Kimberly A. Adams | | Psychology | | 2007 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Minu A. Aghevli | | | | 2004 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Juliet Aiken | | | | | |
Stacie C. Ain | | Psychology | | 2011 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
Will M. Aklin | | Psychology | | 2007 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Robert B Allen | Experimental Psychology, HCI, Digital Libraries, Semantics | | | | |
Diogo Alvares de Azevedo Almeida | Lexical processing, speech perception, phonological processing, syntax, linguistics, psycholinguistics | Linguistics | 2003 | 2008 | David Poeppel (grad student) |
Melanie Arenson | | Psychology | 2020 | 2023 | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Tara M. Augenstein | | Psychology | 2012 | 2018 | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Bryann R. Baker | | Psychology | | 2012 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Gregory F. Ball | Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, Ethology | | | | |
Oscar Barbarin | | | | | |
Alexis Beale | | | 2015 | 2018 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Jocelyn Belanger | Social psychology | | | | |
Martha Ann Bell | | | | | Nathan A. Fox (grad student) |
Nicholas Bellamy | | | 2018 | 2021 | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Maria L. Berbery | | Psychology | | 2013 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Edwin L. Bercaw | | Psychology | | 2007 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Edward Bernat | | | | | |
Jack Blanchard | | | | | |
Amber N. Bloomfield | cognitive psychology, judgment and decision making | | | | |
Donald J. Bolger | development | | | | Michael Dougherty (collaborator) |
Marina A. Bornovalova | | Psychology | | 2008 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Tessa Botkin | | | 2017 | 2020 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Julie Bowker | Social development; social withdrawal | | 1999 | 2005 | Kenneth H Rubin (grad student) |
Lauren M. Boyatzi | | Psychology | | 2013 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Ty W. Boyer | Cognitive Development | | | 2005 | Ellin Scholnick (grad student) |
Marc N. Branch | Behavior Analysis | | | | Lewis R. Gollub (grad student) |
Martha W. Burton | | | | | |
Allison A. Buskirk-Cohen | Developmental Psychopathology | Human Development | 2002 | 2008 | Kenneth H Rubin (grad student) |
Steven G. Buzinski | | Psychology | | 2011 | Harold Sigall (grad student) |
Colleen Byrne | | | | | |
Stephen Byrne | | | 2015 | 2019 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Susan G. Campbell | | Psychology | | 2011 | Kent Norman (grad student) |
Karren D. Campbell | | | | 2002 | Forrest Tyler (grad student) |
Christopher J. Cannon | | | 2017 | 2019 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Jaime T. Carreno | | Psychology | | 2009 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Jude A. Cassidy | developmental psychology | | | | |
Natalie Charamut | | | 2021 | 2022 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Charissa Cheah | social and emotional development; culture | | 1995 | 2000 | Kenneth H Rubin (grad student) |
Xiaoyan Chen | | Psychology | | 2009 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Jodi D. Chernoff | | | | 2002 | Ellin Scholnick (grad student) |
Jeffrey Stephen Chrabaszcz | | Psychology | 2010 | 2016 | Michael Dougherty (grad student) |
Andrea Chronis-Tuscano | | | | | |
Tana L. Clarke | | Psychology | | 2009 | Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student) |
Alanah Claybaugh | | Psychology | 2022 | 2023 | Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (research assistant) |
Lindsay M. Collins | | | | 2005 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Rachel E. Crook | | | | 2002 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Ryan Curtis | | | | | |
Jennifer Cutri | | | 2021 | 2023 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Stacey B. Daughters | | | | 2005 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Timothy L. Davis | | | | 2001 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Andres De Los Reyes | Operations Triad Model, measurement validation, social anxiety, family relationships, evidence-based assessment | | | | |
Danielle Deros | | | 2013 | 2016 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Yamalis Diaz | | Psychology | | 2009 | Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student) |
Michael Dougherty | Memory, Judgment, Decision Making, Cognitive Training, | | | | Charles Gettys (grad student), Scott D. Gronlund (grad student) |
Lindsay R Druskin | Clinical Psychology, Child Psychology, Parenting | Human Development & Quantitative Methodology Psychology | 2015 | 2020 | Kenneth H Rubin (research assistant), Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (research assistant) |
