University of Notre Dame

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Alvaro Acosta-SerranoParasitology, Vector Biology, Biochemistry
Pius O. AdelaniInorganic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering2011 Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt (grad student)
Emmanuel Adu-Gyamfi Chemistry and Biochemistry20082013 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Hector Guillen Ahlers2010 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Dorothy Rose Ahlf WheatcraftBioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Harper Cancer Institute Harper Cancer Institute20122014 Amanda B. Hummon (post-doc), Paul W. Bohn (post-doc)
Rabeka Alam Chemistry & Biochemistry20132016 Prashant V. Kamat (post-doc)
Thomas E. Albrecht-SchmittInorganic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry
Charles B. Alcockphysical chemistry, ceramics, vapor pressure of metals
Simon AldridgeMain Group and Transition Metal Organometallic Chemistry
Jesus Alonso Biochemistry2017 Brian M. Baker (post-doc)
Andrea N. AlsobrookInorganic Chemistry, Environmental Sciences2011 Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt (grad student)
Jerome AmaudrutOrganic Chemistry2000 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Jennifer L. AnthonyIonic Liquids2004 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Clay P. ArangoEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences2007 Jennifer L. Tank (grad student)
Marcus David ArienoComputational Chemistry Chemistry20122017 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Kathryn M. Armstrongmolecular recognition and cellular communication2009 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Eugene Christopher Ashby1956 Patrick Aloysius McCusker (grad student)
Brandon L. Ashfeld Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry, Energy Research
Steven M. Asialaspatial organization of molecules Chemistry and Biochemistry2014 Zachary D. Schultz (grad student)
Corey A.K. Ayres Biochemistry2017 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
William F. Baileyorganometallic chemistry1973 Ernest Ludwig Eliel (grad student)
Brian M. Bakermolecular recognition and cellular communication
Enrica Balboni2014 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Rashna Balsarafibrinolytic pathway20022005 Francis J. Castellino (post-doc)
David M. BartelsPhysical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Subhash C. Basusphingolipids, DNA "Replisome complex"
Jeffrey M. Baumessupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2011 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Gary A BeaneQuantum Dots, Plasmonics, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, FRET Chemistry2016 Gregory V. Hartland (post-doc)
Jake J. BeaulieuBiogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences2007 Jennifer L. Tank (grad student)
B Mikael BergdahlOrganic Chemistry Paul M. Helquist (post-doc)
Joel Berniac Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2000 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Jeffery A. Bertke2012 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
Michelle M. Bertke Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology Chemistry and Biochemistry2014 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Richard N. Besingiprotein folding2013 Patricia L. Clark (grad student)
Kankan BhattacharyyaPhysical chemistry19841986 Paritosh Kumar Das (post-doc)
Z. Başar Bilgiçerdesign of multivalent molecules to provide enhancement in selectivity and avidity in targeting various diseases for diagnostic and therapeutic applications
Amy L. BirkholdGeochemistry2000 Clive R. Neal (grad student)
Raynauld L. Bishopchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2000 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Lynnette A. BlanchardIonic Liquids2001 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Tamas Blandl2000 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Sydney J. Blevins2016 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Sydney J Blevins
Svilen S. BobevChemistry of Main-Group Metals and Semimetals in Negative Oxidation States2002 Slavi C. Sevov (grad student)
Brian S. Bodnarchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2008 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Paul W. Bohn(a) integrated nanofluidic and microfluidic chemical measurement strategies for personal monitoring, (b) chemical and biochemical sensing in mass-limited samples, (c) smart materials, and (d) molecular approaches to nanotechnology.
