Harvard Medical School

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
S. Andrei Anghel Tom A. Rapoport (grad student)
Helen S. BateupMolecular mechanisms of synapse and circuit plasticity2008 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Edward J. Benz
Richard D. Berlinmembranes, cytoskeleton
Shalender BhasinMolecular Biology, Nutrition
John Biggers
Alexander J BishopDNA repair, homologous recombination, damage response, cancer, systems biology, genomics, metabolism Genetics Philip Leder (post-doc)
John BlenisCell biology
Andrea BredemeyerImmunology, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology2009 Stephen J. Elledge (post-doc)
Steven J. BurakoffMolecular Biology, Immunology1974 Baruj Benacerraf (post-doc)
Briana BurtonDNA Transport across membranes Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
GF Cahill
Pedro CarvalhoERAD Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Hong Cheng Robin Reed (post-doc)
L. Stirling S. Churchmanmotor mechanism of RNA polymerase
Emanuele Cocucciendocytosis, extracellular vesicles, exocytosis, neurosecretion, exosomes20082012 Tomas Kirchhausen (post-doc)
Ian CollinsonProtein Secretion, Translocation Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Agnieszka D Czechowicz20152017 David T. Scadden (post-doc)
Xiang DengMicrotubule Systems Biology2017 Timothy J. Mitchison (post-doc)
Channing J. DerMolecular Biology, Cell Biology1982 Geoffrey M. Cooper (post-doc)
Lars Dreier Tom A. Rapoport (grad student)
Yanan DuCell/Tissue Engineering, Nano/Microtechnology, In Vitro Physiology/Pathology models Ali Khademhosseini (post-doc)
Julien P. DuxinMolecular Biology, General Biology, Biochemistry Protein Signaling20122016 Johannes C. Walter (post-doc)
Guowei FangCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics Marc W. Kirschner (grad student)
Don Wayne FawcettEM microscopy, microscopic anatomy, cilia19381942 George B. Wislocki (grad student)
Seth J. FieldCell Biology Michael E. Greenberg (grad student)
Daniel FinleyProteosome, ubiquitination
Donald FischmanCell Biology, Pharmacology Elizabeth D. Hay (grad student)
Bradley T. French
Ethan C. Garnersingle-molecule biology and bioimaging2012 Timothy J. Mitchison (post-doc)
Levi A. GarrawayMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology Department of Biological Chemistry & Molecular Pharmacology Stephen M. Beverley (grad student)
Ivana Gasiccell biology Department of Systems Biology2016 Timothy J. Mitchison (post-doc)
J.N. Mark Glover Don C. Wiley (post-doc)
Veit GoderERAD, secretory protein quality control Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Johannes GraumannProteomics, data analysis Cell Biology19991999 Jonathan R. Beckwith (research assistant)
Steven P. Gygi
Daniel A. Haber
Elizabeth D. Hayembryological processes, regeneration, and cell proliferation and migration
Junjie HuER Morphology Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Donald E. Ingberbiologically inspired engineering Moses Judah Folkman (post-doc), James D. Jamieson (grad student)
Joseph E. Italiano, Medicine19921997 Thomas M. Roberts (grad student)
Robert L. Jungas
Tarun KapoorCytoskeleton, Cell cycle Timothy J. Mitchison (post-doc)
Deborah Kelly Thomas (Tom) Walz (post-doc)
Eugene Patrick Kennedyphospholipid biosynthesis
Randall W. KingMitosis, cell cycle
Tomas KirchhausenImmune Disease
Marc W. KirschnerCell Cycle, Cytoskeleton, Systems Biology
Allon M. Klein Systems Biology2015 Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Robin Klemm Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Paul A. KriegHuman Development, Molecular Biology Douglas A. Melton (post-doc)
Robert J. LefkowitzG protein-coupled receptors19701973 Edgar Haber (post-doc)
Wekai Li Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Willis X. LiGenetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Genetics19901995 Daniel Kalderon (grad student)
Ronald K. H. LiemCytoskeleton19751978 Michael L. Shelanski (post-doc)
Tina Y. LiuCRISPR-Cas systems, membrane biology, biochemistry/biophysics Cell Biology2014 Tom A. Rapoport (grad student)
Carlos Manuel LoyaNeurobiology, microRNA, synapses, actin
Ying LuUbiquitin-mediated protein degradation Systems Biology20102016 Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Boris Magasanikmicrobial physiology and the regulation of gene expression in bacteria and yeast.19491951 J. Howard Mueller (research scientist)
Seiji Masuda Robin Reed (post-doc)
Michael R. McConnell19761978 Peter M. Blumberg (post-doc)
Frank McKeonp63
Timothy J. MitchisonMicrotubules, Actin, Mitosis, Cell cycle