Lili Duan | | Psychology | | 2007 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
Katherine B. Ehrlich | Developmental/Health Psychology | Psychology | 2006 | 2012 | Jude A. Cassidy (grad student) |
Angela H. Eichelberger | | Psychology | | 2007 | Harold Sigall (grad student) |
Lisa M. Farley | | | | 2005 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Brooke Feeney | Social/Personality/Health Psychology | Psychology | 1999 | 2001 | Jude A. Cassidy (post-doc) |
Ryan Fehr | Social Psychology, Management Business Administration | Psychology | | 2010 | Michele Gelfand (grad student) |
Emily G. Feinberg | | Psychology | | 2013 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
Julia Felton | | | | | |
Shira F. Fishman | | Psychology | | 2009 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Lia Follet | | | 2019 | 2021 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Courtney B. Forbes | | Psychology | | 2009 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Rhonda P. Ford | | | | 2000 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Nathan A. Fox | Temperament; Development of emotion and emotion regulation; Developmental psychophysiology, infant cognitive/social development. | | | | |
Rachel A. Freidus | | Psychology | | 2010 | Harold Sigall (grad student) |
Suzanne M. Friedman | | | | 2002 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
Heather V. Ganginis Del Pino | | Psychology | | 2011 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Michele Gelfand | | | | | |
Charles Gelso | | | | | |
Erica Glasper | | | | | |
Lara Glenn | | | 2016 | 2017 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Melissa K. Goates-Jones | | | | 2006 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Carolyn Cook Gotay | cancer control, prevention, survivorship, behavior change, culture | Psychology | | | Judson Ridgway Mills (grad student) |
James Grand | | | | | |
Michael P. Gray | | | | 2002 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Alex Greenberg | | | 2020 | 2022 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Shannon E Grogans | affective neuroscience | | 2019 | | Alexander J. Shackman (grad student) |
Michael W. Grojean | | | | 2002 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
Lester Guest | | | | | |
Kelley E. Gunther | | Human Development and Quantitative Methodology | 2013 | 2015 | Nathan A. Fox (research assistant) |
Alison L. Haley Ottenbreit | | Psychology | | 2007 | Charles Stangor (grad student) |
Tyish S. Hall Brown | | Psychology | | 2008 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Jane A. Hammond | | | | 2005 | Ellin Scholnick (grad student) |
Paul Hanges | | | | | |
James M. Harbin | | | | 2006 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
Seth C. Hayes | | | | 2005 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
Diana M. Heath | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Psychology | 2022 | 2024 | Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (research assistant) |
Kristin J. Heaton | | | | 2002 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Christopher C. Heffner | speech perception, categorization, psycholinguistics | Linguistics Hearing and Speech Sciences | 2012 | 2017 | William J. Idsardi (grad student), Rochelle S. Newman (grad student) |
Heather Henderson | | | | 2002 | Nathan A. Fox (grad student) |
Jens Herberholz | neuroethology | | | | |
Alicia Edith Hermosillo | | School of Social Work | | | Fernando A. Wagner (post-doc) |
Clara Hill | | | | | |
Charles H. Hillman | | | 1999 | 2000 | Ethan R. Buch (collaborator), Bradley D. Hatfield (grad student) |
William Hodos | Visual system, comparative neuroanatomy | | | | |
Colanda R. Howard | | | | 2003 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Ann M. Hummel | | Psychology | | 2013 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
Erika Hussey | Executive Function, Memory Retrieval, Sentence Processing | | 2008 | 2013 | Jared M. Novick (grad student), Michael Dougherty (grad student) |
Rin ( Imai | Industrial Psychology, Organizational | | | | |
Lynn Imai | Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior | Psychology | | 2012 | Michele Gelfand (grad student) |
Derek Iwamoto | | | | | |
Alice F. Jackson | attention, plasticity, emotion regulation, EEG, ERP | | | | Donald J. Bolger (grad student) |
John L. Jackson | | Psychology | | 2013 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Jason D. Jones | | Psychology Psychology | 2010 | 2015 | Jude A. Cassidy (grad student), Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
John T. Jost | political psychology, system justification theory | Psychology | 1995 | 1996 | Arie Kruglanski (post-doc) |
Jacob Robert Kantor | Experimental Psychology | | | | |