Joshua K. Bolgerchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2009 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Julia M. Boonsupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2003 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Oleg Y. Borbulevych2008 Brian M. Baker (post-doc)
Pauline Bourbon Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2013 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Patrick J. Boylesphingolipids, DNA "Replisome complex"2005 Subhash C. Basu (grad student)
Sean P. Branagan(a) integrated nanofluidic and microfluidic chemical measurement strategies for personal monitoring, (b) chemical and biochemical sensing in mass-limited samples, (c) smart materials, and (d) molecular approaches to nanotechnology.2012 Paul W. Bohn (grad student)
Sonja B. Braun-Sand2003 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Theodore Brennansolid state chemistry, crystallography Chemistry19851987 W. Robert Scheidt (research assistant)
Joan F. BrenneckeIonic Liquids
Paul R. BrennerComputer Science, General Biophysics2007 Jesus A. Izaguirre (grad student)
Roger K. Bretthauerglycoproteins
Scott D. BridghamBiogeochemistry
Seth N. Brownoxidation reactions, chemical synthesis
Annette V. Brownpolyketide natural products2004 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Denise A. BruesewitzEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry2008 Jennifer L. Tank (grad student)
Gabriela I. Burgos SolorzanoIonic Liquids2004 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Miranda Burnette Jeremiah James Zartman (grad student)
Peter C. Burnssolid-state chemistry, mineralogy, and environmental chemistry of uranium, as well as the transuranic elements neptunium and plutonium
Milton Burtonradiation chemistry
Mark A. Butchkoreactive intermediates: carbocations, carbenes, free radicals, radical anions and radical cations2000 Xavier Creary (grad student)
Katherine Byrd Chemistry20102015 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Roberto I. CanalesPhase Equilibria, Thermodynamic Modeling
James J CarberryCatalysis
Ian C. CarmichaelTheoretical Radiation Chemistry & Photochemistry
Jeffrey M. Carneyorganic synthesis, catalysis Chemistry and Biochemistry20032009 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Martin A. CarrascoEntomology Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology Biology2012 John G. Duman (grad student)
Francis J. Castellinoblood coagulation and blood clot dissolution
Cara Cesariochemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2010 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Jooyoung Chabioorganic chemistry, organic synthesis, protein chemistry, enzymology and computational sciences2007 Shahriar Mobashery (grad student)
Lakshmi ChakkumkumarathBio-organic Chemistry and Physical Organic Chemistry20012004 Bradley D. Smith (post-doc)
Mayland Chang Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry
Alexandre ChapeauxIonic Liquids2009 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
William J. ChazeyGeochemistry, Geology2004 Clive R. Neal (grad student)
Joseph H. Chen1957 Alexander A. Petrauskas (grad student)
Hsing-Ta ChenTheoretical Chemistry
John A. ChristieOrganometallics2010 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
Jeffrey P. Ciavarripolyketide natural products2001 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Trevor M. CickovskiComputer Science, Cell Biology, Molecular Physics2008 Jesus A. Izaguirre (grad student)
Patricia L. Clarkprotein folding
Thomas F. Clarkeprotein folding2009 Patricia L. Clark (grad student)
Yamil J. ColónMolecular Modeling
Nicholas M. Contento(a) integrated nanofluidic and microfluidic chemical measurement strategies for personal monitoring, (b) chemical and biochemical sensing in mass-limited samples, (c) smart materials, and (d) molecular approaches to nanotechnology. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2014 Paul W. Bohn (grad student)
Nick Contento Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2016 Jeremiah James Zartman (post-doc)
Steven A. Corcelli, Jr.Theoretical & Computational Chemistry
Brighid S. Corcoransurface chemistry, self-assembly of two- and three-dimensional structures, and molecular electronics2013 Marya Lieberman (grad student)
Casey C. Cosner Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2011 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
James John CrawfordMedicinal Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Drug Discovery Chemistry20012004 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
Xavier Crearyreactive intermediates: carbocations, carbenes, free radicals, radical anions and radical cations
James V. CrivelloChemical Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering1966 Gaetano Frank D'Alelio (grad student)
Jacob M. CrosthwaiteIonic Liquids2005 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Gaetano Frank D'Alelio
Erin M. Dalypolyketide natural products2011 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Paritosh Kumar DasComputational chemistry, Organic photochemistry, Polymer chemistry, Photophysics, Molecular spectroscopy
Saurja DasGupta
Rebecca Davis-Harrison2007 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Martin J. Deetzsupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2001 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Juan R. Del Vallebioorganic chemistry; peptide and protein mimicry
Prashant DeshlahraChemical Engineering, Nanotechnology2011 Eduardo E. Wolf (grad student)
Madushani Dharmarwardana Bradley D. Smith (post-doc)
Coura R. Dienepolyketide natural products2007 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Patricia A. DiGiuseppe Championbacterial genetics
Jonathan P. DiNitto Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2001 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Kristy M. DiVittoriosupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2007 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Juan DiwuGeochemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, General Chemistry2012 Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt (grad student)
