University of Maryland, College Park

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kimberly A. Adams Psychology2007 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Minu A. Aghevli2004 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Juliet Aiken
Stacie C. Ain Psychology2011 Charles Gelso (grad student)
Will M. Aklin Psychology2007 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Robert B AllenExperimental Psychology, HCI, Digital Libraries, Semantics
Diogo Alvares de Azevedo AlmeidaLexical processing, speech perception, phonological processing, syntax, linguistics, psycholinguistics Linguistics20032008 David Poeppel (grad student)
Melanie Arenson Psychology20202023 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Tara M. Augenstein Psychology20122018 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Bryann R. Baker Psychology2012 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Gregory F. BallBehavioral Neuroendocrinology, Ethology
Oscar Barbarin
Alexis Beale20152018 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Jocelyn BelangerSocial psychology
Martha Ann Bell Nathan A. Fox (grad student)
Nicholas Bellamy20182021 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Maria L. Berbery Psychology2013 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Edwin L. Bercaw Psychology2007 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Edward Bernat
Jack Blanchard
Amber N. Bloomfieldcognitive psychology, judgment and decision making
Donald J. Bolgerdevelopment Michael Dougherty (collaborator)
Marina A. Bornovalova Psychology2008 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Tessa Botkin20172020 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Julie BowkerSocial development; social withdrawal19992005 Kenneth H Rubin (grad student)
Lauren M. Boyatzi Psychology2013 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Ty W. BoyerCognitive Development2005 Ellin Scholnick (grad student)
Marc N. BranchBehavior Analysis Lewis R. Gollub (grad student)
Martha W. Burton
Allison A. Buskirk-CohenDevelopmental Psychopathology Human Development20022008 Kenneth H Rubin (grad student)
Steven G. Buzinski Psychology2011 Harold Sigall (grad student)
Colleen Byrne
Stephen Byrne20152019 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Susan G. Campbell Psychology2011 Kent Norman (grad student)
Karren D. Campbell2002 Forrest Tyler (grad student)
Christopher J. Cannon20172019 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Jaime T. Carreno Psychology2009 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Jude A. Cassidydevelopmental psychology
Natalie Charamut20212022 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Charissa Cheahsocial and emotional development; culture19952000 Kenneth H Rubin (grad student)
Xiaoyan Chen Psychology2009 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Jodi D. Chernoff2002 Ellin Scholnick (grad student)
Jeffrey Stephen Chrabaszcz Psychology20102016 Michael Dougherty (grad student)
Andrea Chronis-Tuscano
Tana L. Clarke Psychology2009 Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student)
Alanah Claybaugh Psychology20222023 Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (research assistant)
Lindsay M. Collins2005 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Rachel E. Crook2002 Clara Hill (grad student)
Ryan Curtis
Jennifer Cutri20212023 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Stacey B. Daughters2005 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Timothy L. Davis2001 Clara Hill (grad student)
Andres De Los ReyesOperations Triad Model, measurement validation, social anxiety, family relationships, evidence-based assessment
Danielle Deros20132016 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Yamalis Diaz Psychology2009 Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student)
Michael DoughertyMemory, Judgment, Decision Making, Cognitive Training, Charles Gettys (grad student), Scott D. Gronlund (grad student)
Lindsay R DruskinClinical Psychology, Child Psychology, Parenting Human Development & Quantitative Methodology Psychology20152020 Kenneth H Rubin (research assistant), Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (research assistant)
Lili Duan Psychology2007 Paul Hanges (grad student)
Katherine B. EhrlichDevelopmental/Health Psychology Psychology20062012 Jude A. Cassidy (grad student)
Angela H. Eichelberger Psychology2007 Harold Sigall (grad student)
Lisa M. Farley2005 Clara Hill (grad student)
Brooke FeeneySocial/Personality/Health Psychology Psychology19992001 Jude A. Cassidy (post-doc)
Ryan FehrSocial Psychology, Management Business Administration Psychology2010 Michele Gelfand (grad student)
Emily G. Feinberg Psychology2013 Paul Hanges (grad student)
Julia Felton
Shira F. Fishman Psychology2009 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Lia Follet20192021 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Courtney B. Forbes Psychology2009 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Rhonda P. Ford2000 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Nathan A. FoxTemperament; Development of emotion and emotion regulation; Developmental psychophysiology, infant cognitive/social development.
