State University of New York, Buffalo

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Masako Abe2005 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Anthony Addlagatta William L. Duax (post-doc)
Diana S. AgaAnalytical Chemistry, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering
Khalid AhsanOrganic Chemistry2002 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Fayez Al-mkhaizim Chemistry20132015 Bing Gong (grad student)
Fatema A. Alalimicro and nanoscale science and technology Electrical Engineering2013 Edward P. Furlani (grad student)
Syed Hamid Ali
Rafael Alicea-MaldonadoAnalytical Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry2001 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Theodore E. G. Aliviochemistry education, equity and inclusion, nanomaterials, interfacial chemistry
Ahmad S. AljadaMolecular Biology2000 Paresh Dandona (grad student)
Mairi E AllenInorganic, crystals, computational
Richelle M. Allen-KingEnvironmental Geology, Geochemistry
Michelle AmmermanMolecular Biology2006 Alfred S. Ponticelli (grad student)
Garth Richard AndersonBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Wayne K. AndersonDrug design; prodrugs; natural product synthesis; new synthetic methods; heterocyclic chemistry
Christopher M. AndolinaInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2010 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Jason A. AnspachAnalytical Chemistry2005 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Evan G. AntoulinakisOrganic Chemistry2002 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Emmanuel AouadConducting Polymers, Organic Synthesis, Molecular Modelling2001 Stanley Bruckenstein (grad student)
Robert D. ArnoldDrug Delivery, Nanomedicine, Liposomes, Pharmaceutics, PK/PD, Cancer Therapeutics Pharmaceutical Sciences Robert M. Straubinger (grad student)
Hilal ArnoukImmunology, Pathology, Oncology2005 A Latif Kazim (grad student)
Rubik AsatryanTheoretical Chemistry
Jim D. AtwoodGeneral Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Ann M. AubergerAnalytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chemistry2011 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Jochen Autschbach
Atif B. AwadNutrition, Immunology, Biochemistry
James E. AxelsonPharmaceutics Milo Gibaldi (post-doc)
Seungyun BaikGeneral Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Gary A. BakerChemical sensors, wound repair2001 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Sheila N. BakerChemical sensors, wound repair2002 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Jared S. BakerAnalytical Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Materials Science Engineering Chemistry2011 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Bernard Randall BakerCannabis alkaloids, Antimalarials, nucleosides, carbohydrates
Tracy BankGeology, Biogeochemistry
William James BaronOrganic Chemistry, Fiber Optics, Photochemistry, Advanced Materials Chemistry19621964 Albert Padwa (research assistant)
Jeremy D. BartosGenetics, Oncology2005 Garth Richard Anderson (grad student)
Angela L. BattAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering2006 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
O. Theodore Beachley, Jr. chemistry of organometallic main-group compounds
Terry A. BeermanMolecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Dinesh Behera Chemical and Biological Engineering2021 Miao Yu (grad student)
Stephanie M. Bennett Chemistry2010 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Elisa T. BergslienGeochemistry, Hydrology, Environmental Sciences2002 John C. Fountain (grad student)
Jesse D. BernsteinChemical Educatioon19681975 O. Theodore Beachley, Jr. (grad student)
David J. BierdemanInorganic Chemistry2000 Jerome B. Keister (grad student)
Paul M. Bigwarfeanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2003 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Kenneth M. BlumenthalBiochemistry, General Biophysics
Justin Bolton Chemistry2012 Javid Rzayev (grad student)
Neil J. BonzagniAnalytical Chemistry2002 Hiroaki Suga (grad student)
Michael T. BovinoOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Tiago A.S. BrandãoPhysical Organic Chemistry Chemistry John P. Richard (grad student)
Jonathan A. Brekanchemistry Chemistry20032008 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Nancy K. Brennan2002 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Richard W. BriceAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2008 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Frank V. BrightChemical sensors, wound repair
Jason BrinerPaleoclimate Science, Geochemistry, Climate Change, Geomorphology
Seth A. BrodieBiochemistry2005 Alfred S. Ponticelli (grad student)
Amy L. Brown20012006 Bing Gong (grad student)
Sykhere Brown Chemical and Biological Engineering2017 Johannes Hachmann (research assistant)
Stanley BruckensteinElectroanalytical and physical electrochemistry
Xianhui Busynthesis, structural, and property characterization of crystalline inorganic or inorganic-organic hybrid materials Chemistry1992 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Yigong BuOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2002 Hiroaki Suga (grad student)
Clifford Bueno Chemistry19781983 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Eric J. BukowskiChemical sensors, wound repair2005 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Rachel M. BukowskiChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2007 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Tammy J. BullwinkleMolecular Biology Biological Sciences2010 Gerald Koudelka (grad student)
Ameya BurdeChemistry Chemistry20162022 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Glamarie Burgos AdornoAnalytical Chemistry2004 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Maria Paz Cabal Chemistry1996 David S. Lawrence (post-doc)
Brandon D. Calitree Chemistry2012 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Allison A. Campbellbiomaterials1991 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
John M. CantyAnimal Physiology Biology, Biochemistry, Medicine and Surgery
Ruikai Cao Chemistry2015 Bing Gong (grad student)
Denise Eileen Carney2001 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Mary D. CelizAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2010 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Satadipta ChakrabortyMolecular Biology Biochemistry2009 Daniel J. Kosman (grad student)
Meenal Chandwani Chemistry20032005 Bing Gong (grad student)
Amber F. CharleboisBiochemistry, Organic Chemistry2001 Hiroaki Suga (grad student)
Sherry R. ChemlerGeneral Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Zhijian "James" Chenpolyubiquitin1991 Cecile M. Pickart (grad student)
Yihui ChenMedical Biophysics, Organic Chemistry2002 Ravindra K. Pandey (grad student)
Neng ChenMolecular Biology, Genetics, Oncology2001 Garth Richard Anderson (grad student)
Xiaolan ChenMolecular Biology2004 Jui Hsin Wang (grad student)
Richard P. ChengBiochemistry
Jane Y. ChinCell Biology, Biochemistry2000 Charles Earl Wenner (grad student)
Shu S. ChinBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Oncology Biochemistry2012 Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha (grad student)
Hsien-Po ChiuBiochemistry, General Biophysics Chemistry2008 Richard P. Cheng (grad student)
Zdzislaw F. ChmielewiczBiochemical pharmacology
Eun J. ChoChemical sensors, wound repair2002 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Yong Seok Choianalytical chemistry Chemistry2007 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Ravi Chopra Chemical and Biological Engineering2010 Jeffrey R. Errington (grad student)