Li Dongchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2002 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Patrick J. DonoghueOrganic Chemistry2008 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Norman J. Dovichiproteome
Alexander Dowling
Barrett K. Duan(a) integrated nanofluidic and microfluidic chemical measurement strategies for personal monitoring, (b) chemical and biochemical sensing in mass-limited samples, (c) smart materials, and (d) molecular approaches to nanotechnology.2012 Paul W. Bohn (grad student)
John G. DumanPhysiology Biology, Biochemistry, Entomology Biology
Timothy B. Durhamchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2002 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Jeremy A. EberleOrganometallic Chemistry2012 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
Angela K. Egglestonnucleic acid metabolism Department of Microbiology19851988 Michael C. Fennewald (grad student)
David M. EikeIonic Liquids2006 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student), Edward J. Maginn (grad student)
Mary K. Ellisonmetalloporphyrin compounds2001 W. Robert Scheidt (grad student)
F. C. Engelhardtpolyketide natural products2002 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Slayton A. Evansorganophosphorus chemistry1974 Ernest Ludwig Eliel (post-doc)
Melissa Fairley
Thomas P. FehlnerMetallaboranes, Quantum cellular automata
Junbo FengIonic Liquids2002 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Kelley A. Fennellchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2007 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Christopher J. FennellTheoretical Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biophysics Chemistry20012006 J. Daniel Gezelter (grad student)
Michael C. Fennewald
Lindsay E. FickeIonic Liquids2010 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Mariana Figuera-Losadabiochemistry2008 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Maggie M. Fink Civil & Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences20172019 Shahir S. Rizk (research assistant)
Kristen N. Flemingpolyketide natural products2004 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Daniel P. FogartyScanning Tunneling Microscopy2007 S. Alex Kandel (grad student)
Tori M. Forbes2007 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Christopher C. Forbessupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2005 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Tori Z. ForbesSynthesis and characterization of novel actinide-based (Th, U, Np) nanotubes and molecular clusters; X-ray diffraction and scattering techniques; transport and mobility of nuclear materials in aqueous environmental systems; Aluminum Polyoxometalate
Catherine A. Foss Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2003 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Mark E. Fraser Chemistry and Biochemistry20152019 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Jeremiah P. Freeman
Na Fusupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2010 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Kaiyu Fuelectrochemistry, nanoscience, analytical chemistry, biosensor, polymer Chemistry and Biochemistry20142018 Paul W. Bohn (grad student)
Cosimo C. Fudabioorganic chemistry, organic synthesis, protein chemistry, enzymology and computational sciences2007 Shahriar Mobashery (grad student)
Gabriel M. Galvinpolyketide natural products2001 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Anil Kumar GangulyEnvironmental chemistry, chemical physics, radiation chemistry1956 John Lafayette Magee (post-doc)
Jorge G. Ganopolsky2004 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Haifeng Gaosynthesizing functional polymer materials with controlled nanostructures and understanding their fundamental structure-property relationships
Bo Gaosurface chemistry, self-assembly of two- and three-dimensional structures, and molecular electronics2009 Marya Lieberman (grad student)
Franck S. GascoinChemistry of Main-Group Metals and Semimetals in Negative Oxidation States2003 Slavi C. Sevov (grad student)
Jeremiah J. Gassensmithsupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2009 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
J. Daniel Gezeltertheoretical and computational chemistry
Sundargopal Ghosh19982003 Thomas P. Fehlner (post-doc)
Joseph B. Gianino Chemistry2014 Brandon L. Ashfeld (grad student)
Jay P. Giblinnanoscale materials2011 Masaru K. Kuno (grad student)
Harry William GibsonOrganic & Polymer Chemistry Chemistry19651966 Ernest Ludwig Eliel (post-doc)
Larry R. Gibson(a) integrated nanofluidic and microfluidic chemical measurement strategies for personal monitoring, (b) chemical and biochemical sensing in mass-limited samples, (c) smart materials, and (d) molecular approaches to nanotechnology. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2014 Paul W. Bohn (grad student)
Paul Giesting2006 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Richard D. Gilbert1950 Charles C. Price (grad student)
Miriam M. Gillett-Kunnath Chemistry and Biochemistry20082012 Slavi C. Sevov (grad student)
Vinay M. Girijavallabhanchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2003 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Brian E. Gloormolecular recognition and cellular communication2012 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Alonso F. GonzalezComputer Science, Bioinformatics Biology, General Biophysics2010 Jesus A. Izaguirre (grad student)
Holly V. Goodsonmicrotubule cytoskeleton
John Alan GoodwinInorganic Chemistry Chemistry19881989 W. Robert Scheidt (post-doc)
Major Gooyit Chemistry & Biochemistry Chemistry & Biochemistry2013 Shahriar Mobashery (grad student), Mayland Chang (grad student)
K. R. Gopidas19871989 Prashant V. Kamat (post-doc)
Valerie Goss2009 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Francisco J. Gracia CarocaChemical Engineering2004 Eduardo E. Wolf (grad student)
Michael GrätzelNanocrystalline junctions, Photovoltaic cells, Light energyconversion & storage, Lithium ion batteries, Molecular switches & displays, photocatalysis19701972 J. Kerry Thomas (post-doc)
Ivan Gregorettimicrotubule cytoskeleton2008 Holly V. Goodson (grad student)
