
Gunther von MinnigerodeExperimental physics1959 Rudolf Hilsch (grad student)
John L. von NeumannMathematics David Hilbert (post-doc)
Johann Andreas von Segner
Wilhelm Walcher
Willem Wamsteker
William Weldon Watsonstructures and spectra of molecules, separating isotopes19281929 James Franck (post-doc)
Wilhelm Eduard Weberacoustics, electromagnetism
Dietrich Burckhardt WegenerHigh-energy physics19651966 Arnold Rudolf Karl Flammersfeld (grad student)
Stephan Weiss20062009 Eberhard Bodenschatz (grad student)
Victor Frederick Weisskopf1931 Max Born (grad student), Eugene Paul Wigner (collaborator)
Emil WiechertPhysics, seismology
Eugene Paul Wigner19271928 David Hilbert (research scientist)
Rupert Wildt19301933 Hans Kienle (post-doc)
Dan Yang Physics2018 Laurent Gizon (grad student)