Seema ChoudharyInorganic Chemistry2002 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Sungwook ChoungEnvironmental Geology, Geochemistry Geology2011 Richelle M. Allen-King (grad student)
Ivy ChungMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Oncology Roswell Park - Pharmacology2007 Candace S. Johnson (grad student)
Melvyn R. Churchill
Jose M. CintronInorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry2003 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Mihai CiubotaruMolecular Biology2000 Gerald Koudelka (grad student)
Daniel A. Clark Chemistry2008 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Robert Allan Coburndrug discovery
Luis Antonio ColónAnalytical Chemistry
Hector Colon-CruzAnalytical Chemistry2006 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Alan L. Connor Chemistry2013 Bing Gong (grad student)
Timothy R CookInorganic Chemistry
M. Todd CoolbaughSpectroscopy, electrochemistry1993 James F. Garvey (grad student)
Philip Coppenscrystallography
Kathleen M. Coughlin Chemistry2013 David F. Watson (grad student)
James K. Cowarddesign potent and specific "mechanism-based inhibitors" of selected target enzymes for use as drugs in the treatment of cancer and parasitic diseases1967 Bernard Randall Baker (grad student)
Matthew R. CrawleyInorganic Chemistry Chemistry20152021 Timothy R Cook (grad student)
Charmion I. Cruickshankanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics Chemistry2012 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Michael J. DabneyChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2012 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Xing DaiOrganic Chemistry2006 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Paresh DandonaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Pathology
James Frederic Daniellicell membranes
Walter DannhauserPhysical chemistry
Donald J. DarensbourgOrganometallic chemistry, polymer chemistry
Hugh DaviesAnalytical Chemistry
Michael Deci School of Pharmacy2019 Juliane Nguyen (grad student)
Imee M. del MundoBiochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Justin R. DentonOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Rupali A. DeopurkarPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Pharmacology & Toxicology2006 Paresh Dandona (grad student)
Sean W. DepnerMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience, General Chemistry Chemistry2014 Sarbajit Banerjee (grad student)
Harven V. DeShieldBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2007 Murray J. Ettinger (grad student)
Cadnel Detchou Chemistry2013 Bing Gong (grad student)
Michael R. Detty
Randi E. DeuroChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2014 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Suman Kr DeyBio-Inorganic Chemistry20162017 David C. Lacy (post-doc)
Rachel Dibbell Chemistry2009 David F. Watson (grad student)
Steven Thomas DiverInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Anthony R. Dolananalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2003 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
David J. Donnelly2006 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Sarina J. DorazioInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2013 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Anja DosenMineralogy, Geology Geology2010 Rossman F. Giese (grad student)
Michael D. Drake2004 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
William L. DuaxBioinformatics Biology, Biochemistry
Lucas C. DucatiQuantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy, NMR Department of Chemistry20152017 Jochen Autschbach (research scientist)
Jeffrey A. DudziakGeneral Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Jim D. Atwood (grad student)
Craig P. Dufresneanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2000 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Melissa N. DunkleAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2007 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Vincent K. DunlapOrganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2008 Thomas I. Kalman (grad student)
Smitha S. DuttMolecular Biology, Oncology2007 Garth Richard Anderson (grad student)
Barbara DziegielewskaPharmacology2005 Terry A. Beerman (grad student)
Robin EichmillerBiochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2015 Jennifer A. Surtees (grad student)
Alexey V. EliseevOrganic Chemistry
Keisha Ellis-HolderOrganic Chemistry2005 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Patrick P. EmmerlingChemistry of solutions and surfaces; biomineralization and characterization of mineral surfaces; surface structure and heterogeneous nucleation; biophysical chemistry Chemistry2007 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
Jeffrey R. Errington
Murray J. EttingerBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology
Silviu L. FaitarBiochemistry2001 Alfred S. Ponticelli (grad student)
Mohammad Atif Faiz AfzalComputational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling2014 Johannes Hachmann (grad student)
Michael H. FarkasMolecular Biology Biological Sciences2008 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Joseph S. Ferguson Chemistry20032008 Bing Gong (grad student)
Scott Ferguson2019 Juliane Nguyen (grad student)
Patrick L. Fernandezmechanistic enzymology, isotope effects, medicinal chemistry, natural products chemistry Chemistry Chemistry20202022 Andrew S. Murkin (grad student), John P. Richard (post-doc)
James C. Fettinger Chemistry19821987 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Ashlee N. Ford VersyptChemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
John C. FountainGeochemistry, Hydrology, Environmental Sciences
Charles Francavilla2000 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Jessica E. FranceOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2005 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
BrendaLee FredetteBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2001 Garth Richard Anderson (grad student)
Jonathan M. FrenchOrganic Chemistry Chemistry20082014 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Valerie A. FrerichsAnalytical Chemistry2000 Hugh Davies (grad student)
Jay A. FriedmanMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2005 Paresh Dandona (grad student)
Alan E. FriedmanInorganic Chemistry/Proteomics
William L. Friesen Chemistry2016 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Peter H. FullerOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Edward P. Furlanimicro and nanoscale science and technology1982 Michael G. Fuda (grad student)
Brandon R. GalanInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Sai Prasad GaneshComputational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling2014 Johannes Hachmann (research assistant)
Chandragupta GangulyEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry2001 John E. VanBenschoten (grad student)
Michael K. Gannon Chemistry2012 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Yankun Gao Biological Sciences20112017 Kathryn F. Medler (grad student)
Erwin M. GarciaBiochemistry, Biostatistics Biology, Oncology Chemistry2011 Thomas Szyperski (grad student)
Joesph A. GardellaAnalytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Joseph A. Gardella, Jr.Surface Analysis, Polymer Interfaces
James R. Gardinierinorganic supramolecular chemistry/materials chemistry2000 O. Theodore Beachley, Jr. (grad student)
Wendy E. GardinierChemical sensors, wound repair2005 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Lee Ann Garrett-SinhaBiochemistry, Immunology
James F. GarveyThin Film Generation of Novel Materials, Mass Spectrometry of Clusters.