Natalie A. GriffithsEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Limnology Biology2011 Jennifer L. Tank (grad student)
Song GuoScanning Tunneling Microscopy2008 S. Alex Kandel (grad student)
Burcu E. GurkanIonic Liquids2011 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
David J. Guseillapolyketide natural products2008 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Jeffrey R. Guyon Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2000 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Brandon E. HainesOrganic Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry2014 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
William Henry Hamill
Brent J. Hamstra Chemistry19981998 W. Robert Scheidt (post-doc)
Donghoon Han20142018 Paul W. Bohn (post-doc)
Eric C HansenComputational chemistry, enantioselective catalysis
Roger G. Hanshawsupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2006 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Ian M. HarrierOrganic Synthesis, Natural products, Chemical Biology2010 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Clifton T. Harrischarge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2011 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Christopher B. HarrisonOrganic Chemistry2007 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Gregory V. Hartlandsingle particle experiments, both steady state spectroscopy studies and time-resolved measurements
William F. Hawselysine ubiquitination and acetylation, using x-ray crystallography, together with biochemical, biophysical and genetic analysis2013 Brian M. Baker (post-doc)
Tony R. HazbunNeuroscience Biology, Biochemistry1997 Michael C. Mossing (grad student)
Xuyang He2008 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
Brian R. Hearnpolyketide natural products2001 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Lance M. HellmanProtein-nucleic acid interactions2013 Brian M. Baker (post-doc)
Paul M. Helquist Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry Chemistry20032014 Olaf G. Wiest (collaborator)
Kenneth W. Hendersonsynthetic main group chemistry
Pamela J. Higgins Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2000 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Jose Hector Hodaksingle particle experiments, both steady state spectroscopy studies and time-resolved measurements Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory19992001 Gregory V. Hartland (grad student), Arnim Henglein (collaborator)
Timothy J. HoelleinEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry2008 Jennifer L. Tank (grad student)
Emil T. Hofmanchelating polymers1962 Gaetano Frank D'Alelio (grad student)
Todd Holyoakenzyme mechanisms, their regulation and structure and how they are interrelated2000 Thomas L. Nowak (grad student)
Moushumi Hossain2013 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Xiaosong HuOligosaccharides2010 Anthony S. Serianni (grad student)
Weiqiang Huangchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2007 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Chengbang HuangComputer Science2005 Jesus A. Izaguirre (grad student)
Paul W. Huber Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology
Katherine L. Hull2009 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
Amanda B. Hummontranscriptome and the proteome in cancer cells
Erin R. Hurley2010 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
Danielle Cyrene HutchisonInorganic, aqueous, polyoxometalates CEEES20202021 Peter C. Burns (post-doc)
Tai-Wei Hwang(a) integrated nanofluidic and microfluidic chemical measurement strategies for personal monitoring, (b) chemical and biochemical sensing in mass-limited samples, (c) smart materials, and (d) molecular approaches to nanotechnology. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2014 Paul W. Bohn (grad student)
Vlad M. IlucInorganic Chemistry
Francis K. Insaidoomolecular recognition and cellular communication2010 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Emilia Ivanova-Hartland Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2007 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Jesus A. IzaguirreComputer Science, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry
Dennis C. JacobsPhysical chemistry, Ion/surface interactions
Jamison Jangula Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2016 Jeremiah James Zartman (grad student)
Randy JeffreyCell Biology, Oncology2012 Martin Tenniswood (grad student)
Cheng Jichemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2013 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Jin JiaNanomaterials, Nanoplasmonics Chemistry20162021 Paul W. Bohn (grad student)
Jieying JiaoMetallaboranes, Quantum cellular automata2004 Thomas P. Fehlner (grad student)
Paul JohnsPlasmonics, chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry20132017 Gregory V. Hartland (grad student)
Kristen A. Johnson Chemistry and Biochemistry20132017 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Jarrod W JohnsonOrganic chemistry, biochemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry20112014 Shahriar Mobashery (post-doc)
Raul E. Juarez Hernandezchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2012 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Mirco Junkerprotein folding2008 Patricia L. Clark (grad student)
Kuppuswamy KalyanasundaramPhotochemistry, Solar Energy Conversion1976 J. Kerry Thomas (grad student)
Prashant V. Kamatcharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies
S. Alex KandelScanning Tunneling Microscopy
John J. Kane Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2003 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Kotchaphan KanjanaTheoretical Radiation Chemistry & Photochemistry2013 Ian C. Carmichael (grad student)
Rendy Kartika20032008 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Natalie A. KautzScanning Tunneling Microscopy2011 S. Alex Kandel (grad student)
Chever H. KelloggBiogeochemistry2002 Scott D. Bridgham (grad student)
Laurie E. KelloggBiogeochemistry2004 Scott D. Bridgham (grad student)
Lloyd H. KetchumEnvironmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biochemistry
