People with institution matching "CNRS":
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Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi (Info) |
jacquemot |
2009‑01‑16 |
Michael Barnett-Cowan (Info) |
University of Waterloo |
Multisensory, perception and action, psychophysics, vestibular system |
laurence.r.harris |
2008‑06‑23 |
Pierre Noel Barrouillet (Info) |
Université de Genève |
jojolabricole |
2011‑09‑30 |
Josiane Bertoncini (Info) |
CNRS, Paris |
ramus |
2009‑01‑28 |
Jacqueline Bideaud (Info) |
Paris Descartes |
jojolabricole |
2011‑09‑30 |
Anne Christophe (Info) |
CNRS, Paris |
Language Acquisition |
annechristophe |
2009‑01‑17 |
Stanislas Dehaene (Info) |
Neurospin, CEA, Inserm |
hayden |
2005‑08‑08 |
Emmanuel Dupoux (Info) |
dalazal |
2007‑09‑19 |
Joel Fagot (Info) |
Universite' d'Aix |
primate cognition |
kimwallen |
2010‑08‑17 |
Judit Gervain (Info) |
UBC, SISSA, Trieste, CNRS |
language acquisition, developmental psychology, infant speech perception |
gervain |
2009‑01‑16 |
Jonathan Grainger (Info) |
CNRS & Aix-Marseille University |
Reading, Bilingualism |
jonathangrainger |
2015‑01‑23 |
John A. Greenwood (Info) |
Visual perception, psychophysics |
jagreenwood |
2008‑06‑22 |
Alon Hafri (Info) |
Penn, Johns Hopkins, Johns Hopkins, University of Delaware |
language, vision, conceptual structure, event cognition, relations |
ahafri |
2016‑08‑24 |
Stephen T. Hammett (Info) |
Royal Holloway University of London |
Gorea |
2011‑10‑12 |
Charlotte Jacquemot (Info) |
CNRS, Paris |
Psycholinguistics, neuropsychology |
jacquemot |
2009‑01‑16 |
Tomas H. Knapen (Info) |
Utrecht |
Visual system, psychophysics |
janbrascamp |
2007‑10‑08 |
Jacques Mehler (Info) |
kas0179 |
2007‑08‑19 |
Thierry Nazzi (Info) |
CNRS, Paris |
ramus |
2009‑01‑28 |
Serge Nicolas (Info) |
Universite Paris Descartes |
Memory |
jojolabricole |
2011‑09‑30 |
Christophe Pallier (Info) |
cognitive psychology |
chrplr |
2009‑01‑16 |
Olivier Pascalis (Info) |
face processing, recognition memory |
opascalis |
2015‑01‑27 |
Marcela Peña (Info) |
Pontificia Université Catolica, Chile |
ramus |
2009‑01‑28 |
Pierre Pica (Info) |
Paris VIII University; CNRS |
linguistics, behavioral psychology |
pierrepica |
2009‑07‑05 |
Laure Pourcin (Info) |
Ajouts |
2020‑04‑04 |
Franck Ramus (Info) |
UCL, CNRS, ENS Paris |
Psycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive development, genetics |
ramus |
2009‑01‑16 |
Arnaud Rey (Info) |
CNRS, Aix-Marseille University |
Cognitive psychology |
arnaudrey |
2011‑09‑16 |
Sophie Richardot (Info) |
Université de Picardie - CNRS |
LyaAuslander |
2019‑04‑20 |
Michel-Louis Rouquette (Info) |
dcfv |
2013‑10‑29 |
Liliane Sprenger-Charolles (Info) |
Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS |
Psycholinguistics, Cognitive sciences, Reading acquisition, Developmental dyslexia, Orthography |
Ajouts |
2020‑04‑04 |
Brent Strickland (Info) |
Institut Jean Nicod (Ecole Normale Supérieure - EHESS - CNRS) |
ahafri |
2016‑08‑24 |
Gayaneh Szenkovits (Info) |
ramus |
2009‑01‑28 |
Hubert Tardieu (Info) |
E.P.H.E Paris Descartes |
jojolabricole |
2011‑09‑30 |
Manuel Vidal (Info) |
MPI for Biological Cybernetics |
Cognitive and Computational Psychophysics |
feiler |
2007‑02‑01 |
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