Daniel E. GerardChemistry of solutions and surfaces; biomineralization and characterization of mineral surfaces; surface structure and heterogeneous nucleation; biophysical chemistry2002 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
Oksana O. Gerlits2005 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Husam A. GhanimBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Pathology2004 Paresh Dandona (grad student)
Mohamed A. GhazyMolecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry2004 Alfred S. Ponticelli (grad student)
Milo GibaldiPharmacy
Rossman F. GieseEnvironmental Sciences, Analytical Chemistry
Anthony J. GiessertOrganic Chemistry2004 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Prashant GirinathBiochemistry Chemistry2008 Richard P. Cheng (grad student)
Richard A. Glennon1973 Robert Allan Coburn (grad student)
Maybelle Go Chemistry20042009 John P. Richard (grad student)
Paul K. GongSynthesis, Ontologies, Formulations, Reactivity, Pathways Analysis, History of Chemistry
Bing GongChemistry
Margaret A. Goodman2006 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Thomas D. Grant
Charles M. GravisMembrane fusion-molecular mechanisms of viral entry into target cells and exocytotic processes in neurosecretory cells2001 Shinpei Ohki (grad student)
Richard M. GronostajskiHuman Development, Biochemistry
Eric M. Grzelak Chemical and Biological Engineering2009 Jeffrey R. Errington (grad student)
Huiqiong GuGeneral Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Biological Sciences2013 Kiong Ho (grad student)
Xiangying GuanChemistry of solutions and surfaces; biomineralization and characterization of mineral surfaces; surface structure and heterogeneous nucleation; biophysical chemistry2007 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
Stacey M. GuldeChemistry of solutions and surfaces; biomineralization and characterization of mineral surfaces; surface structure and heterogeneous nucleation; biophysical chemistry2003 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
Wenjuan GuoAnalytical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering Chemistry2011 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Johannes HachmannTheoretical Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling, Computational Materials Science
Mojtaba HaghighatlariComputational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling, Materials Informatics, Machine Learning2014 Johannes Hachmann (grad student)
Timothy J. HalterChemistry of solutions and surfaces; biomineralization and characterization of mineral surfaces; surface structure and heterogeneous nucleation; biophysical chemistry Chemistry2014 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
David G. HangauerOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry
Robyn HanniganGeochemistry, Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction, biomineralogy and ocean acidification Geology19901993 Charles E. Mitchell (grad student)
Marcus J. HarriganInorganic Chemistry2002 Jim D. Atwood (grad student)
Lydia-Ann HarrisMolecular Biology, Genetics Biological Sciences2011 Gerald Koudelka (grad student)
Gordon McLeod Harris
Adam Martin Hawkridge2000 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Simon J HedleyProcess Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Catalysis, Crystallisation, Biocatalysis Chemistry20032006 Huw M. L. Davies (post-doc)
Derrik S. HelferInorganic Chemistry2004 Jim D. Atwood (grad student)
Amber Jade Helsel Chemistry20042008 Bing Gong (grad student)
Zachary J. HennemanChemistry of solutions and surfaces; biomineralization and characterization of mineral surfaces; surface structure and heterogeneous nucleation; biophysical chemistry2006 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
Jennifer K. HerrmannAnalytical Chemistry2005 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Dale P. HessGeomorphology Geology2010 Jason Briner (grad student)
Alejandro A. HidalgoBiochemistry, Endocrinology Biology Biochemistry2012 Candace S. Johnson (grad student)
Daniel J. Higbeeanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2006 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Donald E. Higgs2003 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Kiong HoGeneral Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Yee-Kin HoBiochemistry, Molecular Biology1979 Jui Hsin Wang (grad student)
William E. HolbenMicrobiology Biology, Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry1986 Edward Alan Morgan (grad student)
Frederick J. Hollander Chemistry19761979 Melvyn R. Churchill (post-doc)
Bruce HolmPharmacology, Biochemistry
William G. HolthoffChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2007 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Ellen L. HolthoffChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2007 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Daniel J. Hook2004 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Leila Hosseinzadehshahri Chemistry2015 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
David C. HothInorganic Chemistry2001 Jim D. Atwood (grad student)
Yu-Chih HsuHuman Development, Biochemistry Biochemistry2012 Richard M. Gronostajski (grad student)
Ching-Hui HuangInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Robert P. HuetherBioinformatics Biology, Biochemistry Structural Biology2011 William L. Duax (grad student)
John P. Hutchinson Chemistry19771981 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
My Hang Huynh Kenneth J. Takeuchi (grad student)
Olga IranzoInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2003 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Bo Brummerstedt IversenEnergy storage, Solids chemistry, Catalysis, Material chemistry, Nanochemistry, X-ray crystallography, Inorganic chemistry1993 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Harsh V. JainOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chemistry2010 Thomas I. Kalman (grad student)
Thomas S. Janik Chemistry19851987 Melvyn R. Churchill (research scientist)
Tao JiPharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry2005 David G. Hangauer (grad student)