Choonkeun Kimbioorganic chemistry, organic synthesis, protein chemistry, enzymology and computational sciences2006 Shahriar Mobashery (grad student)
William S. KinmanGeochemistry, Petrology, Marine Geology2007 Clive R. Neal (grad student)
Rebecca Christine Klein2001 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Thomas E. KlepachOligosaccharides2008 Anthony S. Serianni (grad student)
Amanda L. Klingensmithsolid-state chemistry, mineralogy, and environmental chemistry of uranium, as well as the transuranic elements neptunium and plutonium2008 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Nikolay G. Kolev Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2003 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Sanjit Konar20042005 Slavi C. Sevov (post-doc)
Andrew D. Kosal Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry, Energy Research2013 Brandon L. Ashfeld (grad student)
Atanas V. Koulovsupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2004 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Georgiana Y. KramerGeology, Remote Sensing, Planetology2007 Clive R. Neal (grad student)
Viktor Krchňákorganic synthesis
James W KressFundamental Quantum and Molecular Dynamics Aspects of Cancer Chemistry Chemistry Chemical Engineering19761977 John J. Kozak (grad student), Maurice Schwartz (grad student), James J Carberry (post-doc)
Sachidananda Krishnamurthycharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2014 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Todd T. Kroll Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2002 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Shenyu Kuangtheoretical and computational chemistry2012 J. Daniel Gezelter (grad student)
Karrie-Ann Kubatko2005 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Masaru K. Kunonanoscale materials
Aron KuppermannTheoretical studies of the dynamics of chemical reactions1955 Milton Burton (grad student)
A. Graham Lappinmechanistic inorganic chemistry
Eokkyun LeeComputational chemistry19791983 John J. Kozak (grad student)
Joshua M. Lee Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2014 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Jung-Jae Leesupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems2009 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Mijoon Lee
Peter S. LeviEcology Biology, Limnology Biology, Biogeochemistry2012 Jennifer L. Tank (grad student)
Megan Levis Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2014 Jeremiah James Zartman (grad student)
Yaping Li2002 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Fangzheng Lichemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2007 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Dong-Hao Li Chemistry and Biochemistry20172022 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Marya Liebermansurface chemistry, self-assembly of two- and three-dimensional structures, and molecular electronics
Ian V. Lightcapcharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2012 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Yun-Ming Linchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2000 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Teng Lintheoretical and computational chemistry2006 J. Daniel Gezelter (grad student)
Jian Lin Chemistry20102015 Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt (grad student)
Sanford LipskyPhotoionization in liquids at high laser intensities. Energy and electron transfer in organic materials19541957 Milton Burton (post-doc)
Laurie E. Littlepagecancer progression and normal tissue development in the mammary gland and prostate
Guojing LiuEnvironmental Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry2007 Jeffrey W. Talley (grad student)
Wenqi LiuSupramolecular Organic Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry20132018 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Andrew J. Locock2004 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
J. Patrick LoriaGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry1997 Thomas L. Nowak (grad student)
Matthew D. LynxToxicology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry2007 Edward E. McKee (grad student)
Qun MaComputer Science, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry2003 Jesus A. Izaguirre (grad student)
Dugald John MacDougall2006 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
Aaron G. Maestrioxidation reactions, chemical synthesis2003 Seth N. Brown (grad student)
John Lafayette MageeChemical physics, radiation chemistry
Sorin MagerStereochemistry, Conformational analysis of six membered saturated heterocycles, Organic structural analysis19711972 Ernest Ludwig Eliel (post-doc)
Joseph Matthew Mahoney2003 Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Kamlesh Madhusudan MakwanaMembrane Protein Biophysics, Mitochondrial Bioenergetics
Mariam Q. Malik Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2005 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Bhabani Shankar Mallik20102011 William Schneider (post-doc)
Michael P MaloneyPhysical Organic Chemistry, Enantioselective Catalysis, Mechanism Elucidation20182023 Paul M. Helquist (grad student), Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Joseph P. MarinoSynthetic Chemistry
John T. Markiewicz Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2011 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Patrick Aloysius McCusker1937 Richard Rockhill Vogt (grad student)
Brendan T. McGrailPolyoxometalates, Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Inorganic Synthesis, Polymers2013 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Edward E. McKeeToxicology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry
Cathleen E. McMahonGeology, Geochemistry2001 Clive R. Neal (grad student)
Benjamin H. Meekinscharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2012 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Matthew A. Meineketheoretical and computational chemistry2004 J. Daniel Gezelter (grad student)
Dan Meiselradiation chemistry
Gerhard George MeiselsAnalytical and Fundamental Mass Spectrometry, Radiation Chemistry and Chemistry of Gas Phase Ions1955 William Henry Hamill (grad student), Russell Raymond Williams (grad student)