Laura B. Kasper | | | | 2005 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Lauren M. Keeley | | Psychology | 2017 | | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Ian S. Kellems | | | | 2005 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Kirsten M. Keller | Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology | Psychology | | 2009 | Michele Gelfand (grad student) |
Frances A. Kelley | | | | 2002 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
JongHan Kim | | | | 2004 | Harold Sigall (grad student) |
Gloria Kim | | | | | |
Kristen M. Klein | | Psychology | | 2013 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Katherine Joy Klein | | | | | |
Misty R. Kolchakian | | | | 2003 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Catalina E. Kopetz | | Psychology | | 2007 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Arie Kruglanski | | | | | |
Sylvette A. La Touche-Howard | | Public and Community Health | | 2012 | Stacey B. Daughters (grad student) |
Kala Lakshminarayanan | Speech Perception, Psychoacoustics, Auditory Perceptual Plasticity | | 2000 | 2002 | David Poeppel (grad student) |
Robert E. Lana | | | | | |
Scott P. Leary | | Psychology | | 2009 | Charles Stangor (grad student) |
Carl Lejuez | | | | | |
Edward Lemay | | | | | |
Lisa M. Leslie | Industrial Psychology, Social Psychology, Organizational, Ethnic and Racial Studies | Psychology | | 2007 | Michele Gelfand (grad student) |
Winnie W. Leung | | | | 2006 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Kristen Lin | | | | | Donald J. Bolger (grad student) |
Thomson J. Ling | | Psychology | | 2009 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Melanie F. Lipton | | Psychology | 2012 | 2018 | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Jingqing Liu | | Psychology | | 2013 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Katiah Llerena | | Psychology | | 2014 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Julie S. Lyon | | Psychology | | 2007 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
Heather Z. Lyons | | | | 2003 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Yueher Ma | | Psychology | | 2008 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
Laura MacPherson | | | | | |
Jessica F. Magidson | | Psychology | | 2013 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Bridget A. Makol | | Psychology | 2016 | 2022 | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Erica S. Merson | | Psychology | | 2012 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Jena Michel | | | 2014 | 2014 | Nathan A. Fox (research assistant) |
Abigail D. Mintz | | Psychology | | 2012 | Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student) |
Jonathan Mohr | | | | | |
Daniel Moriarity | | | 2014 | 2015 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Emilie Y. Nakayama | | | | 2002 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Rochelle S. Newman | Language development, Speech perception | | | | |
Nicole Nguyen | Amplification for pediatric and adult patients, Cochlear implants, Diagnostic audiometric testing, Tinnitus/Hyperacusis evaluation and management, Vestibular assessment | | | | |
Kent Norman | | | | | |
Julia D. O'Brien | | Psychology | | 2012 | Charles Stangor (grad student) |
Karen M. O'Brien | | | | | |
Wonjung Oh | social development; culture | | 2001 | 2008 | Kenneth H Rubin (grad student) |
Hide Okuno | | | 2015 | 2022 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Edward Orehek | | Psychology | | 2009 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Stephanie G. Park | | Psychology | | 2014 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Sheetal G. Patel | | Counseling and Personnel Services | | 2008 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Autumn M. Paulson | | Psychology | | 2008 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Zygmunt Pizlo | 3D visual perception, problem solving, human motor control | Psychology Computer Science Psychology | 1988 | 1991 | Robert M. Steinman (grad student), Azriel Rosenfeld (grad student), Eileen Kowler (grad student) |
Noor Qasmieh | | | 2017 | | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Julie L. Quimby | | | | 2002 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Carolina Quinonez | | | | 2001 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Veronica L. Raggi | | Psychology | | 2008 | Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student) |
Anuradha Ramesh | Industrial Psychology | Psychology | | 2007 | Michele Gelfand (grad student) |
Jana L. Raver | Industrial Psychology, Management Business Administration | | | 2004 | Michele Gelfand (grad student) |
Taylor Rezeppa | | | 2017 | 2019 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Jessica M. Richards | | Psychology | | 2014 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Raamses P. Rider | | | | 2006 | Harold Sigall (grad student) |