Honghai Jianganalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2006 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Qihui JinOrganic Chemistry2004 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Geetanjali J. JogPharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Microbiology Biology2005 Hiroaki Suga (grad student)
Gyan Prakash JohariPhysical chemistry, glass chemistry, materials science19661968 Walter Dannhauser (post-doc)
Shinu JohnBiochemistry, Immunology Biochemistry2007 Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha (grad student)
Candace S. JohnsonBiochemistry, Endocrinology Biology
Carl J. JohnstonToxicology, Pharmacology2006 Bruce Holm (grad student)
Atul D. JoshiBiochemistry2003 Daniel J. Kosman (grad student)
Stuart A. Julis Chemistry19751979 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Thomas I. KalmanOrganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry
Maureen A. KaneChemical sensors, wound repair2001 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Kenneth C. KanigeElectroanalytical chemistry19861992 Stanley Bruckenstein (grad student)
Shuklendu D KaryakarteSynthetic and medicinal chemistry Chemistry20102016 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
A Latif KazimGeneral Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology
Kim Keilanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics Chemistry2011 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Jerome B. KeisterInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Samuel E. KelleyGeology, Climate Change, Geomorphology Geology2014 Jason Briner (grad student)
Skyler Kelly Biological Sciences2021 Eric J. Strobel (grad student)
Meghan E. Kern Chemistry2013 David F. Watson (grad student)
Irfan A. KhanMolecular cell biology, Cancer medicine and Nanotechnology Biochemistry20072012 Syed Hamid Ali (grad student)
Denys A. KhaperskyyBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Microbiology Biology Biochemistry2008 Alfred S. Ponticelli (grad student)
Maan T. KhayatGeneral Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Chemistry2013 David G. Hangauer (grad student)
Svetlana KholodarBiochemistry, enzymology, physical organic chemistry, organic chemistry Chemistry Andrew S. Murkin (grad student)
Christopher Daniel Kim2001 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Ketack KimElectroanalytical and physical electrochemistry2002 Stanley Bruckenstein (grad student)
Harry F. KingPhysical Chemistry
Christine KleinAnalytical Chemistry, Sanitary and Municipal Engineering Chemistry2007 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Mark Kline20092014 Bing Gong (grad student)
Jack D. Klingman
Monika KonaklievaBiochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry1997 Edward Turos (grad student)
Norman XIANGLONG KONGOrganic Chemistry Chemistry19951997 Huw M. L. Davies (post-doc)
Ah-Ng T. KongPharmacology, Oncology, Biochemistry Pharmaceutical Sciences1989 William J. Jusko (grad student)
Kenneth R. KortInorganic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering Chemistry2014 Sarbajit Banerjee (grad student)
Daniel J. KosmanBiochemistry
Megan Kostan Biological Sciences2023 Eric J. Strobel (research assistant)
Gerald KoudelkaMolecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry
Dimitrios KourouklisOrganic Chemistry2005 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Andrey Yu. Kovalevsky2003 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Marc J. KoyackBiochemistry Chemistry2009 Richard P. Cheng (grad student)
Nadine D. KrautChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2012 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Jaime L. KubeikaInorganic Chemistry2005 Jim D. Atwood (grad student)
Amol Anant Kulkarni Chemistry2006 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Pankaj Kulshresthaanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics Chemistry2007 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Vaibhaw Kumar Chemical and Biological Engineering2013 Jeffrey R. Errington (grad student)
Charanya KumarBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2013 Jennifer A. Surtees (grad student)
Sangit Kumar Chemistry20072008 Michael R. Detty (post-doc)
Matthew D. KundratChemistry Chemistry20042008 Jochen Autschbach (grad student)
Shiu-Ming KuoCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology
Cassandra L. KussiusNMDA receptors Biochemistry20062010 Gabriela K. Popescu (grad student)
David C. LacyChemistry
Li LaiPharmaceutical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2001 Thomas I. Kalman (grad student)
Charles H. Lake Chemistry19901995 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Peter T. Lansburynatural products synthesis
Jingyu LaoInorganic Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics2000 Jui Hsin Wang (grad student)
Romana A. Lashewycz Chemistry19751979 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Ivonne M. LassalaAnalytical Chemistry, Molecular Chemistry Chemistry2013 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Joo-Woon Lee2001 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Nick LeeOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2001 Hiroaki Suga (grad student)
Gene H. LeeOrganic Chemistry2005 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Techung LeeBiochemistry
Randolph A. Leising Chemistry Kenneth J. Takeuchi (grad student)
Kristi A. Leonard2000 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Stephanie J. LesliePharmacology, Molecular Biology2001 Terry A. Beerman (grad student)
Gerhard Levy
Xue Li2005 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Nan Lianalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics Chemistry2008 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Minfeng Li20032008 Bing Gong (grad student)
Yong-ji Li Chemistry19821985 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Hongtao LiaoCell Biology, Molecular Biology2005 Jui Hsin Wang (grad student)
Reyna K. Lim Chemistry20072013 Qing Lin (grad student)
Qing Linchemical biology
Qing Lin
Tao Liu Department of Biochemistry Xiaole Liu (post-doc)
Hung-Wen LiuNutrition Exercise and Nutrition Sciences2013 Shiu-Ming Kuo (grad student)
Rui Liu20102016 Bing Gong (grad student)
Shuncheng Liu Chemistry19941995 Melvyn R. Churchill (research scientist)