Berlyn R. MelleinIonic Liquids2008 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Nathan Meredith2014 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Andrew D. Mesecarmolecular mechanisms and function of therapeutic enzymes and proteins1995 Thomas L. Nowak (grad student)
Robert Gordon Miele2002 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Marvin J. Millerchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others
Jai Pal Mittalphotochemistry1967 William Henry Hamill (grad student)
Shahriar Mobasherybioorganic chemistry, organic synthesis, protein chemistry, enzymology and computational sciences
Garrett C. MoraskiMedicinal Chemistry, Tuberculosis, Antibacterial Chemistry and Biochemistry20042012 Marvin J. Miller (research scientist)
Sarah E. Mordan-McCombsMolecular Biology, Oncology2009 Martin Tenniswood (grad student)
John Jacob Morris2008 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
John R. Morris Chemistry19911996 Dennis C. Jacobs (grad student)
Timothy I. MorrowIonic Liquids2006 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student), Edward J. Maginn (grad student)
John Muldoonoxidation reactions, chemical synthesis2002 Seth N. Brown (grad student)
Aaron P. Murraychemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2003 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Nur Mustafaoglubioengineering Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20122017 Z. Başar Bilgiçer (grad student)
Andrew T. Namanjabio-molecular dynamics2009 Jeffrey W. Peng (grad student)
Cody Narciso Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2012 Jeremiah James Zartman (grad student)
Dhananjoy NasipuriStereochemistry, polynuclear aromatic compounds19631965 Ernest Ludwig Eliel (post-doc)
Clive R. NealGeology, Geochemistry
Anna-Gay NelsonInorganic Chemistry2010 Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt (grad student)
Christopher P. Nicholsonpolyketide natural products2011 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Philip K. NickellEntomology Biology, Cell Biology2011 John G. Duman (grad student)
A. R. Nicolaescucharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2004 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Lionel Nicolaspolyketide natural products2011 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Julius A. NieuwlandAcetylene chemistry, polymer chemistry
Kathryn Norquest
Thomas L. Nowakenzyme mechanisms, their regulation and structure and how they are interrelated
Casey P. O'Briensurface chemistry
Deanna M. O'DonnellPhysical Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry2010 G N. R. Tripathi (grad student)
Lauren L. O'Neil20032008 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Christopher M. O'NeillChemical Engineering2008 Eduardo E. Wolf (grad student)
Allen G. Oliversingle-crystal X-ray structure determinations
Jonas I. Oxgaard2002 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Qingfeng PanOligosaccharides2006 Anthony S. Serianni (grad student)
William D. Paquettepolyketide natural products2006 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Jim Pariseorganic synthesis, chemical education, biocatalysis/applied enzymology, ligand binding and the activity of water, and the synthesis of novel donors of nitric oxide
James Parise
John A. ParkhillQuantum Chemistry
Leslie D. Pattersonchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2010 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Steven E PattersonMedicinal Chemistry Chemistry and biochemistry Richard E. Taylor (post-doc)
Jeffrey W. Pavlikmetalloporphyrin compounds2011 W. Robert Scheidt (grad student)
Melanie A. PeldoMetallaboranes, Quantum cellular automata2002 Thomas P. Fehlner (grad student)
Julie R. PellerCladophora, water quality2003 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Jeffrey W. Pengbio-molecular dynamics
Alexander A. Petrauskas
Julia T. Philipmicrotubule cytoskeleton Chemistry and Biochemistry2013 Holly V. Goodson (grad student)
Kurt H. Piepenbrinkmolecular recognition and cellular communication2011 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
David M. PinkertonOrganic synthesis20102011 Brandon L. Ashfeld (post-doc)
Luke John Piszkinbiophysics, protein nmr, astrobiology, extremophiles Chemistry/Biochemistry Jeffrey W. Peng (grad student)
Victoria A. Ploplisfibrinolytic system1981 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Jacob M. Plummer Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2008 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Matthew J. PolinskiInorganic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry2013 Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt (grad student)
Irawan Pramudyabiomaterial, polymer chemistry, material science engineering, drug delivery, supramolecular Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2019 Matthew J. Webber (post-doc)
Charles C. Pricepolymer chemistry
Mary Prorok
Vladimir V. Protasenkonanoscale materials2008 Masaru K. Kuno (grad student)
Rebecca C. QuardokusScanning Tunneling Microscopy Chemistry and Biochemistry2013 S. Alex Kandel (grad student)
Cecilia L. QuinterosPhysical Chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics2001 Dennis C. Jacobs (grad student)
G N. R. TripathiPhysical Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
James G. Radichcharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2014 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Alexander T. RadosevichSynthetic methodology, catalysis Chemistry2002 Olaf G. Wiest (research assistant)
Annette F. RaigozaScanning Tunneling Microscopy2011 S. Alex Kandel (grad student)
Jonathan P. Rennprotein folding2010 Patricia L. Clark (grad student)
Timothy Riley Biochemistry2017 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Sandra E. Riosenzyme mechanisms, their regulation and structure and how they are interrelated2000 Thomas L. Nowak (grad student)
Christina A. Risattipolyketide natural products2005 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Shahir S. RizkBiochemistry, General Biophysics