Rachel A. Freidus Psychology2010 Harold Sigall (grad student)
Suzanne M. Friedman2002 Charles Gelso (grad student)
Heather V. Ganginis Del Pino Psychology2011 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Michele Gelfand
Charles Gelso
Erica Glasper
Lara Glenn20162017 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Melissa K. Goates-Jones2006 Clara Hill (grad student)
Carolyn Cook Gotaycancer control, prevention, survivorship, behavior change, culture Psychology Judson Ridgway Mills (grad student)
James Grand
Michael P. Gray2002 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Alex Greenberg20202022 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Shannon E Grogansaffective neuroscience2019 Alexander J. Shackman (grad student)
Michael W. Grojean2002 Paul Hanges (grad student)
Lester Guest
Kelley E. Gunther Human Development and Quantitative Methodology20132015 Nathan A. Fox (research assistant)
Alison L. Haley Ottenbreit Psychology2007 Charles Stangor (grad student)
Tyish S. Hall Brown Psychology2008 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Jane A. Hammond2005 Ellin Scholnick (grad student)
Paul Hanges
James M. Harbin2006 Charles Gelso (grad student)
Seth C. Hayes2005 Paul Hanges (grad student)
Diana M. HeathAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Psychology20222024 Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (research assistant)
Kristin J. Heaton2002 Clara Hill (grad student)
Christopher C. Heffnerspeech perception, categorization, psycholinguistics Linguistics Hearing and Speech Sciences20122017 William J. Idsardi (grad student), Rochelle S. Newman (grad student)
Heather Henderson2002 Nathan A. Fox (grad student)
Jens Herberholzneuroethology
Alicia Edith Hermosillo School of Social Work Fernando A. Wagner (post-doc)
Clara Hill
Charles H. Hillman19992000 Ethan R. Buch (collaborator), Bradley D. Hatfield (grad student)
William HodosVisual system, comparative neuroanatomy
Colanda R. Howard2003 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Ann M. Hummel Psychology2013 Charles Gelso (grad student)
Erika HusseyExecutive Function, Memory Retrieval, Sentence Processing20082013 Jared M. Novick (grad student), Michael Dougherty (grad student)
Rin ( ImaiIndustrial Psychology, Organizational
Lynn ImaiCross-Cultural Organizational Behavior Psychology2012 Michele Gelfand (grad student)
Derek Iwamoto
Alice F. Jacksonattention, plasticity, emotion regulation, EEG, ERP Donald J. Bolger (grad student)
John L. Jackson Psychology2013 Clara Hill (grad student)
Jason D. Jones Psychology Psychology20102015 Jude A. Cassidy (grad student), Carl Lejuez (grad student)
John T. Jostpolitical psychology, system justification theory Psychology19951996 Arie Kruglanski (post-doc)
Jacob Robert KantorExperimental Psychology
Laura B. Kasper2005 Clara Hill (grad student)
Lauren M. Keeley Psychology2017 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Ian S. Kellems2005 Clara Hill (grad student)
Kirsten M. KellerIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology Psychology2009 Michele Gelfand (grad student)
Frances A. Kelley2002 Charles Gelso (grad student)
JongHan Kim2004 Harold Sigall (grad student)
Gloria Kim
Kristen M. Klein Psychology2013 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Katherine Joy Klein
Misty R. Kolchakian2003 Clara Hill (grad student)
Catalina E. Kopetz Psychology2007 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Arie Kruglanski
Sylvette A. La Touche-Howard Public and Community Health2012 Stacey B. Daughters (grad student)
Kala LakshminarayananSpeech Perception, Psychoacoustics, Auditory Perceptual Plasticity20002002 David Poeppel (grad student)
Robert E. Lana
Scott P. Leary Psychology2009 Charles Stangor (grad student)
Carl Lejuez
Edward Lemay
Lisa M. LeslieIndustrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Organizational, Ethnic and Racial Studies Psychology2007 Michele Gelfand (grad student)
Winnie W. Leung2006 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Kristen Lin Donald J. Bolger (grad student)
Thomson J. Ling Psychology2009 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Melanie F. Lipton Psychology20122018 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Jingqing Liu Psychology2013 Clara Hill (grad student)
Katiah Llerena Psychology2014 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Julie S. Lyon Psychology2007 Paul Hanges (grad student)
Heather Z. Lyons2003 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Yueher Ma Psychology2008 Charles Gelso (grad student)
Laura MacPherson
Jessica F. Magidson Psychology2013 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Bridget A. Makol Psychology20162022 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Erica S. Merson Psychology2012 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Jena Michel20142014 Nathan A. Fox (research assistant)
Abigail D. Mintz Psychology2012 Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student)
Jonathan Mohr
Daniel Moriarity20142015 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Emilie Y. Nakayama2002 Clara Hill (grad student)
Rochelle S. NewmanLanguage development, Speech perception
Nicole NguyenAmplification for pediatric and adult patients, Cochlear implants, Diagnostic audiometric testing, Tinnitus/Hyperacusis evaluation and management, Vestibular assessment
Kent Norman