Timothy W. LiwoszOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Oystein LoeOrganic Chemistry2005 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Ying Longanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics Chemistry2012 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
David C. LonieGeneral Chemistry, Computer Science, Physical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Eva Zurek (grad student)
Sarah A. Lorenzanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2000 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Daniel S. LorrainSerotonin's effect on copulation1999 Elaine M. Hull (grad student), Paul Vezina (post-doc)
Matthew Lucero Rodriguezhypervalent iodine Chemistry2024 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Derrick W. LuceyInorganic Chemistry2002 Jim D. Atwood (grad student)
Sara J. Luptonanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics Chemistry2010 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Robert H. MachGeneral Chemistry, Pharmacy, Nuclear Chemistry Medical Chemistry1985 Wayne K. Anderson (grad student)
Susan A. MackintoshAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Health Chemistry2013 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Michael M. Madden Chemistry20052010 Qing Lin (grad student)
Christine Marie Mahoney2003 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Robert C. MajovskiMolecular Biology, Biochemistry Biochemistry2007 Alfred S. Ponticelli (grad student)
Michael G. MalkowskiBiochemistry, Bioinformatics Biology, General Biology
Todd D. MaloneyAnalytical Chemistry2002 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
James R. ManningOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Zachary ManzerComputational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling2014 Johannes Hachmann (research assistant)
Maria R. ManzoniOrganic Chemistry2006 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Mary E. Marmion Chemistry Kenneth J. Takeuchi (grad student)
Thomas H. MarsiljeOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Biochemistry2000 David G. Hangauer (grad student)
Michalis MastriBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2013 Techung Lee (grad student)
Ryan MathewsInorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chemistry2008 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Keikantse MatlhagelaBiochemistry2005 Mary Taub (grad student)
Steven A. MauroMolecular Biology2003 Gerald Koudelka (grad student)
E. Peter Maziarz Chemistry1999 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Sarah A. MazzilliPharmacology, Molecular Biology Roswell Park . Pharmacology Roswell Park . Pharmacology2013 Candace S. Johnson (grad student), Donald Lynn Trump (grad student)
William J McBrideaddiction, alcohol, neurocircuitry, neurobiology, biochemistry1968 Jack D. Klingman (grad student)
Ryan C. McCarthyBiochemistry, Neuroscience Biology, General Biology Biochemistry2014 Daniel J. Kosman (grad student)
Taylor A. McCartyChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2007 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Kathryn F. MedlerCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Physiology Biology, Biochemistry
Kulwara MeksawanNutrition2004 Atif B. Awad (grad student)
Mark E. Meyerhoffbioanalytical chemistry, electrochemical and optical sensors, novel nitric oxide releasing/generating biomaterials, and immunoassays1979 Garry A. Rechnitz (grad student)
Enrico MihichDrug development; antineoplastic therapy
Tammy M. Milillo Chemistry2009 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Karen L. MilkiewiczOrganic Chemistry2001 David G. Hangauer (grad student)
Paul A. MitraniBiochemistry Biochemistry2008 Mulchand S. Patel (grad student)
Elmer-Rico E. MojicaChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry Chemistry20052010 Frank V. Bright (grad student), Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Bryan A. MooreComputational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling2014 Johannes Hachmann (research assistant)
Amber D. MooreGeneral Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry Chemistry2013 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Barry E MooreTheoretical Chemistry Chemistry20112016 Jochen Autschbach (grad student)
Pierpaolo Morgante2021 Jochen Autschbach (post-doc)
Janet R. MorrowInorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Brendan C. MortPhysical Chemistry Chemistry2007 Jochen Autschbach (grad student)
Xiuqian MuHuman Development, Neuroscience Biology, Genetics
Laveena MuleyPharmaceutical Chemistry Chemistry2009 David G. Hangauer (grad student)
Kacie R. Mulhern Chemistry2013 David F. Watson (grad student)
Chase A. MunsonChemical sensors, wound repair2004 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Avinash Muppidi Medicinal Chemistry20092014 Qing Lin (grad student)
Andrew S. MurkinStudies on novel enzyme mechanisms; epimerases and racemases; sugar nucleotide-modifying enzymes; isotope effects; inhibitor design; site-directed mutagenesis
Clarence J. MurphyOrganometallic Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, History of Chemistry Chemistry19571960 Howard William Post (grad student)
Priyadharsini NagarajanMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology Biochemistry2008 Satrajit Sinha (grad student)
George H. NancollasChemistry of solutions and surfaces; biomineralization and characterization of mineral surfaces; surface structure and heterogeneous nucleation; biophysical chemistry
Divina A. NavarroInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Sciences Chemistry2011 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Noureddin Nazarpack-KandlousyOrganic Chemistry2001 Alexey V. Eliseev (grad student)
Jeremy S. Nevins Chemistry2011 David F. Watson (grad student)
Aiwu NiOrganic Chemistry2006 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Zhe NieOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2000 Thomas I. Kalman (grad student)
Edward G. NilesMolecular Biology, Biochemistry
Shlomo Nirwater purification, filtration kinetics, pore formation, adsorption models
Lucía Nitsch Velásquez2019 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Robert Warren NobleProtein-protein interactions; structure-function relationships in proteins; reactions of heme proteins with ligands; antibody-protein antigen interactions.