David T. MiyamotoCirculating Tumor Cells, Prostate cancer, Bladder cancer, Biomarkers, Microtubules, Actin, Mitosis, Cell cycle Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center20092017 Daniel A. Haber (post-doc)
Walther MothesHIV Tom A. Rapoport (grad student)
Richard MulliganGene therapy
Andrew W. MurrayCell cycle, evolution19781984 Jack W. Szostak (grad student)
Geeta J. NarlikarMolecular Biology, General Biology, General Biophysics Deparment of Molecular Biology19982003 Robert E. Kingston (post-doc)
Heyu Ni
Andrew R. OsborneProtein targeting in plasmodium Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
David C. Page David Botstein (grad student)
Alexander F. PalazzoCell Biology, mRNA, Secretion20032009 Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Kathrin PlathX Chromosome inactivation Tom A. Rapoport (grad student)
Thomas Dean PollardCell Biology, Biochemistry, Actin
Kenneth D. PossCell Biology, General Biology Mark T Keating (post-doc)
Olivier PourquieMolecular Biology, Genetics
Will PrinzLipid biogenesis and sorting, organelles Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Jason Qian
Tom A. RapoportEndoplasmic Reticulum, Secretion
Samara L. Reck-PetersonDynein
Robin ReedmRNA nuclear export, splicing
Albert Reinold
Robert D. RiddleMolecular Biology Clifford J. Tabin (post-doc)
James E. RothmanSecretion, membrane fusion1976 Eugene Patrick Kennedy (grad student)
Jorge L RuasPhysiology, Skeletal Muscle, Metabolism, inter-organ crosstalk. Cell Biology20062011 Bruce Spiegelman (post-doc)
Adam D. RudnerCell cycle, evolution Danesh Moazed (post-doc)
Ruth SagerCancer Genetics
Adrian Salic
Ankur SaxenaGenetics, Development20062007 Clifford J. Tabin (post-doc)
Julia E. SeroCell biology20022009 Donald E. Ingber (grad student)
Philip SiekevitzMolecular biology of PSDs Paul C. Zamecnik (post-doc)
Pamela A. SilverIntracellular Compartmentation
Georgios Skiniotis Thomas (Tom) Walz (post-doc)
Mark SolomonCell Cycle Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Hannah SpinnerMachine Learning, protein engineering, protein design, CRISPR, genetics, disease
Michael Springer Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Aaron F. Straightchromosome segregation, genome organization and cell division2004 Timothy J. Mitchison (post-doc)
Heven SzePlant Biology, Cell Biology Biophysics Laboratory19751978 Arthur K. Solomon (post-doc)
Stephen S. TaylorCell division, mitosis, spindle assembly checkpoint, anti-mitotic chemotherapeutics Departement of Cell Biology19951998 Frank McKeon (post-doc)
Simeon I. TaylorMolecular Biology, Genetics, Entomology Biology Biological Chemistry1974 Robert L. Jungas (grad student)
James J. Tomasek Elizabeth D. Hay (post-doc)
Bill Tsai Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Luk H. VandenbergheAAV, Vector development, Ocular Gene Transfer, Vaccines, Immunology, Retinal degenerations
Kristen J. VerheyKinesin, Tubulin Modifications Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc), Morris J. Birnbaum (grad student)
Lydia Villa-Komaroffmolecular and cellular biology
Raghuvir R. Viswanatha Genetics Norbert Perrimon (post-doc)
Gia K. VoeltzEndoplasmic Reticulum, Reticulons Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Tobias c WaltherMetabolism, Cell Biology, Membranes, Organelles, Lipids,
Thomas (Tom) WalzStructural Biology
Thomas Franklin Westbrookcancer research, genetics, technology, therapeutics20032007 Stephen J. Elledge (post-doc)
Alexandra Whiteley20162019 Daniel Finley (post-doc)
William Wickner"preprotein translocase" from E. coli1971 Eugene Patrick Kennedy (grad student)
Bradley M WierbowskiHedgehog signaling
John R. Williamson Albert Reinold (research scientist), GF Cahill (research scientist)
Thomas Hastings Wilson
Long-Jun WuGlia, Ion channel, pain, memory20082012 David E. Clapham (post-doc)
Meng-Ju Wucancer stem cell; miRNA
Qiu Chang Wu Systems Biology20182024 Allon M. Klein (grad student)
Martin WührProteomics, Systems Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Development Systems Bilogy Cell Biology20112016 Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc), Steven P. Gygi (post-doc)
Yihong YeERAD, secretory protein quality control Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)
Calvin Yip Thomas (Tom) Walz (post-doc)
Tae Yeon YooCell division, kinetochore, cell nucleus, microscopy Systems Biology2018 Timothy J. Mitchison (post-doc)
Mengying Zhou Systems Biology2017 Ying Lu (post-doc)
Jian Zhuhost-virus interactions2012 Stephen J. Elledge (post-doc)
Jochen ZimmerProtein Translocation Tom A. Rapoport (post-doc)