Cristina M. Risco | | Counseling and Personnel Services | | 2011 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Anna W. Rivadeneira Cortez | | Psychology | | 2008 | Kent Norman (grad student) |
Scott P. Roberts | | Psychology | | 2008 | Harold Sigall (grad student) |
Alexander J Robillard | Ecology, Evolution, Marine Biology, Data Science | Marine, Estuarine and Environmental Science | 2017 | 2022 | Christopher L. Rowe (grad student) |
Aaron B. Rochlen | | | | 2000 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Samantha A. Rodman | | Psychology | | 2009 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Melissa S. Roffman | | Psychology | | 2007 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Nazish Salahuddin | | | | | |
Anu Sangraula | | | 2020 | 2022 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Alice M. Saperstein | | Psychology | | 2009 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Marsha N. Sargeant | | Psychology Psychology | | 2011 | Jack Blanchard (grad student), Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Lewis Z. Schlosser | | | | 2003 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
Ellin Scholnick | | | | | |
Jeremy M. Schultz | | Psychology | | 2010 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Gretchen B. Sechrist | | | | 2000 | Charles Stangor (grad student) |
Laura E. Severance | General Psychology, Industrial Psychology | Psychology | | 2012 | Michele Gelfand (grad student) |
Karen E. Seymour | | Psychology | | 2010 | Andrea Chronis-Tuscano (grad student) |
Toru Shimizu | Comparative cognition | | 1984 | 1986 | William Hodos (grad student) |
Eric F. Siegel | | Psychology | | 2010 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
Harold Sigall | | | | | |
Wonjin Sim | | Psychology | | 2009 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
William P. Sipe | | | | 2000 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
Mina T. Sipe | | | | 2005 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
David P. Sleeth-Keppler | | | | 2004 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Patricia T. Spangler | | Psychology | | 2010 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Ellen G. Spara | | Psychology | | 2007 | Paul Hanges (grad student) |
Eric B. Spiegel | | | | 2005 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
Jessica V. Stahl | | Psychology | | 2007 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Charles Stangor | | | | | |
Robert M. Steinman | Eye movements | | | | |
Brooke A. Stipelman | | Psychology | | 2008 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Brandi S. Stupica | Developmental Psychology, Attachment Theory | Psychology | | 2012 | Jude A. Cassidy (grad student) |
Anna Swan | | | 2010 | 2011 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Sebastian Szollos | | | 2015 | 2018 | Andres De Los Reyes (research assistant) |
Dexter M. Taylor | | | | 2000 | Charles Stangor (grad student) |
Ellie K. Taylor | | Human Development & Quantitative Methodology (HDQM) | 2022 | | Rachel Romeo (research assistant) |
Anthony C. Teasdale | | | | 2007 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Heather E. Tedesco | | | | 2000 | Arie Kruglanski (grad student) |
Kari E. Tervo | | | | 2004 | Jack Blanchard (grad student) |
Susan E. Teubner-Rhodes | | Neuroscience and Cognitive Science | | 2014 | Jared M. Novick (grad student), Donald J. Bolger (grad student), Michael Dougherty (grad student) |
Sarah A. Thomas | | Psychology | 2010 | 2016 | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Adria J. Trotman | | Psychology | | 2007 | Carl Lejuez (grad student) |
Hsiao-Wei Tu | Memory | Psychology | 2004 | 2009 | Robert J. Dooling (grad student) |
Maria A. Turkson | | | | 2003 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Forrest Tyler | | | | | |
Alicia Vallorani | | | 2022 | | Elizabeth G. Redcay (post-doc) |
Katherine L. Van Allen | | Psychology | | 2009 | Charles Stangor (grad student) |
Aditi Vijay | | | | | |
Tamara T. Walden | | Counseling and Personnel Services | | 2013 | Charles Gelso (grad student) |
Jennifer Wessel | | | | | |
Teresa L. Wonnell | | | | 2002 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Susan S. Woodhouse | | | 2003 | 2005 | Charles Gelso (grad student), Jude A. Cassidy (post-doc) |
Maria A. Wydra | | Psychology | | 2013 | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Weizhen Xie | cognitive neuroscience, memory, neuropsychology, emotion | | | | |
NaYeon Yang | Grief and Loss, Career Development, Multicultural Psychology | Psychology | | | Karen M. O'Brien (grad student) |
Richard Yi | | | | | |
Akram Yusuf | | Psychology | 2024 | | Andres De Los Reyes (grad student) |
Jason S. Zack | | | | 2000 | Clara Hill (grad student) |
Yair Zvi | | | 2000 | 2003 | Jude A. Cassidy (post-doc) |