Irina V. Novozhilova2003 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Kido NweInorganic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Seamus O'ConnorAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Sciences Chemistry2007 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Shinpei OhkiMembrane fusion-molecular mechanisms of viral entry into target cells and exocytotic processes in neurosecretory cells
Abiola O. OlatundeInorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry Chemistry2014 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Jeremy P. OlsonOrganic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chemistry2009 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Alexandra Orchard Medicinal Chemistry2012 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Kori M. OrttBiochemistry Biochemistry2009 Satrajit Sinha (grad student)
Nana Osei-KwabenaOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Monissa C. PaderesGeneral Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Neerav D. Padliyaanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2005 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Phillip M. PageChemical sensors, wound repair2006 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Jun PanComputational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling2014 Johannes Hachmann (grad student)
Stephen A. PanaroOrganic Chemistry2002 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Ravindra K. PandeyMedical Biophysics, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Siddharth Pandey19982000 Frank V. Bright (post-doc)
David M. ParishMolecular Biology, Analytical Chemistry Structural Biology2008 Thomas Szyperski (grad student)
Alka B. PatelPharmacology, Biochemistry2000 Bruce Holm (grad student)
Mulchand S. PatelNeuroscience Biology, Biochemistry
Nayan J. PatelPharmacology, Oncology, General Roswell Park . Pharmacology2014 Ravindra K. Pandey (grad student)
Christopher J. PatridgeMaterials Science Engineering, Nanoscience, Physical Chemistry Chemistry2011 Sarbajit Banerjee (grad student)
Pauline Paul NesarajaGeology, Biogeochemistry Geology2013 Tracy Bank (grad student)
David R. PawlowskiMicrobiology Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology2005 Gerald Koudelka (grad student)
Christopher L. Penningtonanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics Chemistry2006 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Brian P. PeppersOrganic Chemistry2006 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Willie J. Perez Chemistry Kenneth J. Takeuchi (grad student)
Alan M. Piwowar Chemistry2007 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Gary M. PollackPharmaceutical Chemistry1984 Danny D. Shen (grad student)
koushik ponnuruCatalysis, CFD20122014 Edward P. Furlani (research assistant)
Alfred S. PonticelliBiochemistry
Howard William Post
Solene PougetGeology, Atmospheric Sciences, Geochemistry Geology2014 Gregory A. Valentine (grad student)
Paras N. PrasadCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Louis Premkumarion channels, receptors Anthony Auerbach (post-doc)
Benjamin P. PritchardPhysical Chemistry Chemistry20082013 Jochen Autschbach (grad student)
Mary Prorok1990 David S. Lawrence (grad student)
Ruslan S. PryadunInorganic Chemistry2005 Jim D. Atwood (grad student)
Shahnaz M. QadriBiochemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Nanotechnology Chemistry20132015 Arnd Pralle (post-doc)
Kevin D. Quinn Chemistry2012 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Krishna RamaswamyMolecular Biology2005 Hiroaki Suga (grad student)
Kaustubh S. RaneMolecular simulations, statistical mechanics, Monte Carlo simulations, chemistry20092014 Jeffrey R. Errington (grad student)
Ravisekhara P. ReddyOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Albert S. Reger Structural Biology2008 Andrew M. Gulick (grad student)
Rosamil Rey-Santos2006 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Chad E. RezsnyakInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Jim D. Atwood (grad student)
Arnold L. RheingoldInorganic chemistry: Small-molecule crystallography, synthesis of transition metal/p-block clusters19801981 Melvyn R. Churchill (research scientist)
Uzma RiazOrganic Chemistry2001 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Caley A. RichardsonChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2014 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Felix M. Rivas RiveraOrganic Chemistry2003 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Guizella Rocabado Chemistry20122014 Bing Gong (grad student)
Rose-Anne RomanoBiochemistry, Molecular Biology Biochemistry2007 Satrajit Sinha (grad student)
Thomas W. Rosch Chemical and Biological Engineering2008 Jeffrey R. Errington (grad student)
Clifford S. RossiterInorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry2005 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Frank J. Rotella Chemistry19741979 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Morton RothsteinBiological Sciences
Heather L. Rudolph Chemistry2015 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Mark A. RudolphPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Jochen Autschbach (grad student)
Lisa M. RussellBiochemistry, Immunology Biochemistry2011 Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha (grad student)
Michael E. RyanPolymer and ceramics processing, Rheology, Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
Frederick Sachsion channel biophysics
Courtney M. SaenzOncology Biophysics2012 Ravindra K. Pandey (grad student)
Patrick Saitta Chemistry20122014 Eva Zurek (research assistant)
Suman SamantrayComputational Bio-chemical Engineering and Science20132015 Jeffrey R. Errington (grad student), David A. Kofke (grad student)
Fatin SamaraAnalytical Chemistry, Environmental Sciences2007 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Adam R. Sanford20012006 Bing Gong (grad student)
Daniel SantiMedicinal Chemistry1967 Bernard Randall Baker (grad student)