Nancy E. Roback2009 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Daniel P. RoekIonic Liquids2000 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Sarah S. RoleyEcology Biology, Limnology Biology, Water Resource Management, Wildlife Management Agriculture Biological Sciences2013 Jennifer L. Tank (grad student)
Jeffrey A. Rood2009 Kenneth W. Henderson (grad student)
John M. Roosenbergchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2000 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Anthony RosalesComputational Chemistry
Myriam Roypolyketide natural products2008 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Somdutta RoyCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology2006 Martin Tenniswood (grad student)
Nicolas J. SaettelOrganic Chemistry2002 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Farbod SalahiTotal synthesis Chemistry Chemistry Paul M. Helquist (grad student), Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Anunay SamantaSpectroscopy19871989 Richard W. Fessenden (post-doc)
Sujatha Santhanagopalan2009 Brian M. Baker (post-doc)
Zachary T. SchaferCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology
Douglas J. Schauer Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2008 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
Karl A. ScheidtOrganic, Synthetic, Bio-Organic, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Catalysis, Materials19921994 Marvin J. Miller (research assistant)
W. Robert Scheidtmetalloporphyrin compounds
Monica Mabel Schenone2001 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Michael J. Schmittpolyketide natural products2004 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
William Schneider
Robert H. Schulerchemical intermediates, free radicals1949 William Henry Hamill (grad student)
Zachary D. Schultzspatial organization of molecules
Stephen J. SchuytenChemical Engineering2008 Eduardo E. Wolf (grad student)
Maurice Schwartz
Daniel R. Scott2012 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Jordan L. Scott Chemistry and Biochemistry20092014 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Aaron Matthew ScurtoIonic liquids, supercritical fluids, 19972002 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Brian J. Seger Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry, Energy Research2009 Brandon L. Ashfeld (grad student), Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Samuel SeoIonic Liquids2014 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Anthony S. SerianniOligosaccharides
Arnaldo L. SerranoPhysical and Biological Chemistry
Slavi C. SevovChemistry of Main-Group Metals and Semimetals in Negative Oxidation States
Christo S. SevovOrganic chemistry, Flow batteries, Energy storage2009 Olaf G. Wiest (research assistant)
Sean B. Seymoreoxidation reactions, chemical synthesis2001 Seth N. Brown (grad student)
John T. ShaferGeochemistry, Geology, Marine Geology2006 Clive R. Neal (grad student)
Gillian Shaw Bradley D. Smith (grad student)
Yao ShenOrganic Chemistry2011 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Jiale ShiMolecular Simulation, Machine Learning, Enhanced Sampling, Soft Matter, Polymer Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20172022 Jonathan K. Whitmer (grad student)
Brock T. Shiremanchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2001 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Carolyn M. Shirey Chemistry and Biochemistry20132018 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Ginger E. Sigmon2010 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Nathan J. Silvernailmetalloporphyrin compounds2008 W. Robert Scheidt (grad student)
Antonio SimonettiGeochemistry
Luke D. SimoniIonic Liquids2010 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Nishant K Singh Biochemistry20122018 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Susan M. Skubemicrotubule cytoskeleton2011 Holly V. Goodson (grad student)
Aranda R. Slabbekoorn Duanmicrotubule cytoskeleton2012 Holly V. Goodson (grad student)
Bradley D. Smithsupramolecular chemistry applied to biological systems
Alexander V SoudackovTheoretical Chemistry
Dharsan Soundarrajan Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2016 Jeremiah James Zartman (grad student)
Tyler L. Spanouranium mineralogy2017 Peter C. Burns (grad student), Antonio Simonetti (grad student)
Léon E. St-Pierre1954 Charles C. Price (grad student)
M. Sharon Stackmolecular mechanisms of metastasis
Robert V. StahelinBiochemistry, General Biophysics, Cell Biology, Virology
Hristina Staleva Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry20032009 Gregory V. Hartland (grad student)
Eric Stefanpolyketide natural products2013 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
David Cole StevensMicrobial Natural Products2011 Richard E. Taylor (post-doc)
Benito A. Stradi GranadosIonic Liquids2000 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Daniel Strand2001 Paul M. Helquist (research assistant)
Vaidyanathan Subramaniancharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2004 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Vignesh SundaresanElectrochemistry, Super-resolution imaging, Plasmonics Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20192021 Paul W. Bohn (post-doc)
Matthew D. Surmanchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2002 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Delia I. Susan-Resigaenzyme mechanisms, their regulation and structure and how they are interrelated2003 Thomas L. Nowak (grad student)
Maxim Suvorovbioorganic chemistry, organic synthesis, protein chemistry, enzymology and computational sciences2008 Shahriar Mobashery (grad student)
Jeffrey W. TalleyEnvironmental Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry
Jennifer L. TankEcology Biology, Biogeochemistry
Franklin (Feng) Taochemistry and structure of the catalyst surfaces
Lawrence P. Tardibonochemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2010 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Richard E. Taylorpolyketide natural products
Martin TenniswoodCell Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
J. Kerry Thomasapplication of short-pulsed laser photochemistry and photophysics to the study of reactions in colloidal or organized systems, and polymers
Lyubov Titova2005 Margaret Dobrowolska-Furdyna (grad student)
