People with institution matching "Hebrew University, Jerusalem":
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Suliman Adam (Info) |
Hebrew University |
connectingresearchers |
2019‑08‑03 |
Hillel Aharoni (Info) |
Penn |
david |
2016‑01‑08 |
Shlomo Alexander (Info) |
Hebrew University |
NMR, superconductors, condensed matter |
jandh |
2011‑08‑19 |
Yoram Alhassid (Info) |
Yale |
theoretical physics |
david |
2016‑01‑01 |
Ido Amihai (Info) |
National University of Singapore |
cognitive neuroscience |
idoamihai |
2012‑05‑05 |
Daniel Amit (Info) |
Sapienza University of Rome |
Computational Neuroscience |
catcher |
2006‑09‑12 |
Shahaf Armon (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Michael-Moshe |
2021‑01‑20 |
Isaac Balberg (Info) |
Hebrew University |
igallevine1 |
2018‑06‑18 |
Jacob D. Bekenstein (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Theory of black holes |
barrycsanders |
2015‑12‑04 |
Oded Y Ben-David (Info) |
Agilent Laboratories |
Machine Learning, Deep Learning |
odedbd |
2024‑03‑04 |
Ofek Birnholtz (Info) |
Bar-Ilan |
Gravitational Waves, Black Holes, General Relativity, Astrophysics |
ofek |
2019‑07‑09 |
Amos de Shalit (Info) |
Weizmann Institute |
sunhaoyu1992 |
2016‑04‑26 |
Amos de-Shalit (Info) |
Hebrew University, Princeton, MIT Physics |
nuclear shell theory |
2021‑08‑28 |
Guy Deutscher (Info) |
Tel Aviv University |
jandh |
2016‑02‑08 |
Felix Dothan (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Gas discharges and ionization phenomena |
jandh |
2017‑03‑28 |
Yossef Dothan (Info) |
Tel Aviv University |
jandh |
2021‑02‑28 |
Efi Efrati (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Michael-Moshe |
2021‑01‑20 |
Shalom Eliezer (Info) |
Hebrew University |
plasma physics |
jandh |
2017‑03‑28 |
Joshua Feinberg (Info) |
University of Haifa |
theoretical high energy physics, mathematical physics |
JFHaifa |
2019‑08‑20 |
Jay Fineberg (Info) |
UT Austin, Hebrew University |
Nonlinear Dynamics; Dynamic Fracture; Nonlinear Waves; Pattern Formation |
ncuccia |
2018‑06‑11 |
Lazar Friedland (Info) |
Hebrew University |
plasma theory |
jandh |
2017‑03‑28 |
Christian Frydendahl (Info) |
Technical University of Denmark |
Near-field optics |
asger |
2014‑07‑08 |
William I. Glaberson (Info) |
Rutgers, New Brunswick, Hebrew University |
jandh |
2015‑10‑08 |
Gilad Gour (Info) |
University of Calgary |
barrycsanders |
2015‑12‑04 |
Bertrand I. Halperin (Info) |
Harvard, Bell Labs |
Theoretical physics: condensed matter and statistical physics |
ilafiete |
2006‑09‑13 |
Zhengli Han (Info) |
Terahertz Photonics |
zhengli_han |
2016‑11‑10 |
Haim Harari (Info) |
Weizmann Institute |
High Energy Physics |
jandh |
2016‑04‑25 |
Yonit Hochberg (Info) |
Hebrew University |
rs |
2017‑05‑29 |
Joseph Katz (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Theoretical physics |
jandh |
2016‑02‑05 |
Asher Selig Kaufman (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Atomic & Molecular Physics |
jandh |
2017‑03‑28 |
Bruria Kaufman (Info) |
Hebrew University, Columbia, Institute for Advanced Study, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Penn, Weizmann Institute, University of Haifa, University of Arizona, Columbia |
Theoretical Physics: Spinors and the Ising Model, General Relativity, Asymmetric field theory, Mossbauer effect, Mathematical Linguistics |
DominicC |
2018‑07‑10 |
Yael Klein (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Michael-Moshe |
2021‑01‑20 |
Barak Kol (Info) |
Hebrew University |
ofek |