Lisandra Santiago CapelesAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2015 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Darshan SapkotaHuman Development, Neuroscience Biology, Genetics Biochemistry Biochemistry2014 Xiuqian Mu (grad student), Xiuqian Mu (grad student)
Bharathwaj SathyamoorthyBiomolecular chemistry, solution-state NMR spectroscopy Chemistry20072013 Thomas Szyperski (grad student)
Rémy D. SauvéKCa3.1 channels1977 Shinpei Ohki (grad student)
Howard J. Schaeffer
Gregory A. Schamerhorn Chemistry2014 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Bryan M. SchertzerOrganic Chemistry2006 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
James J. SchmidtAnalytical Chemistry, Surface Chemistry Chemistry1989 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Edward M. Schulman
Andrew J. SchultzMolecular Simulation2014 Johannes Hachmann (research scientist)
Peter J. H. ScottPET radiochemistry; organic synthesis; fluorine chemistry; nuclear medicine; molecular imaging. Chemistry20052006 Huw M. L. Davies (post-doc)
Ronald See Chemistry19891993 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Anna L. SeibertBiochemistry, Medical Biophysics, Molecular Biology2004 Kenneth M. Blumenthal (grad student)
Emily R. Sekera2020 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Bratin SenguptaMembrane Separation, Porous Materials, Chemical and Biological Engineering2021 Miao Yu (grad student)
Sanghamitra Sengupta20122017 Luis Velarde (grad student)
Fatima C. SequeiraOrganic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2012 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Scott M. SeveranceBiochemistry2005 Daniel J. Kosman (grad student)
Arsalan Q. ShabbirBiochemistry Biochemistry2011 Techung Lee (grad student)
Veerabahu ShanmugasundaramPharmaceutical Chemistry2000 David G. Hangauer (grad student)
Ying Shao Chemistry20032006 Bing Gong (grad student)
Ashutosh Sharma Chemical Engineering Eli Ruckenstein (grad student)
Suhad Shbeir-ElDikaNeuroscience Biology, Biochemistry2004 Mulchand S. Patel (grad student)
Long ShenCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology2003 Jui Hsin Wang (grad student)
Eric S. ShermanOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2009 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Ching-Yen ShihComputational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling2014 Johannes Hachmann (grad student)
Paul ShkilnyjMicrobiology Biology, Molecular Biology Biological Sciences2012 Gerald Koudelka (grad student)
Scott M SimpsonSurface Science, Molecular Modeling Chemistry20102014 Eva Zurek (grad student)
Arvinder J. SinghBiochemistry2005 Daniel J. Kosman (grad student)
Satrajit SinhaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Panagiotis G. SmirniotisChemical Engineering, Organic Chemistry Chemical Engineering1994 Eli Ruckenstein (grad student)
Douglas R. Smith2004 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Kristina M. SmithMicrobiology Biology2003 Hiroaki Suga (grad student)
Jaime J. SmithBiochemistry, General Biophysics Biochemistry2007 Kenneth M. Blumenthal (grad student)
Michael P. SmolinskiPharmaceutical Chemistry2006 David G. Hangauer (grad student)
Jason A. SmulikOrganic Chemistry2002 Steven Thomas Diver (grad student)
Gregory R. Soja Chemistry2008 David F. Watson (grad student)
Gregory E SokolowChemistry20172022 Timothy R Cook (grad student), Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Wenjiao Song Chemistry20052010 Qing Lin (grad student)
Aditya SonpalMD Simulations, Database technology for chemistry Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering2016 Johannes Hachmann (grad student)
Avinash SrivatsanOncology, Pharmacology Roswell Park . Pharmacology2013 Ravindra K. Pandey (grad student)
Bruckenstein StanleyAnalytical Chemistry
Corey E. Stilts2000 Michael R. Detty (grad student)
Christopher S. StojBiochemistry2006 Daniel J. Kosman (grad student)
Gino StolfaMicrobiology Biology, Toxicology Biological Sciences2012 Gerald Koudelka (grad student)
Eric J. Strobel
John A. Strong2004 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Lijuan Su Chemistry2015 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Hiroaki SugaOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Hiiroaki SugaOrganic Chemistry
Limin Sun2001 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Haotian Sun
Jesse Adam Sundlov Structural Biology2013 Andrew M. Gulick (grad student)
Jennifer A. SurteesBiochemistry, Molecular Biology
Lisa F. Szczepura Chemistry1994 Kenneth J. Takeuchi (grad student)
Antoni Julian Szeglowski
Courtney Szyjka Biological Sciences20212023 Eric J. Strobel (post-doc)
Thomas SzyperskiPhysical Chemistry, Biochemistry
Yuko TakagiGeneral Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry Biological Sciences2011 Kiong Ho (grad student)
Kenneth J. Takeuchisynthesis and electrochemistry of inorganic materials
Loraine T. TanChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2008 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Zunyu TaoChemical sensors, wound repair2006 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Mary TaubBiochemistry
Serena Teh Biological Sciences20222023 Eric J. Strobel (research assistant)
Elizabeth C. TehanChemical sensors, wound repair2007 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Alaina J. TerzulliBiochemistry Biochemistry2011 Daniel J. Kosman (grad student)
Claire A. TessierInorganic chemistry, materials chemistry1981 O. Theodore Beachley, Jr. (grad student)
Ryan A Thomas
Martin Trebbinstructure determination, time resolved, microfluidics, X-ray scattering, SAXS, WAXS, XFEL, cryo-EM
Jerry TsoAnalytical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Food Science and Technology Agriculture, Environmental Sciences Chemistry2011 Diana S. Aga (grad student)
Shinya Tsukijichemical biology, synthetic biology, protein engineering Department of Chemistry20012002 Hiroaki Suga (post-doc)
Benjamin W. TurnpennyOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2014 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Nathaniel Urban Chemistry20062011 Bing Gong (grad student)