Julia D. O'Brien Psychology2012 Charles Stangor (grad student)
Karen M. O'Brien
Wonjung Ohsocial development; culture20012008 Kenneth H Rubin (grad student)
Hide Okuno20152022 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Edward Orehek Psychology2009 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Stephanie G. Park Psychology2014 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Sheetal G. Patel Counseling and Personnel Services2008 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Autumn M. Paulson Psychology2008 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Zygmunt Pizlo3D visual perception, problem solving, human motor control Psychology Computer Science Psychology19881991 Robert M. Steinman (grad student), Azriel Rosenfeld (grad student), Eileen Kowler (grad student)
Noor Qasmieh2017 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Julie L. Quimby2002 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Carolina Quinonez2001 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Veronica L. Raggi Psychology2008 Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student)
Anuradha RameshIndustrial Psychology Psychology2007 Michele Gelfand (grad student)
Jana L. RaverIndustrial Psychology, Management Business Administration2004 Michele Gelfand (grad student)
Taylor Rezeppa20172019 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Jessica M. Richards Psychology2014 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Raamses P. Rider2006 Harold Sigall (grad student)
Cristina M. Risco Counseling and Personnel Services2011 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Anna W. Rivadeneira Cortez Psychology2008 Kent Norman (grad student)
Scott P. Roberts Psychology2008 Harold Sigall (grad student)
Alexander J RobillardEcology, Evolution, Marine Biology, Data Science Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Science20172022 Christopher L. Rowe (grad student)
Aaron B. Rochlen2000 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Samantha A. Rodman Psychology2009 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Melissa S. Roffman Psychology2007 Clara Hill (grad student)
Nazish Salahuddin
Anu Sangraula20202022 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Alice M. Saperstein Psychology2009 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Marsha N. Sargeant Psychology Psychology2011 Jack Blanchard (grad student), Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Lewis Z. Schlosser2003 Charles Gelso (grad student)
Ellin Scholnick
Jeremy M. Schultz Psychology2010 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Gretchen B. Sechrist2000 Charles Stangor (grad student)
Laura E. SeveranceGeneral Psychology, Industrial Psychology Psychology2012 Michele Gelfand (grad student)
Karen E. Seymour Psychology2010 Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student)
Toru ShimizuComparative cognition19841986 William Hodos (grad student)
Eric F. Siegel Psychology2010 Paul Hanges (grad student)
Harold Sigall
Wonjin Sim Psychology2009 Clara Hill (grad student)
William P. Sipe2000 Paul Hanges (grad student)
Mina T. Sipe2005 Paul Hanges (grad student)
David P. Sleeth-Keppler2004 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Patricia T. Spangler Psychology2010 Clara Hill (grad student)
Ellen G. Spara Psychology2007 Paul Hanges (grad student)
Eric B. Spiegel2005 Charles Gelso (grad student)
Jessica V. Stahl Psychology2007 Clara Hill (grad student)
Charles Stangor
Robert M. SteinmanEye movements
Brooke A. Stipelman Psychology2008 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Brandi S. StupicaDevelopmental Psychology, Attachment Theory Psychology2012 Jude A. Cassidy (grad student)
Anna Swan20102011 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Sebastian Szollos20152018 Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant)
Dexter M. Taylor2000 Charles Stangor (grad student)
Ellie K. Taylor Human Development & Quantitative Methodology (HDQM)2022 Rachel Romeo (research assistant)
Anthony C. Teasdale2007 Clara Hill (grad student)
Heather E. Tedesco2000 Arie Kruglanski (grad student)
Kari E. Tervo2004 Jack Blanchard (grad student)
Susan E. Teubner-Rhodes Neuroscience and Cognitive Science2014 Jared M. Novick (grad student), Donald J. Bolger (grad student), Michael Dougherty (grad student)
Sarah A. Thomas Psychology20102016 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Adria J. Trotman Psychology2007 Carl Lejuez (grad student)
Hsiao-Wei TuMemory Psychology20042009 Robert J. Dooling (grad student)
Maria A. Turkson2003 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Forrest Tyler
Alicia Vallorani2022 Elizabeth G. Redcay (post-doc)
Katherine L. Van Allen Psychology2009 Charles Stangor (grad student)
Aditi Vijay
Tamara T. Walden Counseling and Personnel Services2013 Charles Gelso (grad student)
Jennifer Wessel
Teresa L. Wonnell2002 Clara Hill (grad student)
Susan S. Woodhouse20032005 Charles Gelso (grad student), Jude A. Cassidy (post-doc)
Maria A. Wydra Psychology2013 Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Weizhen Xiecognitive neuroscience, memory, neuropsychology, emotion
NaYeon YangGrief and Loss, Career Development, Multicultural Psychology Psychology Karen M. O'Brien (grad student)
Richard Yi
Akram Yusuf Psychology2024 Andres De Los Reyes (grad student)
Jason S. Zack2000 Clara Hill (grad student)
Yair Zvi20002003 Jude A. Cassidy (post-doc)