Iliya S. TodorovChemistry of Main-Group Metals and Semimetals in Negative Oxidation States2006 Slavi C. Sevov (grad student)
Pierre TranOrganic Chemistry2004 Olaf G. Wiest (grad student)
Alexander Robert TroianoMetallurgy
Anthony M. Trozzoloreactive intermediates
Fábio Cohen TucciIndustrial Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry19921993 Joseph P. Marino (grad student)
Joshua S. Tullis Drug Design & Discovery, Synthetic Chemistry2000 Paul M. Helquist (grad student)
James C. Tung20002007 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Kevin Tvrdycharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2011 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Krastyu G. Ugrinovprotein folding2010 Patricia L. Clark (grad student)
Angel G. UgrinovChemistry of Main-Group Metals and Semimetals in Negative Oxidation States2005 Slavi C. Sevov (grad student)
Vesela Y. Ugrinovaoxidation reactions, chemical synthesis2008 Seth N. Brown (grad student)
Gergana T. Ugrinovamicrotubule cytoskeleton2007 Holly V. Goodson (grad student)
Daniel Kurt UnruhCrystallography, Actinide Chemistry, Chemistry20062011 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Charles F. Vardemantheoretical and computational chemistry2009 J. Daniel Gezelter (grad student)
Kathryn Del Vecchio Chemistry and Biochemistry20122018 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Felix Vietmeyernanoscale materials2014 Masaru K. Kuno (grad student)
Sameer VijayChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry2004 Eduardo E. Wolf (grad student)
Melanie A. VileBiogeochemistry2001 Scott D. Bridgham (grad student)
Eric M. Villa Chemistry20102013 Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt (post-doc)
Richard Rockhill Vogt1920 Julius A. Nieuwland (grad student)
Jill S. Voreismicrotubule cytoskeleton2012 Holly V. Goodson (grad student)
Christine M. Wallace2013 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Joseph L. Walter
Kent R. WaltersPhysiology Biology, Biochemistry, Entomology Biology2009 John G. Duman (grad student)
Xuejun Wangsurface chemistry, self-assembly of two- and three-dimensional structures, and molecular electronics2003 Marya Lieberman (grad student)
Shuao WangGeochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry2012 Thomas E. Albrecht-Schmitt (grad student)
Zhengqi WangMolecular Biology2000 Martin Tenniswood (grad student)
Yuan Wang Biochemistry2017 Brian M. Baker (grad student)
Yuanxing WangPhysical & Materials Chemistry Chemistry & Biochemistry20122017 Masaru K. Kuno (grad student)
Katherine E. Ward Chemistry and Biochemistry20092014 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Scott E. Warder2000 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Natalie A. WasioScanning Tunneling Microscopy2014 S. Alex Kandel (grad student)
Kyle D. WatsonOrganic Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry20102015 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Matthew J. WebberBioNanotechnology, Supramolecular Materials
John Francis Wehner
Andrew S. Weller Thomas P. Fehlner (post-doc)
Timothy A. Wencewiczchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2011 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Olaf G. WiestOrganic Chemistry
Kaveesha J. Wijesinghe Chemistry and Biochemistry20132018 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Russell Raymond WilliamsNuclear Chemistry
Matthew Wilson Chemistry20092014 Richard E. Taylor (grad student)
Nicole M. Windmonchemical and enzymatic synthesis and study of biologically important, heteroatom-containing systems including amino acids, peptides, antibiotics, siderophores, and others2014 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Eduardo E. WolfChemical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering, Inorganic Chemistry
Qinfeng Wu Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering2013 Jeremiah James Zartman (grad student)
William M. WuestBioorganic Chemistry Chemistry20012003 Paul M. Helquist (research assistant)
Ernest Miller Wylie2014 Peter C. Burns (grad student)
Graeme R. Wylliemetalloporphyrin compounds2003 W. Robert Scheidt (grad student)
Han Xia Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20112017 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Ruobing Xiemetalloporphyrin compounds2009 W. Robert Scheidt (grad student)
Haifeng Xu2007 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Gang XuIonic Liquids2001 Joan F. Brennecke (grad student)
Zhi Xublood coagulation and blood clot dissolution2008 Francis J. Castellino (grad student)
Ye XuComputational Surface Science and Catalysis Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering20042006 William Schneider (post-doc)
Hong Yan Chemistry Thomas P. Fehlner (post-doc)
Baiyuan YangOrganic Chemistry, Biochemistry2010 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Jeanette Youngpolyketide natural products Chemistry and Biochemistry Chemistry20052013 Richard E. Taylor (grad student), Christian Hamann (research assistant)
Kara M. YoungCivil Engineering, Environmental Engineering2006 Jeffrey W. Talley (grad student)
Yanghai Yucharge transfer processes in nanostructured assemblies with an objective to improve energy conversion efficiencies2010 Prashant V. Kamat (grad student)
Hui Yu Chemistry and Biochemistry20082014 Robert V. Stahelin (grad student)
Charles Kent ZercherOrganic Chemistry1989 Marvin J. Miller (grad student)
Ping ZhanCell Biology, Oncology2002 Martin Tenniswood (grad student)
Houjin Zhang Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2006 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Wenhui ZhangOligosaccharides2009 Anthony S. Serianni (grad student)
Zhenyuan Zhangradiation chemistry2005 Dan Meisel (grad student)
Wei-meng Zhao Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biology2002 Paul W. Huber (grad student)
Hongqiu ZhaoOligosaccharides2010 Anthony S. Serianni (grad student)
Zhiqing Zhumicrotubule cytoskeleton2011 Holly V. Goodson (grad student)
Yuping ZhuOligosaccharides2008 Anthony S. Serianni (grad student)
Ang ZuoSynthetic Organic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry Chemistry and Biochemistry20172019 Brian Blagg (post-doc)