Gregory A. ValentineGeology, Atmospheric Sciences, Geochemistry
Rudi van Eldik1971 Gordon McLeod Harris (post-doc)
John E. VanBenschotenEnvironmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry
Saaket VarmaCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology Biochemistry2008 Shiu-Ming Kuo (grad student)
Alex J. VecchioGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology Structural Biology2011 Michael G. Malkowski (grad student)
Luis Velarde
Lucia Nitsch Velasquez2019 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Jesus M. VelazquezMaterial Chemistry, Energy Storage & Conversion, Nanotechnology Chemistry20072012 Sarbajit Banerjee (grad student)
Chandrasekar VenkataramaniOrganic Chemistry2002 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Dominic L. VenturaOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2008 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Glorimar Vicente-CrescioniAnalytical Chemistry Chemistry2007 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Renan Vidal Viesser Department of Chemistry20152016 Jochen Autschbach (grad student)
Vipulan VigneswaranOrganic chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Energetics, Materials science Chemistry20172022 David C. Lacy (grad student)
Robert Vincemedicinal chemistry Howard J. Schaeffer (grad student)
John C. VinciOrganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Nanotechnology Chemistry2013 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Anatoliy V. Volkov2000 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Stefan VujcicAnalytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry2011 Luis Antonio Colón (grad student)
Abbas M. WaljiOrganic Chemistry20002005 Huw M. L. Davies (grad student)
Sarah E. Walkereukaryotic translation, translational control of gene expression, ribosome, translation initiation
Joshua S. WallaceMass Spectrometry, Environmental Analysis20112015 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Tie WangPharmacology, Toxicology, Immunology2005 Bruce Holm (grad student)
Yizhong Wang Chemistry20062010 Qing Lin (grad student)
Tung-Yue WangAndrogen acceptors
Jui Hsin WangBioenergetics
Zhen Q. Wang
Busheng WangComputational Physics Department of Chemistry20212024 Eva Zurek (post-doc)
Harvey J. Wasserman Chemistry19791982 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
David F. Watson Chemistry19972001 Andrew B. Bocarsly (grad student)
Tomasz Wdowik2019 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
Xiaoxi Wei Chemistry20092014 Bing Gong (grad student)
Charles Earl WennerCell Biology, Biochemistry
Thomas P. Whiteanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2003 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Christine M. WhiteMolecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry2002 Terry A. Beerman (grad student)
Luisa WhittakerInorganic Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Nanotechnology Chemistry2011 Sarbajit Banerjee (grad student)
Noreen WilliamsRibosome biogenesis, bioenergetics
Troy D. Woodanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics
William L. Woodanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2006 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Gang Wu
Duanxiang XuPhysical Chemistry, General Biophysics Chemistry2007 Thomas Szyperski (grad student)
Kazuhiro Yamato20012013 Bing Gong (post-doc)
Shaochun YanMolecular Biology2002 Charles Earl Wenner (grad student)
Jung H. Yang Chemical and Biological Engineering Chemical and Biological Engineering2015 Jeffrey R. Errington (grad student), David A. Kofke (grad student)
Meng-Yin YangInorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry2007 Janet R. Morrow (grad student)
Xiaowu Yang20022006 Bing Gong (post-doc)
Brett Yatzor Chemistry2012 Joseph A. Gardella, Jr. (grad student)
Shali Zhu Yau Chemistry2012 Kenneth J. Takeuchi (grad student)
HO YEON YOOElectroanalytical Chemistry Chemsitry20062012 Stanley Bruckenstein (grad student)
Youngjae YouGeneral Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacy Chemistry20022006 Michael R. Detty (post-doc)
Diane G. Youker Chemistry2013 David F. Watson (grad student)
Wiley J. YoungsAntimicrobials antitumor drugs19761980 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
Han Yupharmacology20122014 Gabriela K. Popescu (grad student)
Zhipeng Yu Chemistry Qing Lin (grad student)
Ka Y. YungChemical sensors, wound repair Chemistry2012 Frank V. Bright (grad student)
Thomas P. ZabawaOrganic Chemistry Chemistry2007 Sherry R. Chemler (grad student)
William J. ZachowiczChemistry of solutions and surfaces; biomineralization and characterization of mineral surfaces; surface structure and heterogeneous nucleation; biophysical chemistry2005 George H. Nancollas (grad student)
Shawn S. ZadehComputational Chemistry, Molecular Modeling, Materials Informatics, Machine Learning2014 Johannes Hachmann (grad student)
Kevin J. Zemaitis2021 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Xiangqun ZengAnalytical Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Biochemistry Chemistry1997 Stanley Bruckenstein (grad student)
Huaqiang ZengSupramolecular Chemistry, Aptamers, Water Purification, Oil Spill Treatment19972002 Bing Gong (grad student)
Yuegang Zhang2001 Philip Coppens (grad student)
Linping Zhangdrug discovery2001 Robert Allan Coburn (grad student)
Yongqing ZhangPhysical Chemistry2002 Harry F. King (grad student)
Aimin Zhang20032007 Bing Gong (post-doc)
Yumiao Zhangmolecular imaging, drug delivery
Cheng Zhaoanalytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics2005 Troy D. Wood (grad student)
Xiang ZhengMedical Biophysics, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry2006 Ravindra K. Pandey (grad student)
Shaohui ZhengMaterials Science Chemistry2009 Jochen Autschbach (grad student)
Joseph W. Ziller Chemistry19821986 Melvyn R. Churchill (grad student)
hongyan zouanalytical chemistry, chemometrics Mark T. Swihart (grad student)
Charles F. ZukoskiChemical Engineering, Biochemistry
Eva ZurekGeneral Chemistry, Computer Science, Physical Chemistry