2019‑07‑09 |
John Martin Kolinski (Info) |
ncuccia |
2018‑06‑11 |
Diego Krapf (Info) |
Colorado State |
Physics |
pq |
2016‑02‑09 |
Ofer Lahav (Info) |
vcharmandaris |
2018‑12‑26 |
Ze'ev Lev (Info) |
Jerusalem College of Technology, Tel Aviv University |
jandh |
2021‑02‑15 |
Amiram Leviatan (Info) |
Hebrew University |
MichalMacek |
2016‑07‑13 |
Uriel Levy (Info) |
Hebrew University |
asger |
2018‑06‑29 |
Jens Lindhard (Info) |
Aarhus University |
Theoretical physics | |
2017‑03‑21 |
Harry Jeannot Lipkin (Info) |
Weizmann Institute |
particle physics |
jandh |
2016‑04‑25 |
Michal Macek (Info) |
The Czech Academy of Sciences, Yale, Hebrew University, Charles University, Prague Czech Republic |
many-body physics, quantum phase transitions, chaos, turbulence |
MichalMacek |
2016‑07‑13 |
Abraham Many (Info) |
Hebrew University |
igallevine1 |
2018‑06‑18 |
Michael Moshe (Info) |
Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University |
Soft Matter Physics, Mechanics, Defects, geometry |
Michael-Moshe |
2021‑01‑20 |
Iftach Nachman (Info) |
Tel Aviv University |
pq123 |
2016‑09‑08 |
Yuval Ne'eman (Info) |
Tel Aviv University, UT Austin |
Astronomy and Astrophysics |
pq |
2016‑01‑24 |
Zvi Ovadyahu (Info) |
Hebrew University |
kereng |
2024‑06‑03 |
Israel Pelah (Info) |
Hebrew University |
jazzmeroz |
2014‑03‑07 |
Maria Petropoulou (Info) |
University of Athens, Greece |
Theoretical Astrophysics |
vcharmandaris |
2019‑04‑14 |
Alexander Pines (Info) |
UC Berkeley |
nuclear magnetic resonance |
Dietrich |
2008‑04‑17 |
Tsvi Piran (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Astrophysics |
jandh |
2016‑02‑05 |
Giulio Racah (Info) |
Hebrew University |
particle physics, quantum mechanics |
jazzmeroz |
2014‑03‑07 |
Alex Retzker (Info) |
Imperial College London, Ulm University, Hebrew University |
mbp |
2016‑08‑20 |
Fritz Rohrlich (Info) |
Syracuse |
Classical electrodynamics, Quantum electrodynamics |
jandh |
2015‑04‑04 |
Guy Ron (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Nuclear Physics |
gron |
2020‑01‑16 |
Shmuel M. Rubinstein (Info) |
Hebrew University, Harvard |
Soft Condensed Matter |
ncuccia |
2018‑06‑11 |
Michal Sahaf (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Michael-Moshe |
2021‑01‑20 |
Re'em Sari (Info) |
Caltech, Hebrew University |
Astrophysics |
david |
2016‑01‑12 |
Dror Sarid (Info) |
University of Arizona |
Condensed Matter Physics, Electronics and Electrical Engineering |
pq |
2016‑05‑15 |
Mordechay Schlesinger (Info) |
University of Windsor |
General Biophysics, Oncology |
pq |
2016‑04‑05 |
Jacob Shaham (Info) |
Hebrew University, Columbia |
Astrophysics |
jandh |
2016‑02‑05 |
Eran Sharon (Info) |
Michael-Moshe |
2021‑01‑20 |
Shalev Siman-Tov (Info) |
UC Santa Cruz |
eeb |
2022‑04‑20 |
Michael Smolkin (Info) |
Hebrew University |
JFHaifa |
2019‑08‑20 |
Daniel Strasser (Info) |
Hebrew University |
connectingresearchers |
2022‑09‑17 |
Abraham Szöke (Info) |
laser fusion, High Energy Density Plasmas |
jandh |
2016‑03‑24 |
Igal Talmi (Info) |
Hebrew University, ETH / Universität Zürich, Weizmann Institute |
nuclear structure |
2021‑08‑28 |
Issachar Unna (Info) |
Hebrew University |
History of physics |
2021‑08‑28 |
Lester Winsberg (Info) |
University of Illinois at Chicago Circle |
nuclear physics, chemistry |
jandh |
2021‑03‑22 |
Udi Yarom (Info) |
Hebrew University |
Michael-Moshe |
2021‑01‑20 |
Nissan Zeldes (Info) |
Hebrew University |
nuclear masses |
2021‑08‑28 |
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