Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Michelle R. ArkinElectron transfer in DNA, protein-protein interactions, protein engineering, chemical biology, drug discovery Protein Engineering19971998 James A. Wells (post-doc)
Matthew L. Bentley Early Discovery Biochemistry Andrea G. Cochran (post-doc)
Charles A. BoswellPET agents for cancer imaging PTPK20132016 Sean B. Joseph (research scientist)
David BotsteinGenomics
Eric Bourhis Early Discovery Biochemistry Andrea G. Cochran (grad student)
Miro Brajenovic Protein Engineering Andrea G. Cochran (post-doc)
Daniela Bumbaca PTPK20132016 Sean B. Joseph (grad student)
Andrea G. Cochranproteins, biophysics, biochemistry
James John CrawfordMedicinal Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Drug Discovery
Susan Crowell PTPK20142016 Sean B. Joseph (research scientist)
N. Monique DailFibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFRs) in Human Cancer
Christopher Williamson Davies
Vishva M. Dixitdisease-related cellular signaling
David A. Eberhard
Frederic Fellouse Protein Engineering Andrea G. Cochran (grad student)
E Megan Flynn Early Discovery Biochemistry Andrea G. Cochran (research assistant)
John FrenzBiotechnology MAC William S. Hancock (research scientist)
Chong HanSynthesis of complex natural products; Cu, Pd, Zr-catalyzed transformations
Oscar Huang Early Discovery Biochemistry Andrea G. Cochran (research assistant)
Peter Kent Jackson
David Y. JacksonAntibody Drug Conjugates Protein Engineering James A. Wells (post-doc)
Adam R. JohnsonImmunology
Jitendra Shrawan Kanodia PTPK20142016 Sean B. Joseph (research scientist)
S. Cyrus Khojasteh
Joanne D. Kotz Protein Engineering Andrea G. Cochran (post-doc)
Kyle Landgraf
Xin Linghuorganic chemistry
Steven J. McKerrallMedicinal Chemistry
Mark G. McLaughlin Discovery chemistry20122012 James John Crawford (grad student)
Stephen E. Miller
Aaron Miller
David A. Oare
Mariano Oppikofer Early Discovery Biochemistry Andrea G. Cochran (post-doc)
Tatjana Petojevic Early Discovery Biochemistry Andrea G. Cochran (post-doc)
Matthew M. Pompeoorganic chemistry, total synthesis, organometallics, catalysis
Xiaoyi Qu Francesca Bartolini (grad student)
Janakiramanan RamachandranBioorganic chemistry, molecular biology, hormone biochemistry
Stephen Russell Protein Engineering Andrea G. Cochran (research assistant)
Richard Schellermechanisms of membrane organization and transport
Celia A. SchifferStructural basis for molecular recognition in HIV Protease19941997 Anthony A. Kossiakoff (post-doc)
Peter H. Seeburgglutamate receptors
Ben Shen PTPK20142016 Sean B. Joseph (research scientist)
John T. Stultsmass spectroscopy, biochemistry
Derek S. Tanorganic synthesis, chemical biology Bioorganic Chemistry19951995 David A. Oare (research assistant)
Nick A. White